The Bribe


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"I don't know," she told me, pushing back into me. "I think it's like eighteen or twenty-four hours or something. Or maybe it was thirty-six."

"Thirty-six hours?!?!?!" I was shocked. "You gave me something to keep me hard for thirty-six HOURS??? Mandy, how could you do that??? I'll be a corpse by then... you'll never pass your class!"

"Well, Dad seems to go down after the third or fourth cum," she said almost apologetically. "You've already cum twice. I could try blowing you for the third one..."

I looked at her in amazement. I was speechless.

"Or..." she drawled thoughtfully, "you could go wash it off then come back here and stick it in my pussy and we could fall asleep like that..." She eased forward, slipping off my still-rigid dick.

"Go on," she told me, "go clean up and come back. I'll be waiting for you. And just for the record, Steve? I have never felt that stretched out and that good in my life. You are fan-fucking-tastic."

What else was I going to do but comply? And grin all the way to the bathroom... I'd gotten my sister's anal cherry. And she liked it!

* * * * *

Mandy was going to need a lot of help. She wasn't stupid... just confused. We were going to have to cover everything, from the Laws of Sines, Cosines and Tangents, to Euler's and De Moivre's formulas, to graphing and angle transformations, and even the differences between degrees, radians and gradians.

Most computers these days... hell, most calculators or even smartphones... have built-in functions so you don't have to remember this shit... just how to use it. But this class was a do-it-the-hard-way class, designed to weed out the underachievers by flunking them out. We spent all of Saturday just reviewing the basics and making sure she had them down cold.

Which she did. Like I said, she's not stupid. When a mishmash of heterogeneous theorems can be related to real-world applications, she does just fine. By dinner Saturday night, she was feeling a whole lot better about her class. Still not ready for the final, but a whole lot better.

"See?" she told me at the table. "I told you that you could teach somebody dumb as a post!"

"You are not dumb, dear!" Mom jumped in. "And don't ever let anyone, even your brother, tell you that!"

"He didn't, Mom..." Mandy hurried to point out. "I did, and not about me, actually. I was telling him that I'd seen him successfully teach other people that were dumb as a post. No, Steve's doing just fine by me! Really."

"And you're doing fine, too, Sis," I had to point out. "We've got a long way to go, but we're making good progress. I was going to chill out with some video gaming tonight, then get some decent sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a long day."

"Mind if I chill out with you?" she asked.

"I think that's an excellent idea!" Mom decided to interject. "I haven't seen you two get along this well in forever. After we get done here, I have some laundry to do and then I'll be in my room, if you need me."

"Thanks, Mom," Mandy smiled at her. "Steve and I can do the washing up here. Right?" She turned and gave me one of those looks.

"Of course," I answered. Hey... I knew which side my bread was buttered on.

So that's what we ended up doing. Mandy and I did the dishes, then teamed up in "Survival" mode in a couple of different First Person Shooter games. We did pretty well when it came to cooperation and it was after midnight when we realized how late it was.

"Can I sleep with you tonight, Steve?" Mandy asked as we were putting the game gear away.

"If you mean sleep, sure," I told her. "You're a really comfortable bed-warmer. But if you mean screw our brains out all night -- I don't believe I'm saying this -- then I'd rather not."

"Not all night," she smiled. "Just a small nightcap. I want you in my ass again."

"Wow, really?" I was surprised. "After that pounding you took?"

"Yep," she now grinned. "I love you in my mouth and my pussy, but it appears I've developed a thing for anal. And you, Brother, are damned good at it!"

"Okay, maybe a little bit," I conceded. "But you've got to be able to study tomorrow. Today was the easy review. Tomorrow we get into setting up solutions and you're going to have to do a lot more thinking, not just be in 'sponge mode'."

"And I want more time on graphing, too," she told me. "I know they'll have that on the test."

"Deal," I told her and we finished up, both grabbed drinks, and headed to bed. When we got outside my room, Mandy gave me the "one-minute" finger signal and walked down to Mom's room, knocking and then sticking her head in.

