All Comments on 'To Love a Stray Ch. 11 Pt. 02'

by Mygypsy

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mrpervy46mrpervy46about 12 years ago
A long Wait

That was a long wait. I could understand Wade being angry, but the punishment was way out of line, that was little more than rape. Edwin should be killed for what he did. To bad a pack of were-wolverines couldn't get him and gut him like the pig he is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

i can understand her being punished but i seriously want to read about Edwin being brutally killed otherwise there will be no justice whatsoever in this story after what she has already been through

wildsoulwildsoulabout 12 years ago

rape? seriously?! That is a 'punishment'? tck, that's more like a !@#+*& crime!!!! I'm so mad. I official hate wade. I don't give a crap about how endanger the person may put the whole group in danger but allowing rape as a punishment is unacceptable. I understand maybe a beat down, spanking, locking up, of whatever sort would have been a lot better. I don't know how she can trust the males at all. I mean, couldn't her brothers helped her at all? I would never stand if that happen to one of my brother or sister. Her so called father is an ass. I just cannot stand his interactions with the group. I'm just so upset of how she is treated and the shit that she took. I get it, she's a stray that needs to learn the way of the cats but honestly, that take time. Anyways, thanks for updating!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
happy to see this

chapter but so unhappy with what happened to Rosy.Wade is a heartless so and so.There is no mention of Rosy saving Jazzy's life.Hope Edwin get what's coming to him.Love your writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I cannot understand why you wrote this. I was anxiously waiting for you to update and now I am wishing I hadn't read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
wat the fuck??????

i cried 4 times reading this chapter......... wat the fuck are u doing????????? can u not give the heroine her own saviour and prince charming who will protect her against the world.......... if i was her i would have definately left them or killed myself.......... wade sucks....... micah no less.......... her brothers are hopeless............ u have practically made her a breeding slave............ how can she love her own kids right now forced as they were on her........... wat the fuck man????????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

someone kill wade.............he ll only understand wen smthing similar happens to his DAUGHTER....

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeabout 12 years ago
Never saw that coming!

But it was a masterful stroke.

Just think how boring stories about perfect people would be. If you can always anticipate what's happening next, what's the point to reading the tale, anyway? This awful move by Wade has pulled all the characters we care about together and enriched the plot.

I had thought that we were rid of Edwin, but I can see that he'll be with us to the end.

It continues to be a wild ride!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Totally floored - in a bad way

I wait all these months only to end up where the story started: Rosy forced in a cage and raped and pregnant. This was such a disappointment that I couldn't even enjoy what I had been waiting through TWO stories to finally see, Rosy willingly accepting Micah. I know from your earlier story of Sky and Ren that you aren't shy about repeated rapes and the good guys standing by doing nothing, but surely you know that after having readers wait all these months that Rosy's repeat rape would make many us angry and disappointed. I'll keep reading to see what the "method to your madness " will be, but i can't imagine anything recapturing my prior enthusiasm. Only once have I given one of your stories less than 5 stars, and that was to give the first chapter of Stolen a 4. I can't even rate this chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Disappointing chapter

As others have commented, the rape and imprisonment are abhorrent and a real turn-off for most of us readers.

The writing in this chapter is not up to your usual standards - there are several pieces of repeated text and confusing transitions. Please find a competent editor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I just don't know what to say. I have waited so long for this chapter and now I wish you had just let Jazzy die instead of torturing Rosie even more. I hope we see another chapter soon that allows Rosie to finally be happy and safe. Otherwise I have lost all interest in this story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Are you a man...

... or simply sadistic.... Rosy should shoot the whole lot of them ... Micah included... Why would you write like this? I think you are severely damaged mentally, is it because you hate women and write stories to break their spirits ... what an unwanted pregnancy.. hope she miscarries.... you're just sick

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Does Wade have some sort of brain damage? He decides she's guilty of being too protective of Jazzy and therefore sentences her to be raped and impregnated with another child who she'll no doubt be forced to protect when everyone ignores her, guaranteeing that she'll be punished and raped yet again. Endless circle of stupid. Corruption may be forgivable in a leader, but stupidity is not. Kill him and Edwin off in the most painful way you can come up with, please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I am shocked to say the least. Please let the Toms kill Wade and Edwin. Brutally. They deserve it. She saved the clan daughter and is rewarded with rape. She has miscarried b4. I seriously pray this pregnancy is lost. Further punishment is having to carry a rapists baby and deliver it. She deserves some happiness. Getting rid of the rape baby is justified. Innocent child yes. But rapists shouldnt be allowed to breed. Clear the way for Micah to give her a child she will love. Sounds harsh but I can see she deserves better than to be strapped down and have her body ruined and be chained to care for a rape baby.

crlockecrlockeabout 12 years ago
Very disapointed

As a woman who has had to deal with the violence of rape before I am repulsed by the continuing torture of Rosy and lack of punishment upon those responsible. I saw this piece as a chance for a victim of violence to triumph. I will not be choosing to read this storyline any longer. I have only two options, to read or not to read and I will always choose to not read stories that are based on violent acts of non-consent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I don't think i can continue reading. The story is ruined for me. The baby shouldn't have happened and Edwin can go kill himself. Seems Wade hates/dislikes Micah and has always been rooting for Edwin. I hope Wade gets killed by Micah.

shytxgrlshytxgrlabout 12 years ago

I have never hated a fictional character as I do Wade right now. Edwin needs to be dropped off of a cliff and poor Rosy. I made the mistake of reading this at work. Crying about Rosy abd answering the phones at the same time doesn't work very well. I only hope the next chapter finds Rosy more in control of herself and able to put Wade in some place since She Kits are supposed to be special and not treated like trash.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Please stop writing, this chapter was a horror. I know I certainly will not read another word from you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I don't understand how rose can harbor no ill feelings towards Marissa. Rosie saved her daughter, then she let Rosie get raped. She could have slipped her some birth control, or let her out in the middle of the night. Instead she did nothing. What a way to say thank you! Why isn't any one recognizing that Jazzy would be dead. I feel like everyone else here, disappointed with this chapter...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Wade and Edwin should be shot! Micah and the others should AT LEAST be allowed to kill them for Rosy's rape and punishment which she did not deserve. Poor Rosy, but thankfully she has Micah and her brothers, her father's no better than Wade and Edwin. I agree that Rosy has had a very unlucky streak but it suits the story although she really deserves more happiness with Micah, her brothers and the others. I really enjoy this story (apart from the horrors that Rosy faces constantly) and i would like to see it continued but with a more luck-filled and happy atmosphere!

KT x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
To the others who commented...

