Venise - Ten Years Later Pt. 02


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And he takes Mike's right hand and places it on his cock. Mike is confused for a mere minute and then gets into the play and starts stroking James' cock, which duly hardens, then leans forward and kisses James on the mouth, quickly proceeding to French kissing. Pretty soon the rest of us, the eight and also the other ten, start to feel like voyeurs. The 'Truth' has morphed into a 'Dare'.

Mike interrupts the action and mutters, to no one in particular, 'Wait a minute,' also releases his cock and places James' hand on it. I have never witnessed anything like it, a symmetrical pair of men kissing and jerking each other off, because Mike also gets hard under James' stroking. Their breathing intensifies and intensifies again... and James first and Mike next come with a hard grunt, and freeze, forehead against forehead, for a while, until they ultimately disengage, wipe their hands on their underwear and readjust their clothing.

Mike takes James' hand and with a broad smile declares, like a man, 'Thanks, man!' James, 'No problem, Mike.' Then someone starts applauding and we all join in. Very curious, but in a nice sense! Who would have thought?

Hazel wants to know, 'And Mike, are you converted? It sure looked like it...'

'I wouldn't go that far, Hazel. Who knows? I still rather make out with you, than with Len, but who knows? I may have become bisexual. I really don't know, but it was good. Thanks again, James.'

Sarah's Dare - Swap underpants

Sarah's turn. (Two to go before I can strut my stuff!) 'I hope it is a dare too! I am kinda horny, you know, after all that.' She reads silently, smiles and continues aloud, '"Swap underpants with one of the other sex."' She wastes not a second to hitch up the skirt of her dress, pull her knickers down and step out of them. She waves it in the air. It is a decent pair of bikini briefs, simple, black. With both hands, she lifts the skirt again, pushes her pelvis forward and shouts, 'Look at my cunt, you devils!'

She makes a full circle to show everybody and another circle to make sure. We see a well-shaven vulva, nice clean puffy labia, with a neat, but long-haired landing strip. 'I want James'! I want his sperm! His sperm-soiled underwear!'

James smiles and says, 'I take exception to the implication, but other than that...'

He strips again, takes off his blue stretchy boxers and hands them to Sarah. 'My compliments to your husband!' She mock-cringes and says, 'Don't know about that,' hands hers to him and both put the other's underwear on.

Boy, we have seen a lot of genitalia tonight. Typical. Typical for horny highschool kids, but we are adults! And we are not yet done...

Rick's Truth - Mum or Dad naked

Rick's is the penultimate turn (I hold my breath. I will be on next! My dream will come true!) He opens his piece of paper and says, 'The last Truth, people!' (Yes! Yes!) '"Have you seen your mum or dad naked? If you haven't, imagine how it would be.'

'A bit lame this one! Hazel, I have never told you, though. The answer is simple. Yes, I have. I am still traumatised about it. I remember going up to my parents' bedroom when I was five, six or so and couldn't sleep. And walked in on a stark naked mum and dad, my mum on her knees in front of dad and eating his dick. I just about knew what a dick was but I guess I had never seen one hard. I didn't understand any of the implications here, clearly, but I remember thinking what a huge dick my dad had. My mum spotted me, got up and dashed towards me. I think I remember seeing my first pubic hair, quite a bush - I think I remember, but may have embellished my memory for all I know, I just have a very vivid picture in my mind - and large swinging breasts.

'She crouched down and looked at me, 'You couldn't sleep, Ricky, dear? Come on, let me take you back and sit with you until you fall asleep.

'This is what she did. What she didn't do was getting dressed. She may have forgotten, or not have cared - I don't know. I remember her sitting on the edge of my bed, stark naked, which was strange, but I didn't make anything of it and must have fallen asleep. I remember it happening a few times more, until I didn't wake up anymore I guess or if I did I may not have gone out to my parents' room. But I retain vivid memories of both of my parents' bodies. They were - no, are - attractive people. And, I was kidding, I am not traumatised! I think. But when I first made love to a girl, my mum's naked body flashed by once more. Not off-putting, but still. Hazel is my witness to say that I am not traumatised.'

Hazel smiles and nods, but doesn't say anything.

Rick says, 'And now, we have our last contestant and, if I am right, we close on a high. Vita with a Dare! Am I right, Vita?'

