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I had watched Brad interact with each of us with affection and fun. He had pitched in with breakfast and organized our day at the beach. It just might be him trying to impress us, and it did.

Once back in the apartment, John sat with Brad quietly talking. "I really want you to stay tonight."

"I think I should go. It's been a great day, and I've gotten to know you all a lot better. But I heard your concerns. I want this to work out, so I'm going to ignore my cock - and yours and Mark's ass and the other cuties - and go. I'll check in later in the week, maybe we can do dinner on Wednesday. If you guys want to stop by the gym I work at - I'm around in the mornings. I'll get you in and we can work out together."

"Don't go."

"Look, it's about killing me to leave. I can't believe I'm going. I never would have before. But I want a piece of what you guys have together, the loving, not just the love making. And as I furiously masturbate tonight, I'll have each of you in my mind." And he was gone.

There we four stood in shock staring at the door that had closed behind Brad.

"What a nice guy."

"It will be along time until Wednesday."

"I think I love him."

"All that cum going to waste." This from Mark. John grabbed him in a headlock and we all tickled him into submission.

"For a moment, I thought we had gotten past sex as a reason to like Brad" John chastised.

"Well you got a chance at that fabulous cock."

"You'll get your turn."

We all speculated what our meeting with Brad would be like, how he would behave, what he thought of us. By the appointed day and hour, only Mark and Tim were available to meet him. I'm sure John and Sean were very sorry to miss the chance, but John had an important client to meet and Sean a chance to earn some money by working at a party. They looked pretty glum when they left.

Brad had suggested we meet at a café with a garden seating area. I had only been there in the winter and had never seen the outdoor space. The restaurant was in an old brick townhouse, comfortable yet elegant. Mark drew all eyes as we passed through the front room bar, the back dining room and out the French doors to the garden.

We spotted Brad, already seated and joined him at his table. He rose to greet each of us with a kiss and hug. On sitting, he leaned over to me and asked, "Is it always like that when he enters a room. I mean everyone stops what there doing to stare at him. He is so beautiful, but I mean, that's gotta be annoying." I assured him it was, but I admitted to a hint of jealousy and my own endless infatuation with our lovely Mark.

Brad had already ordered a bottle of rosé - well, he is gay - which chilled in a bucket of ice. After we had ordered, Brad began nervously, "I'm really glad you guys could come. John called to tell me he and Sean were working. I guess schedules must be pretty confused among the four of you."

I agreed. I explained that at any given time, the mix of who was in the apartment changed. Every semester, Sean and my schedule changed and Sean and Mark sometimes travelled to visit their families. I teased Mark that I didn't really know what he did most of the time.

Mark replied huffily, "I go to auditions, take dance and acting classes, look for a job, and in the event you hadn't noticed, keep the apartment clean - which is pretty tough with the way some of you leave towels on the floor, clothes everywhere. As a matter of fact, I do believe you are the worst."

I cut him off, somewhat embarrassed, "Let's not squabble in front of the b-o-y."

Brad looked on amused. "I may be a dumb jock, but I can spell. I can relate to messy roommates. I live with two of my cousins. They are unbearable slobs, sweet guys, but absolute pigs. Their mom, my aunt comes over once in a while with a bull dozer to clean up the worst. I can't believe how quickly it returns to a dump. I keep my own room and bathroom in pretty good shape. Their girlfriends always visit the "gay wing" when they visit to use the bathroom. I love my cousins, but I've been saving all I can to get a place of my own. It's really expensive to get started - you guys know that."

I agreed, thinking of my own wonderful luck in meeting John and being given the chance to live far beyond my means in a loving environment. Mark was a little vacant on the issue. I know he's deeply appreciative of the loving space we all share and how he is valued.

"Still, I feel I need to move out. My cousins are totally cool with me being gay, but its awkward having a love life. I'm not comfortable having anyone over - not that I have much time. By the time I find someone I want to be with, even casually, and we settle on a place and time, there's not much romance left. I've been thinking if I had a place of my own, maybe I wouldn't be so lonely."

I told him I had trouble believing he was ever in need of someone to have sex with. "Yeah, I could probably get sex, but I want more. And now that I see what you guys have..." His voice trailed off.