Okay all ready! So Wade is a total control freak who clearly hates Rosy for some reason, and Edwin needs to be gutted, beheaded, revived, castrated, fed through some kind of mincer... need I say more?

Finally we are seeing how the Toms can be supportive of Rosy.

Her brothers are stepping up to support her.

And Micah ... heaven help Wade if he does another thing to harm Rosy.

As for Rosy, she is so strong, can she somehow turn this set back into a plus?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Keep writing PLEASE!!!!

This story is emotionally conflicting as it brings out some unwanted feelings. But just like any good story it should make the reader feel and for that reason I love this story. Please don’t stop writing just because some people can’t read a good story when it is right in front of them (air heads). This chapter is horrific and I feel for Rosy and the other characters but please don’t end this potentially fantastic story like this. Keep writing PLEASE!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Reading this story got me stressed. That is good because at least the story evokes reactions, good and bad. I hope the next episode comes soon. As a woman I still hope for a happy end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Don't stop writing because of critics!!

Although I was thoroughly shocked at this chapter I don't think it could have gone any other way without it being boring an uninteresting!!

PLEASE allow Wade and Edwin to be destroyed! Tortured, beaten, caged, castrated, forced to do something unwillingly and finally, someone cut their bloomin' heads off!! Their treatment of Rosy deserves some hardcore punishment and her father should be more supportive!

Please keep it coming with new chapters! Oh and please give Rosy something good!!!

orionsdemiseorionsdemiseabout 12 years ago

Not the chapter but the characters. Wade is a disgusting piece of shit. Words cannot describe hiw much I despise him and Baxter and edwin at this point. In all honeaty i can't abide by any of the males. Or the women. The women are spineless to not stop such a degrading and wrong act to happen. That was rape. The only thing I want is for all the characters to stand up for what's right. Honor duty and resect anyonr? But as an author I would say be proud. Your writings great I just despise your characters, as I'm sure you wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This chapter was terrible. I hate that you wrote in the rape scene... it was completely ridiculous and definitely cruel. I didn't care when you stopped posting but this you honestly have a perverted mind and are in dire need of a psychologist.

pleasureseeker5pleasureseeker5about 12 years ago
Total hypocrites

The clan talks about putting the well-being of females first, but this chapter illustrates what is really going on. Females are pieces of property who are treated like helpless children, must submit to males--or else!--and have no say in their own lives. Rosie put herself on the line in order to save Jazzy, and is rewarded for it by imprisonment, rape, and an unwanted pregnancy. What started out as a great story has devolved into a a horror show.

ShadowsungShadowsungabout 12 years ago

I am so glad that this story is continuing! Yes what happened to Rosy was horrible but something bad had to happen and now our hatred of Wade and Edwin is secured and no remorse felt for any comeuppance forthcomings against them.

I totally adore this story and can't wait to read more! Don't let the haters get you down, the story isn't finished yet!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Miscarry the babies

I don't care how harsh that sounds but kill the babies. This is the second time Rosy has had to carry babies of a rapist. Kill the bastards just like the first time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
so glad ur back

So glad ur back! Don't worry about all the "critics" just keep letting your characters develop as they will! This is your story and its wonderful through the good times and the bad! If people don't like it they have the option to not read it! Keep up the phenomenal work! Thanks for sharing your story and for caring enough about your characters to come back to them!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I'd have to challenge wade nothing warrants that outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Gotta say, completely hate Edwin and Wade now, I agree I hope the babies die but I can't wait to see where you take the story! you have incredible skills!

AngelePoemAngelePoemabout 12 years ago

I've read this story from the beginning and it showed promise at that time. As the author you've continuously stressed how protected and loved she-kitts are supposed to be, but your heroine has had to deal with abuse not just from the predators who kidnapped her and raped her but now her so-called protectors as well. The culture of the werecats seems incidental in only that it is being used as a plot device to excuse her rapes and forced pregnancies.

Rosy as a character is also quite unrealistic. Here you have a woman, who is a werecat, but a woman first and foremost, being continually abused and victimized. Yet after a few good meals and some cuddling from the toms who have befriended her and her psyche is already on the mend? It's too easy, the wrap up of Wade's actions and the others are too clean.

If Micah and the others are so protective of Rosy, why did they allow that to happen to her in the first place? Clearly there is dissent in Wade's ranks regarding his decision to imprison and have her impregnated. Being an Alpha shouldn't excuse the actions of a bully, which brings me back to Micah. He is no better than Wade, forcing his scent on Rosy. She needs psychological help, not more false promises.

Also, incidentally, what is so wrong with a being a stray? If you ask me, Rosy was right to try and live on her own. At least she was her own person and not a means to create the next generation of ungrateful, selfish and abusive toms.

pmpktypmpktyabout 12 years ago

I'm glad you continued the story but it kind of sucks the direction it took. She was raped again and now shes pregnant again. I know a punishment was needed but damn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Thanks for the update

But I have to admit that I did shed a few tears while reading this.


I did not expect that to be the punishment at all.

I do feel a little foolish for tearing up at certain parts of this story.

I felt sickened to the core about what happened to Rosie.

Can't that girl catch a break?

You are one of my favourite authors from this site.

Thanks so much for taking the time and giving us an update.

dliterdliterabout 12 years ago
This direction sucks big time!

For her to be put through this hell because Wade can't say thanks for saving his daughter is inexcusable. There is no reason it had to take this direction. It is time that Wade step aside for someone who knows how to lead without trying to beat someone into following him. That or it is time for Micah to take Rosey and leave the pack. They can start on their own somewhere else.

catman71catman71about 12 years ago
a reckoning is coming

i think wade is in for a rude surprise, he and edwin are going to find out what happens when you push a group to far, Micah can and probably will remove wade from his alpha position, and edwin will become a corpse , i think Micah has realized the flaws to clan life and is going to set out to fix them, and ray is going to be a problem as well, but i think his sons will deal with that

kitty5670kitty5670about 12 years ago
I do love this story.

I hope you continue. I love this story and have been so anxious to see this chapter. I must agree with some of the other commenters. It was a shocking twist. I hated the rape but it did allow us to see Wade & Edwin's true colors. I can't wait until Jazzy finds out how much daddy loves her. So much that he makes Edwin (not really makes, the jerk wanted to) rape her and now she's carrying a rape baby. Please let there be a royal reckoning - and Marissa should pay too. She stood by and watched it happen. So much for the clans talk of protecting she-kitts. At this point, I think every She-kitt in the area should go on strike. They are nothing but breeding stock in the eyes of the males. I'm hopeful this pregnancy will NOT go forward. She has lost babies before and I really hope the same thing happens here. I agree with a previous comment that being forced to carry a rape baby would be too much for her. Wipe the slate clean please. Let Wade and Edwin pay the ultimate cost and let her lose the little monster growing inside her. If it came from Edwin, it won't be good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
What an awful danged shame!

