Trish Saturn Versus


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"You think you're going to pressure McPherson?" Trish laughed. "That old son of a bitch fought his own daughter in a grudge match! You must be stupid!"

"That old son of a bitch owes me!" Lisa snarled, nearly poking her finger right up Trish's nose.

Well, Trish finally had enough of that finger. She slapped it out of the way. Lisa came back with a shove to her shoulder. Trish got mad, and because she lost her cool she made a big mistake. Her first reaction was to slap Lisa Baron across the chest, which was good and loud, and it would have gotten a big reaction from the crowd if they were fighting in the ring. Because they were in a motel room instead, Lisa did not have to pretend at being hurt. The taller woman simply reared back her arm and smacked Trish with powerful right hook. The blow caught the blonde on the side of the head, causing her to reel back. The predator at the door leapt at her, shoving her down to the floor.

Once Trish got to her feet, she thought, we are really going to have it out this time! She got halfway up, only to have Lisa pummel her into the bed. Trish rolled off, but again Lisa was there to knock her over. Another right hand caught her on a shoulder, and that one really hurt! Lisa bounced Trish off the bed again so she ended up on the floor, on her chest. Then, unbelievably, that big monster bitch picked up the bed and dropped it on top of her head!

Okay, it wasn't that bad, Trish thought. Lisa had picked up the corner of the bed, and because she was so strong, she hauled it over the blonde's prone body. Luckily, the bed did not land on her head, otherwise she would really be hurting. There was a fucking wooden board running down the side of the bed, and that ended up right on Trish's shoulder blades.

Well, maybe it was bad after all. The blonde realized she was pinned beneath that stupid board. She couldn't get any leverage from her arms because her arms were splayed out in front of her. Since her upper limbs were useless, she couldn't use her body or legs either to move the stupid bed away from her back.

"Get this bed off me!" Trish screamed. She flailed her arms and kicked her legs up and down like a kid having a tantrum. "Oh, you bitch, I am going to kill you when I get loose!"

Maybe she could crawl forward, Trish thought in desperation. She dragged her body up a few inches, only to feel the board wiggling down her back slightly. This made things even worse because now her big tits were keeping her stuck and the wooden board was getting closer to the small of her back.

"You fucking bitch, I am going to rip all of your fucking hair off! Are you listening to me, you whore? I'm going to throw you out the window!"

When Lisa didn't answer, Trish quieted down to listen to what the bitch was doing. It sounded like she was talking to someone.

"Who else is in here?" Trish asked, before she went on another tirade. "Lisa Baron is a money-hungry bitch! I swear, I'm gonna rip her fucking face off!"

"That was perfect." Lisa said, a few seconds later.

"What was perfect?" Trish demanded.

"You think you're the only one with a brain around here, but you're not. I just called the front desk. I told them that you and I are practicing some of our shit-talking for our next match. Thanks to what you've been yelling at me, they believed me. I told them not to worry if they hear us screaming at each other because all of it is fake. So go ahead and scream your idiot head off."

"You are such a whore!" Trish shouted.

"I'm not leaving here until you agree to what I said."

"Fuck you! When I get out of here, I'm calling the cops! I'm going to tell asshole McPherson what you did and he's going to kick you out of the women's division. What do you think about that, bitch?"

"He won't believe you." Lisa said.

"That's what you think." Trish taunted. "Who is looking to get a title shot soon, and who isn't?"

Considering that Trish was trapped, it was probably the wrong thing to say. Lisa went ballistic, banging furniture around and throwing Trish's luggage against the walls. If the stupid bed hadn't been holding her down, Trish really was good and ready to toss that bitch out the window. She raged down there under the bed, but her rage was a baby rage when compared to what Lisa was doing to her room. She even heard Lisa tearing some of her clothes apart.

"Wait until I get loose!" Trish threatened.

"I'm going to leave you trapped like that!" Her enemy menaced.

"Good! Sooner or later somebody is going to come by looking for me. When that happens you're out of a job, bitch!"

Lisa didn't answer, but from under the bed Trish could see the woman's feet walking back and forth. Her rival was pacing, she realized.

"Yeah, you'd better be worried, you jealous old whore!"

