The Link Pt. 02: The Hunted


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"You're teasing me," Caleb said excitedly. "I can feel it." The relief in his voice was apparent. His embarrassment in the link evaporated. "It's unfair you know. Spying in my head like that." I lost the high ground, so I went for the next best thing, shock.

"I picture you naked as well," I said. I could have chewed through the silence. "Caleb?" What flooded me was pure love followed by a desire I had never known. It was both strong and gentle. Parts were so soft, yet it was equally unyielding. My whole body began to dance again.

"I am so happy I was in the mall that day," Caleb announced. I wondered if his body was reacting like mine. It had to be. I could almost feel his heat.

"So am I," I agreed. There was a short comfortable silence that followed. I imagined the smile that was on his face, the confident, happy one.

"Is the video going to be a problem?" Caleb asked, thankfully changing the subject. I wasn't sure I wanted to go any deeper with him over the phone.

"It has me, Mom, and Dad on it," I answered. "I'm not sure if anyone is still looking for us. They probably wouldn't recognize me anyway. I'm sure Mom and Dad are going to freak."

"Do you want me there?" Caleb asked. It wasn't necessary.

"Yes," I said, "but not for my parents." It was wonderful to feel his reaction to my words. I was surprised how flirty I was becoming. Never have I pushed a man's buttons. It was a lot more fun than I expected. That it was Caleb, made it safe.

"I'll be over in fifteen minutes," Caleb said. There was an excitement in his voice that I cherished. The memory of how he saw me was still in my mind. Maybe, I'd get another glimpse.

Chapter 23 - Anthony

I hate the smell of hospitals. The kitchen, where my world usually revolved, had such wonderful smells. Bread, fresh from the oven, is a one way trip to heaven. I stopped breathing through my nose to quell the invasion of the sterile medicinal stench. If I used my nostrils too much, the strong odors would burn themselves into the olfactory glands, rendering them useless for testing sauces for many hours.

"I'm here to see Mr. Sabbatini," I told the nurse at the front desk.


"Anthony Lewis," I said. I raised my sleeve to my nose, hoping it would filter the new smells that wafted down the hall. The nurse turned a few pages in the book and found my name.

"Room 108," the nurse said with a smile. I nodded and moved quickly, hoping to get into his room where at least some of the odors would be stilled.

The room was dark as it always was. The curtains were pulled shut as if the sun would do damage to the old man in the bed. Sabbatini had already lived a lifetime and a half. All of his exposed skin was shriveled and sported spots that looked more like a disease than the normal paint of the aged. His eyes, with their dark black irises, were still very much alive. They had never lost their alertness, nor the ability to demand my allegiance.

"Good morning, Mr. Sabbatini," I said formally. There was nothing informal about the man. Even bedridden, respect was demanded and given freely.

"You have news, Anthony?"

"I think we found it, sir." It came out with less confidence than I intended. I disliked how weak Sabbatini made me feel.


"I am fairly confident," I said with more strength. "I'll have it verified in a day or so."

"It's taken, what, 20 years?"

"17, sir," I said, blanching at correcting such a powerful man.

"You know what this means to me," Sabbatini said. "To meet my maker without ridding the world of this devil spawn is unthinkable. It is the sole reason I was put on this earth and the reason I insist on still breathing today."

"Yes, sir," I agreed as if dissent was possible.

"What makes you think you've found it?"

"It looks like she got herself into..."

"She!" Sabbatini shouted.

"It, sir," I corrected, forgetting that humanizing a demon was the first step to damnation.

I had followed so many dead ends for 17 years. Now, the search may be at an end. To think I once had it in my hands and failed, more worried about my life than the fate of the world.

"It was attacked by a young man," I said.

"God's messenger," Sabbatini nodded. The whole incident became public because of the boy. I smiled at the sign I hadn't recognized. God was calling out to us.

"Another young man, one with fighting skills, came to its protection in a most violent way," I continued. "The incident was filmed on a phone and posted on the Internet."

"It's building an army," Sabbatini concluded. "You'll have to move quickly before its numbers increase." A shiver ran through me at the thought of more of its warriors fighting like the one on the video. The man looked unstoppable powered by the fires of hell. "Why are you sure it was the demon?"

"Its adoptive mother was there," I answered proudly. "I will never forget her face."