Jessica asks, 'Wait a minute, Rick. Did you ever jerk off with the image of your naked mum in mind, when you started masturbating?'

Mike declares, pensively, 'You know, I might have done... As I can still remember her body today, I will have done ten, fifteen whatever years ago. But I am not traumatised...'

Everybody laughs. Hazel says, 'Enough of that. I can't wait to see Vita's dare. I hope it is massive!'

Vita's Dare - Strip Naked in Public

'I haven't paid attention,' I lie, 'but you may well be right that I'll get a Dare! Let's see.'

I know perfectly well that I will. James and I have made sure I would get a Dare and, more specifically, the Dare I wrote myself.

I open the slip and read, with loud and steady voice, '"Get naked and remain naked until you get home."'

I hear gasps, I hear hoots, I hear laughs... I stand still, hand with the piece of paper down, breathing profoundly. So, here I am, a fully grown woman in her late twenties, a successful business analyst who is on course to get somewhere, about to realise her secret ambition that is a decade old: get naked in public, that is.

Hazel: 'Who wrote this?!' Silence.

Then James says, 'A luck of the draw, but it was Vita herself. She wrote this challenge. She told me about it beforehand. So, Vita, if you'd be so kind and step into your own trap...'

We pretend all this is a coincidence. Not sure if Hazel for one buys this. She mutters, 'Luck of the draw? Told you about it beforehand?' But everybody is concentrating on me now.

I clear my throat and say, 'Yes, guys, I will step into my own trap. Hi, I am Vita and I am an exhibitionist.' Further laughs, some of them apprehensive ones.

'I will up the ante a little. For that I need a volunteer. Someone to take my clothes off and keep them for me, until I reach my doorstep. Any takers?'

Sarah is the first to stick her arm up. She lives around the corner from me. 'I'll do it. But, are you sure?'

'I am. I don't know why I want this, but I know I do. It will be a stroll of fifteen minutes through suburban streets, when everyone that might take offence should be sound asleep. I hope that some of you will accompany me. There may be a nasty creature or two about and I might need protection. But first we are here, in our old school. And now, I will get naked and stay naked. Sarah, if you'll be so kind...'

I go and stand off from the nineteen young women and men that form my audience. How do I feel? I am an exhibitionist, yes, but I feel embarrassed all the same. Why do I feel compelled to do this? It is precisely for this mixture of exhilaration and embarrassment that I do this, I realise this now.

Sarah comes up and takes it slow. First, she identifies the fastening mechanism of my skirt, finds and releases the button on the side and pulls my blouse out. I don't look at her handiwork, but try to concentrate on meeting the eyes of my audience. I feel a touch flustered and so do they. The blouse has twelve buttons to open, which Sarah works through from top to bottom. Then she opens it and pushes it off my shoulders. I am conscious of Sarah handling my blouse when it is still warm from my body heat. She folds it up neatly and places it carefully on an adjacent table.

In heat I am, it is getting hot!

But I am still dressed, nothing untoward is showing. Off with my chemise, over my head, which I then shake to readjust my well-cut hair. Sarah folds it and places it on the table. I do not consciously interact with her anymore, I am getting zoned in. I am conscious of me and my body - I am in bra now. Off with my bra - and I am what people call 'topless.' (My top is more present than ever.) Sarah folds the bra double and places it on the table. My proud C-cup breasts are very much there. I pinch both nipples and lift them as high as they go, then drop them, lift them again, drop them again, and again. I am vaguely aware of my spellbound audience. Only of the fact that they are spellbound. I am spellbound too. The button on the side of my bell skirt is already open, so Sarah merely pushes it off my hips, and it falls to my ankles. Sarah shoots down, draws the garment towards her while I step out of it. Sarah folds up the skirt and places it on the table.

Here is Vita, the respected business analyst in a large, upmarket firm, in her old school, topless and in pantyhose and knickers. Look at me!

I get down and sit on the floor, my audience towering over me, humbled. Sarah slides the waistband of the hose down my hips, along one leg to the foot, and along the other, and off one foot and then the other. Sarah folds it up and places it on the table. Body heat... in heat... Knickers, down and off, to Sarah. Sarah folds it up and places it on the table.

Vita is naked.

I am naked.

