The Bridge Club


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"Almost there girls. Now I googled some things. Our services are $150 an hour, or $50 for a blowjob, or a $100 for a straight fast fuck, $400 for three hours, plus any tips. And remember if they pass out on you their cash is fair game."

The girls all agreed and settled back for the rest of the drive.

Shortly they drove up behind the International Hotel and Gladys drove around to the loading area. A man in a doorman's uniform was waiting by a dumpster when they drove up. Gladys rolled down her window and she smiled at the man who looked very impressed by what he saw.

"Ma'am. Glad you called. I have several very eager customers who very much want some action. I hope you and your friends can provide it."

"Oh, we are most certainly able. Where do we park and how do you want to get us up to our customers?" Gladys said.

"Park over there and put this tag in your window. Do you have a long coat?" Jorge asked.

Gladys shook her head. "We have jackets or short coats, but nothing like that." She herself had a black biker jacket that was nice and tight as did Josephine, while the other two had cheap white fur coats.

"Okay, I'll have to take you up one at a time in the freight elevator. Have at least $50 handy in case we run into security. Some of them can be pricks." Jorge licked his lips and said to Gladys "What's your street name?"

Gladys blinked. "Oh my! I don't have one. Is that a problem?"

Jorge looked at her oddly. "Well, most girls in this profession don't use their given names. Street names are easier and usually sexier."

Gladys nodded and then grinned. "Oh I have the perfect one. I'm Glory."

Jorge leered at her and eyes her up and down. Glory straightened up a bit and thrust her tits out a bit. "What a simply delightful feeling being leered at. I do think I am giving this poor lad a, oh what was it, oh yes a hard on." She thought to herself as she licked her lips.

"Oh fuck yeah! Glory, I've got the John for you. He loves leather too. What about your friends?"

Agnes smiled and said "I'm Amber."

Josephine giggled and said "I'm Jacky."

Marilyn finished touching up her lipstick and said "I'm Mindy."

Jorge grinned and said "Okay, Glory you first. Remember if you get into trouble just knock the phone off the hook, they will start monitoring after its been off for about 30 seconds. Also, I get 10% finder's fee from your pay."

"Agreed, and thank you so much Jorge." Glory said as she rolled up her window. She drove the car over and parked. She slid on her leather jacket and blew a kiss in the mirror. "Ok girls, now have a wonderful time. Let's meet up out here at 2am."

"So late?" Amber asked.

"Well, I texted my husband it was a girls night out and not to stay up. Why don't you do the same?"

Jacky grinned. "My dear Jonathon is out of town on business. If I am still having a good time I might go work a corner for a bit to see how that works."

Mindy pulled her phone out and started texting to her husband while Glory got out of the car.

"Mmm, odd. I just picked my street name and now I can't think of what I was called before. Glendine? Getty? Well, Glory is a fine name, so I don't think my husband will mind." She thought as she took Jorge's arm and let herself be led like a trophy in through the back door. She strutted past some bellboys and a room service waiter and Jorge got her into a service elevator. He punched the 17th Floor and kept staring at her tits. She looked at him and smiled. She turned to him and shook her chest and giggled as his eyes nearly popped out.

The door dinged before she could play with him anymore and he led her down to a room at the far end. He nodded to a door and said "Call 733 when you are done and I'll come and escort you out. Or if you are looking for more work to the next room. I gotta a lotta demand tonight and not a lot of girls."

"Oh you are such a dear. I will certainly take you up on that very kind offer to pimp me out to other men. I'll call you once I have this john in the bag." Glory said with a wink.

She turned and struck a pose with one leg cocked out, one hand on her hip, and the other one tracing a line on her cleavage. She knocked and waited a moment. The door opened and an older man in a shirt and tie opened it. His eyes widened as he drank Glory's body in and his mouth hung open.

Glory smiled and said "May I come in?"

The man blinked and moved back out of her way. Glory strutted in far enough to allow the door to shut. She then pulled the front of her jacket open and looked over her shoulder. "Would you be so kind?"

The man, still unable to form a word, nodded and helped her coat off. Once off she strutted straight ahead like she owned the room and looked about. She turned and smiled. "I'm sorry to be a burden, but can a lady get a drink?"

