
Stories by 2602Surprise

Mixing Bourbon and Pleasure after the Auction.

H 4.8 11.3k 10 8 23

Lovers bask in the morning after.

3.92 6k 1 1 2

The girls and boys enjoy shower time... lesbian and gay fun.

H 4.53 14.1k 12 3 16
Legatus 2 Parts
9k 10 3 13

She serves the Master of a Roman Villa.

4.37 5.1k 8 2 10

She serves the Mistress of a Roman Villa.

4.29 3.9k 2 1 3

Two lovers. One storm.

by 2602Surprise
Romance 03/30/2018
4.16 5.7k 1 2 1

Her mid afternoon shower gets interesting...

4.16 21.5k 14 2 18

Top Performer Gets Special Attention.

H 4.56 14.9k 7 3 11

An old boss returns.

4.43 10.8k 8 9

Well she did ask for it...

4.34 17.5k 3 4

She meets an old friend at a gala event.

H 4.51 8.7k 3 2 5

He drives her crazy in a Restaurant.

4.45 18.8k 8 6 13