I hear whispers, 'Her bush is dyed blond.' I respond and ruffle it - the hair is uncut. I lie back on the floor and tear my hairs to the sides, pulling my opening open. I spread my legs as far as they go and keep tearing my pubic hair away. My opening will be as open as it goes. I stick two fingers in my opening and tear it open that way.


They look. Is this mere exhibitionism, to want to be seen? This is more than be seen. And opposite my former classmates, who respected me, what will they think of me now?

Insult to injury, I get up, still in a kind of zone, and climb on top of the nearest table, and cry, 'Look!'

I put my feet a foot apart, my hands behind my head and my chest forward. I stand still for a minute and am aware of one or two individuals taking a step back, but most crowd around me. Good! James makes eye contact. I return it. Reality. His smile is, well, ironic. He has his phone in hand, may have been making photos. Have to speak to him about it, to make sure my head is blurred or edited out.

I turn inwards again, sink back into the zone. I release my hands and deploy them down there, to first ruffle my obscene blond hair again and hence place my index fingers in and pull my cunt open, as wide as it goes. Stand still for a minute or two - the ambitious business analyst stands still, with wide open cunt.

I hear murmuring. I release my fingers, slowly lick them, to clean off the secretions that have coated my fingers. Hence, I turn around, drop my torso as deep as it goes, move my hands to my buttocks and pull them apart, displaying my third opening. Dirty anus. Stand still for another minute or two.

Finally, I make myself to return to the here and now. Go and sit at the edge of the table and smile at my audience.

'Was that naked in public or what?'

The two who took their distance just now - to be sure a man and a woman who do not form part of my group - scowl at me, 'You are out of your mind, Vita. To call you a slut doesn't cover it! Disgusting!'

And they leave the hall and the school.

Sarah, standing by the table with the neat pile of my clothes, looks at me as if I am a saint, or an alien. Hazel is the first to speak, naturally, 'Vita, dear Vita, I thought I knew you a bit, but this is a revelation. And I am crazy too, because I am going to join you. I want to know how it feels! I just have to! Sorry, Rick, but I do. I won't cheat on you.' Rick rolls his eye and shrugs his shoulders.

Yet another surprise.

Hazel copies me. She kicks her shoes away, zips her black dress open at the back, drops it and steps out of it. It is Erica that picks it up, folds it up and places it on the table. Black pantyhose, she struggles out of and it takes her just seconds to be rid of her underwear, a black thong and lacy bra. Erica picks these articles up, folds them and places them on the table.

Hazel also does a round on top of the table, to show her cunt, a full bush but evidently trimmed to suit her knickers, and anus, her perineum is unkempt. Her breasts are bigger than mine, D-cup, I guess. This suits Hazel's personality. She is excitable; she is excited and runs around the hall at full speed, her large breasts flopping about like yoyos. Finally, she comes up to me and hugs me, still panting. Who would have thought? Rick least of all. I can't say he disapproves. He shrugs his shoulders.

Erica and Sarah, who each bear a set of clothes, make a point of saying, 'I am not going to join you both, but good on you both!' and 'Neither am I, but, hey, I love you for daring this. May try this at home sometime.'

Jessica has taken in the whole of the last half hour with a concentrated look. She says, or rather declares, 'Vita, I am no stranger to S&M in all its forms and what you have done, what you now both have done, Hazel, falls in that category in my book. Even if the both of you have done this of your own free will. In a way, you have both given yourself to us. And, for me, I accept your gifts. And now I am going to do what I have always wanted to do. I hope I don't steal your thunder.'

And she turns her skirt around, so that she can unzip it, and takes it off. Her skirt is immediately followed by her knickers, revealing her vulva, which is graced by the wildest bush I have ever seen. 'There... I am bottomless, as the jargon says. And, come on, some guy or other, let's see you this way too. We have seen Mike's and James' cocks, so they're not shy. Go bottomless again, guys!' And James and Mike do.

So, let's take stock again. We see two bare naked women in their late twenties, one a professional woman and one a mother of two, both of whom are not even wearing shoes. We see another professional woman, a lawyer, who is naked from the waist down and is wearing shoes, and who sports a bush like a forest - if only her clients saw her! Finally, we see two professional men, also naked from the waist down, also with bushes; the member of one is erect and the other is flaccid. Men aren't the same, are they? Then there are thirteen other women and men, fully dressed, in Sunday finery, fit for a ten-year highschool reunion.


