The Halloween Hurricane


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Waves after wave of pleasure moves over me in an intense manner. Where instead of feeling like gentle sexual joy, it feels like being hit by a car made of intense sexual arousal and violation. Each time a new wave runs over me, I feel my body jerk and twitch uncontrollably as I scream out my moans.

Right as my orgasm peaks causing everything to disappear, the man shoves his cock all the way he can while holding me in place. Jams his dick as far as he can inside my pussy, to which he cums. I feel his cock twitch and then unleash, sending stream after stream of his seed deep inside me. He makes sure to keep it buried as he marks my insides as his territory.

As horrible as this is, as I think of pregnancies and STDs, the knowledge he's cummed inside me makes me cum even harder. What makes me cum so hard is that if he doesn't care about leaving his DNA, then he has something more planned for me. That this could just be the beginning.

Paralyzed from the intensity of my own orgasm, I stay in this position even after he's pulled his cock out of me. This thankfully makes my orgasm start to fade, but the feeling of his cock being removed fills me with a strange longing, where a part of me wants more.

"I...P-Please...I..." I say after several long moments. To this, I turn my head back to try and look at him, but I don't see him. He's no longer touching any part of me, so I'm not exactly sure where he is.

Confused, I stand some and look behind me, but don't see him. Getting even more confused, I stand completely and look around the room to find he's gone. Not just gone, but the front door is opened.

I stare at the front door, not understanding how I didn't notice he opened it. The hurricane winds howl and keep the door open, making a rather loud symphony of sound. The wind combined with the hard pounding of rain makes the sound deafening. For sure I would have heard it the moment the door was opened.

In a move that makes me laugh, even if it is from a severely dark moment, I try to walk but fall over to my knees. My legs are basically Jello now. They are not just weak, but tremble at the hard fucking I just received. Never has my body reacted to sex like it has now. It feels almost like he's fucked some of my energy out of me.

I do manage to stand all the way up, even if I am naked with my hands tied behind me. The feeling of this makes the butterflies flap again, as I've never felt so helpless. Naked with my hands tied behind me? The man could so easily use me for days and there would be little I could do.

Slowly I move to the front door, wondering if the man left. Why else would he open the door? Well, if the man was crazy, who knows the reason why he might do that. In his mind, it could be opening the door for anyone to come in and fuck me.

Looking out of the door, I don't see anything thanks to the darkness of night and the storm. There's the curtain of rain that pours down, but I'm unable to see anything after that. If the asshole did leave, there would be no way to see him from here.

Why would he just leave? This is a hurricane. It'll be dangerous as all hell to go out in it. It makes more sense to stay here as he knew he was in charge and that I couldn't do anything. He could have been dry and safe, not to mention rape me repeatedly over and over all night long. So why leave?

Not sure what else to do, I use my foot to close the door some. When it has moved enough, I use my entire body to close it as the wind keeps blowing it open. Once the door is closed, I use my tied hands to turn the deadbolt, thinking that this time it'll keep the asshole out.

Taking a deep breath and feeling better about the situation, I consider how I'm going to get my hands free. Since what he used feels like it can be cut, I guess I can go to the kitchen and find a knife? That's the best I can think of.

Naked as naked can be, I step away from the front door. When I do, I pass by the hallway that leads to the other rooms as my master bedroom is on the other side of the living room. Only as I pass the hallway, I stop and look back in reaction as I spot something that shouldn't be there.

"What the-" I try to say as I see a huge, naked man standing in the hallway. A different man than who just fucked me at that. This man is very short being around my height, but what stands out is how fat he is. He's fucking huge, like he's 300 pounds.

I've never seen anyone so large naked before. He looks so damn weird too, as there's no rolls of fat or anything like that. He's just...round. It's like a huge fucking human ball.

My words are cut off when the naked man grabs me by the hair and yanks down. In a single smooth move he reaches over, grabs a handful of my hair and forces me down to my knees with a powerful pull. Like the other guy, he is insanely strong and forces me about with ease.

