The Link Pt. 02: The Hunted


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I sighed loudly. I knew Dad had done some checking, though I didn't realize he used every resource at his disposal.

"He did it because he loves you," Hank said, correcting my obvious thoughts. He looked back at Caleb, "You're not the first person to be privy to external knowledge in times of stress. I have kept the military in the dark about that capability, but they sense that something isn't right." Hank paused and looked between Caleb and I. "Who's that?" We turned to follow Hank's eyes.

"Reporter," Caleb said. "Chip Wellington for the local paper. We already told him we weren't interested." Wellington had taken a table that had a direct line of sight to ours.

"Damn," Hank said, "a third problem that needs solving."

"Third?" I asked.

"The first two are explaining Caleb's actions at the party," Hank replied to me. "One; how did he know you were in trouble. Two; where did he learn to fight like an expert. Now, we also have to keep the both of you from even more publicity." Hank sighed. "He's taking pictures with his phone." Caleb and I looked back at Wellington, who was quickly putting his phone back into his pocket.

"I'm getting really sick of phones," I said.

"Give me a second," Caleb said as he stood. I missed his hand as he went quickly by me, toward Wellington. I almost followed, but Hank settled me back into my seat. I turned to watch Caleb sit down next to Wellington and have a brief conversation. I could tell it wasn't cordial, but it also wasn't adversarial. After a short discussion, Caleb returned to the table, and Wellington left.

"Use one problem to solve the other two," Caleb said to us. Hank's eyebrows went up. "I told him that a friend told me Mason followed Teegan into the room. I explained that there was history between Mason and Teegan and that I knew it would cause problems. Wellington is now aware that I've been sparring with my father for five years, using the Internet to teach ourselves self-defense. I chalked the rest up to adrenaline. I'll have to talk with Dad before anyone reaches him, but that should settle all but the most ardent conspiracy theorists." Hank laughed, and I swelled with pride. My love had a quick mind.

"You think quickly," Hank said. "Teegan, not that you need my approval, but you have it." I smiled and took Caleb's hand in mine. Problems are so much smaller when they're shared.

"So what do you think of all this?" Hank asked Caleb just before he took another bite of his steak. Hank and I had exhausted our humorous anecdotes of my growing up while we waited for our food. I could see Caleb adding it up in his mind, thoroughly enjoying my escapades as I grew. I made a mental note to gather some of the same information from his mother. All's fair in love.

"Pretty amazing," Caleb replied. "The first time I felt Teegan," he laid his hand on my wrist, "it was so powerful. My feelings leaked so naturally and when I felt hers, well, I wanted more."

"There are some that would be a little freaked out about it," Hank mentioned.

"They can't see the angel," Caleb said with a smile.

"Or they weren't meant for me," I added, blushing at Caleb's words. Our eyes met and a million silent words crossed between us. Hank judiciously returned to his meat and let us have our moment.

"I'm glad you two have each other," Hank said after an appropriate pause. "I was getting worried you feared your abilities too much."

"I did," I admitted. "I guess when the dam broke, everything changed. Now, it seems natural that we feel each other."

"It would be hard to give it up," Caleb added. "The bond is so clean, washing away the stuff that makes everything so hard. I kept screwing things up and then wham, the truth settled everything in a microsecond."

"We were a sloppy couple," I said, adding a small laugh. I thought back to my fighting the 'couple' moniker. All the time insisting we would be friends when my subconscious was screaming for more. For once, my power was completely out of the nuisance category.

"This steak is excellent," Hank said, changing the subject. The rest of the lunch was more friendly with the topic of bonding shoved to the side. Hank became more the uncle he pretended to be, asking about our plans and not admonishing us for not having any. He told us we were too young to have everything figured out, and he was confident we'd work it out in the end.

Hank and Caleb became friends, which I think was one of Hank's goals. Hank worried about me, thinking my problems were equally his. Sometimes I agreed with him. Caleb released him from some of the oversight, and the friendship allowed Hank to remain in touch. We all parted from the restaurant, promising to have more meals in the future.

When Caleb and I were walking across the parking lot, hand in hand, to his car, I saw more visions of myself in Caleb's mind. Every part of me tingled at the feelings that joined his dreams of the impossible me. It was impossible to not want more.