"Careful," Sabbatini said, "It corrupts those close to it. Once they are turned, they will defend it with their lives." I nodded, remembering well the attack on Corbett's house.

"Once we are sure," I said, "we'll take it out from a distance. Let's see it dodge a bullet." Sabbatini smiled and ran his hand through the few sparse gray hairs that still clung to his spotted head. A man who did not know the strength of his faith like I did, would have considered the yellowed smile ominous. I knew it for what it was, the Lord's servant finally seeing God's will being done.

"Yes," Sabbatini said, "whatever it takes. All my resources are at your disposal." His eyes moved to the ceiling as his smile grew. "If only Blackstone were alive to see the culmination of our efforts."

"I won't fail you this time," I promised.

"See that you don't," Sabbatini stated. "Contact me the moment it's done."

"Yes, Sir," I said, then left the room dismissed with a wave of his hand. Exiting the hospital, I took a deep breath and let the fresh air cleanse my nose. It was a setback, allowing the beast to reach maturity. Nothing that couldn't be corrected, but it would have been easier and less public if it could have been dealt with years ago. No matter. As God's warrior, I will claim victory in his name no matter the obstacles before me. I smiled at the lightness in my step. It was if God himself was lifting me higher.

Chapter 24 - Teegan

Monday was worse than we all thought it would be. Caleb and I were called to the principal's office before homeroom started. We were met by members of the school board as well as the principal, Mr. Dickerson. We were informed that our parents were on the way and that the zero tolerance for violence extended beyond the borders of the school property. They were particularly upset that the video was tagged with the school's name.

Mason had decided not to attend school that day, which surprised no one. His two friends, of course, claimed they had no idea why Caleb ran up the stairs and beat them up. The size differences between the football players and Caleb made their argument weak, but the video had no context besides the unsubstantiated comments that followed the posts.

Mom pulled out her legalese, backed by Dad and the McGuires. Threats of public lawsuits steered the school district from suspension to a negotiated one-week homeschooling. Our teachers would issue our work, and we were responsible any homework. Basically, the school wanted us to go away while it took a deep breath. They were being hounded by the media and other parents. Our presence would only add to the fury.

"It's simply wrong," Jerry said once we were in the parking lot. "My son did exactly what a man is supposed to do when a woman is being attacked. Now they want to punish him for it. I suppose they're going to give this Mason a medal or something."

"Then they will see a lawsuit," Mom stated strongly. "Caleb, you did nothing wrong."

"A hero in my book," Dad chimed in. I took Caleb's hand in mine and sent my feelings about the subject. It surprised me when Caleb's mother smiled at my familiarity.

"Why don't you two take the day off," Grace suggested. "Forget about what just happened. Don't you still need a tux for the prom, Caleb?"

"Well, yes. I guess," Caleb said.

"That sounds like a plan," Mom agreed. "I think you still need a dress." She added looking at me.

"Can you give us a ride back to our house?" Jerry asked my dad. Both Caleb and I watched as our parents worked out the logistics of us taking a day off. Caleb got his dad's car, and we both ended up with our parent's credit cards.

"My mom and dad like you," Caleb said with surprise. Watching our parents drive off together, I was as shocked as he was. It wasn't the reaction I expected after being kicked out of school.

"I'm supposed to buy lunch," I said, brandishing my dad's credit card.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Caleb said with a growing smile. He was twirling the car key ring around his finger, patiently waiting for my answer.

"It would be our official first date," I realized out loud. "Yes. Caleb McGuire, will you have lunch with me?" Mom was right; it is okay for the woman to ask the man. Especially if that man already loves said woman.

"Absolutely," Caleb replied. Then he answered again with a public display of affection on school grounds. For the first time in our lives, we were the rebels.

We were well on our way to the mall, comfortably talking when I absently placed my hand on Caleb's thigh when making a point. The link between us jumped in the most exciting way. There was no outward display that I could see, just an internal scream of exhilaration from him. I can't explain how wonderful it felt to affect him deeply with such a minor touch. As a test, I ran my hand slightly higher, to mid-thigh. I basked in a burst of love wrapped in something I can only explain as a promise of more.

"You like me touching you," I said with a smile that allowed him to agree.

"You're cheating again," Caleb said, his eyes on the road. His smile was as large as mine.