Everything happens so fast that I don't fully recognize that I have a cock in my mouth until several moments after it happens. The fat bastard not only was forcing me down, but was really pulling my head right for his crotch. This is how he shoved his cock in my mouth in my confusion of being manhandled.

Now on my knees, I realize what he's done. That this new stranger is violating my mouth with his dick. A dick that is much larger than you would think on someone that looks like him.

Like the first rapist, this man starts to thrust at once. His hands hold my head by the hair and he thrusts violently into my mouth over and over. Showing no care for how this feels for me, or how I think he's going to yank my hair out, he face fucks me.

The man soon begins to shove my head down when he thrusts, making it feel like his cock is going even deeper in my mouth. I nonstop scream and protest as I'm violated, but there's not much I can do. My hands are still tied behind me, making me all but helpless. And as this guy could no doubt crush my head in his hand, so I know better than to be cute and bite down or anything.

My upper body is whipped back and forth so hard that I feel my tits swinging. He forces me to bob up and down on his cock to the point it smacks the back of my mouth over and over. Over and over it smacks the back of my mouth, giving me a bruise in just a few moments.

That weird drugged feeling returns as I'm used like this. It makes the arousal get even more intense as this man is using me worst than the first guy. And I again feel like this is all a dream as my lips tighten around his shaft in reaction. Where it feels like my purpose is to make him cum and to be his sex object. As my lips move up and down his member, I can't help but feel ashamed as it feels like I'm assisting with my own rape.

My vision begins to blur where I see nothing but darkness, then nothing but pure white. My brain feels like it can't think at all as I'm made to go up and down his shaft, tasting a strange dark taste from his manhood as I do. Instead of being able to think, my body focuses on feel how submissive, pathetic and helpless like this, as my knees hurt and the back of my mouth aches.

"NOOOO!" I yell when the man shoves my face into his stomach as he jams his cock in my mouth. My face disappears against his stomach while his balls rest against my chin. And as he holds me like this, I do my best to break free because I know what's coming.

A moment later, it happens; he cums. The fat, short evil man unleashes inside my mouth, where his cum shoots directly into my stomach thanks to being so deep in my mouth. I can't do anything at all as his cock throbs and shoots down my throat, making me taste him even more as he uses me so freely.

In a daze as I've never been used so violently before, nor have I ever been "facefucked" for lack of a better word, I remain as I am, faced pressed against the man's stomach. For what feels like forever, he cums down my throat, again making it feel like he's marking his territory on my body.

Having finished cumming, the man pulls my head back to remove his cock out of my mouth. In an uncaring move, he pushes me, causing me to fall over as I go limp. I fall over, the taste of his cum in my stomach as well as the throbbing bruise at the back of my mouth.

Laying on the floor, I don't know what to do, or even what's happening. Who is this new guy? How he get inside my house? Did he walk in via the front door? He couldn't have because he wasn't wet at all. But if he was in the house, where was he hiding? I checked everywhere.

"Needs...a...sacrifice," I mutter the words of that crazy witch to myself as I stay on the floor. When she said this, I thought she meant like, murder. That someone was to be killed in the old gods honor.

What if she mean...being violated? It's bat-shit insane, but something feels wrong about this. Like why did the two men look so fucking weird? They looked like they shouldn't exist at all. Could I be a sacrifice? A sexual sacrifice?

Overwhelmed and feeling drugged, my eyes stare forward but don't really look at anything. I stay as still as I can as I wait to see what more the fat bastard plans to do. My heart does pound with fear, where it feels like if I move, it'll draw attention to me.

Some time passes before I notice the fat guy hasn't done anything more. Flicking my eyes to where he was, I notice that he's gone. Again this confuses me as I didn't hear him leave. As big as he was, I would have heard him at least walk off, but no. There's only the sound of the hurricane pounding.

"What...what's going on?" I ask out loud, so very confused. Are those two men hiding somewhere in the house? Where they here the entire time? If so, where? Where could they have been hiding?

Knowing I need to do something, I finally roll over to my front. Now I'm face down on the cold ground, where I manage to get my knees under me. Without the use of my hands, standing is very much a hard thing to do. Not exactly sure how I'm going to be able to do it to be honest.

