Weekend at the Cabin


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'Yes Goddess,' I replied, squeezing my thighs together in an attempt to force more blood into my aching cock; it was no use of course, the restraining material of the boxer short prevented me from growing any further.

'In fact, I think I'm going to go and get in the shower and prepare myself for bed now girls,' she stood to her feet. 'I will have the House Bitch whenever you three are finished with him - by all means, put him to whatever task you wish, we all know the rules here.' With that, my wife walked to her bedroom, leaving me alone with her three friends.

Unfortunately, at that point, Abi pulled her feet away from my mouth. I had to force myself to not grunt in frustration.

'If I stay out here much longer, I'm going to end up getting carried away I think,' Abi said, her flushed cheeks and chest giving away her clear arousal. 'Kelsey, it's your turn - I think I need to have a bit of alone time in the room anyway before bed. Night girls,' Abi spoke and then stood without any further acknowledgement of my presence.

'He's all yours now Kelsey,' Jade spoke from the opposite side of the sofa. Kelsey, who was sat on the main section of the sofa looked across at her and then down at me - she clearly felt a little more nervous and uncomfortable with the situation than her friends and had not been contributing much to the general teasing of me throughout the evening save for the occasional giggle at my expense.

'I don't know Jade...' she began, '...what would Scott think?' Scott was Kelsey's husband.

'You mean Scott who has already admitted to having an affair behind your back?' Jade replied with more than a hint of contempt towards Kelsey's husband.

'He said that was a mistake and that it would never happen again.'

'Hmm,' replied Jade, who was clearly not a fan of him. 'Look at it this way. Do you agree with all of the discussions we've been having over the last few months about the role of men in relationships?'

'Of course I do.' responded Kelsey, 'it's just a bit, well, weird, when it's actually happening.' Kelsey looked at me kneeling on the floor and had more than a hint of sympathy towards my position in her eyes. 'I could never get Scott to agree to any of these changes in our relationship. He's far more... traditional in his ways. You know how he is, football with the 'lads' on a Saturday, expects his tea to be ready when he gets home from work - he's not very in tune with my needs or desires.'

'You could say that again!' Jade replied incredulously. 'Look, you know what I think about Scott, I'm not going to get into that again. But look, we've been given a test run of this little House Bitch for the entire time we're here. If you don't put him to work, then I sure as hell will.' Jade once again turned those devilish blue eyes on me and flicked the blonde wisp of hair from her face as she addressed me. 'In fact Bitch, go and sort another drink out for me and Kelsey while she plucks up the courage to make use of you.'

'Yess Miss Jade,' I replied, standing painfully to my feet, trying not to let on how excruciating the rush of pins and needles felt from my kneeling for the last hour or so. I picked up the girls' empty glasses and took them into the kitchen.

'Right,' Jade spoke as I presented the girls with their drinks. She had shuffled her position around the sofa so that she now sat next to her friend rather than adjacent to her. 'Kelsey is struggling to build up the confidence to give you instructions, so just do as I tell you to until she's ready to take over.' 

'Yes Miss Jade,' I replied. She nodded to the floor at Kelsey's feet in a clear gesture of what I should do, so I dutifully took to my knees once again. I found myself facing yet another pair of beautifully pedicured feet with the same hot pink nail varnish which was flecked with small particles of glitter. They were very similar in size and shape to Kate's and I couldn't wait to be given permission to touch them. I think I even licked my lips in anticipation.

'Beg her.' Jade instructed from above.

'Please Miss Kelsey,' I began, looking up into her green eyes - she clearly struggled to maintain eye contact and her pretty face flushed with embarrassment. It was very, very obvious that she was not used to being made the focus of any attention, which I found just staggering - she was a naturally very pretty woman, with big, green eyes, a strong nose and rather striking cheek bones, giving her a naturally authoritative air, which clearly she was not used to wielding. 'Please may I worship your feet.'

Kelsey went to offer me a foot, but Jade stilled her with a hand. 'You can do better than that Bitch. Assume a more subservient position and try again.'

I bowed my head as low as I could, placing my forehead flat to the rug in front of her feet, spreading my knees behind myself in a frog-like manner. This was not an easy position for a man as naturally inflexible as myself to assume. 'Please,' I begged again, speaking clearly so as not to have my voice muffled by the rug. 'Please may I worship your beautiful feet Miss Kelsey?'

