The Proposal


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"Just not ones who go out to dinner, visit the cinema and cuddle up on the sofa before letting me go home."

He grinned.

"The going home bit sounds boring and empty."

It did.

That wasn't what I wanted at all. I did want a friend who took me to those places, but one who then came home with me and fucked my brains out. Just not a married couple who saw me as some kind of plaything.

"We can do the other things though."

I just looked at him imagining how it would look. Him in his tuxedo at the theatre with me on one arm and Alice on the other.

I shook my head.

"This is crazy."

"You're thinking about it though."

I stared at the floor. I could feel the darkness at the edges of my mind. It wanted to take me again. To swallow up the little happiness I'd experienced and tell me how pointless everything was.

"You should go." I said.


I'll do that if it's what you want.

But Alice will call you. In a few days."

Fuck. I'd forgotten she had my number. I just nodded.

I watched him as he turned away and started down the stairs. My head raced as I watched him go. I felt myself slipping into despair. I pushed back at the darkness. I suddenly viewed it differently. It wasn't trying to swallow me. It was pushing me. Demanding I choose between it and...


Fuck. Had that just come out of my mouth?

Wil was at the bottom, almost at the door. He turned back and waited expectantly as my head rushed through what to say next.

"Will you really pay money into a trust fund?"


"And what would I be? A plaything you called when you fancied a threesome with the silly little whore?"

He came back up the steps.

"You'd be the same as Alice. An equal."

"But not a wife."

"Take that up with the government. Or the church. They're the ones who say you can't be. Not me.

But in practice, you would be."

I gasped. Was I dreaming this?

"All you've got to do is shut that door and come back to the car with me."

"You're mad. I can't just walk out on everything."

"On what? A flat that someone else lets you live in for a fee? A wardrobe full of clothes and an old car?

Tell me again. What it is that's so precious you can't leave it right this second?"

"I have issues." I blurted out.


"I know. I can tell.

Now you tell me why that is."

My lip trembled

"Because... of what happened."

"That was the trigger. But why do you still feel that way now? Six years later after you've built a life?"

"Because... I'm alone. I hate being alone."

There were nearly tears in my eyes. I felt more exposed than when I'd been hanging from those manacles with my pussy wrapped around his cock.

"So think about what we're offering. You'd never be alone again. Unless you wanted to be, of course.

The three of us. All of us get something we want."

I stared at him. Studying his face in detail. I saw every line. The set of his jaw. The smoothly shaved skin. But what I saw most was his eyes. They were what I'd seen in the first moments when we'd met. They were kind eyes. Full of warmth.

I thought about Alice. She was the same. Gentle. She pushed my barriers and made me admit the truth, but it was always with an inherent kindness. A concern that bubbled under the surface. They wanted me. They wanted my company. If I said no, I'd be alone again. Perhaps forever. Or until I couldn't stand it any longer.

"You hardly know me. How can you be so sure?"

"I just am." He said with absolute conviction.

"I knew with Alice on my first meeting. We both did. Don't ask me how, I just see things others don't. It's the same in my job. I see what will make money. And I see people. As they are, and their potential. I see you, Lucy."


Alice was waiting for us as we arrived.

"I knew you'd come back."

She put her arms around me and kissed me. This time I responded better. Still a little reticent but I tried to relax. This was what I'd agreed to. I couldn't exactly push her away.

"You'll have to give me a little time to get used to the idea." I said.

"Of course. It's like any relationship. Everything is new at first. We'll learn as we go along.

Now come and see your room."

"I have a room?"

"Yes. A retreat for when you need it. Of course, I'm hoping we'll mostly be together in the same one." She smirked.

That's what I'd assumed had been the plan. But as she showed me around I discovered that the big bed was the exception. A room for sharing. What they actually had was several rooms in which any one of us could slip away to sleep alone.

That brought interesting possibilities. We wouldn't always be a threesome. I could envisage it as a mixture of dynamics. Sometimes me with just one of them, other times perhaps those two while I took time out. But generally the three of us.

We talked most of the day. Mostly me asking the rules and what I was expected to do. Each time it was met with laughter.

"There are no rules." Alice insisted.

"No expectations. You're not here as a concubine. You're part of the family." Wil said.


"No buts." Alice put her hand over my mouth.

