WBDP - Caribbean Cruise


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When we got home, Marcia was there. All of us were ready to retire, but everyone wanted to be near Brianna. Her sex slaves adored and loved her and she was carrying my child. We argued a little about where everyone was going to sleep and no one was budging. Brianna was remaining quiet. In order for her to sleep with both of hers, she'd need to throw us out of our bed and she wouldn't do that.

"I know what to do," I said. "Bring all the mattresses into the living room. It can be a big slumber party."

"What a great idea, Sam," Marcia said. "Monique and Chantelle, grab the mattress from your room. Sam, help me with ours."

Brianna said, "What should I do?"

"What I'd like you to do is just sit quietly," Marcia said. "Since that is unlikely, I suppose you could get some additional sheets out of the linen closet, the largest you can find."

Marcia and I went into the bedroom, stripped off the blankets and sheets and hauled the mattress into the living room. The other one was already there. Brianna dropped the new sheets on the bed and we put on the fitted ones, pushed the mattresses together and threw three other sheets over the bed so there'd be a little overlap. We tossed five pillows down and I looked at everyone.

"Are we going to do this?" Marcia asked.

"Are we going to do it nude?" Chantelle asked.

I looked at Marcia. She shrugged her shoulders and took off her clothes. I looked at the others and their clothes were already coming off. It's not like I minded the nudity. I've seen all of them nude before and enjoyed looking at delicious, beautiful women sans clothing. But I was a little worried. I really wanted to keep my promise to Marcia, but what if I should rub against the wrong person in the middle of the night, maybe fuck in my sleep. Laugh if you want to, but I've woken up more than once entering my wife after or during an erotic dream.

"Um, why don't I sleep on this side, Marcia next to me, Brianna in the middle so we can all be as close to her as possible, then Chantelle and Monique in any order they want on the far side. Does that work for everyone?"

"Sure, good plan," Marcia said.

"I like it," said Brianna.

"Me too," said Monique.

"Moi trois."

I took off my clothes and waited for the others to get under the sheets before turning out the light. I then slid under the sheets next to Marcia, spooning her and laying my arm over her; touching Brianna's tummy where my baby was growing and forming. Marcia was doing the same. Soon two other hands joined ours. This baby meant a lot to all of us, apparently.

Spooning Marcia, I felt my cock stir and nudge her perfect ass.

Marcia felt it moving and said, "You going to fuck me right here, Sam?"

"I wasn't planning to, but he has a mind of his own."

"Go to sleep, honey. Now's not the time."

"Actually," Brianna said. "I'm a little tense right now. It was a scary night. I could use a little release myself. It would help me sleep much better."

"I was thinking the same thing," Chantelle said.

"A good fucking would help me too," Marcia admitted. "My heart was in my throat when they told me to go to the hospital."

"I'm always ready for sex," Monique said. "It's why I'm such a good sex slave."

"How are we going to do this, if we do it?" I asked. "I don't want to violate my promises to Marcia. So I guess Marcia and I can take care of ourselves, and I guess you three can do whatever you do."

"I'm going to suggest something, Sam" Marcia said, "and I hope that you're okay with it; that you're all okay with it. Why don't I suck you, I know that you are trying to avoid being with someone else, but you've already been with Brianna. I give you permission to orally service her. She can take care of Monique, Monique can do Chantelle and Chantelle can do me. It's crazy, right, but we're grown ups here. Consenting. Everyone seems to like one another. I think it could work."

Okay, not really what I was thinking, but it had a certain symmetry which I found appealing. "Kind of a daisy chain thing?" I asked.

"Yeah, a daisy chain. I couldn't remember the word for it. You would know. But yeah, if it's agreeable to everyone."

"I would love to give you pleasure, Mistress Marcia," Chantelle said. "Brianna and Monique are crazy for you. I would like a taste as well."

"It sounds wonderful, Marcia. I have no objections," said Brianna.

"Nor I," Monique concurred.

"Who am I to argue," I said. "It's sex after all."

Marcia turned around and took me in her mouth. Chantelle raised Marcia's hips and slithered under her, running her tongue up Marcia's slit. "Fantastic," she said, licking her lips.