Chapter 25 - Caleb

I was surprised that my dad took my lie to the reporter in stride. I think he enjoyed being part of my saving Teegan. Our brief phone conversation felt more like two friends talking than father and son. Maybe I was older in his eyes. I felt older. Teegan did that for me.

"I'm alone for dinner," I told Teegan before I started the car, "Since Dad has to pick up Mom from work, they decided to have a night out." Teegan had an endearing smile on her face. It was warm and mischievous at the same time. "What?" I asked.

"No one's home at your house," Teegan pointed out the obvious.

"Not until later," I said, smiling at the little bursts of intense feelings she was sending me. She was up to something. Her eyes turned toward the passenger window, leaving me with a mini-mystery. I pulled out of the parking lot and started the drive home.

"Can you stop at that Walgreens for a second?" Teegan asked, pointing to the store on the corner.

"Sure," I replied, "What are we shopping for?"

"Never you mind," Teegan answered with a goofy smile. I figured it was something feminine and left her to her privacy. I pulled into the lot and started to get out of the car. "Just wait here," Teegan said, "I'll only be a moment." She didn't even look back to see if I would act as ordered. I did, wondering if she would be as compliant as I. A burst of love, wrapped in something I could only identify as silly embarrassment, hit me as she entered the store. It was so strange it made me smile. I quickly looked around, making sure no one saw me looking insane by myself in the car.

Teegan, true to her word, returned to the car in a few minutes, carrying a small plastic bag. Her face was flushed, and she moved quickly like something happened inside, and she needed to get away.

"Everything okay?"

"I didn't know know they came in sizes," Teegan laughed. "You should have seen the clerk's face. I thought I would die of embarrassment." She handed me the bag as she buckled the seatbelt.

"I can look?" I asked. Teegan nodded, her face going a little pinker. I opened the bag and blood rushed to my face as well. The ramifications, my desires, and my fears all came to bear at once. There were three different sizes of condom packets in the bag. I didn't know they came in sizes either. I looked up, feeling her fear and desire mixing with mine. I mumbled something unintelligible, never having experience with a woman wanting me as much as I wanted her.

"I've never done anything like this before," Teegan whispered. There was apprehension on her face, like my next words needed to be understood and correct.

"Me neither," I said honestly, then smiled. "I can't imagine anyone else I'd like to be my first." Teegan smiled back. "And my only," I added. Desire exploded from her, driving air from my lungs. My entire body woke from its virginal slumber in a most delicious way. It was hard to think when she unbuckled her seatbelt and kissed me hard. Her body was like a furnace next to mine as she pushed into me. I pulled her close, my desire hitting new heights. I shifted, in the seat, trying to make room between my legs for the most overexcited part of my body.

"Take me to your house," Teegan whispered before she pulled back to her seat. Yes. My house and my bed. The parking lot at Walgreens was not a good place, though it did seem more convenient just a second ago. Things were getting cramped, and I had no choice but to rudely adjust myself before starting the car. That caused Teegan to giggle.

"Sorry," I said, "it happens."

"I take it as a compliment," Teegan said. I started the car and tried to concentrate on the road. There was no way I wanted to get into an accident or be stalled by a ticket. My mind was full of what I imagined was coming. I had to take deep breaths and force myself to concentrate on my driving.

The speed limit was impossibly slow. Teegan moved her hand to the back of my neck and played with small hairs she found there. She had no idea how it affected me, sending shivers down my spine, straight to what made me a man. I glanced over at her, and she was staring at me with the largest smile I had ever seen.

"I can see what you're thinking about me," Teegan said. I believe my face turned purple. I had her in all sorts of compromising positions in my mind. The speed in which they were developing were her fault. They were uncontrollable, driven by her beauty.

"I can't stop thinking about you," I said as I struggled with going through a yellow light. I decided to stop and play it safe, though the decision came a second too late, forcing me to break harder than I intended. Teegan retracted her hand, but her smile remained.

"I should let you drive," Teegan said. "We don't need any heart attacks." I laughed, remembering our first drive.

"This is really unfair," I said, "you seeing what I'm thinking and me in the dark." I kept my smile, making sure she understood that it was a comment, not a deal breaker.