What are they doing? After the initial buzz, and a chorus of ooohs and aaahs, they appear to have gone back to normal social interaction, little fluid groups that are chatting and drinking and nibbling. When we listen closely, we hear that their conversations have turned back to dead normal, exchanges about the life of wife and mother versus that of a single professional woman, about the kids they have, about their bodies, the inconveniences of their periods, the drive to halt the effects of ageing, with creams, oil and lotions.


Then someone cries, 'Let's dance!' Hazel surely! 'Someone put some dance music on, please.' James is the one, and he hastens to the technical booth with dangling cock - his is impressive - hadn't registered that the two times we fucked! Mmmm...

James has put some mid-tempo music on the stereo. Donna Summer in laid-back mode.

Hazel starts to waltz around the assembly hall, in big circles and regularly passes our group. She is a great dancer and is clearly enjoying herself. Her pretty legs, her slender arms, her head, her shoulder length hair, her whole body participates in the dance. She wasn't head girl of the cheerleader squad for nothing! Her long legs smooth, clearly well-shaven and endless. Her arms, slender, with hands and fingers the last word in grace. Her hair sails through the air. Her body, arching, stretches; her prominent breasts show the way and dance a dance of their own.

It is infectious. All women join in and follow Hazel's lead. It feels like her lead is designed to be in tune with our bouncing breasts, their natural rhythm. We form a long chorus line led by the naked Hazel, followed by bottomless Jessica, naked me, and Sarah and Erica and three others who are dressed but very much part of the show. Let the men stay where they are, as long as they eat us up with their eyes. We are there to be eaten, at least the exhibitionists among us...

As time passes, the mid-tempo tracks give way to up-tempo music. The music appears to become ever louder, the rhythms ever faster. Our leader Hazel changes character accordingly, becomes less ethereal, earthier. And we follow. We become worked up and warm. We become go-go girls now and strut our stuff with vigour. We shake our bottoms; we sway our pairs of breasts; our hair flies about and covers our faces. The dancing hypnotises us and our minds move from the here and now; we start to lose our sense of the present. We are goddesses.

When hardcore disco music sounds out loud, we leave the goddess state and become animals. The naked ones among us are so hot, so naked! Sweat pours off our brows. Our entire bodies are coated in gold dust. We dance in pairs now, as if with our mirror images, as if in contests, challenging the other halves, seeing which halves collapse in exhaustion first. We look straight into our opposites' eyes as if we look into our own. We are so close! Unions! Our hands follow the hands of our counterparts and traverse every part of our bodies, rigorously kneading her breasts, tossing our hair about, slapping our buttocks in sync with the music. Our hands move along the inside of our thighs.

We squat down, with our legs wide open, unaware of anything but our own bodies and that of our mirror images. We lean back and are now supported on all fours. Our faces face the ceiling. The openings of Hazel, mother of two, myself and Jessica are in full view as we bob up and down. The others have no shame either and show the crotches of their knickers. Up and down, up and down, until exhaustion comes to floor us, when the last drop of energy has been drained away from us.

No, not all energy is spent... I need some kind of closure, I'd die without it! I motion to James and point to my cunt. He, always the subservient acolyte, prepares me by licking me where it matters. I don't care that everyone watches, quite the contrary - I am an exhibitionist! It is the first time, though, that I will get satisfied in public - at least, I am hoping to be...

But James has become a good lover! He does not hurry, he does not rush to my clitoris, the final destination, but covers the full landscape of the large and little labia, the entry and immediate inside of my uterus, as far as his tongue will go. I sense the rapt attention our intimate twosome attracts. Let them watch. His tongue does start to include my clit in its pursuits. It spends longer on its dizzying peak and applies more intense pressure. Then the tongue no longer leaves my clitoris, makes me ready, and I come and come and...

But James is not a chaste knight. No, he enters the forbidden lake of my cunt and starts his manly pumping, slowly, slowly, but faster as he nears the second destination, the one I'll give him, as I want to satisfy him. And in good time I do; I feel him transfer his juices to my secret cave, where its wet hotness is given a warm welcome. He spends a minute inside and finally withdraws - to the applause of our faithful audience. Really, my first public fuckfest is applauded by my friends. I feel appreciated. James blushes. Really, but he is my brother in arms.