A Wish From The gods


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In part Bert wants the money he is owed, but he refuses to die for it. That's his concern, but not his main concern. His main concern is that he can't just leave someone stranded in the middle of the ocean. But again, that doesn't mean he's going to die for them.

"There...she...goes," Daniel then states as the two men watch Sarah jump from the ship's ladder onto the house's small porch. Once there she examines the outside of the house, going as far as to touch the wood that supposedly makes up the front of the house.

Sarah smiles widely as she opens the unlocked front door and walks through it. Filled with pride and confidence, Sarah walks through the door with a heart full of wonder as she knows she is the only one to find it. That the years of researching, planning and all the money spent has lead to this moment. That in this moment, she rules the world.

As she walks through the door, Sarah knows what she is about to receive. She knows what her heart wants more than anything else. It's been the same thing she's wanted ever since she was a child. And that's power. Real power. Power to be able to seek revenge against anyone that ever did her wrong. Power to make them fall to their knees and beg her for forgiveness. Power enough to take all that she could ever want.

Even as a child, Sarah has issues with being told "no." Whenever she would hear that word, she would go off. She would have an epic temper tantum to ruin everyone's day. As an adult, she wasn't much better. Most of those that had to interact with her had found other ways of saying "no" or risk getting yelled at for hours.

And of all the people that she wants revenge on, the Wish's Luck group was first. They were the group dedicated to find this very house. They were also the group that told her she wasn't welcome to join them. Upon being told that, Sarah had a breakdown. She threatened them and their families, making sure they knew they messed with the wrong woman. Never did she stop to listen why they denied her, which is because they were scared of what she might do if she found the house. They knew there was a darkness in her, and a wish from the gods combined with that darkness might be enough to end the world.

"What the fuck?!" Sarah exclaims as she finds she's not in the living room of the old house. In fact, she's not in the old house at all, or so it would seem.

Looking around, she finds she is in a locker room. Confused, Sarah looks around at the empty room, knowing it looks familiar. More than familiar, Sarah knows she has been here before, but can't remember when or where.

Sarah looks down to see that she's naked. Completely naked. Not even socks or her necklace is on her any longer.

Sarah's paid for big breasts are exposed as well as her waxed womanhood. She is completely naked, right down to her toned ass. Naked right at the location where the showers meet the floor.

Panicked by this extreme change, Sarah looks around for her clothes. Or if not her clothes, then somewhere to hide. Somewhere to go so no one will see her like this.

That's when Sarah sees the shower stalls. The showering area is broken into two sections, where one is a general area where shower heads stick out of the wall where multiple women can shower at once. Then, to the side, there are four shower stalls, meant for people to be able to shower privately.

"This is...high school," Sarah says aloud, knowing exactly where she is now.

This is Brightworth Academy's locker room, which is where she went to school. She remembers it very clearly now. The more she looks around, the more everything comes flooding back to her. She should know this locker room because she visited it daily as she was on the volleyball team back then. Back when she was 18 years old.

"B-B-But....why?" Sarah asks, not understanding why she's here of all places. Where's the god-like powers? Where is her revenge?

This isn't what was supposed to happen. She was supposed to receive god-like power from the wish. She was supposed to fly out of that house supercharged, ready to bring the world to its knees. Yet here she is, back in her high school.

The sound of the locker room door opening breaks Sarah from her thoughts. In what feels odd to her, her first thought isn't to prepare to fight or confront whoever is about to come in. Her first thought is to hide. To not let anyone see her naked. But this is far from what she would normally think nor feel.

Sarah then rushes towards one of the shower stalls in sheer reaction to her panic. As she runs to a stall, she notices her clothes hanging on the outside hook. Hanging there along with a towel, as if she just undressed and left the stall.

Before Sarah can grab her clothes, the sound of footsteps gets much louder. Someone is coming and she is in danger of them seeing her like this. So instead of taking her clothes, Sarah rushes into the stall and shuts the door behind her. She even locks the stall.

Sarah isn't exactly sure why, but she turns on the shower. Something inside her wants the people coming to think that she isn't hiding from them. That she was showering the whole time, like a normal person would.

Warm water proceeds to stream out of the shower, drenching her naked body. As the water hits her, Sarah wonders why she feels so different. It's like someone has planted someone else's emotions inside of her. For she knows her first act normally would be to confront the new people and ask what the fuck was going on.

