All Comments on 'The Inn Ch. 13'

by IanSaulWhitcomb

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
FUN AT THE INN ( MidSummer's Orgy)

Thank you for using my suggestion but I hope it didn't disrupt the natural flow for the rest of the story. some might like it but everyone has there own kinks but it can make or break a story sometimes. that is what I think keeps stories interesting with possiblities to make them interesting, despite the naysayers may think. so I can't wait for the finale of the Inn.Cheers! Hats off to Leyna best girlfriend ever created.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombalmost 8 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (FUN AT THE INN)

If it's not too much of a look behind the curtain, this was always going to be a group sex chapter of some sort. But my original plan was to involve Leyna, Simon, and the Mistress of the Bog, maybe with Yilma joining in. I really wasn't sure it would end up being all that interesting, though, and I didn't have a ton of ideas for it. Your suggestion made me think, "Well, heck, it's a magical swamp, so why wouldn't there be all kinds of folk there besides just the swamp spirit?"

Hopefully no one will find it an interruption to the story flow. Though it doesn't advance the Necromanata plot that much, I think you rightly observed that it gives an important view of how Simon and Leyna's relationship is developing. She's not your typical girlfriend, and he's learning bits and pieces of what that means.

Glad you're liking it! I'm around 20% done with chapter 14, so with any luck it will post in a week and a half or two weeks.

HeisenhugHeisenhugalmost 8 years ago

Ah... Wow... Yeah... That was a thing. I got nothing. Hot dang.

*looks at comments* fuck advancing plot, for that scene you get a free pass and day of the week :p

It's like some unholy love child of the Monster Manual and Kama Sutra lol

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombalmost 8 years agoAuthor

With a dash of Bulfinch's Mythology thrown in.

Believe it or not, I didn't actually realize I'd made that pun until after the chapter posted!

(I will admit, though, that I ran through the Monster Manual in my head while trying to think of different fey to use. I had a momentary thought of including a Brownie. But I didn't care too much for the double-entendres that came to me for that one ...)

: )

HeisenhugHeisenhugalmost 8 years ago

*facepalm* yeah, no Brownies is probably the better option.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombalmost 8 years agoAuthor

Although talking about this gives me an idea for another serial, where a D&D character goes on an A to Z quest through all the do-able entries in the Monster Manual. A little too ambitious for me right now, but maybe someday...

HeisenhugHeisenhugalmost 8 years ago

But... How many of them *could* be done?

I don't have a copy to hand, but d20srd is close enough... A contains such problems as Azer fire dwarves who would need fire resistance, Aranea which might assume humanoid female form if you could convince one to, plus a bunch of celestial and aberration types. A lamia or medusa might well be equipped for sex, but I'm not sure who would want to get close enough to try.

Actually, that seems like the main issue. Not finding creative solutions to why their not preferred bed fellows for humanoids, but rather how to make a humanoid crazy enough to try that out and still be believable. It's Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged level of crazy lol. I mean there's spells that could do it, the best candidate would be Geas with an epic caster level behind it, but that seems a tiny bit cheap plotwise. Plus most compulsion spells are time limited, alignment biased and/or simplistic in command capacity.

If you have a way to sell this obsessed adventurer then I'm all ears :p Clearly I'm over thinking it already.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombalmost 8 years agoAuthor

It's coalescing in my mind ...

A drunken bet between a couple of arch-mages. They agree to alternate entries in the cyclopedia to prove who's the greater wizard, since it will require powerful and versatile magic to track down, arouse, and successfully mate with most of the creatures in the book. Whoever gives up first must publicly concede that the other wizard is superior.

Damnit, I'm starting to think this sounds pretty good!

HeisenhugHeisenhugalmost 8 years ago

Oh... Stubborn, pride full, incredibly drunk wizards. Yup, that'll do it. Bloody show-off wizards and their brilliant ideas. Pratchett nailed them perfectly ^_^

I have to admit to having a morbid fascination with trying to find functional solutions to absurd problems, so with a believable reason and method to the madness I can certainly agree to hilarity ensuing.

Indeed, with more than one "contestant" in the game there's scope to argue in character about which races are potentially viable. On the one hand, getting a creature you don't want to do struck off the list means you some have to worry about a competitor scoring there. On the other hand, you might discourage rival attempts whilst pulling off something impressive where an opponent has talked up the challenge. And on the gripping hand, maybe you could get rivals to talk themselves in to an embarrassing failure.

Heck, take a page out of old Phileas Fogg's book and make it a reality TV show minus the TV part.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombalmost 8 years agoAuthor

I was more thinking Jack Vance, since my fantasy reading has a Pratchett gap in it.

The action and interplay might also be helped along if each wizard has an apprentice, probably long-suffering and undervalued, who must help with the research, rituals, or other shenanigans.

I should stop thinking about this, because there's no way I'll have time to write it in the near or even intermediate-term future ...

: )

HeisenhugHeisenhugalmost 8 years ago

That's the problem with good ideas, having too many and not the time to write them. Sadly my skills likely aren't up to the task, so it might have to sit there a while.

Jack Vance huh? Don't think I've run in to his work before, might have to look him up though. You should definitely grab some Pratchett, I think his style would appeal to you. His characters have that nice blend of unorthodox thinking and not taking themselves too seriously. The first two Discworld books are a good introduction but first taste of his writing was actually a wonderful young adult piece called "Only You Can Save Mankind" a book full of tricks that neatly inverts assumptions all over the show. Sorry, fangirling, I'll shut up.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombalmost 8 years agoAuthor

Vance is where D&D got its original spell memorization system, along with ioun stones and a couple of other magic items. Remember the evil artifacts the Eye and Hand of Vecna? Vecna was a deliberate anagram of Vance.