The man blinked yet again and then finally got out some words. "Drink? Uh, sure! Yeah, of course, the lady needs a drink. Uh, what do you want?" he got out as he opened the mini-bar. Glory giggled and said "Oh a vodka and tonic would be wonderful. Thank you."

The man made two and gave her one. She held it up and the man was barely able to clink it as his hand was trembling. She took a long drink and the man coughed when he did the same. Strangely she didn't have any trouble drinking the mostly vodka drink. Normally she only drank wine and would have a coughing fit for anything else. But this time it was like a glass of water.

She set her drink down and strutted up to the man. She traced her red fingernail over his chest and smiled. "Mmmmm, you are quite stately. Very dignified and your body is quite nice. I do believe I will enjoy fucking you. Now be a dear and pay me. Do you want an action or time?"

"Action? Time?" the man stammered and flushed.

"I had better hurry this along or the poor gentleman will likely have a heart attack." Glory thought. "Yes dear, an action is a onetime item. A single fuck, or a blowjob, or a 69 session, or a doggie style. Once you cum we are done. Time is a flat rate for a set period of time, and we can do anything you want during that time."

"Anything?" the man was able to croak out.

Glory leaned in, put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. She broke the kiss and whispered "Anything." In his ear.

The man pulled out his wallet and pulled out a wad of cash. He handed it to her and started pulling off his shirt. She counted out nearly $500 and said "This will get you two hours plus a tip for me. Will that work for you dear?"

The man dropped his pants around his ankles and grabbed her. His hands cupped her hot ass and he growled "Yes it fucking works! Now stop teasing me and put the fuck out!"

"Oh I do so love a man with proper manners. Telling me to put out instead of playing with him shows proper understanding of dealing with whores." Glory thought as the man shoved her back on the bed. He was completely lost in lust. Glory looked into his eyes and noted there was not a single bit of high lever function going on. It was pure lust and the man couldn't even form words.

Glory however could and she egged him on. "Oh yes, Dear! Hmmmm, yes that's it! Now be a good boy and pound this fine pussy! Thrust harder. Oh yes, yes, that's exactly it! "Grunt!" Oh my! Your cock is quite long. Oh lovely, lovely! There we are, yes tear this bitch up! Oh yes! Very good! Oh this is divine!"

The man hadn't even undressed her, but Glory of course wasn't wearing any underwear. She just hiked up her dress and the man ravished her. Glory's pussy had been getting hotter and hotter all day and when she walked into the room it was nice and wet. The john's cock was rock hard and he was slamming into her like she was nothing a fuckhole.

Glory whispered in his ear and encouraged him. He pounded on her pussy for a good ten minutes and she began to tighten her pussy muscles on him. He grunted as he pumped harder and the slow piston action was obviously driving him to greater efforts. Glory was also getting very worked up. She clawed into his back hard enough to draw blood and the man let out a small cry. He bit down on her neck and sucked hard. Glory laughed and wrapped her legs around him.

With a little yip she rolled the man over on the bed and ended up on top of him. She began to hump him and bounce up and down fast. She reached behind her and unzipped her dress and then eased it off leaving her naked except for her boots and cheap jewelry.

"Oh my! Getting that tight dress off while fucking a man is quite a feat. I'll just have to share that with the girls later." She thought as she humped away. Finally after another ten minutes the man tensed and Glory tensed along with him. His eyes actually crossed and he let out a shout.

Glory shrieked in pleasure as she felt his hot jizz blow up into her pussy. She tightened down on him hard and pulled up slowly, milking him for all he was worth. The man's shout died slowly in his throat and with a huge gasp he flopped back onto the bed. He babbled something, gasped and then his eyes rolled up and he passed clean out.

"Oh the poor dear. And he's paid for another hour and a half yet. Well, let's see if I can wake him up, I wouldn't want him to not get his money's worth after all." Glory said and she eased off the man. She quickly went to the bathroom and washed up. She touched up her makeup and then headed back out. The man was lying on the bed snoring where she had left him. His penis was very much deflated and he looked so adorable sleeping there she was hesitant to try and wake him.

"Oh, no helping it. Sir? Oh sir? Dear? You paid for two hours with me, if you pass out it still counts against you. Sir?" Glory gently shook him, and then gave him some slaps. She then gave him a rather hard slap and all it did was leave a mark.