Monique settled between Chantelle's legs and Brianna nestled her head between hers. She parted her legs for me. Despite all the sex that we'd had in LA, I had never brought Brianna to orgasm with my mouth. I couldn't remember if I'd done more than a quick swipe of the tongue to even get her wet. That was a serious deficiency which I intended to rectify post haste. She'd done me with her mouth multiple times, even if only to fuck me later.

I felt Marcia's mouth rising and lowering over my prick, bringing it to rock hardness in no time. I took my time with Brianna's pussy, licking and nibbling around the edges, building the anticipation for the moment. A quick pass of my tongue over her clit, a tease really, a hint of what was to come. I kept working my way closer to her core, nipping at the outer labia, sucking gently on the inner lips, before I ran my tongue up her slit from the perineum to her clit. I heard her sigh. Good, nice to know that a lesbian could appreciate my tongue. Rather than continue, I went back to the outside, her inner thighs, the outer lips, then working my way back in.

The sounds of sex were all around me in the dark. Lapping tongues, sucking sounds, sighing and moaning, soft breaths, quiet gasping, were coming from all sides. Marcia was doing her usual fantastic job, only slightly distracted by what was going on down on her sex. I would feel her slight intakes of breath as Chantelle did something she really liked.

It was time to stop fooling around and help Brianna release. I slithered my curled tongue deeply into her sheath, fucked her with it, sliding it in as far as I could, drawing it back while I nuzzled my lips against the moist flesh of her folds, before penetrating her again. When I ran my tongue up and down her slit, I inserted my middle and ring finger into her to stimulate her G-spot. Her hand came down and grabbed the back of my head and drew me against her, encouraging me to do more.

I widened my tongue and made a broad swipe of her clit, encouraging it's head to peek out. I heard Marcia in the background, cumming, her head still, although her tongue continued to circle and lick my pole. Monique and Chantelle followed soon after and I felt like I was falling down on the job. Everyone was cumming but Brianna. Well, me too, but I was holding out as long as I could because it would be hard to recover and I was enjoying this immensely.

Pulling back the skin surrounding her clit, I stroked the tip of it with the tip of my tongue, and she really enjoyed that. Her clit swelled even more and her breathing took on the sounds of someone ready to climax. I waited no longer, I sucked the tiny nubbin between my lips and keeping a strong suction, also teased the tip with my tongue and I felt her explode, my fingers crushed in her cunt as it spasmed about them, trying to suck them into her body and fresh fluid ran over my fingers. She pulled me so hard against her pussy I could scarce draw breath even through my nose.

"Fuck, you fucker! God that feels good. You shit. Marcia has been teaching you to suck cunt, you bastard. God, I'm still cumming. Suck my clit. Fuck me with your fingers. God, they're so long. Oh, fuck!" No secrets when Brianna was cumming.

I slowed the pace of my attention to let her climax to slow, but when she breathed closer to normal again, I assaulted her erogenous zones faster and harder once more, hoping to bring her to another climax before my tongue gave out. It seemed no one else stopped either as I heard the continued sounds of their oral attentions in the background as well as the sighs of satisfaction when they spent.

"Shit! I'm cumming again, you fucker. Work that tongue, make me cum hard. Damn, you're good. Better than any other fucking man I've been with. Amazing."

That was music to my ears. If a lesbian thought my tongue talents rare, they must be special, because she dealt with the best. I could climax now without shame. I felt the rush of my sperm up the length of my cock and into the welcoming warmth of Marcia's sucking mouth. The whole scene just encouraged me to do more and I kept up my assault so that her pleasure wouldn't stop.

"I'm still cumming, you bastard. Let me down, let me down. Give my clit a rest. God! I'm still cumming. Shit, shit, shit. You've got to stop. Oooh, Aaah" Her pelvis was rolling against my mouth. "Let me down, let me down. Easy, easy, easy. Oh, God, that was amazing," as her tremors died down.

"Mistress, Monsieur Sam was that good?" Chantelle asked.

"Better than I would have believed," she replied. "Marcia said she's been making him practice, but to be this good was amazing. Almost as good as you, Chantelle, but different. His fingers reach farther inside, his tongue is strong, like him, his whiskers were scratchy, but in a good way. It was excellent. You're an outstanding teacher, Marcia."

"He's an excellent student, but you shouldn't have felt his whiskers. He's supposed to shave twice a day."

"Hey!" I said in protest. "When have I had a chance to shave tonight? It's been a busy night. I was a little worried for a minute because everyone else was climaxing before you."