"You think I'm jealous of you?" Lisa was heard shouting. "You think I'm jealous of how pretty you are or how big your tits are? I'm way better looking than you are!"

"You want to bet on that? Remember what The Slammer did to you, you old bitch!"

Lisa started raging again. Maybe, Trish thought, she should just keep her big mouth shut until she got loose. She watched Lisa's feet stomping across the room and around the bed until she couldn't see them anymore. Her rival was somewhere behind her now.

"McPherson is going to have a fit when he finds out." Lisa said, sounding worried this time. "This is all your fault!"

Unexpectedly, Trish felt a hard slap on her ass. She yelped, but before she could even catch her breath, another slap stung her. Because she had no way to defend herself, she started flailing her legs around.

"Stop that!" Trish screamed.

Lisa's strong hands gripped one of her legs, and then the other. The big woman was soon putting her weight down and ended up sitting on Trish's calves.

"Get off me!"

Lisa grabbed the waistband on Trish's shorts and yanked down on them so hard that Trish heard the fabric ripping.

"What the hell are you doing?" Trish demanded to know.

In response, Lisa slapped her panties. That still didn't satisfy the cruel woman, so Lisa pulled hard enough on the panties to rip them apart. Trish thought she was going to get smacked again, but was surprised when it didn't happen right away. Maybe the bitch was trying to lull her into not expecting a slap so it could hurt more when it did happen.

"I have a better ass than you do." Lisa said.

"You wish!"

"I know what my ass looks like. It's nicer than yours!"

For the next few moments, nothing happened. Trish was starting to get worried.

"Will you get off my legs?" She ordered.

Lisa did move, but only long enough to finish pulling Trish's shorts off. When Trish started kicking around, the Amazon bitch sat on her legs again.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Trish asked. "Seriously, why in the hell did you come to my room tonight? If you a problem with getting a title shot, go talk to asshole McPherson about it!" She didn't like that Lisa didn't answer right away. It made her nervous. "What are you thinking about, bitch?"

"I need to get out of here." Lisa said, finally. "I'm going to lift the bed and let you get up. After that, I'm going to leave. You're not going to tell anybody what I did here."

"Oh, that's what you think!"

"I have my phone on me. I've been taking pictures of you. If you say one word about this, I'm releasing the pictures to the public. I'm sure TMZ will give me a good payday for them."

That did not sound good for Trish. She tried a bluff. "McPherson will kick you out of wrestling if you did that."

"So what? He hasn't renewed my contract. He doesn't want to give me a title shot and you aren't going to help me. What do I have to lose?"

"Don't forget; you're going to jail too. This is kidnapping, bitch!"

"Nobody has to know that."

"They will once I tell them." Trish grumbled.

"If you keep your mouth shut, I won't release the pictures."

"Yeah, right. Like I'm going to trust you!"

"You're going to keep your mouth shut." Lisa said, getting to her feet.

From under the bed, Trish watched the woman's steps travel across the room. The bitch started kicking around her belongings, which were scattered all over the floor.

"You've been a pain in my ass for a long time now." Lisa said.

Lisa bent down to pick something up, studied it for a second and dropped it. That was Trish's hairbrush, she saw. Trish saw the woman walking in one direction and then another, before her feet were coming back to the end of the bed the blonde was under. Lisa pushed down on Trish's legs until she was sitting on them once more.

"Last chance." Her captor said. "I let you up, you don't tell anyone and we pretend this never happened."

"Or what?"

"Or I'm going to become a pain in your ass right now."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Promise that you won't tell anyone."

"Fuck you!" Trish snapped. A second later, she realized she'd spoken too quickly. "Okay, fine. Just let me go and get the hell out of my room. I won't say anything."

"I don't believe you."

Trish felt Lisa's wet hands on her ass. "What are you doing?"

"This is your skin cream. Your ass is going to smell like coconut."

She heard Lisa laugh a little.

The Amazon's hands started kneading her ass, Trish felt, and there was nothing she could do about it. When Lisa's hand started leaving the slippery cream down the middle of her ass, Trish really got worried. She could feel where that hand was headed. Oh, she tried to squeeze her buns together, but it was too late. There was too much cream on that hand and it was too slippery down there. She tried to squeeze her asshole shut, but Lisa's finger ended up going that way too.