"The only thing you have to do is have fun.

And perhaps help me with the dusting. This place is too big for me."

Then she sniggered.

"I'll let you in on a secret. I do it naked sometimes.

I was thinking, if it's going to be the two of us, we could buy those sexy French maid outfits from Anne Summers. You can look at my arse when I bend over. What do you think?"

I laughed, realising just how much these two made me do that. Only a snigger or a giggle here and there. But it was so much more than I ever did otherwise.

"I will if you will." I answered.

Housework together. I think I finally started to accept that they truly meant for me to be treated as an equal.

That evening we went to bed together. The three of us without pretence. Without Wil and Alice having to cajole me, placate my hang-ups or ply me with drink. We just climbed into that big bed and fucked. And it was wonderful.

I sat back in the small tub chair with my feet up. In the silky gown that had slipped away from my legs, I felt sexy. I imagined I was one of those television personalities, lounging in a photoshoot of their home. And god knows this house was a match for anything I saw in Hello Magazine.

Outside it was a nice day. Autumn was coming but for now, the trees were still green and the sun warmed me through the glass. From here I could see the gardens with ease, and out over the fields behind. It was farmland. Most of it had recently been harvested. Sheep had been in the nearest field for a couple of weeks to eat down the remaining stalks and foliage. Then after ploughing, it'd been left to become a smooth, grass blanket on the land.

Sometimes in the evenings, I saw small deer out there. Hares and partridges were a common sights.

Soon the nights would draw in. Dark evenings that had I not moved here six months ago I would have spent sitting in my tiny flat, dwelling in my own thoughts.

I had a new life now. A pleasant one. A life I shared with two people who made me feel wanted. They took me to heights in the bedroom I had hardly imagined existed. And then we shared our days as true friends.

I sipped my coffee and reflected that for the first time in almost seven years, I didn't feel alone anymore.

Alice was the next to rise, appearing almost unnoticed behind me. She kissed my neck and put her hands inside my gown. She clasped my tits and squeezed til I shuddered.


That feels so nice."

"Good morning, Lucy.

Did I ever mention how much I love your big tits?"


I put my head back against her. I liked her hands on them.


It made me tingle every time.

"There's coffee in the pot. I brought it up on a tray." I said pointing over to the sideboard.

"Ooh. Darling."

She headed straight for it and I saw she was still naked. I watched the back of those long legs and the gentle sway of her tight little arse. So sweet. And I'd had so much fun with it the night before. I did most nights now.

Her back was slender and straight. A picture of perfection as she tipped the jug. I heard the coffee fill the cup before the stirring of milk and sugar. Then she turned and I got to see what I was waiting for. Those tits. Neat little teardrops with such rosy nipples. They weren't nearly as big as mine but the sight of them made me horny every day. I already wanted to suck them again.

"Lazybones is meeting clients today."

She indicated to the bed where Wil was still sleeping.

"So I thought we could go into town for lunch."

I smiled, glancing back at the window. It was sunny. Perhaps not as warm as it looked but wrapped up in a jacket it would be pleasant enough.

"Definitely. By the river?"

"Anywhere you like. Just us girls."

After six months, this was what I liked. Well, the sex as well, obviously. That was incredible. But now my days were spent with someone. People who cared for me and wanted my companionship. Generally, it was both of them. Occasionally, like today was going to be, just Alice. We were best friends. I hadn't had one of those since my school days. No. We'd become even more than that. Not just friends, or even lovers. We actually loved one another. All three of us.

Alice leaned on the furniture and crossed her ankles as she drank her coffee and I stared at her body. I was blessed to live with someone so beautiful.

But not just her. Snoozing in the big bed behind us was Wil. A perfect specimen of manhood. I'd ridden his cock until I was sore before we'd slept.

All these months and they still wanted my body as much as that first night in the hotel. The only thing that had changed was that they didn't need to get me drunk and I didn't have regrets after.

And we did go to the theatre with us on either side of him. And despite my qualms, it didn't feel weird at all. And neither did the sex anymore.

No. In a minute I'd wake Wil with my mouth around his cock and suck him dry before we all showered. And perhaps later, I'd have sex with just Alice if he was still busy. Yeah. Lunch and her sweet pussy for afternoon tea. Then if he didn't work late we'd share that big bed together as we did most nights.

