When Life Does Not Play Fair Pt. 01


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"But I tense you a bit on the torture and draw with the fingertips of my index finger only the contours of your labia. Stay about half a cent away from them. A soft groan from you penetrates my ear and tells me that you like it! Stephanie's hands caress her body just as Bernd tells her, so caught up in her dream! Meanwhile, her breasts are already rising in a fast rhythm. "I bow my head and dive down. The smell is more and more bewitching that lets your vagina flow out. But instead of pressing my lips to your labia, I just breathe my hot breath on her. Your whole body twitches as you hear my breath before long for short. So big is your demand meanwhile become "!

Silently and with a calm voice Bernd tells her her dream. She gives her the opportunity to dream for a while and to observe her. That she is a beautiful woman, he has been clear for years, after all, he had also noticed that the boys were her rows of feet and would probably have done anything for her to come together with her! But at that moment he sees her differently. Not more than his best friend. No, the feeling in his stomach is different. He sees again that she is a desirable woman. One for which he would without hesitation abandon his job on the oil rig and come back to Germany. But it's too late to tell her that. After all, she should already be the wife of another in 2 days!

He continues quietly. "I pull my head back, but only so far as I can start working up from your knee kissing. Countless times I kiss the inside of your thigh. Bite in lightly every now and then and keep on burning the burning fire of your desire! The higher I prepare myself, the more the air soaked in your lust envelops me. I am still 2 to 3 cm away from your pleasure center and I can not help it anymore. My head jumps forward like a raid and presses my lips on your labia! A little sharp scream of fulfillment manages to spring from your mouth. Quickly grab your hands in my hair and press me more firmly against your lap "!

"Yes, lick me, are you moaning. It seems to you like in slow motion, how my lips open, my tongue pushes out of my mouth and you feel the rough surface caressing your labia! "Ahhh jaaaa" your moan penetrates my ears. With relish, I then drive lengthwise through your labia and reach your clit. Slightly whipping I keep drumming my tongue on him. You push me your pelvis and wait for what is still missing. The wish that I want to feel you now. Sucking me tight to you let my tongue circle the entrance to your paradise. Whereby she dives deeper into you and explores the innermost of your body "!

"Until I start kicking them in and out again and again. Take your hot vagina with your tongue. You really fuck "! Lustful Stephanie moans at the thought. Meanwhile, my hands caress the insides of your thighs. All of a sudden, you are clinging right in my hair. Press my head as hard as it goes into your lap and clasp my head with your legs. Like a vise, my head is stuck in your orgasm-shaking body. According groan, yes you almost scream, your lust out and experience one
gigantic orgasm. The waves flow through your whole body. Not a single cell of your body is spared or not reached by these "!

Stephanie who has been standing for a few minutes before her orgasm, can now go completely. Because she only waited for Bernd's voice. Waiting for her to tell him she is coming. That she may come! Groaning and writhing, she sits in front of him on the bench. Bernd even has the fear that she might fall off the bench, shaking her body. He sits quietly and waits for what will happen. It takes a few minutes before she opens her eyes and looks at him with glassy eyes. "That was wonderful! Too bad that the game has never been or can become reality "! Bernd gets up and goes to her. He spreads his towel next to her and sits down. "It's enough for me to know that you liked it and besides ..." he stops and leaves the sentence unfinished. "What else? Bernd I'm as good as married! Even if I wanted, I could not!

He looks at her with a smile and answers: "I did not say it was going to happen"! "Rather"? "That both of us now have a little secret and nobody can forbid us this game, even without the other is now and then once to play"! Stephanie thinks for a few seconds about what he said. "You're right. There will always be moments or situations in which you or I can repeat the game alone! But let's go better now, before anyone else comes to see if we have not melted away "! Bernd has to laugh heartily. "But you said that nicely. Okay let's go "! He gets up while Stephanie sits upright. Her eyes fall on his fully erect member. "Is better if you shower directly cold"! She points with her hand to his penis.