"I like a slow build up; it usually ends better," Brianna said.

"Okay, I'll forgive you for not shaving," Marcia said, licking some of Brianna's fluids off my face, then kissing me.

We all settled into some semblance of order again. The sheets were scattered, but we found them and pulled them back over ourselves. That was better. All the tension was gone. I curled up around Marcia once more and fell asleep.


I was the last one to get up in the morning. Chantelle was first and she started breakfast, making cheese and sun-dried tomato omelets, which the others consumed while I was still sleeping. She woke me up when mine was cooked, serving it and starting on her own. Brianna and Monique were fitting Marcia into her new jewelry; the breast piece and hip girdle. She looked as incredible as she had at the auction except for the extras that she'd had on then. I could barely eat for watching her as they adjusted the pieces, making small changes to fit it better. Chantelle sat down with her own omelet and saw what I was watching so intently.

"Your wife is très beautiful, is she not?"

"Lovely, indeed. I'm an extremely lucky man."

"I imagine some people earn their luck, do you not think?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You treat your lady well; she adores you. Both Brianna and Monique think highly of you. It is for this that my mistress chose you to sire her child. Monique has never expressed interest in any man since I met her, yet I think that she would have sex with you should circumstance allow. I also appreciate you; your honor, your honesty, the care that you invest in others, whether it be their pleasure or their safety. It has been a long time since I have thought of a man in the way that I now think of you. As I say, you have earned her love, and the love of your friends."

"Thank you. I appreciate you saying so."

"Do not think less of yourself than others do. You've earned your blessings."

I leaned forward and gave her a friendly kiss. We cleaned up the dirty dishes. By the time we were done, the others were done with the fitting and packed it away for the trip. It was time to go back to the pool, and we all got ready.

We dropped our three guests at the pool and Marcia and I went to pick up our other car at Two Meatballs. By the time we got back, it seemed the word had gone out. There were twice the men as yesterday, most of them younger than yesterday's group, and more women as well. I don't think I'd ever seen this many people at the pool. It seemed they'd left four lounges for the ladies, all together, just hoping they'd show up and put on the show they saw yesterday. No lounge for me. I had to sit on the edge of the pool, which was just as well. Shorter distance to go to hop in. Nobody went away disappointed, and once again, many of the men spent much of their time in the pool in waist deep water, including me. Many of them were staring, but no one was rude or obnoxious and I think the girls were secretly pleased to be the center of so much attention, both male and female. Given I was spending so much time in the pool, I worked on laps again, but I kept bumping into some of the men, there were so many in the water. There weren't a lot of swimming lanes open.

When we left, it seemed the pool emptied behind us. Brianna commented as we walked home that she was surprised at how much attention we got.

"Retirement community, largely elderly people, unaccustomed to seeing so many beautiful women at one time, suited so skimpily, and touching each other so friendly. It might be the most exciting thing most of them have seen this week. I'm not that surprised, but I was glad they just watched and didn't get rude or crude," I explained. "Even when there are lovely women there, they do not wear such provocative swimwear. Even Marcia usually wears a tank here because we usually exercise before coming out to swim."

"I, for one, will be happy to return to your home and get nude. It is nice not to have to wear clothes on the estate," Chantelle said. "It is so freeing to go without clothing."

"I was comfortable," Marcia said. "Even though we spend little time clothed in our home anymore, we're still required to wear clothing several hours a day, me more so than Sam. I've never gone so long without clothing as I did at Brianna's and it was fun to be that uninhibited. It's one of the things I look forward to on our vacation; going most of the week without clothes."

Brianna said to us, "Why don't you two take the first shower. We'll take the next one since Marcia has to get ready for work."

Just as yesterday, there were some things that had to be taken care of before cleanliness, and it wasn't godliness. As soon as we reached the bathroom and stripped off our suits, I was plunging into Marcia's core.

"Does having them around," I said, between panting breaths, "make you as horny as it does me?"

"It does. They're so attractive, and so sexy, and so relaxed with themselves and their relationship. They're always kissing and hugging and touching one another. I'm not even sure they're aware how often they do it," she panted back. "It's releasing. God, fuck me harder, Sam. I'm going to cum. I love going to work this relaxed."

Increasing the force and intensity of my strokes, I felt her release around me. I continued pounding her, sustaining her climax until I felt myself give way and filled her with my essence.

