
Stories by jennygrrl

by jennygrrl
59.5k 12 6 20

Sara & Grissom come to terms.

H 4.59 25.2k 4 6 4

She surrenders at the hands of her lover.

by jennygrrl
BDSM 03/19/2004
4.48 27.3k 4 3 6

Vampire Chronicles: Marius & Armand are reunited.

4.23 18.4k 2 2

Vampire Chronicles: Daniel & Armand reunite.

H 4.71 16.1k 2 1 2

Erotic escape with her vampiric lover.

by jennygrrl
NonHuman 10/25/2003
H 4.56 29.7k 6 2 8

Young man yearns to feel alive in friend's hands.

by jennygrrl
BDSM 10/18/2003
H 4.57 28.7k 1 4