I've read this and Enter the Cat VORACIOUSLY from the beginning, with an open and eager mind. But after this chapter, I'm done.

wade is nothing more than a gutless, heartless bastard without conscious parading around as an Alpha while his son Micah and all the other toms do all the work of an Alpha. JezUS! Donovan has more going for him than wade or even Micah for that matter! edwin is just a mass of wasted space and energy.

What wade forced on Rosy was far worse than what she went through with the lawless strays. I'm disgusted and heartsick at wade's self centered evilness; marissa's passive/submissive attitude at THIS point when she has clearly stepped in to calm and reason with her mate in the past; and everyone's general happiness and cheeriness in the face of the mental, spiritual and physical torture and rape of a she-kitt that is supposed to be a precious treasure and treated as such by the oh so civilized clan. There was nothing civilized or clannish about what wade did. NOTHING to show he was thinking of the good of the clan - or does that NOT have meaning to werecats??

Why didn't anyone tell Ray that wade set it up his firstborne dickwad could rape Rosy? Rosy sure could have - but didn't. People were there that would have listened to her, protected her from any recriminations from wade if she did speak up. Instead, everyone wants to harp on Rosy's crimes, including her so called father - yet Jazzy is off enjoying a nice holiday . . . thanks to Rosy's putting her life on the line for her. If not for Rosy, there would BE no Jazzy - no future "queen" for the clan. And she wants to STAY where the evil tyrannical dick-tator can order/command any atrocity he wants done to her??? It makes no sense - it doesn't add up. Rosy'd have been better off alone, I swear. SMH

I enjoyed the stories and the telling up to this point. The story took a tragic turn, and, unless this was all a horrible nightmare Rosy had when she fell alseep on Micah's shoulder, I'm afraid it holds no more interest for me. Such a shame ;(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
This really sucks!

She better not have Edwin's baby! And Wade, Edwin and Marissa better die! This is not cool at all. She should have been with Micah! I will keep an open mind but if this pregnancy continues I'm done. It makes me sick thinking about it. I want her with Micah and only having his children. You are one of my favorite authors on here, but I'm tired of waiting on her and Micah to be together and it's not fair to us readers to saddle her up with Micah's enemy!! There should be a law that prevents rape even as a punishment and those three should pay!

I would like to see her lose this pregnancy by accident, and then unbeknownest to anyone then get pregnant by her choice.. Micah..

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
1 star

This was awful - that you could do that to her - it did nothing for the plot line at all - to get her pregnant all you needed was Micah - You have lose one reader due to this chapter - we waited how many months for an update and what we get is rubbish. Do yourself and the readers a favor and just do not write any more of this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This story isn't even worth one star... A writer should draw the readers in, not push them away. This chapter made me not want to read anymore at all.. It seems like you write the story to let Rosy get comfortable with her surroundings and then completely ruin it the next chapter... It's not a good look. You left the readers wanting more and then you give this? NOT WORTH THE WAIT AT ALL.

Curiously_LookingCuriously_Lookingabout 12 years ago
A word of encouragement

This chapter has obviously provoked some strong feelings in your readers, but that's one of the hallmarks of a good story. Please don't let the harsh criticism get you down. Just because people don't like the path the story has taken, doesn't mean it's not still a good story. It was a shock, but that's not a bad thing. I personally don't believe that this story will have a tragic ending (please don't let it have a tragic ending), so I'll trust in your process and continue on. I actually don't think that this move was out of character for Wade if you look at his past actions and feelings about Rosy. Sad, but true. All that said, I do wholeheartedly support a gruesome death for Edwin, even if I don't think it'll happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Don't lose faith. Your readers support you.

Hardships or adversity & over coming those hardships especially with dignity & your humanity intact is what life is about. Yes it saddens us when good people have bad things happen to them, even if said people are fictional, but neither life nor stories can unfortunately exist without said adversity. I know your story is heading somewhere so don't get discouraged by the nay sayers.

ChurosChurosabout 12 years ago

Calm down people.

This is her story, It doesn't have to turn the way you want it to.

While it is really depressing and it breaks my heart to see her suffer like this, it makes me want to read more to see if she will ever have a happy life. I want Wade to realize what he did was wrong. Well for me that is. Rape is the worst punishment one could ever give.

You guys can always opt not to read but telling her not to continue her story is just mean.

warmicw30warmicw30about 12 years ago

this chapter is so mess up i am ready to use bad language but will try not to,first thing first you start off the story some what interesting then brought it to a depressing point where she was cage,rape and mistreated and from there you give us the sense of hope that rosy is recovering....thennnnnn i stress you made us (YOUR READERS) waited months for a new chapter thinking that there was still hope,only to bring us back to the same shit of a frigging stray cat where the only thing come her way is rape,abuse,unwanted pregnancy and her low self esteem all over again so here to your mess up way of thinking that a woman/cat can not fight or be more than a f--k toy and a baby maker ..................STOP WHILE U STILL HAVE A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

claireacquiredclaireacquiredabout 12 years ago
Let me catch my breath...

Mygypsy, you're killing me! I don't think my chin came up off the floor for this entire chapter. I can see why your readers are so confounded but I respect your awesome writing skills and will anxiously wait for your next chapter. Consider my mind thoroughly blown.

zoyiabzoyiababout 12 years ago
Your back !!! Yay!!!

I think its great that your back and writing! I hope that means your personal life is becoming more pleasant and steady. I like that your characters are so real, rather than all sugar plums and rainbows. Many of them have personalities similar to people I know which is a bonus. This chapter was a bit hard to read, but I loved it all the same!

I have a feeling Rosy has more struggle coming, but that is life. Something bad happens, you adjust and move on. Good happens too but it sounds odd to say adjust and move on from good even if that is the general pattern of things.

