The OF Girl Ch. 421-430


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"Of course it is," you said with Gemma nodding her agreement.

The three of you, not finding a way you wanted to snuggle on the couch, ended up back in Sabrina's bedroom as you spooned up - this time Sabrina was the little spoon, Gemma was in the middle and you were the big spoon, reaching around to hold the both of them as you watched Castle on Sabrina's laptop.

"This was a really great weekend," Sabrina said after one episode ended and the countdown started for the next.

"I can think of one thing that would make it even better," Gemma said.

"Explain this mythical 'better than this' that you speak of," Sabrina said.

"John," Gemma said, putting on a sweet and syrupy voice. "Could you go make us ice cream sundaes?"

"Ooh, you're right, baby," Sabrina said. "Thatis the best end to this weekend."

With a laugh and a sigh you slipped out of bed. "As you wish," you said.

"With more emotion," Gemma replied, giving you a grin.

You backed away out of the bedroom, waving your hands like you were getting sucked out by an invisible force. "Aaaas yoooouuuu wiiiiisssshhh!"

The laughs of your girlfriends were utterly satisfying.

Chapter 424

Sabrina ended up staying with Gemma at her place, not seeing the point of being alone at her place when she could bring clothes for work with her and also wanting to make sure Gemma had some extra backup. Lucy was definitely the morevolatile of the two problem roommates you all were dealing with.

That did, however, leave you to handle any encounters with Mosche yourself. Thankfully, when you got back to the apartment you could hear Mosche talking to someone down in his room and it sounded like he might have been gaming. You were able to quickly disappear to your own end of the apartment and spent the last bit of the evening alone without needing to face him.

Unfortunately, that didn't stop you from stewing in your own worries and frustration. You were still fucking disappointed in how he'd handled himself with Tasha - he'd caused real damage by being such an idiot. But no matter how much you fed that fire, it didn't take away the fact that you'd betrayed him. Sleeping with your roommate's ex wasn't the same as sleeping with a friend's ex, but there really wasn'tthat much of a difference and it made you feel a little dirty.

But then you would remember the look in Tasha's eyes, and how she'd seemed so much lighter each time things happened between you. The night after the 'McDonald's Prom' she'd been bouncing back. Friday morning after your first time with her she'd seemed like herself again. That morning, after the shower, she'd seemed even better.

Another problem was the fact that, even if you were set on you, Gemma and Sabrina being a trio and just playing with friends, having deep emotional moments and sex with someone like Tasha, or Becks, meant you were giving them some of your heart as well. You may not have been in love with Tasha, but could see yourself falling for her. You could see how she would fit in with the three of you. It would take sacrifices, and change the decisions you three still needed to make, but however improbable it was still possible. And it hurt a little to decide to put up a small barrier around that probability to keep it contained.

You eventually managed to get to sleep after tossing and turning for longer than you liked at all, which meant when you woke up in the morning you didn't feel rested. Still, you dragged your ass out of bed. No sign of Mosche that morning - he'd likely gamed late into the evening and didn't need to be up in the morning. You weren't exactly sure how he was making money, having gotten more of the scoop on the whole 'struggling comedian' thing from Tasha, and you wondered if he was getting an allowance from his parents or something.

That just made you even more frustrated with him.

You sent off your regular morning texts while slamming back a bowl of cereal. Good mornings to Gemma and Sabrina were the first, but you sent off similar messages to Becks and Tasha as well. Then, with a smirk, you sent one off the Becca as well and included a picture of your cock bulging slightly in your briefs. Before you stood back up to go get dressed, you got back good mornings from Tasha and Becks, and a picture of Becca's bare ass. While changing you sent her one back of your own butt, which wasn't nearly as attractive in your opinion but she sent you back a drooling emoji.

You tried not to think about that one too hard.

The bus ride in was normal, and you arrived half an hour early. Heading into the building, you were met with Becks smiling sweetly at you from behind her desk. "Good morning," she said.

"Good morning," you replied, glancing around and down the nearby corridor deeper into the ground level of the building. You leaned up against her desk and lowered your voice even though it didn't seem anyone was around. "Sorry about Friday."