'Look at how easy it is,' Jade marvelled as she stood from the sofa and loomed over me. 'Turn your head on its side Bitch,' she instructed. As soon as I did so, she placed the sole of her right foot flat against my cheek and pressed me firmly into the rug: the tips of her delectable toes wiggled against my nose and lips. I gasped audibly at her display of authority. Kate was a natural at it, but rarely chose to put me in my place like this; clearly Jade revelled in the power she was wielding. 'Beg again House Bitch,' 

'Please Miss Kelsey,' I spoke, as Jade took the opportunity to rub her toes across my lips, forcing them into my mouth and muffling my pathetic begging. 'Please may I worship your feet?'

'Do it,' Kelsey instructed rather breathlessly, 'do it... Bitch,' she tried adding the word to the end of the sentence, but it still came out as though she didn't quite feel comfortable using it just yet. Jade took her foot from my face and sat down next to Kelsey once again on the sofa, patting her friend on her bare thigh as she did so.

I felt Kelsey's nervousness as I reached out to take her bare foot in my hand. The second my fingers came into contact with the soft, smooth skin of her soles, she gasped audibly and stiffened on the sofa. Jade calmed her with a reassuring pat on the thigh and told her to just relax, enjoy her drink and watch some TV with her while I attended to her needs.

For the first few minutes, Kelsey sat stiffly on the sofa as I worked the lotion into her right foot, taking the time to gently massage her sole and to rub it gently between each of her long, elegant toes. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw her look down at me constantly, unable to relax and enjoy herself. However, after a short while I felt her physically loosen up; she adjusted herself on the sofa and sat back a little, allowing herself a more natural position. She focused on her discussions with Jade and took deep drinks of her cocktail, ignoring me as I expertly massaged her feet, working my fingers up and down her heels and ankles, feeling the stress melt away.

Knowing that I had been the one chosen to demonstrate how to be a god modern husband on this break away filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride, despite my embarrassment and the teasing - I knew that it came from a place of appreciation. My wife more than appreciated my role in the relationship and knew that, by assuming the role of the dominant partner in it, she was meeting my needs as a submissive. She also shared my views of the role of men in general, and agreed that the power dynamics in our own relationship should be reflected in wider society. Feeling Kelsey relaxing as she grew used to my touch only spurred me on to please her even more, so I allowed myself to become lost in my worship, exploring every inch of her beautiful bare feet, ankles and calves with my hands, becoming lost in a submissive trance and focusing only on allowing Kelsey to enjoy herself and be treated like the Goddess that she was.

'You're getting very wriggly,' Jade's hushed whisper broke my reverie. I looked up from Kelsey's feet to immediately notice that she was indeed getting very wriggly. Her face and chest were flushed and she was almost melting into the sofa, so deep was her enjoyment of my worship.

'Yeah,' she managed to reply in a thick, syrupy voice. 'Jade,' she spoke to her friend quietly, 'I have never, ever had a foot massage before.'

'Enjoy it Kels,' Jade replied. 'You know you deserve to be treated like a queen.' She looked down at me as I continued to pay attention to Kelsey's feet. 'He might be a little House Bitch, but Kate has got him very well trained in foot worship.' I felt a swell of pride at the same time as my flush of humiliation. 'Is it getting you as turned on as it made me?'

'Jade!' Kelsey exclaimed with embarrassment, stiffening slightly again at the mention of her arousal.

'It's OK Kelsey; you're here to enjoy yourself. Just let it happen. Look, I'm going to go and get a shower now. You have the House Bitch to yourself for ten minutes and then send him through to his wife.'

'Han...' Kelsey began in protest, but it was too late; Jade was already up and walking off towards the room she would be sharing with my wife, leaving just me and Kelsey alone in the living room.

Obediently, I simply continued to massage Kelsey's feet. After seeming to consider taking herself away from the situation, I felt her relax a little once again and shuffle back onto the sofa.

'It does feel really, really good,' Kelsey spoke after a minute, looking down at me.

'Thank you Miss Kelsey,' I replied.

'Do you really enjoy being so... submissive?' 

'Yes Miss Kelsey,' I replied honestly.

'And all of the stories that Kate tells us - they're all true?'

'I would imagine so Miss Kelsey.'

