The Saltadora Ch. 05


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What the fuck...

Jolene then dropped the leash and departed, leaving Emily and Madison stunned about the coincidence. Just as Emily was wondering how to frame a question about it, Cassandra returned holding something small in the fingers of one hand and a large dildo in her other.

"Lean back and spread 'em, Emily," she instructed with a suggestive smile.

"Why? What are you gonna do?" Emily shuddered, sensing Dark Emily rising again within her at the thought of having another woman use a dildo on her in front of everyone present. "You're not going to stick that in me, are you?"

"Nope," Cassandra smirked. "You're gonna do it yourself, but first we gotta take care of something else."

"You're not gonna pierce me, are you?" Emily fretted, closing her legs in horror.

"Naw, girl, it's just rubber, see?" Cassandra held the small object up to Emily's gaze whilst simultaneously doing her best not to laugh out loud at the misinterpretation of her intentions. "Jesus, I wouldn't do that here anyway. We'll take you to a proper salon when that time comes. This here little thing is called a sheath, and it goes on your clit. You want some help putting it on, or you got it?"

"I-I can't touch my clit. It's too sensitive. It'll make me cum straight away," Emily protested.

"Pshh... no one is that sensitive," Cassandra scoffed.

"She is, trust her," Madison chimed in, alarmed at what seemed to be happening, knowing full well Emily's control issues in such circumstances.

"Don't freak out, girlfriend," Cassandra responded to Madison, noticing her bulging eyes which she interpreted as concern for her friend's autonomy and dignity. "No one's gonna be made to do nuthin they don't wanna. If she don't want to do this now, she don't have to, but I reckon she should, and so should you. You both got some learnin' to do and this is a good place to start."

"Human sexuality, particularly female sexuality, is something to be celebrated," Casey added, doing her best to tone down the alarm that Emily and Madison seemed to be beginning to display. Cassandra could be about as subtle as a sledgehammer at times. She was undoubtedly moving too fast with too much enthusiasm, which was frightening the girls. It warranted further explanation.

"That's what being a Crescent Girl is all about. There's no shame here. We like to show off our pussies and everything they can do."

"You sure you won't hurt me?" Emily asked, resigning herself to whatever lay in store, but also sensing Dark Emily beginning to make her presence felt. Her fears about being pierced had caused masses of adrenaline to course through her veins, and now the dildo was looking positively inviting. Not to mention the idea of masturbating in front of everyone voluntarily. How deliciously humiliating...

"Naw, girlfriend. It won't hurt," Cassandra assured her. "It's just a matter of gettin' this here sheath on your clitty and then seein' if you can still cum or not. It stops you gettin' girl boners or gettin' any direct contact to your clit. Some women still cum just fine with it on. For most it just makes it harder to cum, and some can't cum at all. If you can cum, it won't make you quite as suited for what Case has in mind for you, but if you can't, hey, maybe it helps you as well, if your clitty really is as sensitive as you say."

"Oh, it definitely is. Um... maybe it's worth a try then, Em?" Madison suggested.

"Um... okay, let me try to get it on then," Emily agreed, reminding herself that this world they were stuck in was temporary, as was whatever was about to happen, so she could allow Dark Emily free rein for a while. She wanted nothing more than to get the dildo inside her, and apparently putting the sheath on was the way for that to happen, so she took it from Cassandra's hand.

"How does it work?"

"You just roll it on like you roll a condom onto a dick," Cassandra advised. "Once you get it started, it'll suck itself onto you nice and tight."

Emily placed both hands on her genitals as she spread wide, parting her labia, and pulling her clit hood back while pushing down to expose the tiny organ. However, the instant the sheath made contact, she exploded in orgasm and her legs clapped shut.

"Jesus, you didn't even get it started," Cassandra exclaimed in surprise. "Give it here then. It looks like you're gonna need some help."

Cassandra fared no better, with Emily once again cumming the moment contact was made with her clitoris.

"Fucksake," Cassandra breathed in frustration. "Maybe you were right about bein' sensitive. I ain't never seen anything like this. Um... we might have to hold you down. You okay with that?"

Emily nervously nodded her assent, panting deeply as Dark Emily took over, loving every moment of what was happening. Cassandra gestured to Casey and Madison to help, then Cassandra positioned herself kneeling between Emily's legs. She used her body to prevent Emily closing them, while Casey held Emily's arms. Madison, meanwhile, held one of Emily's thighs while pressing down on her abdomen.

