When Life Does Not Play Fair Pt. 01


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"With the left hand I rest on your leg. Grip your penis with the other hand and hold it so that it slips into my vagina without any problem while I sit on you "! "In pleasure and demand, I moan and grab you by your hips"! "You slide deeper and deeper into me and make me feel so good. Your hands burn on my heated skin, yet I'm happy to feel it! Finally I have absorbed you completely. It is such an overwhelming feeling that I first have to sit quietly and enjoy it "! A small quiet break lies between the two. Stephanie has pushed two fingers deep into her vagina and enjoys the feelings of her imagination that mix with those of reality more and more.

"Slowly, almost devoutly I push myself up from you and let me down again"! "Yes Steph. ride. Ride on me "! "Your member feels so good. I raise my pelvis faster and faster to lower it just as fast "! "You are horny tight and massage my member so wonderful"! "Yes my vagina has adapted exactly to your hot member. In a light gallop I ride you and ride to my orgasm "! Bernd finds himself doing his hand constantly wanting to do it himself. To put on her breast to give to this tenderness. He knows that he has to take good care of himself, too dangerous for the other two. "With one last tight jerk, I sit back on your lap and rest in motion. My vagina contracts even tighter around your member and I am shaken by my orgasm. I groan out loud "!

Stephanie's fingers are rummaging wildly in her vagina, bringing her to orgasm as well right now. She bites her lips so as not to scream her lust and feelings loudly into the room. How gladly Bernd would just turn her around and support her feelings with a heartfelt kiss. His desire for her is so great that he almost can not think straight. Stephanie relaxes and clings even closer and into his strong arms, which makes it even harder for him to pull himself together. Bernd fears that the game could get out of control and wants to tell Stephanie that she should be better than Stephanie starts the game.

"I get off of you and turn around to you. Take me Bernd, but so that I can look at you. I want to see what you feel "! It happened to Bernd. Rather, his plan to send her to her room, he can forget. How enchanted is this thought. He only wants to make Stephanie happy. Desperately, however, a very last remnant tries to penetrate his morality through his thoughts clouded by the demand. As if someone from far away calls something to him, the voice of his morality comes so softly into his brain and barely prevents Stephanie from being forced out of her play and into reality. To make the game a reality!

"I too get up. Grab the bath towel and put it on the cold tiles of the floor. You understand right away ... "Stephanie is so involved in the game that she interrupts Bernd and completes his sentence. "I lie down quickly with my back on it. Spread my legs and lay expectantly in front of you. As stuck, my gaze hangs tight to your limb. Your member that has just given me such beautiful feelings. " "I kneel between your legs and look deep into your eyes. As if I would ask you again for your approval "! "Come, come to me, I breathe a little in love with you!" As soon as she has spoken out Bernd's words are stuck in her throat. Did she really say that or did he interrogate himself? Was it just for the game or did she want to tell him something? He finds no answer to his questions or is too scared of them.

"I lie down on you. Your hand wanders between our heated bodies. Tenderly takes my penis and leads it to your vagina. You're still so wet that I slide into you like lubricated! " "To moan and drink the feeling to be impaled. Put my legs around your hips on your bottom and press you tight against me "! "Support me next to you, bend my head down and kiss you!" "Demanding you slide my tongue in your mouth and reciprocate your kiss passionately"! "While our tongues are playing this passionate game, I'm starting to love you. First of all, slowly, I push my member into you again and again "!

"But my request is so great that shortly thereafter I increase your rhythm through my legs. Stop our kiss and cheer moaning. Yes so .... I need it ..... so I want to feel you ..... ah that's cool "! Again Stephanie's fingers are digging deep in her body. Try to reach and touch every millimeter of her vaginal walls. At the same time she massages her breasts. They quickly raise and lower again. Bernd's penis, on the other hand, is screaming for salvation and beating furiously against her back. Even Stephanie struggles with herself, so as not to turn around and attack Bernd. His soft, caressing hand on his arm feels far too good. Oh, Bernd, why could not you play this game with me earlier? At that time we could have made it a reality! Why did you have to propose it right now?

Stephanie realizes more and more clearly that she wants to put the game into action. How her vagina cries out. She yells because her fingers can not compare to a real member. That she is only satisfied with these if no TAIL is available. But here and now one of them could be available and that knows her vagina. Which is why she sends more and more urgently the desire to Stephanie's brain to feel this. To be able to absorb deeply.

