WBDP - Caribbean Cruise


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When we got to the pool, the women slathered lotion on one another and it was an incredibly erotic sight. I bypassed the lotion and jumped in the pool to mask my arousal. I saw a lot of other men jumping into the pool with me, so I wasn't the only one. After the women finished and were lying on the chairs sunning themselves, and Mr. Happy retreated to a less public display of attention, I got out of the pool and applied sunscreen to myself.

Marcia came over and asked, "Need a little help there, soldier."

"Sure, great."

"They're all beautiful aren't they?" She said, nodding towards our sunning guests.

"They are."

"Chantelle's sweet. It was nice of her to offer to take care of you before we left."

"She is. But I know the rules. Brianna was for baby making, my free passes are nowhere to around and Brianna's slaves are as off limit now as they were at her house."

"Just making sure. Rules get broken, they say.

"The people who say that, don't have a wife who can hurt you if you break them."

"I'm glad we understand each other," she said.

"Don't we always? However, expect to be rode hard and put away wet as long as they're around the house."

"I love being put away wet."

"I know you do." Monique turned over onto her back and her large breasts almost spilled from the tiny strips of cloth containing them. Chantelle got up and spread lotion on her front. Fuck! "I have to get back in the pool again, dear. Great talking with you."

"You too, Sam. Don't worry. Your other friends are joining you," she waved her hand at the men jumping into the pool like lemmings over a cliff. "It looks like Brianna turned over, too. I should go spread some lotion on her as well." She swayed over to Brianna's lounge and greased her front. Fuck!

I might as well do laps although I don't believe I would be setting any speed records given my rudder was dragging bottom. We stayed for several hours, then headed home. I was in a state.

As soon as it got home, I bent Marcia over the kitchen table, pulled her bottoms down and pushed into her liquid pussy. She was as hot as I was as I slipped right in and she was squealing in orgasm within ten strokes. I wasn't the only one affected by the touching and rubbing that had gone on. Brianna also shed her bottoms and had Chantelle kneel and lick and caress her cunt with her long, agile tongue. I felt kind of bad for Monique, but she knelt down and used her own hand to caress and stroke her own heated flesh while using her other hand and rub and stroke Chantelle's flowering pussy. Chantelle spread her legs wider to give her more access. Another dozen strokes and I was finishing my orgasm, rivulets of our cum running down Marcia's leg. When my spasms ceased, she turned and cleaned my cock.

I heard Brianna behind me. "Lick my hot cunt with your wicked little tongue. Make your Mistress cum, slave. Lap up every drop of my spend, Chantelle. Eat it all."

I heard Monique moaning and whimpering behind me as she found her own release. I think that Chantelle was making her own moans of pleasure but muffled in the slick cunt she caressed with her mouth as she lapped her Mistress's spend.

"Happy to know that I wasn't the only one affected by all the stroking and rubbing I saw down at the pool," I said. "It was so hot that I had to spend most of my time in the pool to avoid showing everyone my erection."

"You weren't the only male so affected, Sam," Brianna laughed. "It seemed most of the male population had nothing better to do than stand around in the pool in water up to their waists."

"I tried swimming laps, but it's damn difficult to swim with a hard-on. I had to leave the backstroke totally out of my repertoire."

"I better get ready for work," Marcia said. "I must shower all the lotion off."

"Monique will help you," Brianna said. "You have other things to clean off other than lotion."

Marcia glanced down, wiped up a streak of our cum and licked it off her fingers.

I felt myself stirring again and said, "I need a cold shower."

Chantelle looked at her bikini bottoms, pushed aside when Monique was rubbing her slit. "My panties are all wet from my juices. It felt so nice to soak in the hot sun and feel soft hands rubbing lotion onto my skin. I cannot wait to get on the boat and go nude in the sun and sea again."

"After we get cleaned up, we can head to the Italian Restaurant I told you about yesterday. My shower is not as large as yours, Brianna, but I think we can squeeze three in there without bumping heads."

We waited until Marcia and Monique exited the shower, Marcia looking relaxed and calm, and Monique smiling. It didn't take much of a guess to think that Monique had assisted Marcia to another orgasm in the shower. I gave her a thumbs up and she smiled and returned the gesture. Marcia geared up for work while Monique went to her room for clothes. The rest of us got in the shower and adjusted the temperature to something we could all live with, me seeking more cold, Chantelle more warmth and Brianna right in the middle. We soaped each other up and rinsed each other off, Mr. Happy making another sudden appearance during the turn of events.