"Was it so exciting for you to see?" He bends down and presses her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Then he whispers in her ear: "Do you mean I'm made of stone and I would let a show of such a sexy woman like you are just cold"? She also gets up and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for the compliment," she says, giving him a light tap on his firm butt. Bernd realizes how his hands constantly want to do themselves. They want to reach out to the poor and pull close to him to make the game a reality. Bernd has to use all his energy to work together. So he waits extra until Stephanie has left the sauna before he even goes outside.

Both take a quick shower, because their body is still heated by the game and demands salvation. But she knows that it must never happen. That Bernd is just like her, she knows as little as he knows it. They get dressed and go back upstairs. Since the next day is still a lot to do, Stephanie says goodbye and goes to bed. Bernd sits down with her mother in the living room. "Well, you were down for quite a while. Was something special the reason for that? "He suddenly hears her mother's voice entering his ear canal. Caught, it shoots him in the head. "No, what should have happened? We only have a lot to talk about after a long time! "He explains with a white lie. "Oh, I know. You know each other for so long. Actually, always the secret couple of the school. Without this I believe myself to know "!

Bernd works down the lower jaw. Rita (Stephanie's mother) has to laugh. "Man, if you could see yourself now. Do you really believe that we as parents would not notice that. There was hardly anyone on your school who did not envy you. Especially the couple "! "We ... what," he only stuttering out. Then he shakes his head. "We were never together and there was never anything between us. You have to believe me "! "We do that and actually know it! Although I'm honest, we wanted it for a while, until we realized that this wish will never come true. When she met Jürgen then, you were gone overnight and we did not even know for a long time if you were still alive. Until you finally got in touch with us and we found out that you are working on this rig "!

"I know that was stupid at that time, but ..." He does not remember the right words to express what he wants to say or what he has become aware of today in the course of the day itself. "Do you know what you did to Stephanie then? That she has survived the time only by the support of Peter and me and also Jürgen "? "That .. I did not want and did not know"! Without that she had ever wanted or wanted to at that moment, Rita starts to wash Bernd's head. "She was devastated! Which only became better after your sign of life. When she knew you were alive! At that time, I also had the slight hope that this would be the initial spark that she would realize that she loves you. Do not get me wrong. Jürgen is a good-hearted and great man. One that every mother can really wish for as a son-in-law. But a mother also feels what is going on in her child. In some situations even seemingly better than yourself! "

"Are you telling me that I should prevent her wedding? I can not do that to her "! "No of course not. Even though I think she makes the mistake of her life. I just want you to know how much you mean to her and that's why you should give up one of your usual little jokes the day after tomorrow. I'm sure you've thought about it. Otherwise, they would have sent us only a doppelganger "! she grins at Bernd. Bernd can still remember his partial, yet bizarre strokes for which he was and is still well known. But this time Rita had been wrong in him. He wanted (and could not) spoil the most beautiful day in the life of his girlfriend. "True that I always had or have one in stock. But I have not planned anything for the day after tomorrow. I still have so much respect for our friendship! "

"You always vindicate me even after all these years over and over again. I really did not expect that from you. But it clearly shows me that Stephanie also means a lot to you "! Rita sighs. "So you are ready to make that mistake, for your friendship. You are really lucky, such friendships are as good as extinct! So now excuse me too. I will lie down now too. See you tomorrow morning. Good night Bernd "! "Night Mrs. Wise". Rita turns around and looks at him punishingly. She and her husband have offered him you a long time ago (even if the two were never together). But Bernd refused to accept this. Of course, Bernd knows exactly why she looks at him like that. Grinning, he only shrugs his shoulders. Shaking her head, Rita turns and goes upstairs to get dressed. Bernd also decides to go to bed. He promised to help with the preparations tomorrow.

Stephanie wakes up and at first does not know if she just dreamed it with Bernd or if she really did satisfy herself in front of his eyes. Only slowly does the fog of sleep disappear before her thoughts and the memories come back. Yes it was really. She had an intimate situation with Bernd. Not that she has never seen his member in an erect condition. No, how many times had they spent the night together in a bed. Cuddled close together? She does not know, but she knows that she has often felt his cock pressed against her back and buttocks. She had even been close to turning and seducing him a few times. But every time she wanted to turn around, the fear of destroying her friendship gained the upper hand. So that she had never dared. Which was not really bad. Everything was just as it was and now? Everything was different now. She feels as if she threatens to slip everything she has built up out of her hands.