"You're so loud when you think of me," I returned. It was like he was screaming my name. Every part of me wanted to answer.

"I'm a little obsessed right now," Caleb admitted. "Maybe in twenty or thirty years it will wear off." I laughed, feeling the truth of his humor. At that moment, I was as happy as I could ever remember. I found my one and only, or he found me. It didn't matter who found who. All I knew was that I was better with him, and he was better with me. Wendy was right, the problems of the world became less. Much less.

The mall was wonderfully empty on a Monday morning. Caleb and I were able to experience each other without being jostled around by others. The bond between us was so strong, I could identify things that interested him simply by the slight shift in the attention he gave them. We passed by a new calendar and game store, and I could feel his desire to check it out, almost a tickle along my skin. I loved how it made him feel when I steered us into the store. No words, just his happiness mixing with mine as we looked at the puzzles and games.

My phone vibrated, and the screen said Uncle Hank. I excused myself, leaving Caleb to his cardboard candy and took the call outside the store.

"Good morning, Uncle Hank," I said with a smile that broadcasted my happiness.

"Hello, Teegan," Hank responded. "Your dad told me that you're playing hooky today." His tone wasn't as happy as mine.

"I'm shopping with Caleb," I said, my smile dissipating. "It's not really hooky though. The school sent us home for the week."

"So I understand," Hank sighed. "I just arrived at Bangor International. We need to talk."

"I'm with Caleb," I said stiffly. This was our day, not Uncle Hank's.

"Lunch," Hank insisted, "and Caleb might as well be there. We have a problem, and he is as much part of it as you are." I didn't like his tone, nor the fact that he intended to intrude on my time with Caleb.

"How about tomorrow?" I asked.

"It needs to be today," Hank said. "We have to get our stories straight. Colonel Righthouse called me last night. It seems his kid saw the video of Caleb. Along with the rest of the world, he was impressed with Caleb's combat capabilities and was surprised when it involved you. He dug out old reports about your father's fighting prowess. He's not stupid Teegan. Right now they're just suspicious, and we need to cover your behind if we don't want them to dig any deeper."

"Okay," I agreed, saddened that my day was diminished. "We're at the mall here in Bangor."

"If I remember, there's a steakhouse there," Hank continued. "Meet you two about 1:00?"

"Okay," I sighed.

"How much does Caleb know?"

"A lot," I replied, "but not everything." I thought for a second then added, "but he will know it all soon. I won't keep any secrets from him."

"Your parents like him," Hank said, "so will I." He figured out how much I liked Caleb in a single sentence. His mind moved as quickly as Caleb's did.

"We'll see you at 1:00," I said, then added a goodbye. I should have bonded with Caleb before the party when we still had time for each other. Now I was going to drag him into my world instead of me falling willfully into his. I felt Caleb come up behind me.

"You know it won't change anything," Caleb said.


"Whatever is concerning you," Caleb replied, his arms wrapping around my waist from behind. It was such a 'couple' thing to do. I smiled and leaned back, his lips surprised my neck. "Nothing will stop what we have," he whispered. He had sensed my apprehension.

"Uncle Hank is joining us for lunch," I said as I wrapped my hands around his, holding them exactly where they should be, around my waist. Another kiss caressed the skin just below my ear, and it sent a warmth shooting through me.

"I felt that," Caleb said proudly. I wasn't the only one who could cheat. "I didn't know you had an Uncle," he added, unconcerned that our lunch date was commandeered.

"He's not a blood uncle," I said, then turned in Caleb's arms. My eyes met his and I saw and felt the trust. "He made me." I wasn't sure what to expect from the truth, but it wasn't the tenderness I received. Caleb stroked the left side of my face, pushing my hair behind my ear. Slowly he leaned in and kissed me as if it were our first. His love imbued every part of me as his hand kept my lips against his.

"Then it's someone I need to meet," Caleb whispered. "I owe him everything." I tried to quell the tears and failed. He wiped a tear away from my cheek. So confident and instantly older, he kissed where the tear had run.

"I love you," I said in the middle of the mall. All my barriers broke, and I flooded Caleb with everything I was. I ignored Mom and Dad's surprise as my power increased in Caleb's arms. His smile grew, and I was bombarded with more than I had given. We kissed, and I blushed at the beauty I was in his mind.