Our meal arrived, though I really don't remember what we ate. It must have been good, though, since it didn't last long. There was an awkward feeling among us, we needed to break the ice to start the conversation.

Brad gathered himself up and leaned toward Mark and me. "I'm going to be shameless. I want to be with you guys. From what I've seen so far, you live together in a way I never even imagined. I can feel the love and peace at your place. My game plan is to get on the good side of each one of you. So far, I've cooked with Sean, seduced John. How do I get to you two?"

Mark spoke up, "As the official power bottom of the group, I've already seen you in action, so I'll be wanting some of what John got. Beyond that, unless everything I've seen about you so far is a put on, I'm eager to have you join us."

Brad: Mark was easy to read, his beautiful face an open book of his feelings. But Tim, I couldn't figure him out. So I kept on being brazen. "And you, Tim? You seem to be the cool observer in this team. I think John is a deep analyzer, but it seems like he has all this love he can't share enough, and I'm thinking that can cloud his judgment. So what are you, Tim, looking for me to do? What do you need to see in me to accept me?"

Tim took a long pull at his wine glass while looking me over. He breathed in deeply and exhaled. I guess I kind of shocked him, made him really think about what having me join their group would mean. At last, he spoke.

"Well, let's see where we are. Sean likes you. Mark is totally sold. John is over the moon over you. Which has got me thinking. If I'm holding back - as you suggest - and that kind of rings true - why? I guess I'm feeling a little jealous over John's reaction to you. Still, it was for John that we got this whole thing started. And John has always been the giver - and not just in the bedroom. The rest of us are really dependent upon him. Sure we would survive, somehow, without him, but life would suck. Now you, you already have a life, a job, you're gorgeous and giving. And John is nuts about you. Yeah, that's it. I'm feeling jealous that you're the man I'll never be and I'm afraid I'll lose something with John."

Mark leaned over to hug Tim. "I hope you know that's not true. John loves you. You're the one who got this whole thing started. You could have been a jerk and taken advantage of John. But you didn't. You helped him realize what his life could be - sharing with others, sharing with me. You guys tease me about the way I was living before I met you. You guys saved me. I knew what I was doing, but I came to think I wasn't worth anything, that I was just this face and body and that I deserved all the degradation my whoring life received. Then you opened your home and hearts to me. And you Tim, you're the fun and wit that makes it all work, for all of us."

Tim was crying. Mark was crying. I was crying. My mind was screaming, 'let me in, too, please.'

A few soppy moments later, Tim spoke up. "And I tease you about being dumb. If I'm the fun, you're the heart, Mark. Everything we all feel but are too 'sophisticated' to say, you wear it on your sleeve. Is it possible you're inner beauty outshines you're very luscious outer beauty? I love you, too."

They kissed and then seemed to remember my presence. Tim perked up. "Look at him, Mark" referring to me. "He's so sad and anxious. I think he's got a major boner for all of us."

"Quit teasing him, Tim. You know you love him, too. I'm glad you've worked through those feelings. That may be the best part of getting to know Brad. We've each had to face things in ourselves and about our relationship. Thank you Brad, for being so patient with us."

"Mark's right. It's taken less time than I thought possible, but we're at a whole knew place as a group, much more conscious of who we, as a group, are. And that's pretty much thanks to you, Brad. I admit it was the physical stuff that caught my attention. But you've stepped up as a real man and taught us about ourselves. It's not my place to ask you to move in, but I want you to."

My heart swelled. I was being accepted. It was like winning the grand prize in life.

Tim stood up and called out, "Group hug. Now let's go home."

To my "you mean it?" Tim and Mark put their arms through mine and walked me out of the restaurant and all the way to their apartment. When we got there, John and Sean had not returned. I had a seat in the great room while Tim and Mark did those 'just got home things' like checking the answering machine, a little quick tidying up - yes it was Mark - and the like.