"Okay, we all ready? Emily, you good?" Cassandra asked. Then before waiting on a reply, she quickly pressed the object onto Emily's clit. Emily bucked as yet another orgasm threatened to overcome her, but then, like an interrupted sneeze, the sensation suddenly stopped. It was frustrating, but at the same time it was a moment of hope. Emily gazed up at the faces above her frozen in anticipation.

"I-I can't feel a thing," she gasped before allowing her fingers to traverse to her clit, something she had learnt to avoid ever since the genital enhancement therapy. While there was a dull sensation of pressure as her fingers made contact, it was otherwise completely numb.

"Fuckin' awesome," Cassandra exclaimed. "Now let's test it out. Grab that big dildo and stick it on your chair. You watch this too, Madison, you'll get your turn in a minute. Emily, I want you to sit down on it but try and do it in a way that shows off everything you got between your legs. You're a woman and pussy-proud. Spread 'em wide and look at your audience. You're performin' for us, like you would for your webcam subs or in a photoshoot. Remember, people are gonna be paying to see it, and you wanna give 'em their money's worth."

Dark Emily was very much in control now, so Emily had no difficulties obeying the request. She was also curious to experience what it would feel like with her clit captive. The physical sensation along with the thought of what she must look like added an element of excitement. Slowly, she positioned herself above the dildo on her chair and lowered herself down onto it, feeling her pussy stretching as the large plastic phallus made its way inside. Nothing. While it felt pleasant enough, it wasn't increasing her physical arousal. Her mental arousal on the other hand was through the roof. She began pistoning up and down, gyrating her hips in an attempt to feel more.

"You got it, girlfriend. You're a natural," Cassandra praised before turning to Madison. "Okay, let's leave her to that for a while and see if she can get herself off. In the meantime, you wanna try the same?"

"Sure, yeah, I don't mind if I do," Madison smiled, her eyes shining with excitement at the idea. Watching Emily impaling herself on the dildo was more than a little arousing for her, and she had few qualms about anyone watching her engaged in sex after more than a decade in the Earth 2 environment.

"Hell yeah," Cassandra responded, giving Madison a high five. "Case, you wanna grab another dildo from the stock? I shoulda brought two but I wasn't thinkin'."

"Yep, I'll go get one," Casey agreed. "See if you can get the sheath onto her in the meantime."

"Um... I might need some help," Madison decided after attempting to get the sheath onto her clit without success. "It's a bit awkward."

"Yeah, I got you, girl," Cassandra replied before kneeling between Madison's knees and opening her up with her fingers. "Oh my, what a cute little fella you got here."

Moments later, Madison felt the device snap into place and was immediately overwhelmed with a curious sensation.

"It feels kind of tight," she commented.

"It's supposed to be," Cassandra replied. "Think you can cum?"

"I'm not sure..." Madison answered honestly.

"Let's find out then. Here's Case back with your dildo. Same as for Emily. Squat down on it and make sure you spread 'em wide and show us what you got."

Moments later, both Casey and Cassandra stood back watching Emily and Madison attempting to get themselves off while fucking the huge dildos stuck to their chairs.

"Fuck me, Case. I'm getting' a bit hot and bothered watchin' these two," Cassandra commented. "They're quite the find. I don't think I've ever seen two newbies go off like these two so soon. Fuckin' naturals."

"Yes, it's getting to me a bit too, Cass," Casey agreed. "I can probably free up some time if you want to meet upstairs in a while."

"My oath I do," Cassandra solemnly nodded. "If you didn't wanna, I might have to grab a dildo and join these two."

"Maybe you should anyway?" Casey urged. "It's been a while since I've seen you performing."

"Maybe we both do that upstairs then?" Cassandra suggested. "Fuckin' hell. I don't know how much longer I can wait."

"I feel you," Casey nodded. "Say, what do you think of Emily? She's been banging away at that thing for ages now and no sign of cumming. Do you think she has what it takes to knock Jolene off?"

"I reckon she has, Case," Cassandra responded. "She's fit as a fiddle, check those abs out, and the sheath seems to be totally working on her."

"Yes, she seems perfect. Definitely a red collar for her. I'll give her a run on the weekend," Casey decided. "She should make a good PA for me as well."