My face slides over the tile a few times as I try to lift myself, but end up falling over each time. Doing this makes me feel like a worm as I reproduce how they normally move. But I do manage to get my knees under me again in a more stable manner, probably because I'm in the middle of the living room now, away from the front door where the floor was wet from when the door was open.

"Hey! HEY!" I shout as I feel hands grab my hips. Panicking, I turn to look behind me to see yet another man that I don't know. Where the last guy was a huge naked ball, this new guy is skinny. Painfully skinny and tall.

He too is naked as can be, which forces my eyes to look at his manhood. Dangling between his legs is the longest cock I've ever seen in my life. It's so skinny but long, making me think of one of those hot dogs you buy at a baseball game.

I see the position I am in, where my face is pressed against the tile, but my ass is up in the air. Before I can move or do anything about this, the skinny man inserts his manhood inside me. Like the first man, he manages to insert it perfectly on the first try, even in the darkness with both of his hands holding my hips.

"This....can'," I pant as the skinny man starts to fuck me. Like the others, he immediately begins to thrust fast and hard, going from zero to a hundred in a flash. This time I look back as he fucks me, my own hips becoming a blur as he forces them back onto his cock over and over again.

My vision blurs quickly as my eyes roll back from what I'm feeling. His cock is so long. I feel it going deeper than anything ever has in my life. No man nor any toy has ever gone as far back as he is. It's so deep that I keep waiting to feel him reach the end of my canal.

The feeling of him hitting such explored territory makes it that I can't control my own body. It feels like some outside force takes over where I openly moan like a whore and try to push back when he slams my ass down. My body begins to feign for what is happening, wanting him to be rougher and faster with me. Wanting him to go even deeper.

I may be moaning and screaming in pleasure, but the skinny man doesn't say anything at all, just like the others. He simply fucks me hard, in a mechanically manner, making me build to yet another orgasm again. The feeling of my face being crushed against the floor, the feeling of my ass bouncing off his hips and even the feeling of my tits sliding over the tile floor all amplify what I feel.

As this new orgasm moves over me, I recognize that I am drugged. That there's something wrong with me. Well, maybe wrong is not the right word, but I feel different. Like I've been hypnotized or something. I feel how my very soul wants nothing more to cum. Not to reach the heights of an orgasm, but to constantly feel it, as if that was possible.

This orgasm feels nearly the same as the first one, where feelings of submission, humiliation and helplessness wash over me. Where my body physically quivers at the waves of pleasure moving over me from their intensity. Where I can't do anything but cum, even if it meant saving my life.

The difference in this orgasm and the first, is this one lasts so much longer. Instead of moving quick and sharp, the waves of pleasure move slowly and plotting, as if they want to make sure I feel every inch of them. Where it reaches a point that my mind and vision blanks out and all I see is darkness while feeling the intense pleasure.

It's when the man cums that I seem to cum out of my orgasm-trance. With him and how long his cock is, I know his seed goes directly in my womb. No cock has or will ever go as deep as he has. Almost like he's marked that part of my womanhood forever. That he too has stolen a part of me.

This time I'm not surprised when I finally look for him and see that he's gone. I'm not even surprised that I didn't feel him slide out of me. Somehow I knew he would disappear like the others. And I bet if I searched the house, I wouldn't find him or any of the others.

Feeling very worn out yet still in that drugged state, I force myself to get to a kneeling position. Kneeling while looking around the room, I feel how worn out and sore my pussy is. That it'll be days before it stops feeling like that. Yet, it feels good. It feels used for the first time. That it got what it really wanted.

A clash of thunder sounds, shaking the house. The thunder reminds me of the hurricane that is raging, as well as the fact that it's Halloween. All Hallow's eve. It serves to make me understand that something more is going on here. That these aren't normal men breaking in to rape me. That they may not even be men as far as I know.

After remaining kneeling for a few minutes, I finally come back to my senses. Or at least enough of my senses that I know to move. That I need to get my hands free. Only then can I start to defend myself. And I do need to defend myself.