She exclaimed, "Damn, that feels so good!"

"Into the shower, quick, before we leak all over the floor."

She hustled in and I turned on the spray. We soaped each other up, rinsed off and she gave me another blow job after I became aroused from her slick, soapy hands caressing me.

"Hmm," she said, swallowing the last of my cum. "Just what I needed before work."

"Do you want anything else to eat before you go?"

"No time. I've got some protein bars for emergencies, but thank you. You gave me just what I needed."

When we came out, they went in. Marcia dressed and I went into the kitchen. It took awhile for them to come out and I imagined they used their time much as Marcia and I did. Marcia gave us all hugs and left for work.

"Be careful, Marcia. You're precious to us," Brianna said as she left. Marcia blew a kiss to all of us.

"Where do you want to eat tonight?" I asked. "Barbecue, home-style, Greek, Mexican? Suggestions?"

"Do you have a place that delivers a good pizza?" Brianna asked. "I'd like to stay in tonight if possible."

"Jets make a great thick crust pizza and they deliver," I said. "What would you like on it?"

They were unanimous about pepperoni and onions, Chantelle wanted mushrooms added to hers, Brianna wanted green peppers and olives on hers, Monique and I wanted Italian sausage and extra cheese. I told them that they made what they called "Four corner pizza, small pizza's in four slices so each slice was a corner piece and each fixed differently, so everyone could get exactly what they wanted. I put some music on low so we could talk with it in the background.

"We'd better put some clothes on unless you're willing to shock the pizza delivery person."

"Chantelle will be happy to answer the door, man or woman. I'm sure either would enjoy it."

"Oui, Mistress. I will be happy to answer the door."

I gave her the money and when the doorbell rang, she walked up to the door starkers. The rest of us remained in the family room out of sight from the door.

"Our pizza! It smells so good," she said.

I couldn't hear anything and I'm sure he/she was just standing there, staring at the sight before their eyes, their mouth open.

"How much for the pizza, monsieur?" Okay, a guy. Had to be loving this.

"Uh, uh, oh, that will be $53.50," he said.

She handed him the sixty dollars I'd given her. "Keep the change."

"Would you like anything else?" he asked hopefully.

"You keep other things in the car?" She asked, dashing his hopes into small shards.

"No, ma'am. Just other deliveries."

"They are as eager to get their food as we were, are they not?"

"Yes, ma'am. I guess."

"Merci, bon soir."

"You too."

She came into the family room with two boxes and we set them on the coffee table and dug in.

"That was fun," she said. "A young man, and I fear that he has a small problem to deal with before his next delivery. Well maybe not a small problem. He looked quite substantial before he left." She giggled.

"You girls are naughty."

"It's all in fun though."

The pizza was good, we all ate several pieces, accompanied by more wine except for Brianna who continued to drink water, Perrier this time. Around 10:30, Brianna indicated that tomorrow was going to be a busy day and perhaps we should go to bed now. It had been a tense and emotional last couple days, everything from perfect joy to stark fear. Without Marcia between us, I was next to Brianna. I supposed that was the least dangerous place for me to be. I laid down with my back to her. Chantelle or Monique, I did not know which one, lay between her legs and granted her release. I heard their soft moans and whispers and the trembling of her body as she climaxed. She stayed her usual loud proclamations of her pleasure as she thought me asleep. I was lying still and quiet. After Brianna found her pleasure, Chantelle and Monique pleasured each other, their own soft moans and mewls crowding my thoughts, interrupting my dreams. Eventually, they passed into sleep and I was left with my thoughts and the demands of my arousal.

I heard Marcia slip in as quietly as she could a little after midnight. She went to the bedroom and put away her uniform, locked up her weapon, and took a fast shower. She slipped into the room on padded feet and knelt beside me. I reached up and pulled her into a kiss. Her hand reached down and encountered the hardened flesh of my cock.

"Did their whispers and licking in the night disturb your sleep, my husband," she breathed in my ear.

"You know they did, my wife," I whispered back.

She turned me on my back and lowered herself over me, already wet and ready. Descending until her sheath enveloped me fully in her warmth. Marcia lay down atop me, her magnificent breasts mashing against mine, and slowly rocked on me, soft and slow. The feeling was exquisite. I felt stirrings beside me on the mattress, but they soon quieted again.