My life was blissful. I lived in luxury with two beautiful, loving people. All of us happy. The demons never bothered me any more. I had everything I'd always craved. And more besides. It wasn't a conventional lifestyle but I couldn't imagine any other kind now.

"Who's gonna wake him?" Alice asked as she looked over at her still sleeping husband.

"Me or you?"

"We could do it together."

She smirked.

"Okay. Come on then."

In unison, we went to the bed and pulled the covers away trying not to disturb him. He was lying on his back still oblivious to us. His morning wood was pointing up. Nice and hard, twitching ever so slightly as whatever dreams he was having linked to it.

For a few moments, we both just admired it. Then Alice put her hand around his shaft and stroked it. I moved quickly, putting my lips over his crown as he stirred. I saw his eyes open and look down at us.

"Oh god. What a way to wake up."

I rolled my tongue around his crown and rode my lips back and forth as Alice lifted my hair away to watch.

"Isn't that mouth just so sweet." She said.

I moved aside, licking his shaft down to his balls as Alice replaced me on his nob.

"They both are." He smiled.

His head fell back onto the pillow as he widened his legs and lay there while we brought him to climax.

Wil took his car to the office mid-morning and we dressed for town. Alice had a little Audi we followed in a while later. Lunch by the river then we'd go shopping. I was never alone now. I had my best friends, my lovers to share everything with. No more sitting in Starbucks watching life pass me by. No lonely visits to a bar in the evening feeling a jealousy at all the couples or wondering why the singles never noticed me.

Life was perfect. And my head was full of happy thoughts. I suppose the darkness never truly goes away once it's there. It probably lurked somewhere deep in my psyche waiting for an opportunity. But it hadn't tormented me since I'd moved in. I'd never let it return. Never open the door to it again. I looked over at Alice, reminding myself how much I enjoyed being with her and Wil.

Where I'd feared I would just be some plaything for a rich couple, it hadn't been like that at all. We had love between us. It was equal and genuine. We talked about growing old together and I was more certain every day that we would.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I hadn't noticed I was so far away until Alice put her hand on my knee. We were coming up to the multi-storey.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about the future. Way in the future when we're old."

"Wil might have erectile dysfunction." She laughed.

"We'll have to put on shows together to help him get it up."

"Ha. Will seeing two old grannies with saggy tits be a help or a hindrance?"

"Can't speak for Wil. But I'll still want your tits even when they're on your knees."

I loved hearing how much they wanted me and I smiled again.

"I'd kiss you if you weren't driving."

"Later darling. Wil won't be home til late. I'm not sure I can wait that long to get the tingles. Might be all down to you today."

I felt my thighs clamping together tight.

"Can we have lunch before we talk about this? I don't want to be walking around with wet knickers all day."

"Ooh, darling. I love it when your knickers are all wet."

I squirmed.

"So does Wil. And you're both good at making me soak them. But can we save it for later?"

She laughed.

"Only if I can tie your hands to the bed."

I grinned.

"You can." I said.

We did play games. A little bondage. Sometimes role play. It wasn't always me that was restrained when the cuffs came out. We all took turns. I particularly liked torturing Wil's cock. There was something about a man who was kept on the edge of shooting his load but never quite allowed to. It always seemed an even bigger torment for him than it was for me or Alice. We both loved it when he begged.

She parked up and we walked out into the high street linked arm in arm. To the world, we were just two friends. To me that was important. That we were lovers as well was the icing on the cake. It was a glorious life. It was hard to believe I'd almost refused to allow it to happen.

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bogowobogowo4 months ago

Loved the story, couldn't stop reading.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I would like to have read more of this, but your punctuation is bordering on atrocious. Not just mistakes... downright irritating.

Sorry, 1 star, because you can't be arsed to get it right. I'm actually surprised this passed publication.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What an amazing story! Warm, heartfelt and sexy as hell! Beautiful job writing it.

NotHemingwayNotHemingway4 months ago

I couldn't wait to finish, to see where the story would go. The sign of great writing; congratulations, so well done.

ActingupActingup4 months ago

Lonely girl rescued by weathy vacuous couple. I’m not sure I buy it, although I’m normally a great fan of your writing. They’re moving her into their house and effectively isolating her from any chance of developing her independence and maturity. Housework and bondage sessions?

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