I eagerly wait for the next chapters!!!

canndcanndabout 12 years ago

I cried as I read this. It was hard to read. As a victim of rape, I can't imagine with her history how she isn't lost inside herself or bat crazy and suicidal at this point. Wade deserves to be killed. Not just overthrown. Why hasn't Micah approached her and told her how he feels and that he will raise the baby as his own and protect them like he told the others? I honestly feel like the emotions she's showing aren't normal. She hated being pregnant and now she's happy when the baby was conceived from rape with a man she detested and she feels like it's a reflection on her that Edwin rejected her after getting her knocked up? And she was raped in the place she should have been safe and was starting to feel at home and yet lets the guys all touch her? It angers me that Micah didn't tell Wade she was doing well with rules and such, but then again he is afraid of what Micah represents so he wouldn't have listened. Wade set her up with the tree thing to make it that she didn't listen. Here she was ignored and went to the lengths she did to save Jazzy and yet she's punished in such a horrifying way for it? Wow, what thanks did she get for saving their precious little Jazzy? I guess I could buy that she would believe the guys would protect her and I assume she knows they had no say in stopping what happened b/c wade is alpha. I still don't see why Baxter would tell the guys not to revolt and overthrow Wade. He's admitted he's not right. I don't think she'd be so calm and level minded. She'd have to be fucked up. I guess I'm glad to see her like this, but it doesn't feel right. I hope we aren't tortured further with Micah not talking to her soon. He's gotta do it b/c she is now having another choice taken from her b/c they said she was marked by him so it's a done deal. If he explains things then she can maybe feel she chose to be with Micah. Wade is a monster and I pray that he gets overthrone in the course of this story. I hope Marissa treats him like an alpha but is done with him as a man/husband. How could you love someone who does what he did?!!! Gosh, I guess you succeeded in a major way as a writer bringing out so much emotion! Please update soon and give us something positive to go on. Did I say I hope Wade meets an unfortunate end? :)

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 12 years ago

Execute Wade! Castrate Edwin! What they did was beyond wrong. When people get so focused on obeying the rules instead of the act of saving a life, life loses all meaning. Their actions were obscene!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I am totally appalled and sickened by this, I thought Clan were supposed to be better then Strays? - this was horrendous, the so-called leader of these assholes is directly responsible for Rosy being caged, raped, brutalised and forced to carry a child she did not want; while the rest of them sat back and let it happen. They are worse than the Strays they 'rescued' Rosy from. I was enjoying this story - Rosy was learning to trust and become part of a family after so long alone and being hurt. There is no coming back from this, it can never be atoned for. This has ruined the whole story from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Bad taste in my mouth

I feel sick to read what happen to Rosie. Why would you write something like this? I don't think I can continue reading this story, I was hoping for a happy ending but with something like this I don't know how you can make it right.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Wade needs to be overthrown and killed for what he did!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

There are consequences to forcing your will on someone. Those consequences usually involve your wants or rights being denied in the long run. The consequences for rape to subdue a person are seldom good. I get the point in the story, but at no time do the perpetrators of dominance in this story get it. The only one who get's it is MIcah. Wade & Edwin are damn upsetting. In an effort to make his eldest son a responsible person and future Alpha, Wade allows Edwin liberties when he knows that in Edwin's heart he is a selfish mean spirited boy. That boy will get folks killed. His immaturity will eventually put him in a predicament that his strength will not be enough. The Tom's that are aware of his raping Rosie will not have his loyalty ever. Wade is misguided in his might makes right reality. The fact that he now has to fear his other son (Micah) is interesting. Maybe he always feared Micah, because the cage/rape/forced pregnancy/subdue was also a punishment for Micah. What kind of father/leader harms their obedient offspring for the sake of another claiming it was a threat to him and the clan. Rosie did go against what they all know as "safe" or right. Rosie has been gang raped for what a large part of her life. Why is that a suitable punishment by a leader that wants her to follow the "rules". Why Wade did not recognize this would be a test of his "alpha-ness" simply because the circumstances are so unlikely that it will test what he knew I have no idea. It's is like raping a gay person to make them not gay. We know that reality and how it works out. Giving a person a baby via rape does not make a mother out of the person in question, it just makes another unwanted person exist in the world. Well actually in certain cases the village does step in to take care of the unwanted offspring..., and in some cases the mother actually learns to care for the unwanted person eventually, but if anyone thinks that the child does not suffer some form of resentment even unconsciously - don't bet on it. It is beyond redeemable to set this in motion and expect to be given rights due an adult male/father/protector/advisor/confidant/ and or leader. Wade and Edwin have proven to all that they are not alpha material and are not staying..., not in the long run. Micah loves his mom and sister, but when the time comes I don't believe Micah will stay where he is a threat or the fact that his wants and needs are dismissed and his family is abused. Edwin is just sad, and when he get over his ego and bullshit and he realizes he has no rights and claims on this "baby" and possibly grows up.., I hope the thing that he most wants in the world other than to get out of his brothers shadow and to hurt Micah...., I hope the thing that he loves most or someone he grows to love...., he has to tell that he knowingly raped someone for spite. And see where that gets him. He needs to understand that his action has consequences and that he can be judged for his own misdeeds. Rape is a hard pill for me to swallow at all times. Rosie might be thick headed but all she knew for a large part of her life was deception. Why should she trust what she does not know especially when she has been manipulated her entire life. Good, bad or indifferent she has been manipulated. Everyone expects her to accept their rules when the only one who tries to accept her reality is Micah and then her brothers. Rosie is a test for everyone, but mostly she is trying to survive. I bet neither Wade or Edwin could have survived her existence. And as for the elder Werecat that advised he would have put Rosie down long ago..., doesn't that remind you of people who don't understand or want to deal with folks whom are different to them due to gender, color, trauma, disabilities..., hide them, get rid of them, we don't want to deal with you - go away. This story gives a reader a lot to think about. When I read this chapter I was physically feeling sick. It is your story to tell, but God - can you find a level of peace for this? I know life is not always rainbows and candy, but Rosie and Micah's story is heart wrenching. It is not fair for me to ask for you to make it nice, but if you could find a truly just ending I would like to read it. Somehow life's lessons must be learned. What if someone put Jazzy in a cage and let anyone in? They only seem to care about her. What if it was Marrisa? What if Edwin looked pass what his brother is doing and goes out to find a real mate and she is denied him due to his past behavior regarding his brother and Rosie and is judged for it by someone other than his father. Consequences when you force your will on someone are seldom what you think they should be. What if the child if born hates you when they find out the truth. What if the child is born not "perfect' in your eyes, should you put it down too? Who should you trust to love it? This is a powerful story. It evokes all kinds of emotions. I take back my request. Tell your story how you wish, it's yours. But I really want everyone to learn a heartfelt lesson. The only ones who seem to be feeling pain are Rosie, Micah and her brothers. Seriously there seems to be a need for the "adults" to learn their own heartfelt lessons too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
further on........ please read...........some thoughts........

not wanting to comment on wat rosie had to go through................. i think the fault lies with is how rosie reacted...........

