This Conversation Never Happened

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A misunderstanding between a cheating couple.
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Another little story, with another happy ending, plucked, almost unbelievably, from the depths of pain and despair. Well, something like that!

No vivid sex ---- Sorry about that.


"Where's that order for the packaging?" I demanded. "I need to check the delivery date."

""I passed it to Mandy," my right hand man Ted, answered back, without lifting his eyes from the computer screen in front of him.

"Can you find it for me please?" I queried, looking over at the delectable Mandy, five foot six of beautiful packaged womanhood, her long dark hair falling about her face as she rummaged in her in-tray, searching for the required document. As always, she looked quite stunning stood there in her tight, dark blue mini skirt, a mile and a half of long shapely legs emerging, ending in the matching blue high heels that she wore.

Mandy always matched up, no matter what she wore. I knew that the frilly satin bra that poked seductively through the one too many buttons left undone on her blouse, would be matched by a tiny pair of equally satiny panties. I knew, because only a short few hours ago I'd helped to pull them up those same sexy long legs. Just as I'd helped her on with the very same bra. I don't suppose my assistance helped speed up the process much, in fact quite the opposite, but she hadn't complained and I had no reason to. I still thanked God for the day that Mandy had quite literally walked into my life.

The grin left my face as the telephone rang. It could be an order, but was just as likely to be a problem.

"Good morning," I answered into the mouthpiece. "Michael here; how can I help you?"

"Oh Michael now is it?" The agitated voice at the other end of Lord knows how many miles of copper wire responded, to my surprise. "Don't be such a pompous bastard, Mike, and don't think I don't know what you've been up to."

"What I've been up to?" I mumbled back, totally stunned by the anger of the woman.

"Yes my dear sweet husband, or maybe ex husband to be," she thundered on. "I know you've been with that slut last night. Don't think that I was fooled by your story about having to spend the night in Manchester."

"Now look here," I started back at her. "I don't think .... That is, I don't ...... Well ....."

I was lost for words!

To be honest, and I think you'll agree, so would you have been. Crikey, what do you say? How was I to answer?

If I hadn't been so shocked then I'd probably have managed the situation better, but as it was, I simply sat there holding the phone, lost for words.

"Got nothing to say for yourself Mike?" She took up the baton again. "Lost for words are you? No ready excuses? Not even going to try to deny it?"

I managed a grunt. It was supposed to be a response. Some sort of explanation I suppose, but all that came out was a grunt.

"Well if you think I've been sitting at home twiddling my thumbs while you've been away screwing that whore, then you've got another think coming," she hit me with. "You remember that fireman from the club that I danced with the other night?"

"Can't say I do," I answered quite honestly.

"The big hunky guy with the muscles and the blonde hair," she attempted to jog my memory with. "The one you got upset about because he had his hand on my ass when we danced?"

"What about him," I sort of encouraged her; really having no idea who she was on about, and probably rather stupidly wanting to know what she'd done with him.

"Well you were probably too pissed by the end of the evening to remember much anyway," she screeched down the phone at me. "Probably too pissed to know that me and him disappeared outside to the car park for twenty minutes, and too pissed to notice that my bra was missing when I got back."

"Now look here," I started back at her, thinking that this had gone on far enough already, more than aware that the other two people in the office with me were sat there listening in, with stunned looks on their faces. It was only then that I realised that I'd left the hands free switched on, and the pair of them could hear every word that had been spoken. By the time I'd reached over to switch the speakers off though, it was too late, and she'd got into her stride yet again.

"Well the other night, all he got was to feel my tits and that was only because you were all over that floozy. Well last night while you were supposed to be in Manchester, I invited him over for the night."

"Oh dear!"

I couldn't say much more, as I could see where this was going.

"He fucked me Mike," she cried down the phone. "He fucked me for three hours solid and I sucked his cock till he couldn't get it up again."

"Oh dear!

Yes, OK, I was repeating myself.

"He was bigger than you Mike," she then hit me with. "He must have been nearly seven inches long."

"That's not bigger than me," I leapt to my own defence automatically. "Mine's a tad more than seven inches."

"In your dreams husband of mine," she laughed back at me. "In your dreams."

"Now look, I think you should know....." I tried to get a word in edgewise again, but the damn woman was on a roll, and couldn't be stopped.

"I should know what Mike?" She screamed. "I had you followed you stupid idiot. I've got photos."