Bernd loses control of his hand in this moment and so this puts on her breasts and presses it gently. As if struck by lightning, Stephanie is startled. Her eyes fill with moisture and 2 tears trickle down her right cheek. She jumps off the bed, grabs her dressing gown as fast as she can and storms to the door. Standing in the doorway, she looks back briefly and sees that Bernd looks after her. She recognizes in his eyes that he is sorry and that he could slap himself. "Do not be mad at me or at you. But it's really better if I go, "she says in a tear-suppressing voice, adding quickly," It really is not your fault "! Then she disappears from his field of vision and sneaks into her room.

She throws herself on her bed crying. Had she done the right thing or made the biggest mistake of her life so far? The only thing she knows is that it must never happen again, if she did not want to be unfaithful to Jürgen! Lucky that he is so rare here, so the danger is smaller! This thought is good on the one hand. On the other hand, he makes everything much worse. Because she realizes that (if that really exists) she loves Jürgen and Bernd!

It really is not your fault! Again and again, this last sentence of her hammering in his thoughts. But if he was not to blame, what should he think? At the end of the day, Rita had been right or should she be right and Stephanie and he let the biggest mistake be that they could prevent together? Just like Stephanie, with each thought, every new question, the feeling chaos in him grows bigger and bigger. She had always been like his little sister to him. That's how he has seen her for at least the last 12 or 13 years. Always protected her from intrusive types or tried to scrutinize her new friend. What that was and whether there were things Stephanie did not seem to know!

Maybe that was not because he just wanted to protect her like his nonexistent little sister, but was he already in love with her and jealous? In both minds the thoughts hit somersaults and prevent them from falling asleep for quite some time.

Bernd's alarm clock wakes him at half past 8. Today it is so far, either I confess her my feelings, my love and see what happens or I'll shut up forever! How had he been happy when she called him and asked her to be her best man. Why had everything got so out of hand? That he loves her is out of the question for him now. Nevertheless, he does not know what he should do. After all, there is a danger that she does not love him and that he may destroy her friendship or an upcoming marriage! With a heavy heart he meets for himself the most difficult decision of his life. He will not give it to her. Keep his feelings to yourself! He puts on his suit trousers rather without pleasure. A beige shirt, over it a 3 -lit vest and his jacket.

He enters the hallway and just then Rita walks past his room. "Oh, Bernd tomorrow. Today you are really early and have slept so well again "? "Morning Mrs. Wise. Of course, I'm up on time today. I'm going to be Stephs. Do not oversleep big day "! He closes the door behind him and together they go downstairs. Rita has noticed that he has answered her question only halfway, but he does not want to hurt him and leaves it at that. While she's finishing breakfast, he quickly covers the kitchen table. Suddenly Rita laughs. Bernd looks at her questioningly. "What is there to laugh at"? "I just remembered that Stephanie is more likely to oversleep her wedding than you! She still sleeps "! Bernd also has to grin but for a different reason. "Better that she sleeps the start than tonight's wedding night"! Rita has to laugh louder and more heartfelt. "That was clear that something like that comes. Otherwise you would be sick or a doppelganger of the real Bernd "! Naughty he grins at her and the two sit down.

The light falls right on her face. Blinking, Stephanie raises a hand and holds it in front of the aching eyes. Hardly she can get through to getting up. But it is time. Her watch shows 8 o'clock and she still has a lot of things to do until she is taken by her father at 10 o'clock along the corridor of the church and he hands over her hand to Juergen! Short breakfasts, take a quick shower. Doing the hair and of course the most important thing is putting on your snow-white bridal gown. The thoughts that try to cheat back into her brain just push her aside. She wonders how easy it is today! But she just has no time for that anymore. She puts on her bathrobe and goes down to have breakfast.

"Morning honey, come sit down and eat something!" Rita greets her and Bernd wishes her a good morning. At the sight of the dressing gown, however, he immediately changes his mind and his thoughts wander back to the last night. "Tomorrow you 2nd But just a moment I have to get ready. "I'll help you soon, then it will be faster and easier" explains Rita ready to help her. As she sits down she only realizes that Bernd already has his suit on and how well he looks in it. Above all, he could be today's groom and not just the best man. He dressed like that. Again, she feels an oppressive feeling. Which is why she just eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of coffee before going back upstairs.