I recommend "Eyes of the Overworld" as a great starting point for Vance. Or if you like short stories, look for one of his collections that has "The Moon Moth" in it. One of the all-time great sci-fi stories of last century.

HeisenhugHeisenhugalmost 8 years ago

I shall look it up :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
That tricorn is a dickhead

Simon (and our author) have a repressed homosexual or bisexual streak. They're fascinated by huge dicks, rubbing the goat dick inside the flower girl, getting splashed with bull cum, and generally getting off on a bigger male fucking his girl.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 7 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (That tricorn ...)

I love your comment title!

Simon absolutely has some repressed homosexual/bisexual tendencies, as I believe it's common psychological knowledge most men do.

As for the author, it's only repression if it's kept subconscious. I'm totally aware of those impulses in myself, and I'm cool with them, although I don't express them because my wife would be none too happy about that.

If those aspects of the story bug you, you probably don't want to read my Big Flipping Deal serial!

falcon66falcon66over 7 years ago

Leyna reminds me of a busty german barmaid and girl next door you don't bring home to mom. but the way you bought them together is unique in itself cause most men have strange vices ,you mentioned it before cause simon has weird tendencies toward her ever since he arrived to phealand. most men leave her of because of her promiscuity. simon has a different mindset or he has really good heart in my opinion cause of her profession despite that. I can't wait to see a new arc with Simon and leyna in it, whenever you can get back to the story. cheers!

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 7 years agoAuthor

Although Simon certainly has a very good heart, I think there's also something about being in a fantasy world where all the rules are different that would have an effect on most guys' attitudes. Especially when the woman in question is as super-hot as Leyna is!

I do try to write with a very sex-positive perspective, because I think our societal attitudes toward sex and promiscuity are repressive in a very unhealthy way. That's not to say that everybody ought to run out and be hugely promiscuous. But an insistence that monogamy is the "right" way provides justification for thinking of your partner as "yours" in a possessive way. That in turn creates a sense that jealousy and jealous anger are appropriate, and that in turn creates a lot of violence.

So even though this is a silly fantasy porn story, there is kind of a point to Simon's perceptions of Leyna. It's a recognition that they belong *with* each other, not *to* each other, and that their emotional belonging is strengthened by the physical freedom they each give the other.

Anyway, thanks for the nice words! I appreciate them more than I think people can know!

scream6scream6over 6 years ago

was good untill the cuckolding shit

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 6 years agoAuthor

Sorry the chapter wasn't more to your liking!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
the crazy monster orgy

Can't please everyone so wasn't to everyone's taste so no need to mad about the outcome that doesn't mess up the story or you were there for sexy stuff so don't be mad about the stuff .

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 6 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (the crazy monster orgy)

Thanks for voicing your support! I agree entirely!

(Plus, I had a whole lot of fun writing this chapter even if it didn't tickle 100% of everyone's fancies!)

JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorover 6 years ago
Crazy ghost sex next!

But before that... an orgy that I can honestly say I've never conceived of, hell even in part, even in my own hormonal teen d&d gaming lol

Her only reason for wanting him to see it was to share the almost certainly one-in-a-lifetime event for her that he had already had three different times- before the plant-lady-fucking he was already doing.

Not completely sure what to make of the whole thing myself, but Simon's one and only concern was for her safety, and once he saw she was enjoying herself he just let go. I'm quite sure I'm not that able to be free with my partner, but I'm also not living in Simon's world.

Nor do I have a Leyna in my life! ;)

Great stuff, looking forward to the ghost sex and the climax lol


striker24striker24over 1 year ago

This is stupid. Leyna has been stretched so much she's not going to feel much from Simon anymore. Earlier on she said she refused to have sex if they were too big (e.g. dwarves) but she loves it now apparently. Simon getting gizzed on by a minotaur?? If I could give 0 stars I would.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 1 year agoAuthor


Wow, I missed that message 5 years ago, sorry! If you're still around, thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it!


This chapter provoked the most mixed responses I think I've ever gotten on a story, so you're definitely not alone in being disappointed. I tend to write what pops into my head, though, and if I restrained myself on the basis of worrying that someone might find it dumb or offensive, I probably wouldn't write much. Sorry you didn't enjoy it, but thanks for commenting.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Jesus. You almost miraculously managed to make me overlook the cuck aspect for quite some time ... Then you smacked us across the face with a minotaur dick bigger than the dwarf dicks Leyna said she'd never try to take! And she insists that Simon not only accept, but *enjoy* and *want* his cuckolding. What Simon's done, and what Leyna is doing are not that same. Leyna enjoys women too. Simon doesn't enjoy men. It's not an equitable or equivalent exchange. She's getting stretched by people Simon would never have sex with. He's dipping his wick into women she'd *love* to have sex with. One of these things is not like the others. Can't justify lower than 3, but this gets a 3 from me.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcomb5 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous ("Jesus."): I've been on the fence about this for a long time, but after reading your comment, I think I've finally made up my mind that I really shouldn't ever let my mom read this story.

; )

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Update 04/21/20: The e-book version of The Inn releases this Friday and can be pre-ordered now! For more details, see my Twitter at @coolgasmic! Thank you all very much for all the support and positive feedback! I really do appreciate it more than I can say. Bio: I blog, I...


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