no person in their right mind would accept those guys back if they cant even help her........ i believe she could either have 1> leave everything behind.......2> get abortion and not love the kids............ 3> have a heartfelt talk with everyone.... show them her point of view........ clearly they dont understand.......... 4> micah is pathetic.... her brothers and everyone is no less........i dont get it ... hurt her and try to love her later just to hurt her again without understanding .............5> rosy can or go mad and kill herself......... 6> or she is still plotting to run away ................

i dunno.. if she accepts everything now and put up with babies and micah and wade......... i believe you are trying to make rosy act likea pawn and that you are killing her inside...

make our heroine stand up for wat is right........ people learning from mistakes and all things positive........ plz some character build up as to how rosy deals with evrything and make wrong into right...... not just take everything they give her........ i mean she has her own happiness to think about.... bot some toy top lay with ...... or a puppet to move according to wishes......i dont like the micah character who pulls all his macho stuff and manhandling thing and never tries to save a damsel in distress or even try to...and expects then to have rosy love him........wade is sicko......... jazzy is sicko......... marissa is sicko..........

i belive raso should end up with donavan.............. he seems the only sane person out there........

either she has to stand and fight....... or give her a new life away from everything.......

you have to redeem your characters and make them see their folly otherwise it is a negetive story making me beleieve we have come to medieval times where equality of sexes doesnt matter........hell they treat her worse than stray cats

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Huge disappointment, author please read this feedback!

I have to admit I thought this story had real promise, the plot and character were well thought out and the story was developing fantastically, but this last ending was awful! This goes beyond non consent/ reluctance fantasy it's a sickening tale of betrayal and rape. When the Tom rapes were part of the background I was like fair enough, but to then let it it happen within the clan was horrible. If this was a wolf pack story this pack would be described as rogue. I can't express how disappointed I am because I don't even think I happy ending with Micah and Rosy would bring this story back upto scratch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Not necessarily against this non consent scene, but i completely fail to see how its gonna add anything to the story? If its just that micah claims rosy and they all live happily ever after after everyone gets what they deserve kinda thing, then your gonna have another seriously disappointed reader.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Wow! Just wow!

After writing such a brillant story I've been waiting forever for you to write more & then u come out with this piece of crap!!! I thought this was a story about them protecting & helping a broken soul become whole again but no this is just a story about a girl being rape over & over & everyone just sitting over watching it. I'm done reading this there's no way this can be turn around unless Wade , Edwin & the babbies die but even then this would have been for naught! You really just ruin a great story ! Man I'm pissed !!! I would have accepted micah as the one to go in. But not for after , now it just seems like she with him for his strength / power , why in the world would she stay with her abusers !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

i like it if you can keep it going... but i think your on the edge of the emotionally horrible cliff and really close to falling. so keep it steady and wright from your hart like the rest of the chapters. :) all in all a great story. *BEC*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Don't stop writing this just because of some negative feedback! This is an excellent story but it needs more....positive events for Rosy. Wade & Edwin should be made to atone for what they did, HARSH PUNISHMENT!

Keep Writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Cage, Rape, Torture....Repeat. Were we planning on getting somewhere this millenia?

TheHuntersMistressTheHuntersMistressabout 12 years ago
Ever heard of karma guys?

Yeah, it's a bitch and what goes around comes around. Honestly I really enjoyed this update since it really had my heart pounding, in a bad way, over Rosy's fate. This just helped confirm my suspicions that Wade is turning into a scumbag. Yes it is terrible and unfortunate that rosy seems to experience repeated rape and abuse/neglect, but she is learning the werecat laws she broke and the severity of her actions. Mygypsy don't let them get to you, I checked and continue to check for new chapters every night! Writing to evoke a certain emotional response is harder than it looks guys, you should try it! This chapter was able to enrage and anger so many readers because it really makes you feel how the author intends you to, in this case furious. Keep writing Mygypsy you got me writing nonhuman stories!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Hideous. I don't even know where to begin...this story just hit a new low, even for you. Are you completely out of touch with your readers, the characters, ROSEY, for God's sake???? Delete the whole mess right now & do us all a favor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I gave this chapter 5 stars because of all the emotions that came with reading it. I whined, berated, pace but came back to finish and read the next section. I became mad, appalled and fustrated with Rosie's treatment, how could Wade do this??? I even mist up a little. But I kept heart swelled at Micah's declaration, the helplessness of the Toms but I kept going and I'm glad I did for a single chapter to bring about such an array of emotions left me breathless I had to sit a moment and reflect over everything I had just read.

Please Keep Going!!!

- chocolate_dstny

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Waiting for justice

This story has been so riveting and engaging. Full of challenging emotions and situations, and a novel exploration of how a co-dependent group is forced to work under flawed leadership. I can hardly wait to see how hard the hammer drops on those who are, ohhh, soooo deserving of it.

Keep on writing, it has been a wild ride so far! So good that I even re-read it all in the recent gap between chapters. Thanks Mygypsy for all you efforts.

chibicakeschibicakesabout 12 years ago
Sad but moving

I love this series and although Rosy has had many struggles she's still alive and kicking and I know that someway, somehow Rosy and Micah are going to get their happily ever after in the end. Don't let the haters discourage you, you have mad skills in the writing department and I know many of us can't wait for the next chapter.



jenni_tujenni_tuabout 12 years ago
hopefully karma will happen

It is terrible what Wade did, Horrid. I hope that Edwin and Wade both are made to pay dearly for this. They themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
The Truth

To say that you are a horrible writer would be making a completely false statement. When I first read this chapter I wanted nothing more than to deem this story a complete failure if for no other reason than for the events that you have written about in this chapter. But the truth of the matter is that the events that you have chosen to depict in this chapter are RAW. They completely caught me off guard and made me wonder what kind of world you were writing about but if we are all honest with our self’s we will see that horrible things happened in our world everyday and still we go on living because we cling to the hope that either some type of justice or happy ending will come from these horrid events. Well the same thing can be said about your story. Yes bad things have happened but as you have already depicted there will be some light at the end of the tunnel for Rosy. See the real truth that your readers must face is that the world you are depicting is wild and riveting and the most important filled with different types of tragedies which make it REAL. It is because of this that you are Fantastic Writer. You dare to be different and not display this world as all peaches and cream, you make sure that you give your readers a light at the end of the tunnel to look forward too, you are constantly keeping your readers on their toes waiting for what will come next but most importantly you have written a story and decided where you what it to go and are not changing your mind because of other opinions might be. I truly hope that you do not follow the negative comments from this chapter and continue on with the story exactly the way you want because in the end you are truly writing a great story.

SpacewalkerSpacewalkerabout 12 years ago
thank you

At first when I read this chapter, I was horrified. I wanted nothing more to do whit it. BUT now that I think more about it..... your a great writer. You gett us involved in Roses life.