"I'm not sure why it works like that," Teegan said. "Maybe I need your thoughts more than you need mine. They are wonderful you know, even when you see me naked." I could feel my face heating again. "The way you see me is so - perfect."

"You are perfect," I said. The light changed, and I started forward.

"Will you still love me when you figure out I'm not?" Teegan asked.

"My definition of perfect has nothing to do with imperfections," I replied. "You smiling at me wipes away everything wrong with the world. All I see is what I feel. All I see is you." For a second, the road disappeared, and I saw myself as virile and powerful, far more handsome than a mirror ever portrayed. I could feel Teegan's desire for me as her thighs closed around my naked frame.

"Whoa," I sighed, as the road returned to my eyes. "I saw me through you." My lap was once again protesting a growth I couldn't quelch.

"Take me to your bed," Teegan said, her breathing as sporadic as mine. I wasn't sure I could be what she envisioned. I only knew that I wanted to. More than anything, I wanted to be with her completely. The last few minutes of our drive was done in a loud silence, feelings we couldn't control were crashing into each other in a beautiful symphony.

My room seemed infantile with its posters and scholastic medals. Even the bedspread, speckled with musical bars and notes, spoke of someone younger than my heart now knew I was. Teegan closed the door as I quickly threw some dirty clothes into the corner chair. She ignored the decor, tossed the Walgreens bag on the bed, and came forward with her radiant smile. Her love slammed into me and rebounded entwined in mine.

My hands wrapped gently around Teegan's neck, up under her hair, cradling her head as my lips found hers. Our desires merged, her mouth opened slightly, and our tongues began a dance, tasting and relishing each other as if we were starved. Her hands found my belt and in a fit of impatience, struggled to undo it. Our desires were feeding off each other, growing stronger. I had never wanted something so much in my life.

"I can't do it," Teegan said, laughing into my mouth. Her fingers couldn't feed the belt back through the buckle, backward from her point of view. I smiled, and we separated slightly, both undressing ourselves while watching the other. She used my shoulder to steady herself as she pulled off her jeans. Every piece of clothing she removed made her more beautiful. I loved how her hips moved her blue panties as she stepped on her socks to remove them while she lifted her shirt over her head. I rushed to catch up.

The sight of Teegan's breasts was more exciting than I had envisioned. Maybe it was because it was real, maybe they were simply more beautiful than my mind was capable of imagining. I hesitantly reached out, unbelieving that such a gorgeous woman found me so worthy of her. She tossed her bra onto the floor and stepped toward me, forcing my hand to engage its wonderful target. A sound, almost a moan, escaped her lips as my hand tenderly explored the firm softness it found. My other hand joined the first, and I looked up into the most delicious smile. She was having as much fun as I.

While I was enthralled, Teegan's fingers found the elastic and lowered my underwear. Once it was freed, my manhood sprang to attention. I found her lips and pulled her chest to mine, her soft pillows feeling magnificent pressed against my skin. Teegan's hands explored between us, driving air from my lungs and causing my hips to jerk of their own accord. The intensity was more than I expected and I feared I would make a mess before I intended. I felt her lips curve into a giggle at my reaction.

"I like what I do to you," Teegan whispered.

"You have no idea," I said, my lips a hair's breadth from Teegan's. She wrapped her hand around my member and gave me a smile that told me she had a very good idea what she was doing to me. My loins tightened, and I involuntarily groaned as that uncontrollable feeling began to climb. "Not yet," I gasped. She released me.

"I love what I do to you," Teegan corrected. I was on a trigger, enforced by her nakedness and desires. I took a deep breath, and my body took a small step back from the precipice. She kissed me again, her hands running up my sides and caressing my cheeks. I found the elastic in her panties, lowering them as she did mine. Nervously, I ran my hand along her thigh as she stepped out of the last of her clothes. Never had I experienced what I was about to feel. I stalled, running my hand along her cute tummy. She took my hand in hers and pulled it between her legs.

"I've already said yes," Teegan whispered as she released my hand. My apprehension faded, and I explored past soft downy hairs to a warm wet place, nestled in folds of soft skin. It was amazing to hear the sounds from deep in her throat as my finger teased its way in. I pulled it back, to the top of her entrance, softly feeling for what I'd read about. I found the spot, a tiny taut button that forced a loud moan from her lips and her hips to spasm. Two can play the teasing game.