An unknown and unpleasant silence is in the air all the time of breakfast, which makes Rita a little worried. So she does not know the two at all. Normally, somebody always tries to annoy somebody else or taunts. Whatever led to the craziest conversations. But today it's as if both are worried. As if a thunderstorm would discharge. When Stephanie went upstairs, she addressed Bernd. "Tell me what's up with you guys? I do not know you so calmly "! "I do not know what you mean! But maybe it's just the tension before the wedding, "he answers with a shrug and gets up as well. "Is there anything else I can or should do?" "No thanks for asking! But one. Would you be so nice and clear the dishes away. Then I can look after Stephanie "! Of course, Bernd agrees to this.

Rita rushes up to her daughter and Bernd is happy to be alone. Do not continue to be at the mercy of your probing questions. Because he knows exactly how stubborn she can be and is afraid that he could collapse underneath and confess that she was right. Right that he loves Stephanie and that he believes that she loves him or at least could love him! Is it hard enough for him to keep his feelings to himself? He clears the table and then sits down in the living room. Only now he notices that he is really all alone. Neither Stephanie's father nor Jürgen can be seen far and wide. He wonders where the two were left off. He had not seen Jürgen at all since he arrived 2 days ago. Slowly he remembers. Stephanie had insisted that Jürgen was allowed to see her in the wedding dress in the church and she had told him on Thursday shortly before his departure that his car had broken down and that her father would spend the night with Peter in a hotel on Saturday.

He actually knows Jürgen only fleetingly. Since he came together shortly after her, had moved abroad and the few short moments when he was here and had seen him, you could not really call know getting to know. Still, he pitied him a little. If he knew what had happened here this weekend, would he still marry her? Stephanie is standing in front of her bed and dressing with the help of Rita. Again and again she has to think about Bernd. What is he doing right now? What he thinks about? It makes a strange feeling in her stomach. She looks at her watch, 10 to 9 o'clock. Just under 2 hours until she is Mrs. Lockmann. 2 more hours that will change your whole life! But what if it gets lost in tracks she does not want to do and what could prevent her now? Again the emotional chaos breaks over her like a storm surge.

Should he call him and tell him? Bernd was scared of himself or of the thought that had come to him! What if he really did not marry Stephanie for that? Would the way be free for her or would Stephanie turn away from him? Because he would have destroyed the day that was to become the most beautiful in her life? Surely he loves her, but risking everything? Bernd thinks about what he should do. On the one hand, as I said, it could be your last chance or destroy everything! No I will try to live with the knowledge that the woman I love is married to another. No matter how painful this is or will be!

"Bernd you should come to Stephanie for a short time," rips Rita from his thoughts. "I"? he looks at her confused. "Is that someone else here, Bernd? Yeah sure, you know why I do not know "! He gets up and goes upstairs. Carefully, he knocks on her door and hears her calling in. Bernd opens the door and looks inside. Stephanie is standing in front of the table in the middle of the room and says, "Come in!" She is already wearing her wedding dress. A dress that is just a dream. The shoulders are free and on her upper arms ruffles hold the dress. The excerpt does not show too much, but lets you guess what the bridegroom is looking forward to. The dress is pretty tight to her body. But what fascinates him is the skirt of the dress. The back is so long that he can serve as a train, but ends up directly below her knees. She just looks fantastic.

As he goes to her, he asks her, "What is it?" As soon as he stands in front of her, she puts an arm around his neck and answers softly: "Let our game become reality"! As if one covers him with the baseball bat, the sentence hammered in his head and so he can not say anything draws him Stephanie quickly ran to him. Press her lips on his and grab the zipper of his pants. Bernd does not know how he happens. Did he fall asleep on the sofa and dream or should this really be? Then she puts her hand in his fly and takes his member through the fabric of his panties in the hand. No, this is not a dream. The woman he loves wants to be loved by him!