"Well, that's that. Poor thing, well, he had a good time for a while at least." Glory tucked him into bed naked and kissed his cock. She giggled at the big lipstick mark on the tip of his cockhead and then covered him up. She dressed and then dialed the number.

"Jorge? Yes, its Glory. I'm all done. Oh, the man had a wonderful time but he passed clean out so I tucked him in. I'm ready for the next one if you have another customer waiting."

Jorge did and he came up shortly and took her down the hall to another room. She struck her pose and knocked and another man, somewhat younger and darker opened the door and leered at her.

"Damn, you ARE a hot bitch! I asked for the best one and you definitely look it. Mmmmm, oh that ass is going to be FUN to tap!"

"Oh you flatterer! Compliments will get you nowhere but cash will get you everything. Now, time or action?"

The man wanted time again and gave her $400 for two hours. "I'll hold off on the tip until I can see if the product matches the presentation."

Glory immediately set to work to show him that it did indeed.

Glory strutted in and unzipped her dress. She kept strutting forward and slid it down slowly and let it simply fall on the floor. Naked except for her boots she moved in past the bed to the desk area. There she moved the chair to the side and bent over. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder with an evil grin.

"You my dear sir seem to me to be someone who like to fuck his whore's doggie style." She said as she wiggled her ass. She then gave it a sudden "SMACK" and the man started. "Dear, do get over here now. This glorious ass won't fuck itself."

The man lunged across the room and shoved Glory up against the desk with a grunt. He pulled his pants down and shoved his cock right into her lubed up pussy. She gasped and then growled as the man, much stronger than her first john began to work her like the whore she was.

He reached around and grabbed her tits and rubbed them. Glory moaned and then he pinched her nipples and she sucked in her breath hard and fast. He pounded on her for a good fifteen minutes and then with a growl from them both came hard.

Glory gently pushed back onto his deflating cock when he pulled out. She stumbled back a bit and her grabbed her arm and spun her around. He locked his lips with hers and they kissed hard. The man turned around and tossed her on the bed. He moved up to her and said "No, not yet. Get on your fucking knees you slut and blow me hard. Then I'm taking your ass."

"Of course dear. That would be lovely. And thank you for the nice compliments; it's always nice for a girl to hear herself called a slut." Glory responded with a smile. She slid to the floor and took the man's cock in her hands before he could respond. She tugged it a bit and then gave it a nice lick from tip to his balls and then back. She licked him nice and clean and then put her moist lovely lips around it.

The man grunted when she did that and his eyes seemed to lose focus a bit. She worked him slowly, in and out, and then a bit further in, and slowly out. She soon had him hard again but he didn't seem to mind when she kept at it. She decided that she really should deep throat him to make sure he enjoyed it and she was able to shove his whole cock down her throat. The man grunted again and Glory felt his cum pump into her stomach. She carefully gulped it all down and then eased his cock out. The man was obviously a bit overwhelmed by the blowjob as once his cock popped out he simply fell back onto the bed with a sigh.

Glory smiled and she smiled broader when she realized he was not passed out. He looked at her and then pointed to a drawer. "Open that and bring me the little compact."

Glory did and he pulled himself upright a bit. He rolled over and cleared off the nightstand. He then opened the compact and poured out some white powder. He then took a razor blade and made some lines. He was rolling up a dollar bill and looked at Glory with expectant grin.

"Care for some cocaine? This stuff is straight from Colombia and uncut. Best stuff you will ever have. One line of this and you will perk right up."

"Oh, how thoughtful, sharing your cocaine like this. You really didn't need to, but if you don't mind I'll do a line." Glory said with a smile.

"Oh what a nice man, sharing his drugs like this. And he isn't even trying to buy more sex with them! Such a dear." Glory thought as she picked up the dollar after the man did two lines.

She put the dollar to her nose and plugged the other nostril and then snorted two lines.

Glory leaned back with an "Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh" and felt her body pulse with energy. Her brain seemed to be electrocuting on something and the top of her head felt like someone had just blow it off. She put her hand to her nose and sniffed hard to make sure she had it all and then giggled.

"Oh my! This is the icing on the cake for a nearly perfect day. This cocaine is just so wonderful! I need your dealer's name so I can get some."

The man grinned and said "I got plenty. I'll hook you up with a dime bag when we are done. But now I'm ready for round two. Get on this bed and get that ass up. I'm going to tear it up!"