"'bout time you got one," Cassandra agreed. "You've been burnin' the candle at both ends for way too long."

"Oh God," Madison suddenly called out as her legs began trembling. "Oh Jesus, is this serious? Ooohh!"

"Well, no red collar for that one," Cassandra commented.

"No," Casey conceded. "She wants to do sex work anyway."

"More power to her," Cassandra grinned. "I guess we'll see how she goes in the black collar league then."

"What the fuck was that?" Madison asked as her legs finally stopped shaking. I don't think I've ever felt an orgasm like that one."

"You probably just had a vaginal orgasm," Casey casually informed her. "Some women are capable of them but most need at least some clitoral stimulation or they can't cum. Either that, or the restriction of the sheath just made it feel different."

"Is that what this is about?" Madison questioned. "You wanna see if we can cum with our clitties taken out of the picture? What the fuck for?"

"You'll see in due course," Casey replied with a wink. "For now, you can tell your friend to stop. It's pretty obvious she's not going to be able to cum."

"Jesus, fuck," Madison cried as she turned to Emily and saw she was now lathered in sweat with her hair plastered all over her face. "Em, it's time to quit."

"Get_this_fuckin'_thing_off_me," Emily panted in between thrusts. "I_need_to_fuckin'_cum!"

"Oh God, help the woman out, Madison," Cassandra gasped. "Just get her to lay back, and the sheath should roll right off her once you get it started."

Madison had no sooner followed Cassandra's instruction when Emily instantly came as her clitoris once again was allowed contact. The relief was profound and overwhelming.

"Oh my God, thanks, Mads! I totally needed that," she breathed.

"Obviously," Madison nodded. "I thought your head was gonna pop off for a moment there."

"How would you feel about that being more or less permanent and only I can unlock you?" Casey asked Emily. "I was going to take you to the piercing salon tomorrow, but we can wait if you want some time to think about it."

"Um... you know what, while it's agony when you want to cum but you can't, the upside for me is that I won't cum when I don't want to either. That's been a problem for me," Emily explained. "Um... if you're sure it won't hurt, I'm willing to give it a try."

The idea of consenting to such a piercing shocked Emily at first, but after the experience with the sheath, she considered that it might possibly be a solution, and a far better one than having her hands restrained. There was also the fact that every girl she had seen in this place had a clit piercing, so it was somewhat normalised in her mind already and she was mentally prepared for it. Besides, she knew no piercing could survive a jump with the hypon, so whether or not she could remove it wouldn't be a problem for very long. Plus, the piercings were small, so they wouldn't take long to close up once the jewellery was removed. Unlike the crescent tattoo on her wrist, which would now be a permanent reminder of her time in this world.

However, the strongest argument for it was that her pulse was quickening at the thought of it. Having her clit under someone else's control was triggering her masochism kink in no uncertain terms. It would be like the collar and cuffs experience, but stronger. Her hands would be free, but her clit would be captive. She had a sense of what Katia and Greg got out of it now. It gave their keyholders actual control over them, and that was both terrifying and completely delicious. Plus, the jewellery was impossible to hide, and the sight of it would make it immediately obvious to everyone that she was someone's bitch.

"Good girl," Casey praised. "I've got big plans for you, Emily, and I'm sure you're going to make me proud. You too, Madison, but in a different way. Okay, just take it easy for the rest of the day. Feel free to wander around and explore. The guests shouldn't bother you since you're not wearing collars, but if any do, then just signal one of the others. Save up any questions and we'll get together and discuss it. In the meantime, Cass and I have an urgent appointment, so we'll leave you to it."

"What about her?" Madison asked, gesturing to Katia still squatting at the wall.

"Jolene should be back in a few minutes to get her," Cassandra responded before turning to Casey. "You reckon Jolene would have time?"

"Time for what?" Jolene asked as she re-entered the room.

"To show these two around for a bit and answer any questions they got," Cassandra replied.

"Why, where are you going?' Jolene frowned.

"Case and I have an appointment."

Jolene huffed for a moment, before looking up. "Sure, okay then. I didn't have much on for the rest of today anyway."

"Thanks, Jo," Cassandra responded before smiling wickedly at Casey and gesturing towards the elevator.