How could it be that he causes such a feeling of chaos in her just a day before her wedding? Or why is she, when she really loves him, not aware of this much earlier? Questions about questions are in her head. But Stephanie has no time to get to the bottom of it. Because if she wants to marry tomorrow, there is still a lot of work ahead of her and all her helpers. That's why she gets dressed and goes down to have breakfast just before. In the kitchen she already expects Rita. The coffee smells delicious, the table is already set. Her mother is a gold piece and she knows that her daughter thinks so about her. The two have always had a good relationship with each other. Although Stephanie did not tell her all or every detail of her life, that does not diminish her relationship.

Rita quickly realizes that Stephanie always sinks into her thoughts. Of course it can be the excitement, but it may also be due to Bernd considering her so. "What was going on in the sauna yesterday?" Confused and torn from her thoughts, she looks questioningly at her mother. "What should have been? Did Bernd say something? " Her heart is throbbing into her throat. She could not believe that he would betray her like that, but what if? "No, I did not talk to Bernd about that. I mean just because you were down longer than normal "! Stephanie notices how you drop a dozen weight-bearing stones from the chest. "You too know that after such a long time we always have a lot to talk about and we just forgot the time a bit!" "Oh, just wondered!" Rita leaves the topic with it. After breakfast, the two begin to set up, change and decorate the rooms that will be used for the celebration.

Bernd wakes up much later than he wanted. The time change and so have him more than his life was aware of it. It's almost 12 noon. He quickly gets dressed and goes downstairs. "Oh, look, Stephanie who honors us there" Rita pulls him on, as he reaches the bottom step and she notices him. "Good morning, you sleep late. Well at least well slept? "Stephanie greets him from the next room. "Morning you both. Yes, too good as you can see. The bed is just not to compare with those on our oil rig "! "The room is always at your disposal and if only, as long as you have found your own apartment! Again Rita beckons with the fence post in his direction. How could he just explain to her that he would not do anything that would make or hurt Stephanie?

Therefore, he answers only quickly: "Thank you, Mrs. Weiser for the offer. Maybe I'll take it someday. If it pulls me back! " "Or you catch something?" Laughs Stephanie played. She is at the thought Speiübel. Am I really that selfish? I myself have been with Jürgen for 4 years now and have been living with him for more than 2 years now and do not treat my best friend the same? She does not understand herself. The chaos of feeling which rages in her is getting bigger and bigger. Bernd who used to change his girlfriend several times in the past. More often than many of his loved ones had had his last relationship, but just before she got together with Jürgen, he ended up never having reconnected. "Oh Steph. you know that I am not the right one or the woman does not exist in this area "!

"Do not say that Bernd. But if you only look over here for a few days you can not get to know them "! In thought, an inner voice adds, and there is one in front of you ... Stephanie shakes her head to silence the voice. This is slowly but too far. I love Jürgen my future husband. I think I must know it best, she thinks to herself. Bernd and Rita look at her questioningly. "What's up Steph."? "Like what? Nothing special. Breakfast in peace before you come help us! " Quickly Stephanie turns around and starts to move on again. Bernd looks at Rita, but she only shrugs her shoulders.

The day is flying by and soon it is evening. Cozy the three sit in front of the TV and look in the telly. Stephanie is inwardly so upset as she has ever been in her life. On the one hand with excitement and on the other hand with these new feelings towards Bernd. But she's trying so hard not to let it show. At 10 o'clock everyone decides to go to bed to be fresh and well rested tomorrow on their big day.

Together they go up the stairs and wish to stand in front of the respective door quickly a good night. Before everyone disappears into their rooms. Bernd gets naked except for the panties and lies down on the bed. He turns off the small bedside lamp and looks out the window. The night is brightly lit by the full moon and still some birds are chirping in the trees! Stephanie did the same thing almost at the same time. She is lying on her bed only with panties and trying to sleep. But her thoughts just do not let her rest. Restless, she keeps rolling from one side to the other. Am I doing the right thing? I was so sure that Jürgen is the man with whom I want to grow old and have children. But now I'm not so sure. Is it just the huge joy that Bernd really made it and my best man is or do I feel much more than just platonic feelings?