"Mom, I'll be sleeping in Steve's room tonight, if you need me," she told her.

"That's nice, dear," I heard Mom answer her. "Do try to get some actual sleep..."

Mandy shut the door and came back to me, smiling. "Okay, Stud. Let's get some sleep."

We walked in and she shut the door behind us, immediately stripping off her clothes. Well, so did I and a short time later we were in bed together.

"Have you got any K-Y, or anything like that?" Mandy asked as she turned out the light on her side of the bed and snuggled in next to me. I opened my nightstand drawer and pulled out a small tube of Vaseline.

"Will this do?" I asked, handing it to her.

"Oh, yeah..." she said almost dreamily. She applied some of the contents and handed me back the tube.

"We can skip the formalities," she told me as she reached down and started to fondle my already rapidly growing cock. "Once this bad boy is hard, stick him in my ass."

"Wow, you really have changed orientation," I commented as her wonderfully strong but soft and supple hand turned me into a tent pole.

"Probably only until the novelty wears off," she told me, "which, as good as you feel, could take a very long time." She let go of my cock, turned on her side facing away from me and pushed her butt back at me, lifting her upper leg slightly.

"Please, Master..." she virtually whispered. "Fuck me in the ass..."

I was so excited, my stomach was doing flip-flops. I have no idea what it was about that little bit of role play that really got to me. I eased up to her and pushed my glans gently against her rosebud.

"Are you sure?" I just had to ask. I know it was unnecessary, but I just had to.

In answer, she reached between her legs and grabbed me, pushing her ass farther onto me and forcing me into her. When she got my head to clear her sphincter, she let go, sighed and said, "You bet my sweet ass, I'm sure..." So I finished spearing her. I went in smoothly, all the way to my balls, accompanied by her soft moan of pleasure.

"That is exactly what I needed," she told me, snuggling into my lap and relaxing. "God, that feels so amazing, Steve.... Steve? You ever have a cock up your ass?" I wasn't prepared for the question.

"Don't ask, don't tell," I told her. I could feel the smile.

"I'll take that as a yes," she told me. "Someday, I'll get the details. For now, Steve? Just rock gently, okay? I want to savor every minute tingle of this feeling."

Her wish was my command. I lay there slowly humping her as she pushed back and moaned, and over time started to build up, based on her breathing and murmuring. Truthfully, I was getting pretty cranked, too, but not to the point where I was going to cum. The slow and steady was tantalizing for me, but I needed the hard, fast pounding to actually get off. Slow fucking like this, I could do all night.

Except, we weren't supposed to be at it all night. She'd said a nightcap, to take the edge off. To make it easier to get a good night's sleep. I was considering mentioning it when she rolled over her first cum. With a low moan, the pulses started and sent shock waves up my spine as she rhythmically clenched on me. And we weren't changing our pace or anything. She'd just gone over. Definitely cool.

She did the same for a second, third and fourth cum. After that, her breathing was starting to get ragged.

"Cum in me, Master, please..." she moaned out of nowhere. "Fill me with your seed..."

I was going to have to talk to her about this whole Master thing. But in the meantime...

I picked up the pace and started paying attention to how good it felt to me to be sheathed in her ass like that, and played the images of blowing my load deep within her over and over. She ramped up with me and went over a fifth time before I got there.

"Oh, God, Yes, Steve!!!" she cried out. "Cum for me! Cum for me! Cum in your dirty whore's ass!!!"

We really were going to have to talk. But first...

"Oh, Jesus, Mandy!" I groaned. "I'm gonna cum..."

"Yes! YES! Fuck me, Steve... fuck me hard! Cum in my ass!"

It didn't take much more persuasion than that. My balls pulled up, my heart was pounding and my vision got wonky, everything tensed up and then let go all at once. I could feel my own pulses slamming through me as I poured my hot cum up her bunghole. Then I felt hers, too. She was cumming a sixth time, and just as strong -- maybe stronger -- as before. Her ass was milking me dry.

I damn near passed out.