"I love what I do to you," I said, my smile frozen proudly on my lips. Teegan smiled back and took my hand, leading me to the bed. I stalled to see her cute backside. It was well worth the effort and earned me a little wiggle when she realized what I was doing. I loved that she could read me so well. Our feelings were on fire, burning as one.

"It's certainly not small," Teegan said, looking between my legs. She fished into the Walgreens bag. I put my hand on the small of her back and let it fall to her cute butt. She giggled and gave me another shake. "How about regular?"

"Never tried one on," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. It was a shame that we had to break the mood with condom experimentation. Teegan seemed to be enthralled with the process, almost excited like I was trying on a tux or something. When I tried to take the condom from her hand, she snapped it back with a sly smile.

"My job," Teegan said. "Lie back." I did as instructed, my arousal pointing to the ceiling. I sucked in my breath as she tore open the wrapper. After a brief examination, she placed it on the tip and gently unrolled it down the shaft as my pelvis once again came alive. I was a little surprised at how competent she was. She turned to me with pride in her eyes. "Samantha and I practiced with sticks once," she said with a laugh. I pulled her fully onto the bed, and we kissed between the laughs, the image of two girls practicing with sticks was just too humorous.

A slight twist, and I was on top of her, between her legs. Déjà vu of the images that I saw in her mind not too long ago. I found her eyes and saw the excitement and apprehension. They must have mirrored mine. It was her smile that allowed me to continue, that warm, loving curl of her lips that told me this is exactly where she wanted to be.

"I would have waited," I whispered, my hand stroking her cheek.

"I know," Teegan responded. She shifted her hips, better positioning herself. "We don't need to wait. Not when we know everything." She was right. Our love was undeniable and broadcast loudly between us. This was nothing but an extension of the promise, something that made us more than one plus one.

I fumbled, trying to find the entrance into heaven. What sounded so logically easy was more difficult than I imagined. Teegan smiled, her hand interfering with my struggles, guiding me lovingly as she shifted to allow me access to my desire. I descended slowly until I felt resistance, followed by a small gasp from Teegan. I stopped, though parts of me were screaming to go on.

"I'm all right," Teegan said, her eyes misty. I didn't move. The idea of causing her pain was not on my to-do list. I had forgotten what little I knew about the female body. Suddenly, this wasn't as exciting as before. "Don't stop, it will be quick, and then it will be over." Teegan said.

"I don't want to hurt you," I admitted.

"I want you," Teagan said. "It's a small price to pay." The back of her hand was caressing my cheek. I didn't move, hoping that maybe if I just stayed where I was, she would eventually accommodate me without pain. I didn't want to be the cause of it any. Teegan's hands move to my butt, her hips shifted, and she pulled me into her.

I grimaced as something that didn't exist, tore inside of me. It was a sharp pain that felt raw, but nothing I couldn't live with. Teegan's eyes widened, looking deep into mine as I broke through her childhood forever.

"That was my pain," Teegan said, almost accusing me of stealing.

"No," I said, my smile growing in pride, "it was mine." I slowly finished my descent, marveling at the wonderful, mysterious gift Teegan had given me. "If I could, I'd take all your pain," I added as a strange confidence filled me. I stilled, allowing her pain to dissipate through me as her body became accustomed to me.

"That's not fair," Teegan whispered between gasps. I almost laughed at the irony. A moment later, she wrapped her legs around my hips, opening herself even more to me. I began to move, leading the dance and struggling to make sure it lasted the whole song.

When things settled into a rhythm, Teegan's glorious smile returned. If women ever figured out how much men desired their smiles, they would rule the world. Her smile owned me completely. I was breathing deep, absorbing her happiness and letting it mix with mine. My body was screaming to complete what it was designed for, but I fought it, wanting the moment to last as long as it could.

"Oh," Teagan gasped, her smile weakening. I slowed, thinking something was wrong. "No," she continued, "don't you dare stop." Her hips began to move, and I felt myself shifting inside of her, finding new places, new joys that were weakening my control.