'It's just so... strange to me,' she mused, removing her right foot and replacing it with her left in my hands. I continued to focus on my task as Kelsey found the words she wanted to speak. 'To have someone paying attention to me and focusing solely on my needs. If I asked you to kiss my feet, would you do it?'

'Of course Miss Kelsey,' I replied, feeling an almost overwhelming urge to do it there and then. Instead of responding with words, she let out an almost imperceptible moan.

We dropped silent for a few minutes; Kelsey allowed me to continue massaging her left foot, but she began to tease me with the tips of her toes of her right. She began by trailing them up my stomach, teasing across my chest and scrunching her toes slightly on my nipples. My breath quickened with her teasing and my cock throbbed harder, fighting desperately against its restraints. By the time her foot reached my face, my breath was coming in shallow gasps; I felt my focus slipping on her left foot as she explored my face with her toes, running them up and down the side of my face before teasing them tantalisingly across my lips. My mouth dried up and I longed to flick my tongue out and taste the coconut lotion on her toes which filled my senses and made my head spin.

'You're very obedient, House Bitch.' Kelsey said thickly, visibly squirming in her seat as she teased and tortured me with her feet.

'Thank you, Miss Kelsey,' I managed to respond somehow through dry lips.

'I think I need to go and take a cool shower now, before I get carried away.' With what seemed like a great effort on her part, she pulled her feet away from both my hands and face, leaving me gasping desperately for some form of release or attention, kneeling like a pathetic bitch on the rug. 'Do you often feel frustrated when Kate leaves you hanging?'

'Yes Miss Kelsey,' I replied, looking up at her like a pathetic dog, hoping for something, anything by way of attention. My answer seemed to satisfy her.

'Good,' she replied. 'I think that you should tidy up in here and then go and pay your Goddess some attention now.' And with that, she too was gone, leaving me all alone, on my knees, precum oozing freely from the tip of my half-full, throbbing cock. Technically, there was nothing stopping me there and then from finally releasing myself from the tight-fitting leather boxer shorts and stroking myself frenziedly to climax. Trust me when I say it took a lot of will power to stop myself. In the end though, after I had somewhat managed to regain my composure, I remembered my instructions. Standing shakily to my feet, I picked up the remaining empty glasses and dished from the room and spent the next few minutes tidying up, ensuring that no mess was left behind for the girls to find in the morning.

'Finally,' my wife spoke as I entered the room and spotted her lying under the thin bedsheet, messing around on her phone. 'I thought she would never be done with you.'

'Sorry Goddess,' I replied, noticing the bathroom door was still closed and figuring that Jade was still in there - she had clearly been in for a while now.

'Well, I can't be too upset with them I suppose - I did gift you to them for the evening. Jade has been in the bathroom now for at least half an hour; I can't possibly imagine what she's doing in there.' She grinned playfully at me as she said this. 'Now get over here my little House Bitch,' she motioned to the space at her feet on the bed. 'Show me who you truly worship.'

I almost ran across the room, so excited I was to be invited to lay at the feet of my wife and get my hands on the most beautifully-shaped, delicately soft and elegantly-crafted pair of feet that I had ever had the privilege of worshipping. Kate clearly had another use for me in mind this evening though as she pulled her bare foot away just as I was about to get my hands on it.

'Uh-huh,' she chided, 'no hands tonight - mouth only. Kneel at the end of the bed and show me how much you worship me.'

'Yes Goddess,' I replied, almost breathless with anticipation. I obediently dropped to my knees at the foot of the bed while Kate rolled onto her back and shuffled herself down a little so that her feet were planted on the edge. She continued to play around on her phone, but let out a contented little sigh as she felt my lips come into contact with the top of her left foot as I placed my first delicate kiss. For the next few minutes, I lost myself in the worship of my wife's beautiful feet, kissing every inch of the top of her feet and toes delicately and with great reverence - up above, Kate ignored me and allowed me to dedicate my whole self to the worship. After a couple of minutes, she lifted each foot slightly from the bed, allowing me better access to her toes; I took the hint and lovingly kissed each one, planting a long, lingering kiss on each one in turn and then repeating the process from the end back to the beginning.

As I reached the big toe of her right foot, the door to the bathroom opened and Jade walked back into the room. 'I hope I'm not interrupting anything,' she spoke as she surveyed the scene in front of her. To be honest, she didn't sound that sorry at all really.