This time when I got shaky, we were already on our sides, so I just slowed down, intending to pull out.

"Don't," she told me.

"Don't what?"

"Don't pull out. Stay there and let's fall asleep coupled."

Okay, I could go with that. I was already on the edge of consciousness as it was.

"Sure, Sis," I told her, nuzzling and kissing the back of her neck and shoulders. "I love you, Mandy."

"I love you, too, Master... I mean, Steve," she murmured.

"Mandy..." I started but she cut me off.

"Not tonight, Steve. I have to study in the morning." According to her snoring, she was out less than a minute later.

* * * * *

Sunday and Monday were repeats of Saturday. When Dad didn't come home Sunday night, I asked Mom where he was and was informed that he liked decompressing on his fishing trip so much, he'd called in a couple of vacation days to work and wouldn't be back until Wednesday evening.

Mandy buckled down and really worked at understanding the material and by Sunday night I had her solving non-trivial problems I'd made up, like they might be on a test. We'd also gone through all the chapter exercises as well.

Sunday night she had us fuck again to fall asleep, this time starting in her pussy and ending up in her ass. The "Master" thing slipped out a couple of times but she successfully dodged talking about it. Monday was back on the books, except this time I set up some really tough questions that a sadistic Teaching Assistant might put on a final. It took her longer, and we had to go over some of the material again to get it clear for her, but she did okay. Monday night, we were back in bed, fucking.

When I pressed her about the "Master" comments, she finally answered me, partially.

"Look, Steve," she told me, "let's just say it goes to some intense fantasies of mine and let it go. If you really want details, you need to wait until after Thursday. I'm not getting into explaining it until after all my Finals are done."

"Okay," I grudgingly agreed. "I can wait."

"In that case, finish us off so we can go to sleep," she directed.

I'm pretty good at taking directions, when I want to be. We fucked, we came, we slept.

Tuesday morning she got up "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" and went to her final in Trig.

I went back to bed.

* * * * *

"Steve, you're a fucking genius!" Mandy came blowing into the living room where I was video gaming. "And the best-est brother ever!"

"I'm your only brother," I told her, not pausing the game. "I take it you passed."

"I won't know the actual grade until Thursday," she told me, flopping down on the couch next to me. "But there wasn't a problem on the exam I couldn't figure out. I might have gotten some wrong, but nothing stumped me. I knew how to solve them and I hope my math was right."

"Then losing your anal cherry to me was worth it," I commented.

I was wearing a loose T-shirt and gym trunks, the latter of which she promptly pushed aside, grabbed my limp cock and started doing her imitation of a vacuum cleaner.

"Holy Fuck, Mandy!" I had to pause the game at that point. It was pause or die. It was also the point at which my mother decided to walk in and Mandy didn't quit.

"I take it she passed," was Mom's dry comment, but with a smile as she watched Mandy's head bobbing up and down.

"Mom, I didn't ask her to..." I started to protest, but she cut me off. Maybe it was a mother-daughter thing.

"I know," she said, then turned and walked out while Mandy had me outrageously hard and damn near cumming.

Mandy slid off the couch and between my legs as she kept on sucking me. There was no way I was going to hold back, even if I wanted to.

"Sis, I'm going to cum," I told her as I felt the inevitable approaching like a freight train.

"Nn-hnn," she agreed without stopping. Well, I'd given fair warning. She threw me a twist, though.

Right before I started to ejaculate, she came up off my cock and aimed me at her open mouth while she continued to pump me with her hand. She wasn't that good an aim. Some of it got in her mouth. Most of it was splattered all over her face and into her hair and dripping off her chin.

When I stopped cumming and sank back into the couch, she used her mouth to suck the last little bit of cum off my glans, then stood up, bent over -- showing some awesome cleavage -- and kissed me, cum and all.

Then she said, "Thanks! God, you taste great..." and headed off towards the kitchen, to clean up the cum I presume. It took me a few moments to get focused back on the game, but I managed. And without dying, either.