"I can help you with that swollen penis, Monsieur Sam, mouth or pussy, either one." I imagined her dark lips surrounding my white prick and I swelled even more.

"Afraid this one will just have to go down on it's own, Chantelle. I have no grounds to fuck anyone but Marcia. Your Mistress is with child, I am no longer her Master, or by extension, yours. Even when I was, I wouldn't have taken advantage of that. I'm not like Bill Clinton, believing that a blow job does not comprise sexual relations. If it won't go away on it's own, there's always this," holding up my hand.

"I'm proud of you, Sam for remaining faithful to Marcia within the bounds of your agreement. Many men would try to take advantage of the situation," Brianna said.

"I take my promises seriously. Remember that if you ask me to commit to something. I may refuse to agree if I feel I'm incapable of fulfilling my promise. Having a temporary hard-on is no reason to renege on the years of vows kept to my wife."

"That is why I'm so proud that you will the father of my child. You're an honorable man, Sam, and I'm proud to know you and have some part in your life."

"I too, think you are a man of honor, Monsieur Sam. I'm happy to be your friend."

"Let's dry off and get going. I'm starving. That bit of fruit we had for lunch was not enough for me."

They were amazed again that it was so close to the house and just a block from the previous place.

"Two Meatballs in the Kitchen. What a cute name," Monique remarked.

"I don't understand," Chantelle said.

"In American slang, a meatball is a somewhat dimwitted, perhaps dumpy person," Monique explained. "They are making use of that entendre to name an Italian restaurant where meatballs in a kitchen would be fairly common as food. Are they referring to the owners, Sam?"

"I always thought so."

"And the restaurant is good?"

"I don't know how it compares to the best Italian restaurants in New York or LA, but I think the food is delicious, wholesome and reasonably priced for the quality."

It wasn't long after we seated before an acquaintance of mine from the Sheriff's Office stopped by. He was in civvies and off duty.

"Hey buddy. You look a little swamped. Are you sure you don't have too much to handle? If you need a hand, just say the word and I've got your back."

Okay, kind of a smarmy acquaintance.

"Hi, Vic. No problems. These are friends of ours from LA. They're visiting for a couple days before our vacation."

"La La Land. They sure do grow them pretty in California." He settled an arm around the back of Brianna's chair.

"Save your breath, Vic. My friends all bat for the other side."

He looked at them speculatively for a few minutes, then remarked, "Lesbos, huh? Of course, it's been my experience that most Lesbians just haven't met a real man yet."

"Vic, I would appreciate it if you'd beat it. We're trying to have a quiet dinner here among friends."

"It doesn't sound like you include me in that description?"

"Not tonight. You're drunk and you're rude. Please leave."

"Say, where is the missus tonight. She didn't want to hang around with your lesbo friends."

"She's working and they're as much her friends as mine. Get lost, Vic."

"I always thought there was something a little off with her, too. Maybe she's a little butch dyke and you're just holding down the fort until she gets home and they can engage in a little pussy pampering."

I signaled the waiter and as he came our way, I said, "Vic, you're a total asshole when you're drunk. Maybe you are all the time and I just never realized what a dick you are." I turned to our waiter and said, "this man is bothering me and my friends and if he doesn't leave now, please have the management remove him from the property. Call the police if he doesn't leave quietly."

"Yes, sir. Right away. Please leave the table now. You're bothering our guests."

Vic moved away, but kept glancing our way as he left.

"What an asshole," Brianna said. "A real neanderthal. I hope you don't have too many of those down here."

"Jerks like him are fortunately in short supply. There are certain rednecks who never graduated to an enlightened view of the world. I'm just worried that he might cause more problems later. He kept watching our table as he left. I don't trust him now not to do something even more stupid."

I called Brianna and let her know what happened. This was out of her jurisdiction, but she said that she had some friends at the Sheriff's Office who knew of Vic's general attitude, especially towards women, and she'd have some deputies cruise the lot when I let her know we wanted to leave.