"Yes photos," she carried on angrily. "I've got a transcript of the things you said. I know you both agreed to break it off after last night, and I know that you told her you loved me too much to carry on. But it's too late you idiot. I've let another man fuck me in our marriage bed."

"Oh dear!"

Ok, I was getting boring.

"Why did you do it Mike?" she went on, her voice hardly discernable as she started to cry. "Why, when we both love one another so much, did you do it?"

"Why did you get your revenge the way you did?" I asked calmly, wanting her to think about what she'd done herself."

"I don't know honey," she cried pitifully into the phone. "I didn't know what I was doing. I love you Mike more than life itself and I know that you love me. Oh God, how did we get into this situation? What are we going to do Mike? What on earth are we going to do?"

Damn good question!

It was at that point that I decided to throw caution to the wind and take a risk. A risk that perhaps I had no right to take, but one, that given a good slice of luck could just work.

"Honey," I said to her gently, though it felt somehow strange in the circumstances. "How about we try to forget what we both know? How about if we pretend none of this happened?"

"Do you think we could," she whimpered back to me, sniffing aloud as no doubt the tears ran down her cheeks. "D'you think we could get over this?"

"We can only try honey," I spoke back, the emotion getting to me as well. "If we both try, and never ever mention to each other how we both slipped up."

"I'll try Mike," she sniffled back. "I'll try hard."

"Good," I said. "And this conversation --- It never happened --- OK?"

"It never happened," she repeated, the whole tone of her voice more upbeat than previously. "I'll never mention it."

"That's my girl," I congratulated her.

"What time will you be home Mike?"

"Oh .... The usual time honey," I replied. "Why don't you go and freshen yourself up. I don't want you to be looking miserable later on."

"I will Mike, I will," she promised me.

"Why don't you go out and buy yourself something new to greet your hard working husband home with? Something sexy perhaps?"

"How about a new bra and panties," she responded, suddenly sounding much more happy.

"Just bra and panties?" I couldn't resist pushing it.

"And high heels," she giggled giddily. "You like me in high heels."

"High heels and just the panties would be even better, I think," I cheekily suggested.

"High heels and panties it is my dearest one. I feel so much better now."

"Don't forget honey," I started to end the conversation. "This conversation never happened."

"So me greeting you at the door in just my high heels and panties will come as a surprise to you then, if we never had this conversation."

"A complete surprise honey," I confirmed. "A wonderful, wonderful surprise."

"I love you," she whispered to me down the phone. "You're the most wonderful man really."


I sat there trying to regulate my breathing, my hand still on the phone where I'd just replaced it. Eventually I looked up at Ted and Mandy, who were still sat there with stunned looks on their faces.

I tried to smile, but found it difficult.

I tried to say something, but it wouldn't come out.

Eventually it was Ted that broke the silence.

"Who the fuck was that Michael?"

"I'm not sure," I replied, my head still spinning. "I guess it must have been a wrong number."

"I always knew my husband was a pretty smart guy," Mandy joined in. "But Michael, honey, how on earth did you come up with that solution. How could you get away with that?"

"I don't know Mandy," I grinned back at my beautiful wife. "But I do hope it works out for them."

"So do I," Mandy agreed with me.

"Whoever they are," threw in Ted.


Half way through the afternoon, Mandy announced that she was finished for the day, had some shopping to do, and would see me at home later.

"New underwear?" I questioned her with a cheeky grin.

"No," she laughed back at me. "A new pair of sexy, red, four inch high heels."

"No new bra?"

"Won't need one," she retorted.

"No new panties?" I smiled in anticipation.

"Not unless you insist."

"Fine with me," I groaned, eh .... Adjusting myself. "Surprise me."

"Oh I will lover," Mandy, my gorgeous wife Mandy whispered to me. "I'll surprise you alright, and don't forget."

"Forget what?" I queried.

"This conversation never happened."


Did I catch any of you out again?

Either way, I really enjoyed writing this little story, and hope you enjoyed it to, and look forward to you letting me know.

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Calico75Calico752 months ago

So unexpected and fun!

ibuguseribuguser5 months ago

Haha, good one.

MattblackUKMattblackUKalmost 2 years ago

Misdirection on a fairground roundabout! Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Totally unexpected and Loved it. What a great imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Ha Ha!!!

I figured were it was going about mid way. Very funny!

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