Her smile changed, turning a little more into a smirk. "It's OK. You helped me out later with that call. Daddy."

You chuckled and shook your head, knowing that she was just trying to push buttons to get back at you for grabbing her ass in front of the driver Friday evening. "Heard anything about Joy?"

Beck sighed. "Nothing, but more like complete radio silence and not just anything specific. Her social media has been dead all weekend, which isn't like her."

"Fuck," you said. "Do you think she was locked up?"

"Maybe," Becks said. "We can hope. I do know that I had a memo waiting for me this morning though. Joy and her Mother are both barred from the premises effective immediately."

"Wait, hold on," you said, blinking rapidly as you parsed that information. "Holy shit. That means that she got thrown out of the firm, right? They must have really done it at that meeting Garrison said they were having."

"I don't know, there weren't any explanations given," Becks said. "She could just be put on leave or something while Joy is going through the system. It's gotta be tough to throw out a Senior Partner."

"Shiiit," you sighed. "I guess we'll find out more this morning, but this is huge."

"You know what else is huge?" Becks asked, her expression shifting to one that was clearly hinting at something sexual.

"My desire to take you into a back room and have my way with you?" you challenged, beating her to the punch.

She flushed, her warm-hued skin hiding some of it. "Don't say shit like that," she told you. "One too many times and I might take you up on it."

"And that would just be terrible," you deadpanned.

You heard the doors of the building open behind you, and she shot you a look that told you the game had to be over.

"Alright," you said. "Talk to you later?"

Becks nodded and gave you a little wink as she resumed her usual passive, small smile and said hello to a couple of the firm Associates. It looked like you weren't the only one getting an early start.

Maybe it had something to do with the Partner shakeup.

Chapter 425

You were a little surprised when it was Eric, and not Gemma and Sabrina, who arrived next. He was only a few minutes later than you as well.

"Hey," you said. "You alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he went down to his chair.

"Well, I mean, you had a long weekend. And the whole thing with Lucy," you said.

"Oh, well, the weekend was really good," Eric said. "I did a podcast each day I was down there, so one Friday, one Saturday and then the last one on Sunday, and I got to hang out with some of the hosts and producers most of the time. Really cool people. I think I might be kicking something off with this one chick who works for the podcast I did on Saturday - she's half-black and super hot. A little crazy, but I guess that might sort of be my type. Oh, and I hooked up with this chick who does OnlyFans after the show on Sunday - she offered it as revenge sex since I told them that Lucy had decided she wanted to be a sugar baby more than date me."

You started coughing and had to clear your throat. "Uh, wow," you said. "So... busy."

"Hey, work when the sun shines, right?" Eric grinned. "What about you, everything good in your crazy life with two girlfriends? They don't, like, run over you constantly do they? Like, I know they're both super hot but you can't just simp for them or they won't stick around."

You sighed softly in the back of your throat. "I've got things handled with Gemma and Sabrina. We had a really great weekend and even got some more work done on the Mock Trial. That we can talk about later- there's something else you should probably know."

Filling Eric in on what had happened on Friday had his eyes going wide and his expression rolling back and forth from shock to joy. The only thing you didn't tell him was the whole Becks part of the story, otherwise, you let him know about Joy, the police interviews, and Garrison. You ended with Becks' memo and what it might mean.

"Fuck, dude," Eric said. "I don't know whether I wish I stayed or not. That's insane."

"Definitely not a normal Friday night," you said. "We're still worried that Joy might try to sue Sabrina though. It wouldn't probably go anywhere, but she might still try."

With Eric up to speed, he pulled out his phone and showed you a picture of his potential new romantic interest named Casey - you agreed she was pretty, though you'd put any of your ladies over her in a second - and then also showed you pictures of the OnlyFans model he'd hooked up with. Thankfully Safe For Work ones.

"She was a freak," Eric said. "I had to fly back that night, so we went back to her hotel room after the recording and she went wild on me for like half an hour straight. I thought my dick might break off. Then I had to go, and she gave me a kiss and a smack on the ass and told me I was worth more than a cheating slut. Honestly, if she wasn't hoeing herself out, I'd be interested inher more than Casey."