"Don't do it!" Trish shouted. "Don't do it, Lisa!"

The tougher woman didn't listen. She pushed that slick finger right between her ass-crack. Trish gasped as it poked its way in.

"Oh, you fucking bitch." Trish said, not so much in anger but in complete and utter humiliation. During their match earlier, Lisa had mashed her bare tits against Trish's face. Probably millions of people had seen that by now. And for the last ten minutes, she had been pinned under a stupid bed while Lisa had pulled her shorts and panties off and left her naked from the waist down. And now this: she had a finger up her ass, and that finger belonged to the person she hated most in the entire world. Could it get any worse than this?

"If you promise now, I might believe you." Lisa told her.

Trish couldn't even talk anymore. When she finally mustered up the words, she said. "Get your finger out."

"First promise." Lisa insisted. "If you start some shit with me, I'm going to put the pictures online and I'm going to tell everybody how I was such a pain in the ass to you." The older woman giggled. "People are going to be calling you Trish Uranus from now on."

"Get your finger out... please."

Finally, Lisa stopped torturing her. "Your turn. Promise you won't tell."

"You're going to blackmail me with those pictures, aren't you?"

"Maybe, if you start thinking you're better than me again. What about this? If McPherson tries to set up another match between us, you say no. Tell him you want me to get a title shot first. Tell him people will pay a lot more money to watch us fight if I'm champion and the title is on the line."

"Fine. Whatever you say."


"I promise that I'm not telling anyone in the world what happened here tonight." Trish said. "I don't want anyone to see pictures of me trapped under a bed, and I don't want anyone to know that you stuck your finger up my ass. Happy?"

"What about the rest?"

"You deal with McPherson. I'll go along with whatever you two decide."

Lisa was silent for a few seconds. "I guess that's good enough."

The meaner woman stood up and stepped to the edge of the bed. "Ready?"

As soon as the bed was lifted, Trish rolled out from under it. Lisa lowered the big piece of furniture and strolled across the room.

"Sorry about ripping up your clothes." Lisa said, carelessly.

She paused at the door and held up her index finger, giving Trish a hard look. That must have been the finger that had gone up her ass, Trish knew. After that, Lisa simply opened the door and walked out.

At that moment, Trish didn't know how she was going to do it; but somehow, in some way she was going to get her revenge on Lisa Baron.

The next day, Trish hardly wanted to leave her motel room. Her panties were all torn up or stretched out. Most of her nice blouses were ripped. Adding to that, she had no idea what her enemy Lisa Baron had done since she'd left her hotel room. For all Trish knew, those embarrassing pictures could be all over the Internet by now. There was that saying, the show must go on, and she was still under Empire's contract. If she quit right then she would have to pay back a whole lot of money to old man McPherson.

When the publicity manager came by and knocked on her door, she started getting ready. One of her Saturn shirts was in good shape, and all of her jeans had been left alone, so that's what she put on. Everyone that was going to be part of that morning's event, from the wrestlers to the eye candy like her, got on the Empire bus. Trish saw that Lisa Baron was sitting at the back end, so she sat up front. A lot of the other people on the bus could tell there was some really bad blood between them.

The first wrestling match started up at noon, so the non-participants had two hours to sign autographs and take pictures with fans. Trish stayed far away from wherever Lisa was skulking around, doing her best to avoid her. She even posed for pictures with some of the other divas that were supposed to be her rivals. These other girls were also Lisa's rivals, so Trish didn't think Lisa was dumb enough to start a fight with two or three girls at once.

When it was getting close to the time the fights started up, Trish was sauntering around by the blackjack tables with a small bunch of groupies trailing her. They were asking her all the usual, stupid questions. What is your bust size? How much do you weigh? What are you going to do about Lisa Baron? About the only intelligent comment she heard was when a reporter asked her if she was going to redo her old fitness videos. Trish hadn't thought about that. She'd better redo them while she was known as Trish Saturn, she thought, so she could make some money off her fame. The part she didn't like was that she would have to share the profits with Empire Wrestling, because her wrestling name was trademarked.

One of the promoters pulled her aside and whispered into her ear. "We've got Lisa Baron coming over for a face-off in five minutes. Do the usual smack talk and posturing. Do not cuss and do not start throwing shit around. The take might make it on the local news."