I heard a key in the door and John came in. He spotted Tim in the kitchen area and called over to him, "So how did it go? I'm dying to hear what you thought about him. Do you think it will work out? Does he like us? You don't think he's too weirded out by us all being together? Do you think he's disappointed in us? Did you find out if he has a boyfriend? A girlfriend? Oh, god, a wife? I knew it, he doesn't want me or us. I blew it. I came on too strong and now I'll never see him again. It felt so perfect on Sunday at the beach. I guess I scared him off."

Tim did try to get a word in on John's anxiety storm, but gave up and waited for John to subside, then just pointed across the room at me. I stood up, smiling sheepishly, embarrassed at having heard John's fears.

Mark took me by the arm and led me over to John. "I think someone needs a hug."

"More than that, I'm guessin'" John's eyes were filled with tears. This all meant so much to him. I held him tight, kissing him and caressing his hair. I wanted to take away all his fears and reassure him that they were unfounded.

"You still sticking with your 'no' vote?" Tim teased John.

"I'm going out on a limb here," I ventured, "but I'm thinking this is working out? I'm in for the trial period?"

John just held me tighter. "Please stay tonight."

"I didn't bring my jammies."

"I don't think you'll need those - like ever."

"No toothbrush, either."

"I'll have to take back those 'be prepared' points'" Tim warned.

Mark chimed in, "John buys those by the bushel, we can scare one up for you."

"I guess all I need are some condoms."

"We got you covered - ahem - there, too."

Again we heard the key in the door.

Tim whispered to me, "Quick, go hide in the bedroom so we can surprise Sean."

I could hear through the door. Sean came in sounding weary. "Damn those old queens and their parties. Nothing I did was good enough. It wasn't my fault their cat ate the canopies. They felt bold enough to pinch my ass, though. I'll bet I have bruises." He paused. "So what are you all standing around for? It's nice that you waited up for me. Oh no. The dinner with Brad was tonight. So was he a complete jerk or something? I thought things were going so well. Oh, John, you look upset. Oh no. And I was so looking forward to another round like last week. Well anyway, come here handsome, I'll make you feel better. There, there, you're trembling. He wasn't that good looking anyway. And just because he has a big dick doesn't make him a good lover. I'll bet he was looking for a way to take advantage of us. I should have known better than to bring that muscle Mary in here."

I opened the door to find Sean embracing John, his back to me as he continued his tirade. John's trembling opened into the suppressed laughter it was.

"He's behind me, isn't he?" Sean turned around to see me standing, also laughing. "You mother fucking assholes. You let me go on, knowing he'd hear me and now I've messed things up."

"Come here" I held my arms wide for him. Sean scuffled across the space, mumbling apologies. "I think its sweet how you try to protect John - and the rest of you for that matter. I'll just know not to piss you off after you've been working."

You know, I don't remember the details of all we did that night. I know it was fun and judging by the number of used condoms spread around the bed the next day and that kind of buzzy, well rubbed flesh feeling I had in some unusual places on my body, we did it a lot.

The next morning Tim organized showers, again, Sean whipped up some breakfast, and Mark found some of his and John's clothes for me to wear.

John packed up the messenger bag he took to work and he and I went off, kissing each of the others as we went out the door. John held my hand as we walked down the street and kissed me deeply as we parted him to his office, me to the gym where I had a training appointment. In somewhat of a daze, I went through the day.

During the break before my afternoon shift at the sports store, I stopped back at my cousin's place and packed a bag. I left a note saying I might be away for a while and that I'd call. I also included a line that they'd have to keep things clean on their own from now on. I was done at six that day and feeling like a sit-com dad, went to what I hoped would be my permanent home. I buzzed from the lobby, the door was opened. I could hear them before I got up a flight of stairs.

"He's here."

"Brad's home."

"Now we're all here. I was so worried he wouldn't show up."

"Welcome home, honey."

I was surrounded with many kisses of welcome and felt bold enough to say "What's for dinner? I'm starving."

It truly was like coming home. Coming home to people who wanted me to be with them, who I wanted to be with.

Over dinner, John leaned toward me and said, "You've been quiet this evening. What's on your mind?"

I'm afraid I was overcome. Yes, big tough Brad had tears on his cheeks. "It's all so beautiful, you're all so beautiful. I want to make you happy, always."