That night, Tuesday, Mandy informed me she wouldn't be sleeping with me, but that she'd be back later for what she now knew was an incredibly good time.

I told her I didn't mind a break, and she just sort of smiled and punched my arm.

"I'm that hard on you, huh?" she asked, but she was teasing and I knew it.

I actually managed to get a very long decent night's sleep that night.

* * * * *

Mandy had a final in English Lit on Wednesday, and she was up and out of the house before I got up. I spent the day doing a bunch of errands for Mom, so it was that night before we were all together again at the dinner table.

Mandy was bubbling all over the place about how happy she was with her Lit final and how the essay questions were right up her alley -- I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make veiled references to being up her alley -- and how a bleak semester was starting to look pretty okay. We heard the car door slam out on the driveway.

"Daddy's home!" Mandy interrupted herself, then got up and dashed out the door.

"While she's gone, helping your father schlep in his stuff," my Mom leaned over the table and said in a low voice, "I have a question for you."

"Yeah?" I answered quietly, innately understanding some need for confidentiality. "What?"

"Would you be interested in fucking the hell out of your mother with that huge schlong of yours?" she asked and I about fell out of my chair. "Mandy tells me it's massive and fills her up in all the right ways. And I'll admit, her glowing descriptions have my curiosity burning."

I sat there dumbfounded. I had no idea what to say. Hell, I was having a hard time knowing what to think. My mother wanted me to fuck her??? I must have been quiet too long.

"We wouldn't need to put it in your father's face," Mom went on quietly, "even though he's already boffing your sister. Our consensus has always been to leave you out of it. But given the latest turn of events, I think we could modify that... with your permission, of course."

"Um..." I was really going to have to find a way to postpone an answer until I could figure this out.

At that point, Dad came through the door carrying two small suitcases and Mandy came in right behind him, carrying a suitcase and a backpack. Dad didn't even look over into the kitchen as he headed up the stairs. And as they started up the stairs, my sister had another one of her moments.

She called up the stairs to him, loud enough for us to hear, "Daddy? I'd like you to fuck me in the ass!"

I looked at Mom and saw her trying to hide the smile.

"Okay, Mom," I told her. "Guess I'll see you in my bed tonight."

~The End of the Beginning~

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good premise.

But sex is so rushed. Just mentioning that a blowjob is taking place doesn't cut the mustard. Needs details. Details about what is being done, step by step. How it feels to him, step by step. How it feels to her, step by step.

With dialog about all that.

Gave up on page two.

Two stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I gave this story a 1 star rating and stop reading after Mandy and moms discussion about when they started having sex. I agree with Toni117 in that the discussion they had it clearly leads the reader to believe that both parents were engaged in sexual acts with a minor under their care. I don’t care that the author tried use label definitions to draw away from the fact that when the parents started having sex with Mandy. She was a minor and I thought that writing or implying adults having sex with minors was not allowed on this site.

ManoBlueManoBlueover 1 year ago

So she lied about them kicking her out? Because she fucking them so obviously they're closer than that. I hate how he finds them fucking he runs to spell their feelings, no feeling of feeling betrayed or nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

the semi - creepy backstory was ignore able (teenage girls granting sexual favors to their mom and dad is abusive), but the "mom" soliciting sex at the end drove an other-wards fairly decent story off the cliff.

not a fan of the word "cunny" . it is a bit like those people who think baby talk is cute for grown ass men and women, or women who call their father "daddy" in public.

MaRKuSW74MaRKuSW74over 1 year ago

I thoroughly enjoyed it, it had a decent in depth yet not too deep background, perfect for the short story that it was, it was also captivating, it slowly drew me in

I stress the word captivating, which is surprising to even me because I'm normally not into the whole family affair thing, it's just not my cup of tea truthfully, but this story didn't get to involved with it, it was sprinkled in at just the right amount where if you're into that then cool, if not, also cool

Or maybe it's that I enjoyed the story so much that I saw past it or accepted the fact that it was an important aspect of the story

Either way, excellent work, I was lured in and left satisfied

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