It only took three hours to acquire a prom dress and Caleb's tux. With the mall basically empty, we only had to wait on our decisions. I loved how Caleb's eyes widened when I tried on the blue dress I had been considering. It was a high waisted, aqua chiffon dress with a sweetheart neckline. I barely had the breasts to carry it off. I could feel how much he liked it. Sexy with a hint of dignity was in his mind. The sexy thoughts made me smile, and his opinion improved. The bond was sealing our fate. His love was fueling mine, so new and fresh, it was hard to consider the rest of the world worth our time.

"I'll take it," I told the clerk. Caleb nodded enthusiastically. The clerk measured me for alterations, and I handed over Dad's credit card. There was no lying, even white lies, between us. I wondered for a moment if that might cause us problems in the future. The truth may be harmful in excess. I shook the thought away. No need to sabotage perfection.

We settled on a black tux with an aqua vest and tie. Any doubt that Caleb was a man disappeared when he came out of the changing room. The boy was gone and in its place was everything I desired. His eyes found mine and in a second, he knew it was the perfect tux. I felt sorry for the rest of the women going to the prom. They would never know what I knew. They would never have what I have. Caleb struck a pose and winked at me. I laughed at the boy that still lived in the man.

Caleb was measured for alterations. He paid, and like my dress, was informed it would be ready for pickup on Saturday. He grabbed my hand, and we walked leisurely back into the mall proper.

"You Caleb?" An older man asked with a smile. He caught us by surprise as we exited the tuxedo store. Dressed in jeans, t-shirt, and a casual suit jacket, he looked like an artist type. If he had a pipe, he could have been ready for a snobby fireside chat.

"Pardon?" Caleb said, stopping the both of us.

"Caleb Mcguire?" the man asked again.

"Who wants to know?" I said moving forward. I didn't like the phony smile on the man's face.

"Chip," the man said, "Chip Wellington." He held out his hand. I gripped Caleb's hand tight, and he didn't raise it to shake Chip's. Chip sighed, "Look, I'm a reporter for the Bangor Daily News, and you are today's hot story."

"Not interested," Caleb said and gently pulled me around Chip so that we could continue on our way. I smiled at his strength and pulled him closer to me as we walked.

"I'll write the story with or without an interview," Chip called. We ignored him and continued walking.

"I hope this all dies down quickly," Caleb said once we were out of earshot.

"I'm sorry I got you involved," I said.

"Oh, that I am not sorry about," Caleb said with a smile. "I can't imagine not having you inside of me anymore." The statement startled me out of my bonding euphoria. I pulled him to a stop.

"Do we love because of the link?" I asked.

"I loved you way before the party," Caleb said, pulling me closer. "The link just allowed me to know I wasn't alone. I would have struggled for years trying to get this close to you. Now, all the crap and second guessing are out of the way. I love loving you." For the second time, we kissed in the mall. My heart was floating 100 miles in the sky dancing on a cloud with his. Perfection was such a beautiful thing.

I broke off the kissing with a smile. Three days ago, I would have told anyone who asked that I would never participate in a gushy public show of affection. Here I was, practically stripping Caleb naked in the middle of the mall.

"Later," I said with some sultry spice. Caleb's smile told me he understood. I wondered if two people had ever been so happy. Was life for most of the world mundane and boring? The bond was such a powerful drug.


Hank shook Caleb's hand before he sat down with us. The waitress took our drink order and left us to peruse the menu. The talk started out light, the mild weather, how are the steaks here? Hank asked about Caleb's music, somehow knowing he preferred the science of music to that of mathematics. I was surprised at Hank's knowledge of the field, using words that I didn't understand, but made Caleb smile. The two bonded, which both pleased and upset me. I was happy that Caleb and Hank liked each other, but there was a strange disappointment at sharing Caleb, even for a meal.

"How much do you know?" Hank asked Caleb once the waitress left with our order. I had filled in some of the holes while we waited for Hank. I wasn't surprised when Caleb easily regurgitated what I had told him. Hank nodded and added other facts now that he recognized that I fully trusted Caleb.

"Right now the military is trying to figure out where you learned to fight like you did," Hank informed Caleb. "Unfortunately, your father," he added looking at me, "had me check Caleb out before your first date. It was the military that did the research and martial arts training didn't show up."