Glory bounced onto the bed with squeal and the man got behind her. She was rocking back and forth slowly when she got a cool feeling around her asshole.

"I'm lubing your ass. I'm putting my finger in now so don't be alarmed. I did this once to someone who wasn't expecting it and she jumped forward on the bed and knocked herself out on the headboard."

"Thank you for that. You such a kind man warning me about a finger in my asshole. Please do lube me up and let's get my ass torn up!"

The man rubbed the lube around her ass and then slowly worked his finger into her hole. She gasped and breathed sharply as he slowly worked his finger in and out. There was a pause and then a much bigger and harder thing got shoved in there.

Glory gasped and then let out a loud moan. "Oh my Dear Lord! Oh your cock is so BIG! You are such a wonderful man to fuck me in the ass like this!" Glory shouted out and the man swatted her on her ass hard.

"Quiet you! Just enjoy it and ride the cock to Glory, Glory."

Glory giggled at the joke, but cut off as he thrust again. She leaned forward and bit down on the pillow and felt her anus stretch. The man didn't last as long as earlier but he shot a full load into her asshole and she squealed into the pillow.

The man rolled off her and she got to her feet unsteadily. She staggered to the bathroom and took a shit. "Oh that was quite the experience! What a wonderful customer! Free drugs, my first ass fuck, and that lovely doggie fuck on the desk. I really must be sure this gentleman is taken care of."

She cleaned herself up a bit, touched up her makeup and went back out. The man was drinking a beer and handed one to her. She took a big gulp and smiled. He patted the bed next to him and she lay down and snuggled up next to him.

"You are by far the best hooker I have ever had. How long have you been at this?"

"Oh not so long. I have to say you are best customer I've ever had. I've never been fucked in the ass until tonight and it was such a fun experience. And this cocaine is simply divine!"

"Divine? Heh, you know the way you talk is really a weird thing."

"Oh, how so?"

The man took a pull. "Just like that. "Oh, how so?" So proper, so formal. You don't talk like a streetwalker. You speak like you have a degree in English and are an old lady. Like someone who would be at the club playing bridge with her friends while her husband plays a round with his buddies. But it's actually really fucking hot. Almost like you are a stern mother type who won't tolerate any nonsense. But with that voice and those eyes and that hair? FUCK ME! You are sex on two fucking legs."

Glory rolled over and kissed him deeply. "Oh you dear man. How sweet of you to say such nice things! I really do appreciate it and it makes me feel that I have done the right thing. But, you have paid for two hour and you are now down to about an hour left. My customers get what they pay for, so allow me to take care of you."

Glory took a swig of her beer and set it down. She kissed the man again and then slowly worked her way down his chest to his cock. She gave him a nice slow blowjob and got him nice and hard again. She then mounted him and slowly road him to a gentle orgasm. She then got off him and began to kiss and fondle him. He was ticklish and they ended up just fooling around for the rest of the time. They showered together and Glory let him have one quick fuck on the house while showering. She then got dressed, touched up her makeup and gave the man a nice sloppy kiss. The man tipped her $500 and said "Goodnight Glory. You are the best whore I've ever had."

Glory was nearly skipping down the hall she was so happy. "Such a gentleman. It's almost a shame I am married, a man like that could certainly make a whore a happy wife. Ah, now the next room."

It was midnight when Glory finished with him and she then moved on to another short job. The man only paid for a fuck and she had him fucked in five minutes. He even passed on the bed and wet himself. Glory tisked and left him with an empty wallet as he had just paid the minimum, tried to haggle it down, and "didn't tip".

The last event was an hour hire with Jacky. The man paid for two leather and latex beauties to come in and give him a show.

"Glory? Are you sure about this? I'm a hooker and have done some lovely sex acts tonight but I've never done anything with another woman before."

"Now dear, the customer is always right. And this man is paying us $250 each for one hour plus a tip. I have an idea on how we should do this. I'll be the dominant and you just do as I tell you. You are a very smart girl so you will pick up on my plan after a bit."

Glory knocked on the door and a young man opened it with a neutral expression. Glory didn't smile and just pushed past him with Jacky following. Glory looked around with a look of disapproval and sniffed. She turned and sat down on the office chair with her legs crossed. The man looked at them with a puzzled expression. He opened his mouth and Glory cut him off.