"So she does, like, the whole full-on pornstar thing?" you asked.

"Yeah, she was pretty explicit during the podcast. I mean, she's making bad choices for her future, but that ship's sailed now so what am I gonna say? At least I can say I had sex with a pornstar now," Eric said.

"I'm sorry, what did I just hear?" Sabrina asked as she came into the conference room followed closely by Gemma. Sabrina blew you a kiss before turning all of her attention on Eric, while Gemma came around the table to give you a peck on the lips and whisper a proper Good Morning in your ear. They'd done Sabrina's coffee run together and she put a fresh cup of coffee in front of you.

"I, uh, might have hooked up with this chick who does OnlyFans and was on the podcast I recorded on Sunday," Eric said, putting up his hands as if to ward Sabrina off. "And it only happenedafter the whole thing with Lucy, OK? John sent me that picture, and I called her out, and she refused to tell me anything so I ended it. I mean, if she were to come back to me and ask, I might, like, have some closure angry sex or something, but otherwise, I'm done."

Gemma groaned a little as she sat down, and you thought you saw a tiny moment of hesitation as her butt hit the office chair. You couldn't help but smile a little.

"Alright, so at least you're not a hypocrite," Sabrina sighed as she sat down in her chair as well, her focus still on Eric. "I'm surprised someone doing OnlyFans just did a random hookup with you though. Not that I'm saying theywouldn't, just that from what little I know random hookups could mean picking up like, a disease or something."

".... Fuck," Eric said. "I mean, we used a condom, but... fuck, I might have like gonorrhoea now or something!"

"Doubtful," Gemma offered. "I mean, possible, but doubtful. And to be fair, you'd probably be more likely to have it from Lucy than this other chick."

"Yikes," you said. "Sounds like something else happened last night?"

"I'll tell you later," she said with a lopsided frown.

"OK," you said. "Did you two talk to Becks on your way in?"

"She was busy," Sabrina said.

"Alright. Then here's the latest," you said and then filled them in on the memo. The four of you had lots of guesses about what could be going on, and you could hear a lot of the associates that had come in earlier starting to gossip out in the halls. Big things were happening at the firm. Hopefully, they wouldn't trickle down anymore and rain on your heads. You were, after all, just interns.

Chapter 426

The issue with everyone in the firm, from interns to Junior Partners, being interested in the latest news and gossip of what happened over the weekend was that you couldn't find a single fucking quiet corner to get a chance to talk with your girlfriends. You and Gemma tried the little staff kitchen area like you'd used before and there were three Associates in there who went quiet and just watched the two of you as you refilled your water bottles. You and Sabrina tried the stairwell and could hear people talking in hushed whispers one floor up.

You were starting to consider heading down into the basement, or down to see if Becks knew if one of the little meeting rooms was empty on the first floor, but that felt a little extreme. The next part of the Lucy saga could wait a few more hours.

Still, even though the four of you got to work early, there was still more than enough to do to keep you busy. Even with half the firm seemingly not getting their own hours in due to distraction. It was going on lunchtime when you sighed, sitting back from your computer and shaking your head. "Should we try to see if Garrison will come down and give us an update?" you asked.

"He might bereally busy," Gemma said with a grimace. "Usually he at least pokes his head in here earlier than this."

In the end, the four of you decided to leave it and when lunchtime came around you all headed down, deciding you'd make the walk to the sub place together. You were putting in extra hours and figured with most of the office slacking off to gossip, you could squeeze out a few extra minutes if you got back a little late. Unfortunately, Eric coming along meant you still weren't finding time to talk personal stuff. You did, however, have time to check your messages without Eric being able to see your phone - you'd noticed that Tasha had sent you a picture, and broke into a grin when you saw it was her fresh out of the shower in her bathroom mirror. 'Missing your hands right now,' she'd sent you with it, and she was smiling warmly along with her tits being gloriously bare.

You quickly sent back a kissing emoji and, 'Can't wait to get my hands all over you again.' You then asked her when she was performing again because you, Gemma and Sabrina wanted to come to support her.