My own opinion is that what wade did was/is worse than what the strays did to her. And her so called brothers, Micah and the other warriors also lett her down.

I really hope she getts away frome all of them. Micah doesn't deserve her.

She just learnt that she can't trust anyone. Fore Micah to feel her up like that after what she's been through is awfull.

I really hope every one gett what they deserve. Good ore bad.

But I still think you are one of the best writers on lit.

Didn't sleep all night because I was upsett.... and it is after all "just" a story.

Sorry for the bad spelling.

Lots of love Ev from Sweden.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Eeek I hate wade!!!!

I love both your stories and always look for new chapters but I have to say I have never hated Wade or Edwin more. Rosie saved Jazzy and for what so that Wade could order Edwin to rape her!!!! Ungrateful bastard... And Edwin should be castrated by Micah disgusting piece of poop that he is wallowing in his own self congratulating on forcing an unwilling she-kitt. That being said thanks for writing such hateable and lovable characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

First of Wade the so called "Alpha" he is no better than those

Strays who raped rosey.Clan cats are even worst then strays if i was rosey i

Would kill the bastard and the baby just for the hell of it.

fematesfematesabout 12 years ago

Kill him, i wish Wade nothing but pain!!! its disgusting, that he would claim to want to protect shekitts and do something so horrible.

He is obviously power drunk too!

Im going to keep reading but please Rosy NEEDS vengence!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I am disappointed.

This turn of the story was simply a ploy to set up Edwin and Wade as cartoonishly evil villains to make the other toms look better. This way they don't have to redeem themselves and no real character development is necessary.

The toms reactions are just unrealistic. The brothers go from being overprotective and pulling Micah off of a drunk Rosie to "my sister is getting raped in the next room and all I'm gonna do is sit here and cry". No protest, no fight, nothing. Are they mentally unstable? Or cloned?

And Micah is still the biggest hypocrite. He frequently forces or tricks Rosie into accepting his touch (arguably one instance of rape), which is especially terrible right after getting raped by Edwin. Chances are she just doesn't fight because she is traumatized. But the toms have the audacity to tell Rosie: "We don't hurt she-cats, we want to protect and spoil you". And it is not just talk either, as neither Donna nor Jazzy have to put up with such behaviour. But Rosie is a stray with an independent spirit and it seems she does not deserve the same amount of respect.

There is just a huge discrepancy between Micah's inner world (where he is a white knight) and his treatment of Rosie as we observe and at times it makes him appear delusional.

I don't have a problem with how Rosie is described to handle the newest ordeal. People react differently to trauma, although her reaction is probably unusual. The one thing that does not seem to fit is that the first time she was not terribly happy about her pregnancy, at least as far as I remember. I doubt it gets easier the second time around.

To me she was describing the real reason why she stays with the clan in your other update: she would put up with a great deal of crap not to be lonely.

I think you story has an interesting premise, I wouldn't have read it so far otherwise, but your characters need some serious work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Don't listen to the haters

You're a fantastic writer and the fact that you have so many people reacting so fanatically to this chapter demonstrates that.

While I'm not a huge fan of what happened to Rosy, I think it was written well and I hope it helps significantly move the plot line. I can't wait to read the next chapter.

Given the tree incident in EtC, and the Sam's reaction to Rosy wanting to have some say in how things happen after Micah scent marked her, it sounds like Rosy still doesn't have anyone effectively teaching her about the clan cat culture and rules, the differences between clan cats and strays, why they are nervous about her being around Jazzy and Donny or generally talking after incidents about how everyone perceived what happened and how things can be changed for the next time so that people don't make the same mistake twice. It sounds like she's basically learning by making mistakes (big or small) for most stuff. If Rosy's going to continue living with any of the cats I hope this changes soon. In previous chapters it's sounded like Micah wanted to do more about this and Wad was resisting - I hope Micah makes sure it happens now (and that other females like potentially Lotty are part of that). I also hope that Rosy's differences do convince the males that females are capable of doing more of the things that Rosy does and that some of the females pick things up from her as well.

After reading this as well as previous chapters of this story and EtC, I also have to say that I'm fairly confused about just what is going on with Wade and hope you make it clearer (at least to the readers) at some point. I can't tell if he's a horrible communicator or if he has an agenda (or both). He's exasperated here that she didn't talk to someone about what she was doing - but he also obviously didn't bother to talk to Rosy or anyone else to find out what happened or what her thought processes were. Had he talked to her some of the misunderstandings about her trying to get help and not telling Unca Dunka but him already knowing might have come out. This is similar to (but way worse than) the events with the tree in EtC and again if he'd bothered talking to Rosy or Donovan he'd have known about her lack of awareness of the rules as well as Donovan's role in the whole mess. At the same time, it sounds to me like the other cats that visited were unaware that Rosy's real punishment wasn't being confined in a cage for 6 months but being raped and forcibly impregnated by a cat she does not like. The fact that Wade seems to have omitted those details has me very curious to see what happens when more people find out about her pregnancy. I hope that as more people find out, if they want her married off or anything that Rosy and her warriors all protest and they protect her right to stay single if she wants to.

I'm also very curious to see what happens when Jazzy gets home and when/if she finds out what happened to Rosy because of her actions trying to save Jazzy.

zoyiabzoyiababout 12 years ago
All of these anonymous posters .... sigh

Everyone is missing some of the details.....

Rosy might be given the land that belonged to her mother, who now owns this land? Who would suffer if the lands were given back to Rosie and her clan is re-established?

Rosie can take all her Toms with her when she gets her land back.

Wade is not originally from this country.

Baxter is a lot smarter than he is given credit for.

There is quite a bit of foreshadowing in this chapter if anyone would calm down to see it.

All great stories have portions that draw out extreme emotions from the reader. If Mygypsy were not able to get you so involved in Rosie's story you would not be near as upset with this twist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Interesting Chapter

It does seem like Wade is stacking the deck in his clan's favor concerning Jeddah's holdings. He didn't want Mel, Lottie's father, to know about a possible pregnancy and I'm sure Kurt Black wasn't told about Wade withholding birth control either.

It all seems to revolve around Jeddah. Why did Jeddah run from Ray? Why didn't Harry give Rosy to Ray after Jeddah's death? If Ray is Rosy's father, why does she have spots and why doesn't Rosy have a family attraction to him like she does her brothers? How do the Darnels play into this and how did they find Rosy when Ray said didn't recognize her when he saw her with Harry?

One thing that did seem very off in this chapter is the shame Rosy feels in Edwin's rejection of her and the baby. She doesn't like or respect Edwin so why would she care what he does. She didn't feel any shame about Jasper, she ran from him, and she considered Jasper her husband. It doesn't make sense for Rosy to feel that way.

marlam5marlam5about 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much for sharing your talent for writing with us.