Once they had left, Jolene rolled her eyes and turned to Emily and Madison. "They're going to fuck, aren't they? I'm a bit slow on the uptake today. Never mind, come with me."

Seeing Jolene again, Emily was once again bugged by the same sensation of familiarity. "Have we met before, Jolene?"

Jolene turned and scrutinised Emily's face for a few moments before answering. "I don't think so, and I'm sure I'd remember a face like yours. You are a pretty one, aren't you."

Emily blushed at Jolene's compliment and her obvious interest in her. She was also a little daunted by her and was now embarrassed for having asked the question. It was obvious from Jolene's reaction that they had never met.

"It's probably nothing, you might just remind me of an actress I saw once or something like that."

"Probably," Jolene shrugged before turning towards the room's exit with Katia in tow on the leash and Emily and Madison not far behind.

She then led them back out into the foyer and the reception desk, before a most curious development occurred. She walked straight up to the girl behind the desk and said, "Present, Tess." The girl immediately adopted the 'Present' position, with her feet shoulder width apart and her hands behind her back, exactly the same as the Earth 2 command. Emily and Madison immediately did a double-take and stared at each other in astonishment.

Jolene then introduced them to Tess before asking her to explain a little about the concierge position she was currently filling. They then moved on to various bars and the poolside. Each time Jolene addressed one of the staff, she asked them to Present first. The coincidence became too much for Emily.

"Where did that come from?" she asked as they moved on to the next location.

"Where did what come from?" Jolene asked back, seemingly with no idea of what Emily was talking about.

"Asking them to present like that," Emily clarified.

"Oh that, it's nice, right? The guests love it. It was my idea, along with making Kat sit on command. A few of the other pet owners are doing it now too."

"But where did you get the idea if you don't mind me asking? You don't think it's demeaning?"

"Not at all. Having the girls present to me is no different than the military asking soldiers to stand at attention. It commands respect, and it gives me and the guests a chance to inspect the troops, as it were." Jolene explained. "I'll admit, making Kat sit is demeaning, but then it's supposed to be. She gets off on that kind of thing, and I get off on making her do it, and seeing her obey without question."

Like her sister, Jolene also obviously had no qualms about revealing her sexual kinks, or perhaps everyone was like that here. After first getting turned on while watching Emily and Madison, Cassandra had also openly suggested to Casey in front of everyone that they should watch each other using dildos on chairs, and then had gone off to do it. Greg too had happily confessed his kink for orgasm denial. Perhaps they all adhered to the ethos that Casey had mentioned; that human sexuality was something to be celebrated, not hidden.

"Do we have to do that too?" Madison chipped in. "The 'present' one, I mean."

"Yes, you do," Jolene answered emphatically. "I do too if a guest asks me to. Do you need another demo? I can get Kat to do it for you if you like."

"Um... no, that's fine. I think we've got it," Madison replied while doing her best not to laugh out loud at the idea of having to be shown how to perform the 'Present' command.

Later in their bedrooms, Emily and Madison couldn't help but discuss all the similarities between the Crescent and Earth 2. The collars, the commands, well two of them at least, the lack of pubic hair, and even the women's quarters. Earth 2 women also stayed in segregated quarters away from men. It seemed too much of a coincidence to be just coincidence, but that was the only thing they could put it down to.

The other part they discussed was what they would have to face in the coming day. Wearing butt-plugs, wearing collars again, losing their pubes permanently, and receiving piercings. While having made her peace with losing her pubes, Emily was still in two minds about her piercing. Not cumming accidentally if she moved the wrong way was something she looked forward to. On the other hand, she wasn't sure how she felt about extended orgasm denial, no matter how much Katia and Greg seemed to enjoy it. Another concern was just what Casey had planned for her. She had heard talk of using her to beat Jolene somehow, there was mention of being Casey's PA, and the tests with the sheaths had been for some reason Casey and Cassandra hadn't revealed in any detail. They only mentioned that women who couldn't orgasm while wearing the sheath made them suitable, while women who could cum were less suitable. Suitable for what exactly? Being kept on a leash as a pet like Katia? Oh God, how would she keep Dark Emily at bay in that event? It was bad enough being stuck naked again, let alone being treated like a dog...

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loving the foreshadowing timetravel hints ….

“The sit command”… also connecting it to not know origins of “the master” this might become the predestination paradox … just too many possibilities!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Awesome, glad it is back!

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