We enjoyed the rest of our dinner without incident and the management even provided a free dessert to make up for Vic's rude behavior. All but Brianna shared two bottles of wine. We were feeling no pain when we left, and I asked Brianna to drive.

"Sure, give me the keys."

"Let me call Marcia. We'll give her friends 5-10 minutes to get here before going out there. The SO's office is only about 3 miles away."

I let her know we were going and we waited in the lobby talking until I thought enough time had passed.

"We can go now, I think."

We hadn't walked but a dozen steps to the car when Vic stepped out from behind a truck, his half erect cock sticking out of his pants. He was stumbling even worse than when he'd left the restaurant. He must have kept a bottle in his vehicle.

"Let me show you Lezzies what a real man is."

He grabbed at Brianna, knocking her to the ground.

I was screaming, "Watch it you shit, she's pregnant!" and Chantelle was already springing into action. She sent a kick to his groin and dangling cock that I swear lifted him two feet off the ground. He collapsed to the pavement, holding his groin and rolling around in pain. I could sympathize. Mine hurt just watching her foot connect to his balls. Chantelle stood over him observing for any sign that he would try to get up again. Monique and I helped Brianna to her feet, brushing her off and asking her if she was okay, if she had any pain anywhere. A squad car pulled up at that moment and turned his flashers on. Another deputy I recognized got out of the car and came over, his hand resting on his gun. Another one followed it in a minute later. Apparently someone called 911 when they saw the altercation and these two were already on the way when they got word of the fight.

"Hi, Joe."

"Hey, Sam, you want to tell me what happened here." He glanced at Vic writhing around on the ground and told the other deputy to call for an ambulance.

"My friends and I were eating here and Vic came over and chatted us up, mostly the ladies. He was drunk, rude and obnoxious so I finally asked the management to remove him. He kept glancing at our table as he left and I thought he might give us more problems later. I called Marcia and asked her to send a couple deputies by when we left in case Vic still wanted to make trouble. When we left, he jumped out from behind that truck with his dick hanging out of his pants saying that he would show them what a real man was. He knocked this lady, Brianna, to the ground. I've got to tell you, I'm scared. She's pregnant. Just told us yesterday. I think we should go to the hospital and let them check her out."

"So, what happened to Vic here? Why's he on the ground?"

"This woman, Chantelle, kicked him in the nuts after he knocked Brianna to the ground. She's employed by Brianna and is traveling with her, as well as this woman, Monique. It was stunning Joe, she lifted him right off the ground."

"Shantelle, right, spelling s-h-a-n-t-e-l-l-e."

"A C at the front, not an S," I said.

The ambulance arrived and Joe directed it take Brianna to the hospital. They loaded her on a stretcher. She protested she could walk but the EMT's said it was a precaution due to her condition and she let them bundle her on.

Vic moaned on the ground. "What about me, Joe? I'm injured here. I may never be able to have sex again."

"The injured pregnant lady first, the shit head who attacked her second. You're not going in the same ambulance. If the world is lucky, you never will have sex again."

"They attacked me, Joe, a law enforcement officer. I was doing nothing out here and they attacked me."

"You know, Vic, I might give a little more credence to your story if your dick wasn't still hanging out of your pants and weren't so drunk on your ass I can smell it from here. You're the sorriest excuse for an LEO I've ever seen. We already received word you caused some kind of disturbance here and called as a precaution before we even got the 911. You'll be lucky if you don't end up in prison for Battery on Pregnant Person, let alone keep your job."

"I didn't know she was pregnant, Joe."

"And I'm sure you were going to ask her before you tried raping her you stupid fuck."

"Joe, the rest of us had a two bottles of wine. Brianna would drive home because she had no alcohol due to the pregnancy and we have no way of following her to the hospital. Can we ride in the ambulance?"

"Miss Monique, is it? Do you have anything more to add? Were you involved in any way?"

"No, I wasn't struck, nor did I strike anyone. I can't add anything Sam hasn't already reported."

"You ride in the ambulance with the victim and I'll ask Sam and Chantelle a few more questions and speak to the staff about what happened earlier, then a deputy will give you both a ride to the hospital."

"Can you tell Marcia what happened. They're our guests and we're close friends. She'll want to go to the hospital."