I’m a huge fan! I’ve read all your story’s.

What I read in all the comment’s on this chapter is very much a human point of view.

People seem to forget the story is about werecats, and there’s an important part written with cat behaviour in mind. For me that makes it so interesting.

You know quite a lot about cat behaviour.

But I do have a question, what’s the matter with Wade?

He was the smart and kind Alpha towards Rosy in the beginning.

Pressing Micah NOT to enforce clan law and discipline on Rosy but give her a chance to adjust after all she’s been through.

Being proud and kind to Rosy when she behaved so good and was kind and caring towards Jazy when the whole clan went on a hunt in chapter 8.

But then in chapter 9 of ETC he gets nasty and deceitful ordering Rosy to stay in the tree and ordering Micah to get her away from the house without giving him the information of his previous order to Rosy.

And his punishment in this chapter of TLS is extremely cruel to say the least.

Also I get the idea he didn’t tell the whole content of his punishment to the other Alpha’s who were there to back him up when he told Sam, Mitchell and Micah of her punishment.

All in all he’s proven to Rosy that if it comes down to it he’s treating Rosy the same as the strays always have done.

And to me he has proven to be NOT as intelligent as I thought he was and Edwin is more a chip of the old block as I thought.

It is obvious Edwin has the nasty manipulative streak in his character inherited from his father.

But I’m loving this story and am already looking forward to the next chapter.

I do hope your mother is getting better and wish her all the best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Just wanted to say...

Thank you for posting a new chapter!

I'm one of those people who can't stop reading a story once my attention has been caught and this story and EtC caught my attention so long ago I keep checking for any updates. :-)

Please keep going, your writing style is fantastic and your ability to capture the readers attention is simply outstanding. In the comments for this chapter I notice that many people disliked the twist of rape as punishment but I have to say that you did a superb job of implying the act rather than describing it, it seems to me that while yes it is a difficult subject for many to digest in writing not many have twigged that the actual rape itself was not given the full details that I'm sure you would have been able to project.

I do have to agree with the masses that both Wade and Edwin need to die in painful and unforgettable ways, but I am sincerely looking forward to the build up for the day that may happen....

You are a fantastic author and if this was turned into a published book then I can easily say that I would buy it!

Like many others, I eagerly wait for the next installment. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

still loving it and hope there is more to come

PrincessCleoPrincessCleoabout 12 years ago

This is one of my favorite stories to log on and read. I was so excited to see new chapters for this and EtC. I'm really curious to see how interactions play out between certain characters, as well as what Wade's true motives are. I really hope that Edwin gets what's coming to him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Wade's actions were illegal

and he should lose his position if he can't uphold his own laws.

This chapter disgusted me, and made me wonder what the difference is between this lot and the Strays this lot supposedly rescued her from. They took her to their home not hers when they found her, even though she begged them to. So she went from one batch of kidnappers to another. They've lied to her about everything; "We don't force females," "You choose how far you want things to go," "You will only have to accept a tom of your choice," and the worst one of all, "Rosy, you're safe now. You can trust us." In their defense, I have to grudgingly admit they didn't deliberately starve her. That's 1/2 point in their favor.

Personally, Wade and Edwin both need killin, before sundown.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago dislike for all the characters have been coming on slowly (well except Wade - I've hated him throughout) but I see no reason she doesn't kill the majority of them and move on.

If I were her I would find a way to induce an abortion and get far far away away from these crazies. Yes, they take such good "care" of their she-cats - yeah right.....just because you say one thing and write another doesn't make the first true.

Why would she want Micah, why would she want any of them - yuck, disgusted w/ this entire series. I've tried to stay w/ it. I am so done.

Seriously, the entire series has been abuse on her......Really you should consider changing the coding to Non-Consent!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Super Victim

Wow though, Rosy must be the supervictim. A person who has been going through mental trauma for years and has barely been on the path to mend is raped and all it takes to placate her is some scent marking? She's suddenly transformed into someone who understands that she deserved to be raped?

Other (normal) repeated sexual violence victims need sedatives or other medications, intense therapy, maybe a padded cell and restraints for a while. But this girl just gets right back on the horse, WOW! No anger, depression, resentment or retreating into her mind. She just accepts the rape foetus and is the perfectly good little kitty now? And nobody acknowledges that the ridiculously naïve Jazzy would be dead.

Is this some version of Stockholm syndrome?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
On the edge of my seat

I cannot wait for the next part, keep it coming. I can't stop thinking about this strory and it's driving me mad waiting to find out what happens next. One of my favourite stories on lit by far :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I have to ask

When you write this story and ETC do you visualize your characters? If so who or what do they look like?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
so mad!

wth were you thinking? I am so mad! they just let her get rape after all their declarations that she can choose the tom. Not only that, Micah was totally useless, "i will go rescue her, oh wait! too late edwin have mounted her, i"ll just wait for them to finish... laladida" and wth is up with baxter, he thinks he actually helped? i think they all should be shot. And for her not to be even mad at Marissa? heck! she is a freaking accessory to the crime. It would have been way better if Rosy's brother takes her away and then they all freaking regret what they did to Rosy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I wish that I could say that I enjoyed this chapter. After so many months of anticipating, I had to read about the toms that supposedly loved her, do absolutely nothing while she was violated, YET AGAIN. This chapter was a repeat of the of very beginning of the chapters. More and more unfairness. It was more than unnecessary, frankly. Almost pointless.

Yes, Rosy is pregnant. So what? And she's all of a sudden safe with the toms in the cabin? How?? With Wade there, what exactly is the safety since she was being raped within hearing of all of the toms with absolutely no action what so ever.

And the last bit with Micah scent marking her? It was absurd. And saying it was too soon would be beyond an understatement.