Stephanie ends the kiss and breathes: "Please Bernd take me. Let me know here and now if you are as good as I imagined "! There is no no for Bernd. He is still too aroused from last night to refuse you. He grabs her and puts her on the table. Stephanie leans back and looks as he opens his pants and pushes down to the ankles. With a longing for something she does not know yet, as if she were about to deflower, she looks at him. When he accesses her. He puts his hands on her thighs and pushes her wedding dress upwards. The black panty of her lingerie comes to the fore and makes Bernd even hotter. With almost trembling fingers he drives under the fabric. Lift it and push it aside. Finally, the goal of his desire is free in front of his member, which, of course, already stands out from him like a 1.

Stephanie grabs his about 2 cm in front of her body rocking member and pulls it gently closer to him ran. As close as his glans push her labia further apart and he pushes his pelvis forward. "Jahaaa Bernd come and take me. Show me that you desire me! "She groans as he penetrates deeper and deeper into her. When she feels his root in her shame, she whispers: "Stay a moment, please .... Ah, it feels even better than last night in my thoughts!" It is to be seen how much she enjoys the erupting feelings in her. But they do not have the time to enjoy long what she deeply regrets. If only she had not run away like a frightened little schoolgirl that night!

"Take me hard now and hurry up a bit. Unfortunately, we can not fully enjoy it "she breathes and Bernd knows that she is right! With a quick rhythm, he pushes his pelvis back and forth again. Whenever he bumps into her he touches her cervix. This is something Jürgen has never done with her and which makes her even wilder. She pulls him down by his waistcoat. Immediately, their lips connect and find their tongues. In and out .... in and out, again and again he pounding his cock in front of her demand overflowing soaking wet vagina. While their tongues do not want to separate anymore. He would like to massage her breasts, knead, just caress her. But these are too well hidden in the wedding dress.

Stephanie reaches behind his head and digs through his hair. She had not imagined it so overwhelming. Although her imagination is what she felt now, the feelings he gives her is pretty close. Is not it better how he fills her, impaling her again and again. Before she moans in her mouth and wishes that time would stop. Somewhere, the fear of time is still buzzing through her thoughts, but she wants him to come to his happiness. Will find out the last secret she has not experienced in the game. Then the time has come. Bernd ends the kiss and moans: "Oh Steph I'm ready. I'll be right back"! "Come on, come on me ..... let me feel like you're spilling in me ... give me this last insight ... that I've never met in our game ....." she groans , If he does not just want to cum on the floor somewhere, there is no other way anyhow. Otherwise he would mess up her dress, that would be the scandal of the year!

With a groan, he pushes his pelvis one last time against her. Stephanie feels his cock twitch and then the warm seed of Bernd spreads deep in her lap. This is what she has been waiting for. Overjoyed, no, she overruns her own orgasm. Groaning, she clings to him, clasping him with her legs, so as not to let him out. It is not the best orgasm of her life, one that puts her in the top 5 immediately. At that moment, Rita knocks on the door. "Are you coming soon, it's about time"? "Yeah, we'll come immediately!" She calls and tries to sound as normal as possible.

She releases Bernd from her grasp and looks at him a little sadly. He knows what she feels and what her look means. He's the same way. He would not have liked to savor this moment. No, he would have taken her some more times and given her these feelings, but it can not be done anymore. He takes a step back, causing his penis to slip out of her. While Stephanie first sits down and then slips off the table, he still sees how his sperm trickles down her leg. He gets dressed quickly and also Stephanie moves her panties quickly. Bernd just wants to leave as she holds him by the arm. Bernd turns to her. "Thanks," she whispers, and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Bernd smiles briefly and leaves the room.

Stephanie takes about 10 minutes to get ready again, so that Rita suddenly in the door and worried asks: "Where do you stay? Where is the Bernd? "How is he not down with you? He went downstairs a few minutes ago! " "No he is not, at least I have not seen him"! "Then he will probably have gone to his room again quickly. Wait, I'll go get him and we'll come down. Go ahead. We're down in a minute "! "Good but really in a minute, otherwise the bride will be late today!" Rita turns around and goes back downstairs. When she arrives at the bottom, she accidentally falls on the chest of drawers at the front door. Actually, the envelopes with the greetings cards should come on there later and they have to be vacated at the moment. But there are 2 envelopes. Stephanie comes down the stairs and says, "So he's not up there anymore. Is he here"? Rita shakes her head. "Then he'll probably wait outside!" Says Stephanie. "I do not believe that"! "How so? How do you get that? Of course he will wait outside "! But Rita only points with her head to the dresser.