I'm not the smartest girl in the world, but I feel the correlation between the drugged feeling and the fucking. Each time they use me, I feel more drugged and not like myself. Not to mention even more tired. If this continues, I'm not sure what's going to happen to me.

"N-NO!" I shout as when I try to stand, a hand presses on my back to make me fall face first. At this, I feel a man pin me to the ground with his body. He moves his own legs between mine, forcing me into a prone bone position.

This time I don't even look back but keep my face against the ground as I feel him place his cock between my legs. Like the others, I can tell he is super strong and that he doesn't care about hurting me. That struggling will only serve to hurt me.

"Noooo," I whine as this time his cock doesn't press against my pussy. It presses against my ass. I then cry out in pain as I feel him shove his cock up my ass. My eyes widen at this as it's such an intense feeling. I've never had anal sex before, but I have had an anal plug placed in me before. But this feels nothing like that. For one, I had to wiggle and work that toy inside me when I used it, while he just thrusts and manages to go all the way that he can, with no preparation.

Whimpers, grunt and pouts come out of me now as the man fucks my ass in this position. Just like the others, he immediately starts to go hard, fucking my ass fast. Where he places his weight against me as I lay on the ground, utterly destroying me. It soon feels like each thrust is him slamming me against the ground, where I feel my ass being widened.

The violating and molesting feeling becomes very powerful, as strange as that is. It too becomes very arousing, not physically, but emotionally. Where being raped and dominated in such an abusive way makes me feel more aroused than I've ever been. It reaches a point where I'm sure I'm about to orgasm again, but from taking it up the ass.

To humiliate me further, I do cum. But it's unlike any orgasm I've had, where it goes internal instead of external. Where the pleasure and feeling is so intense, it makes me stop everything. Where I don't move, I don't make a sound, hell, I don't even know if I am still breathing.

My orgasm rolls over me, making everything go white and black at the same time as before. Where I seem to slip in and out of consciousness, all while the man fucks my ass. The waves that come this time last even longer, where the pleasure gets so intense it feels like my heart stops until it passes. In a way it feels like being electrocuted, where your body just stiffens until you can move again.

I have no clue how long passes when I finally come out of my orgasmic trance. It could be seconds, or could be ours. As I come out of the daze, I find that the man has cummed, as I feel the warmth of his seed deep in my abused ass.

If I look, I know no one will be in the room. That the ass rapist will have disappeared. But this time, I fight hard to stand up before anyone else can use me. With my hands tied behind me and me feeling so weak, I know I'm the perfect victim, which is the point. It seems clear they mean to use me over and over.

Feeling drunk as I stumble to my feet, I stumble towards the kitchen. If I can get a knife, I can free myself. Then I can defend myself.

Only, stumbling like this makes me feel weird. I feel my tits swinging and moving about in such a lewd manner which I've never felt before. The feeling of them moving like this makes me pause, as I enjoy the embarrassing way it feels. I then find myself making my tits bounce, just to be able to feel more of the arousing/embarrassing feeling.

If I wasn't so heavily drugged, this would no doubt send alarm bells ringing. I don't know if it is a spell or if I really have been drugged, but something is happening inside me. Where my mind, body and spirit seem more focused on arousal and sexual feelings, then surviving. Even now, where I know I need to get free, a part of me wants to stop and just focus on how it feels to be pumped full of cum.

"No! NO!!" I yell as hands push me from behind, sending me crashing into the dining room table. This new person shoves hard, again showing that there's no care about hurting me or not.

Unlike the first time when I was bent over this table, this new person shoves me until I'm on top of the table. Here I'm pushed on it on my back, my legs already spread. And as tired as I am, there's no way to move when the man puts his hand down on my stomach to pin me.

With the world starting to spin, I don't fight as the man inserts his cock inside me. He, just like all the others starts pumping at once, wasting no time in violating me. Over and over his hips piston, shoving his manhood inside my used womanhood.

I do look down at him to see that yes, it is another naked man. This guy happens to have an average build, but his skin is, well, blotchy. Granted it is very dark in here, but the man looks like he's black, but there are countless patches all over his body that are so light they seem to reflect the dim light. It's like nothing I've ever seen before.