This chapter felt like 20 steps back and no movement at all simultaneously. I still feel like I'm waiting for the second half to the amazing previous chapter:/

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Sadistic and horrid

I enjoyed the first chapter or so I read of this story but you have taken it from a were who lived and worked on her own to forcing her to be a victim who has no rights. No wonder there are so few female weres - being a female is akin to slavery. Time and time again you have forced Rosy into being a victim. And then you have her bounce back and accept it. She is becoming co-dependent on a bunch of mysogynistic toms who feel she doesn't have mind enough to know what she wants. Edwin and Wade are pretty horrid - and then, Micah publically marks her. If his smell is all over her why couldn't he take her into a bedroom and to that vs fingering her and licking it off his fingers in the common room for all to see. This is no romance story - it is the tale of how a victim is created, broken by those she is forced to live with in the name of greater "clan" good. And now she gets to have a baby by her rapiest as punishement for saving another beloved she-were. Wonderful. It may be your story but honestly, the only way you could save it is if Rosy finally wakes up, gets away and goes far far away from all those creepy toms.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I have to agree with the majority here. This was just awful especially considering how good the last bits were and how long I waited with overwhelming anticipation for this chapter. I'm beyond disappointed. Obviously you are the writer and take the story where you will, but have you know regard whatsoever for your readers, let alone your characters!? Rosy, poor poor Rosy. Raped yet again and, after becoming such a strong woman, placed right back into the role of victim without so much as a kick or fuss? Just accepting it like it doesn't matter, trusting these Tom's that have too often promised to protect her and give her rights; but noo they've gone back on every promise, yet again! And I thought She-Kitts were supposed to be of the utmost importance in a clan!? She does what needs to be done to save one (the daughter of an alpha!) after no one would listen to her, and how is she re-payed? Forced to be "mated" and kept in a cage, after all she's been through and after they claimed to love her so much. At this point I'd be happy if she finds that nice little gun of hers, goes on a shooting spree, and puts all of the little, sadistic bastards down. I hope to God she gets away from them or her brothers smarten up and help her with the task. Ridiculous, sickening, and ignoring the fact that this is about "were-cats" completely unbelievable in all other regards.

Also, on a side note, am I the only one who gets completely irritated with the way it switched perspectives. Micah to Rosy to Micah. I appreciate what's trying to be done but it's frustrating to have to read the same bit of story you just read, even if it is through another's eyes, it's the same thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I feel sick

I couldn't even finish the chapter it made me so upset. Even if this is just a story, the unending hell you're putting your characters through is terrible. Things never change. Right from the beginning she's abused and terrorized by everyone she meets. People who claim to care about her constantly hurt her. People she should be able to trust and rely on betray her. You don't give the reader any reason to hope that someday things will get better for her, because even if a character does something nice for her they turn around and do something monstrous later. I don't think there's anything you could do to salvage this story. I now hate and distrust all the characters and reading it puts a bad taste in my mouth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
nice, but unexpected

please don't be discouraged by all those comments! It was an unexpected turn of events, but i'm sure you went this way with a reason. Please continue! We're eager to know how it goed on.... it's such a nice story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
You really don't like Rosy at all, do you?

You took an independent, resourceful, valued member of her community and turned her into a broken shell of a woman who feels she deserved to spend two and a half months in a cage, to be raped and forcibly impregnated- for the crime of saving the Alpha's daughter's life.

I can't see any way out of this that doesn't involve patricide or fratricide on Micah's part. How will he ever look his mother or siblings in the eye, even though they know of Wade and Edwin's crimes? And Marissa had better open her eyes and pack a bag or two. She needs to join Jazzy, wherever she is, and keep her away from Wade until she mates with Mitchell in somebody else's compound. If Wade will put Micah's mate, Rosy in a cage for a forced mating, how can anybody believe Jazzy doesn't face the same fate?

If that group of Clan Cat warriors has any honor, they'll smuggle Rosy out in the back of that van of theirs and head for the shack Rosy used to hide out in. She can be the Queen of her own pride with Micah at her side as her mate and Alpha, and Wade can keep his precious territory for Jasmine to inherit. If he's smart, he won't object to a mating between Mitchell and Jazzy because Mitchell's family ties to Rosy would nullify any prior claim Rosy might have wanted to put forward.

And it's no wonder there are so few female cats; the toms drive them crazy. Clan or Strays, it doesn't matter. There really is no difference in the ways the two groups have treated her. Considering all that's been done to her in such a short span of time, it's a wonder Rosy isn't referring to herself in the third person already. I can think of many women who would find a short rope and a tall tree, just to put a stop the endless torment and exercise one final act of self-determination.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Ok I stuck with this story with the hope that these cats would realize that how they were treating rosy was wrong, but this has...this was horrible. you need to decide whether or not you want her to be free. Basically, you made it seem as if it were okay to rape someone and force them to have a child was an understandable punishment. All i feel is sick at this. Its disgusting really. I would have killed myself rather than be condemned to that.

foxy_lady76foxy_lady76almost 12 years ago

Welcome Back. I wasn't sure if you would continue writing this story. Wow Rosy continues to have a streak of bad luck First being raped repeatedly and left in a cage. Now, Wade forces Edwin to mate with her against her will. Wade and Edwin have to get what is coming to them.

I understand why Wade did what he did, but he shouldn't of forced her to mate with Edwin. She's starting to fall in love with Micah. If he was so worried about Rosy running away he should of let Micah make love to her instead if having Edwin force her.

thank God that Rosy has her brothers to take care of her along with Micah. Her family will make sure she is safe from harm(Edwin)

Can't wait until the next installment to see what you have in store for Edwin?

canndcanndalmost 12 years ago

This chapter is so hard to read. There is no ditch deep enough for Wade and no punishment too harsh. He is scum and I really hope that Micah overthrows him by the end of the story. What he did to her is so beyond horrifying, it's insane. How the guys could let it happen and not overthrow him and stop it, I'm not sure. I mean, Micah can take him and they have all of them vs. him. Even Marissa is disgusted by him. Not disgusted enough. I can't believe she can be with a man like that and even let her touch him. Wade and all his bullshit about treating she-kits like gold and for her good he does something like that. I continue to consider this one of my top fav stories, but this is a tough pill to swallow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Poor rosy.

It's going to sound horrible but I hope she miscarries again so she can start a family with Micah.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Honestly, I agree with you 100%. Had I been in this story, Edwin would be dead, and Wade would no longer be Alpha, and fuck all with the consequences. Wade just dropped even lower than Edwin in my opinion.

sleepingfoxsleepingfoxalmost 12 years ago

Sorry had to jump to the end and say this Wade is a fucking prick and I would love to see him die sorry over years in a cage. Now I can go back and finish reading this chapter

AnomandarisAnomandarisalmost 12 years ago

disgusting and unjust puishment, along with veing a gross violation of trust. Some reward for saving a daughters life...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Personally, I think the story just killed itself. She is a jaguar. She could easily have changed and fled when Wade told her what he had in store for her. You have made a point in how fast she changes. Now she is nothing more than a victim. I was so furious when reading the first page I hade to stop reading and go cool off.

One thing I really miss in this story is detail in characters. I dont know what anyone looks like, and they dont have individual personalities. And this is chapter 11.

Does Australian women get treated this way? With dicipline and punishments? Where I come from domestic violence is illegal, so this is quite harsh from my perspective.

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