John held me. It was nice being held by a big strong man. He kissed my ear gently. "I know how you feel. It is beautiful, and you're part of that now."

Sean started to clear up the dinner. "Help me out here, I think I feel an early bedtime coming on."

That night, it was more about connecting. Sure there were lots of used condoms around the room in the morning - we are guys, after all - but the touching was less heated, more intimate. By god, I was happy.

Chapter Six: Life as a group

Reporter: That takes us through how you all got together. What was life like with the group? What events occurred that you weren't expecting?

Mark: We had pretty much settled into roles, keeping the house, preparing meals, school, and work. It was pretty loose. Who ever was around, we usually hung out together. We had a separate room set aside as a study for Tim and Sean. We had a rule that if the door was closed, leave who ever was inside alone - no matter how much you might need some lovin'. Sometimes John would work at home, too. It made the long hours he worked when on a project easier on him and us. Then one day...

Sean: I know what you're thinking, 'Clash of the Titans'?.

Mark: Yup, one day it happened. John was working at home, really pounding out the work. He'd been at it for hours. John can be very intense. Sean, Tim and I were kind of laying low, not wanting to disturb him. Brad was off training a client that morning, but showed up in the early afternoon.

Brad came in being Brad, lots of noise, very clearly horny. John came out of the study, the door banging open. His eyes met Brad's. They didn't speak, just stared hard at each other across the room. Step by step they approached each other. Each of them were so intense, it was scary. We didn't say a word, just backed away from them.

Then all of sudden, Brad leaped at John. John caught him around the chest and threw him onto the couch and leaped on top of him. I hope you can picture them, John's six foot two, two hundred pounds. Brad is six foot, two twenty. Even though Brad's more muscular, they're both built. It was like a gladiator fight and erupted in our living room.

They wrestled, tipping over furniture, grappling, grunting and swearing. The other three of us watched from a corner, trying to stay out of the way. It went on and on, their clothes were torn, bodies heaving, until Brad got the better of John. He held him down on the over turned couch and ripped what was left of his shorts off, then tore off his own. His cock was raging. He held John down, who struggled, his back muscles straining. Slowly Brad pressed his cock against John's ass. John thrashed around but Brad held on until he was fully inside John. Then John forced his way to standing, then craning his head around, kissed Brad hard on the mouth. Brad wrapped his arms around John and began to make love to him with great strength and yet gentleness. John's cock stretched out in front of him, Brad pumped away. With a great cry, John's cock exploded with an orgasm that shot half way across the room. A moment later, Brad emptied himself into John. The collapsed onto the floor, embracing.

They got to giggling. "Well you are in a mood, mister."

"Same about you, lover. Man that was fun. I'll be able to skip the gym today. What a workout."

"Hey you assholes" Tim spoke up. "You scared us. We thought you were really mad at each other."

"Sorry to scare you, we were just playing. I love feeling his muscles."

"And I love feeling his muscle" said John with a wink.

And that's what we came to call the Clash of the Titans. It happened every then and again. I think it was about cabin fever - when these guys had been working too much and not getting out enough. The mood would strike them, then look out.

Tim: What about the time they got a hold of you?

Mark: Yeah, they left the 'little guys' alone, but went after me a few times. It was pretty much the same scenario, and I don't know what gets into their heads, but one time, they were thundering around the great room. I had retreated to the 'kennel' when they came bowling over each other into the room. The had each other in a grapple hold, straining every muscle when at the same time they spotted me. Fortunately, I was very lubed from a round with the Timster a short while before, because when the got their hands on me, they were going to have their way.

Reporter: Were you frightened?

Mark: I pretended to be. I knew I could stop them whenever I wanted, but all that heaving, hairy man flesh, and I was into it. They came at me from both ends and I think I did a pretty fair job of keeping up, though nobody can throat like Brad - how he takes all of John is amazing. Several orgasms later and we were a pile of sweaty men, very happy sweaty men.

Reporter: You all seem to have found sexual compatibility, though it takes all of you to make up the right combinations. I know that Mark and Sean are bottoms and John seems versatile. So that leaves Tim and Brad as the tops.