Bernd what did you do with me? Everything was good until ..... yes until yesterday evening actually even .... and then it came to this thing in the sauna ... which has made everything so much more complicated ... oh well, what should I do Do ..... Jürgen .... or maybe .... Bernd? Stephanie just can not calm down. In addition, she senses that she is wet at the thought of yesterday evening in the sauna, she is wet between her legs. She rolls a few times from right to left and back again. Then she turns on her light. Get up and take her robe out of her closet. She slips in, extinguishes the light and leaves her room. Carefully and quietly, she sneaks along the corridor to the room that is currently serving as Bernd's room.

Softly, she knocks on the door and waits. What am I doing here, what will Bernd think of me if I go in now? Too late, she hears how he calls in. Taking all her courage, she pushes the handle down, opens the door, and sticks her head through it. "Are you already sleeping"? "No come in"! She quickly slips into the room and closes the door behind her. That was missing to her the Rita at the last moment would see how she sneaks into his room. "You probably can not sleep as well"? "No, I'm too excited and ..."! Bernd turns on the small light and looks at her. "And"? She looks at him, but when she answers she has to turn her head to the side. She does not manage to look him in the eye. "And besides, our game does not go out of my head"! "Did not we agree that it should only be a game"? Now she looks at him firmly. "Yes, and it should. But ... we did not finish it! "

"So you want to finish it, I understand you correctly"? "Yes, but only if you want it too!" Bernd does not need to think twice about whether he wants to or not. He spreads his legs a little and taps his hand between them on the mattress. Stephanie does not really understand what he wants. She just wants to finish the game and not .... "Bernd please do not"! "I think you trust me Steph. or did I give you the feeling last night that you can not "? "No you were a gentleman of the old school"! "You see, so come here. I just want to increase the level of reality for you by a few percent. By lying in my arms and feeling my warm skin on your "! She likes the show so she walks slowly to his bed. She opens the belt of the bathrobe and then lets it slip off her shoulders.

She crawls to him on the bed and then sits with his back to him between his legs. It's a wonderful feeling to be in his arms. Feel the warm skin of his body against her back and feel his arms gently close around her. As if to protect her from all the dangers of this world. Stephanie closes her eyes and just enjoys the moment. "Take off your panties. It's easier then! "He whispers in her ear and willingly grabs her immediately in the waistband of the panties. Raise her butt a little and pull him down. Shortly after she lies naked in his arms. It becomes clear to her that this is the first time that she completely nestles against him or lies in his arms. What is it we are good friends and there may be no problem, she thinks to herself and closes her eyes again.

"So go back to the sauna. Besides, the moment you came "! This is not difficult at all, much too fresh is the memory of it. Without her having to lead her hand she immediately finds her way to her vagina and she begins to stroke herself. "Your orgasm fades away slowly and you open your eyes. I still kneel between your legs and look at you. Happy you smile at me and get up. I stay where I am, I want you to decide what should happen next "! "Sit on the bench," Stephanie whispers to Bernd both in thought and in reality. "I do what you have ordered me and put me on the soaked by your Switzerland towel"! "I stand in front of you and move slightly dancing before your eyes. See how you swallow me up with your eyes. How big your excitement is and what you would like to do is hit me "!

"But I hold myself back, but I always try to look every inch of your body!" "I enjoy your hot looks on my skin. They seem so hot to me that I can not say what's hotter, the sauna air or your looks. But they do me so well, you can not imagine that at all! " "I extend my hand to you"! "But I skilfully skip it. Turn prancing around my own axis. One time, twice and then stand with your back to you in front of you "! "My craving for you keeps on rising"! Stephanie makes her game so much that she is already wild her clit on edit. She also clearly feels that Bernd is doing the same. Because his stiff member presses hard against her back. "Now I want to fulfill you and myself the fulfillment of our most secret dreams and come back to you"!