Sabrina, when you showed her the picture and messages, broke into a smile and winked at you.

Back at the office, you, Erica and Gemma got back to work while Sabrina pivoted to working on the Mock Trial. The four of you hadn't quite developed a rhythm to things, but the room definitely got a little more lively as Sabrina talked through what she was doing so the rest of you could stay up to date and give thoughts and suggestions. It slowed the rest of you down a touch since you were splitting your attention; thankfully your regular work was labour-intensive but not mentally stimulating, so managing it wasn't too hard.

It was almost 5 PM when a knock sounded on the open conference room door and you all looked up to see Garrison standing in the doorway. He looked tired and gruff, or at least more than usual, but his half-smile helped limit that a bit.

"How's the day going?" he asked.

You gave him an update on the regular workflow, and then Sabrina gave him a quick update on the progress of the Mock Trial prep, including adding in that you'd gotten work done over the weekend. Garrison listened and nodded along but didn't offer any commentary, and when Sabrina was finished he nodded again a little more curtly. "Alright, sounds like the day-to-day is in hand. Good work, folks," he said, then walked more fully into the conference room and shut the door. "I assume you're looking for updates?"

"I think the entire building is, sir," Gemma said with a little smirk.

"Anyone been in here bothering you?" Garrison asked.

"Not a soul," Sabrina said. "In fact, no one has even dropped off new work today."

"Well, there will be more soon, I'm sure," Garrison chuckled. "There's always more paperwork. That's good though - so you know, we had a staff meeting about an hour ago. Everyone but you folks have been informed that we had a breach of security over the weekend and that they needed to ensure that their files are always properly secured even in their offices. We also announced the 'departure' of one of the Senior Partners from the firm. I'll let you read into that as you will."

You exhaled heavily and could hear the others do so as well. Bellagamba was done. Gone.

"So where does that leave us with things, sir?" you asked.

"Well, as the biggest trouble-magnet group of interns I've ever met, let's go through things," Garrison said, pulling out a chair and sitting down. He started to count off on his fingers. "Eric, I've threatened the lawsuit over to 'DeezChains' lawyer. No response yet, but they may still offer a settlement. John and Gemma, you should be clear of any further harassment from them for good. He's been bonded out but is still being charged with assault and etc. so I doubt he'll be making any public appearances if he has a speck of brains in his skull. If someone from his entourage or somethingdoes approach you, either try and record it or get them to make you an offer in writing and say you'll think about it. That'll be tampering with witnesses and another charge."

He took a breath, then looked over at Sabrina. "Lastly, Joy spent the weekend in lockup after going to the hospital on Friday night. From what I understand, her nose was broken and she may have fractured her orbital socket when she collided with the door jam. The DA isn't going to be pressing charges based on the circumstances, and I have it on good authority that neither Joy nor her Mother have been making things easier for themselves. That doesn't mean you're out of the woods though, Sabrina. They could still try and hit you with a lawsuit."

"Fuck," Sabrina grunted, then clicked her mouth shut. "Sorry, sir."

Garrison snorted softly and shook his head. "No need to apologise for an appropriate response. I've already cleared it with the rest of the Partners, if a suit is brought against you the firm will officially arrange your defence as long as you are willing to have us. You all catching Joy not once, buttwice breaching our security is- well, you might be trouble magnets, but you're also problem sniffers. We had no idea she was such a rotten apple, and are still trying to make sure she hasn't done anything else."

With that, Garrison stood since none of you seemed to have any more questions. "Alright, back to work, folks," he said. "And, FYI, I heard some rumblings that there's going to be a lot of people putting in some overtime hours tonight to catch up on work - a whole pile of cases had to be reassigned. It sounds like there might be something of a pizza party in the break rooms tonight."

He left, and all four of you sighed again, looking at each other. It was a big day.

Chapter 427

"Holy shit," Sabrina groaned as the three of you stepped out of the office building and onto the sidewalk. It was dark out - it seemed like most of the office had stuck around after hours, and the 'pizza party' had been heavily trafficked on both floors of the firm. People had finally started filtering out sometime around eight, and you and the interns had called it at nine even though there were still some associates and Partners left in the building.