"Fine." Trish sullenly replied.

"Hey, you guys are hotter than the men's heavyweight champion right now." The promoter said, before he stepped off to go plot more sensationalism elsewhere.

Well, that was something, Trish thought. Most everybody in the world came to see the big guys fighting. It was a big deal if the public was paying more attention to the girls' side of the company than the men.

Trish tried to keep her cool for the next five minutes, but it wasn't easy. Right before the face-off started, camera moron number one showed up and began pushing her fans to the side. Sure enough, from one of the wider aisles she saw Lisa Baron approaching with camera moron number two walking right behind her.

She didn't know whom she hated more, Lisa or those jerks with the cameras. Somebody could be stomping on her head in the ring and the camera-guy would be in there trying to get a close-up of Trish's flattened face. Even though she was still fresh to the spotlight, she saw how quickly public opinion would turn depending on how the camera footage was presented on TV.

When Lisa arrived, she looked smug and arrogant. This angered Trish enough that she put her body up against the bigger woman's. They'd both been told to play up to the crowd by pushing and shoving and calling each other names, but that didn't happen. Instead, the two women stood there and glared at each other. They bumped chests like two stag would lock horns, and suddenly it was a battle over who could push the other away by only using their tits. It was an excellent photo-op, having two sets of D cups mashed together while their owners expressed masks of hatred and violence to one another.

"Hello, Uranus Girl." Lisa said to her, in a low voice.

Trish felt like pounding her fist into her rival's face. She couldn't do it because Empire had probably made some deal with the casino where the wrestlers wouldn't tear the place up. Instead, Trish did an about face and lifted her chin, with a look that said Lisa Baron wasn't worth her time. Because she wanted to irritate her competition, and because she knew Lisa would be jealous, she lifted and fluffed her pretty blonde hair in the other woman's face. Yes, she was taking a big chance that Lisa would grab her hair, but if the other woman did that, Trish was ready to smash her face into a nearby slot machine.

Trish heard Lisa huff. When she turned, she saw the woman stomping away, probably to kick in car doors or step on little girls' dolls, or whatever other evil thing she was up to.

A second event was held that night at a different casino. This was a seedier place than the first one, where the beer flowed out like rivers and the fans were used to seeing carnage in the ring. It was not the kind of scene Trish liked to be caught up in, but thanks to her contract she was obligated to go or else she'd have to pay asshole McPherson a very big fine. She was sure Lisa Baron felt at home among all the bikers and other lowlifes. The best Trish could do to fit in was to wear a black cowboy hat and black, super-tight leather pants, along with her usual bright Saturn shirt.

Trish did the rounds, selling autographed posters and photos at the merchandise table, before walking around and posing with the fans. Some of those bikers were big enough to put her into their pockets, she saw, and some of the biker chicks were even uglier than the guys.

There was supposed to be another face-off between her and Lisa Baron. Earlier in the other casino, Trish could see that most of the spectators were on her side. Here at this other venue, it was clear that a lot of people were rooting for Lisa to kick her ass. If Lisa wanted to start some shit with her, this would be the right place to do it. The last thing Trish wanted was for Lisa to pick her up and toss her into a big mob of bikers, because who knew what those guys would do if they were angry with her.

The face-off didn't happen, which was very unexpected. The rumor started going around that somebody had set Lisa off and she'd gone ballistic. From another diva, she heard that Lisa had choked out a fan. From one of the set-up guys, she heard that Lisa had dropped-kicked an announcer and chaired him upside the head. That's how things went with Empire Wrestling. All of the roadies that came with the bus would mingle with the crowd and start up crazy rumors just to keep the public wondering what really happened. That would help them sell tickets for the next event to come along.

About the only thing Trish could be certain of was that Lisa got in trouble and was sent back to the motel. Everybody was at the show, Trish knew, and Lisa had probably been taken back in a taxi. That meant that nobody would be around to stop Trish from going over and kicking Lisa's butt. Maybe she would return the favor and stick her finger up her enemy's ass, so she could hold that over Lisa's head like Lisa was doing to her. That bitch called her Uranus Girl!

Quickly, Trish went over to the merchandise table. She told the other two divas, "Hey, I'm feeling a little lightheaded. I think I'm going to take a break."