He called dispatch and asked they transfer a call to the PD asking for Marcia; that her friends were going to be at the hospital. He sent the first ambulance on it's way and talked to Vic about his story before the second ambulance arrived. I didn't hear his side and didn't care to. He was a disgusting cretin who deserved everything he was about to get. After Vic left in the second ambulance, Joe came back.

"The EMT's on the second bus said that you delivered quite a blow to his balls" he said to Chantelle. "One of them was like jelly and the other one wasn't much better. How would you describe what you did to him?"

"I kicked him after he knocked our friend to the ground. I'm athletic, strong and have a black belt in Tae Kwan Do."

"Ooh. Well I can't say he didn't deserve it, but that hurts me just hearing it," Joe said. "Give me five minutes while I talk to the manager about what happened earlier, then I'll drop you at the hospital on the way back to the station."

The management confirmed that Vic was asked to leave the premises two hours earlier and apparently hung around outside long after asked to leave. They confirmed he'd been belligerent and drunk when he left.

He came back outside and said they'd confirmed our story of the events. He said, along with the fact that we'd even asked for help before we left the restaurant, plus the statements of other witnesses they had questioned, led him to conclusion that Vic was the instigator and he was going to ask the State's Attorney to prefer charges.

"Hop in. I'll give you a ride."

After we were in the car, I said, "I only have one other thing to add, Joe, and I'm hoping it doesn't have to make it into the report."

"What's that?"

"I'm the father of the child that Brianna is carrying."

Joe slowed the car and then pulled over and stopped.

"I'm a little disappointed in you, Sam. Not a little, a lot. I thought more of you and your relationship with Marcia than I should hear this out of your mouth."

"It's not what you think. I haven't been messing around on my girl. I wouldn't. It's her idea. She can't have children, a fact that's not widely known and due to our friendship with the victim, she's agreed to be a surrogate mother. She's carrying my child and hers with Marcia's blessing so that I can finally have children. It's the reason I wanted her to know Brianna was going to the hospital. She's involved as much in this birth as I am. I'm telling you this because I think you should know, but I don't think it's pertinent to what happened and it need not go in the report, for Marcia's sake as much as mine. She just came yesterday to tell us that the conception was a success and that I was going to be a father. Part of the reason that we were celebrating tonight."

Joe thought for a minute and then said, "I don't think that needs to go in the report. My best to you and Marcia and I hope the baby's okay."

"Thanks, Joe."

He finished up the drive to the hospital and I already saw Marcia's vehicle outside the emergency room. We found Marcia and Monique waiting for Brianna's examination to end and to speak to the doctor. They were holding hands and both of them were quietly crying. When we saw them, we rushed over and engaged in a big group hug.

"Any word yet."

"Doctor hasn't finished the examination yet, but I think she will be okay. From what Monique said, she was just knocked to the ground; she wasn't struck at all."

"Marcia, you should have seen it. I've never seen Vic so drunk and stupid, but then Chantelle kicked him so hard, she crushed his fucking nuts. It was great. Turns out our new friend has a black belt in Tae Kwan Do. I've never seen anything like it. He flew a couple feet up off the ground."

Marcia turned to Chantelle with newfound appreciation. "We're going to spar sometime."

"I like to spar naked," Chantelle said with a smile.

"Of course you do. Is there anything you like doing with your clothes on?"

"Be questioned by police."

"Don't blame you for that one. Good job, Chantelle. Give me a kiss."

She did, just a quick peck, but like all such signs of affection between us, it promised a lot more. We sat around just holding hands, waiting for news when they wheeled Brianna out in a wheel chair.

"Good news," she said. "Doctor checked me over and gave me a clean bill of health. She said to come back if anything cropped up, but I'm good. They won't let me walk out of here despite the diagnosis. Hospital policy."

"Do you think we should delay our trip in case problems crop up in the next few days?" I asked.

"If no problems show up tomorrow, I doubt they will, so no, let's not delay."

"We have another problem," I told Marcia. "I had to leave the car at the restaurant. All of us drank except Brianna so she was going to drive. Joe dropped us off. Can you take us home?"

"I can't without a bunch of paperwork and prior approval. Take a taxi home, we'll get the car tomorrow."

"Are you going to finish your shift?"

"They put me off shift when I came to the hospital."

"Okay, I'll call the taxi and we'll see you at the house."