'Don't be silly,' Kate spoke as she put her phone down and speaking to her friend. 'The House Bitch is just showing me how much he adores my feet.' As she spoke, she adjusted herself on the bed so that she could present me with the softest, smoothest soles that I had ever seen in my entire life - even though I was able to worship these feet on a nightly basis I still found myself wowed by the sight of her soles. 'Soles now, Bitch.'

'Yes Goddess,' I replied, leaning forward to repeat the process of gently and lovingly kissing every last inch of my wife's soles. I tried to focus exclusively on the worship of my wife's soles, but couldn't help but catch sight of Jade out of the corner of my eyes as she approached the double bed she would be sharing with Kate. She had changed into her pyjamas, a pair of short (very short) pink shorts and a stripy pink and white top with straps, allowing the front to fall down to the soft curve of her large, natural breasts. The way they moved as she walked past told me that she was braless underneath and the glimpse of her nipples I caught as she walked past only confirmed this. Once again, I found my aching, throbbing cock crying out for release at the sight.

'I love your PJs,' Kate said as Jade placed her phone on the bedside table.

'Thank you,' Jade replied, 'I bought them just for this weekend!' Kate pulled back the cover, revealing a similar style of her own pyjamas in soft blue and yellow pastel colours.

'So did I!' she replied, 'can't come for a girlie weekend without a new pair of PJs.' She patted the space beside her on the bed, inviting Jade to join her; throughout all of this, both girls continued to ignore me as I maintained my duties. Kate had put her phone down on the bedside table too by this point and turned to face her friend as they lay side by side together on the bed. 'So, has Dan been sending any more texts?'

'Oh my God Kate!' Jade replied excitedly, 'he's not stopped. The more I ignore him, the more desperately he's trying to get into my good books. I've had pledges from him to do all the house chores and to focus more on being a good, obedient husband.'

'Have you messaged him back?'

'I just replied by saying 'that's good to hear' and told him to stop bothering me while I'm on my holiday.'

'That's fantastic!' Kate replied. 'You're such a natural at this.'

'I know right? I honestly cannot believe that it's taken so long to realise.'

'Tongue now, House Bitch,' Kate regarded me from her position at the head of the bed.

'Yes Goddess,' I replied eagerly, feeling a surge of excitement course through my body as she pressed her right foot against my face and instructed me. I dutifully used my tongue to worship now, exploring the whole of her beautiful bare feet with unconcealed hunger and lust.

The girls fell into an easy chatter at the head of the bed as I showed my devotion to my wife through the medium of my tongue. Kate rarely allowed me to worship her feet with my tongue, so this was indeed a rare treat - she was either rewarding my good behaviour, or she was feeling very aroused herself. 

I realised that Jade was looking down the bed at me, watching my loving ministrations intently. 'I don't know how you're just laying there and taking this without moving,' she spoke to Kate. 'Just having him massaging my feet was enough to get me feeling the tingles.'

'It takes discipline, I'll be honest,' Kate replied, with just a hint of a waver in her voice. 'By this time I've normally caved and moved on to the next level with him.'

'Please don't hold back on my account,' Jade spoke, rolling onto her side and looking directly at my wife. 'I'll be honest; I couldn't help myself in the bathroom - why do you think I took so long?'

I tried my best to focus on my own task, but felt myself tingling all over with anticipation and excitement at what Jade was suggesting. Kate didn't reply for a few moments, but allowed me to continue to worship her feet, pressing her toes into my mouth one by one and allowing me to lovingly suck on each one in turn.

'House Bitch,' Kate finally spoke, pulling her feet away from my mouth. 'Remove my shorts.'

'I bet you're loving this, aren't you, House Bitch?' Jade teased as I removed my wife's pyjama shorts under the duvet - my fingers trembled so much that it took me a couple of attempts to grab hold of the material. I could not answer, my mouth was too dry and my tongue felt numb.

'Answer the question,' Kate urged as I finally grasped the cotton material of her shorts and pulled them down her thighs, revealing her neatly trimmed pubic mound in the dim light under the sheet. I could almost feel the heat radiating between her legs.

'Yes Miss Jade,' I croaked dryly as I removed my wife's shorts. Kate turned over onto her side as I pulled the material off of her bare feet and dropped them to the floor, leaving her bottom half nude under the bed covers.