As Sarah cowers naked in the shower stall, she starts to wonder why the house sent her here. This wasn't what her heart wanted. Right? Or is it? If it is, then what is this? Why would her heart want her to be naked back in high school?

Coming out of her thoughts, Sarah hears giggling. Sounds of other women, giggling and laughing as if having a good time or playing a prank. It makes her go back in time to when she really did go here over 10 years ago.

And in the back of her head, Sarah knows the owners of those voices. This should be impossible, as who can recognize someone from a soft giggle, but yet she knows who they are. Those are her friends. Her best friends back then. Back when they considered themselves adults and ready to take on the world.

A smile creeps over Sarah's face as she considers it would be nice to see her old friends. To hang with them as she used to do. Back when they had their own little crew and could do as they wanted. Back in high school, she ruled the social scene thanks to the money her family had. Everyone wanted to be her friend or at least get in her good graces. Everyone did whatever she wanted.

Sarah stands up straight in the shower, recalling how much fun she had in high school. That the wish must have brought her back to the time she really did run the place. When teachers and students feared her. Where everyone knew she was in charge.

Barely able to wait before starting to cause chaos, Sarah turns off the shower. Opening the stall door a little, Sarah reaches out to grab her clothes off the hook. She brings the clothes into the stall and then closes the door again, wanting to dry herself off and get dressed in peace before stepping out.

Only, the clothes in her hand were not hers. Nor was there a towel. Before she rushed into this stall Sarah knew she saw her clothes as well as a towel on the hook. She knew it with every fiber of her being. But now there was no towel, and just a t-shirt shirt and gym shorts.

"Wtf?" Sarah thinks as she examines the clothes in her hand. Only, she feels that the entire scene is remarkably familiar for some reason. Not that this has happened to her before, but that she witnessed it somehow. That it happened to someone she knew.

"Come on nerd, you can't stay in there all day," a female voice declares and it's pretty clear it's talking to Sarah.

All at once Sarah understands what happened. It's as if the wish beamed the knowledge right into her head. They took her clothes. They grabbed them off the hook and replaced them with what she's holding.

And how is Sarah so sure of this? Because she did this very thing to Becky. Becky Bigtits.

Becky Bigtits was a nerdy girl that was in the same grade as Sarah. She was a quiet and shy girl that kept to herself. From all accounts she was a nice and kind person, with no one saying anything bad about her. Just another 18 year old, trying to get good grades and survive high school.

Oh how Sarah hated Becky. Hated her with a passion. You see, Becky had very large tits. Super big tits. Tits that the dumb cunt didn't even show off or flaunt. It was like the dumb nerd didn't know the tool that she had, and that it could get her anything she wanted. Instead the nerd kept her chest hidden, as if ashamed by it.

Back in high school Sarah hadn't had any of her surgeries. She was in great shape, but her breasts were a humbling B cup, and her ass was rather plain. It was after high school that she had the first of what would be many surgeries to improve her body. Now her chest stands out with a very respectable FF cup, as well as a shapely ass.

The image of Becky's face comes into Sarah's mind. Sarah made sure to make Becky's life hell whenever she could. In fact, she was the one that got everyone to start calling her "Becky Bigtits." Any chance Sarah could get for revenge, she took it. From stealing Becky's bra when the girl showered to paying off classmates to ask her if how much it would be for a titfuck. Sarah did so much in her hatred of Becky.

Including the shower incident. Especially the shower incident. Thanks to Sarah's taunts and mockery, Becky started using the private stalls to shower after gym class. One day as Becky showered, Sarah took her clothes and towel from the hook. In its place she left some clothes that were in the lost and found. Sarah didn't even know if the clothes would fit, not that she cared.

Sarah laughed and laughed every time she saw Becky that day. Wearing those old clothes that didn't fit. Where Becky had to walk with her arms crossed so her tits wouldn't bounce about thanks to not having a bra. Or how she had major camel toe at having to wear shorts that tight. That day Becky looked like the clown that Sarah always thought she was.

"This can't be," Sarah says to herself as she looks at the clothes. Again, there's just a t-shirt and gym shorts, nothing else. No bra. No panties. No towel.

"You know what she's probably doing in there, right girls?" A cruel sounding female voice asks. Upon hearing it, Sarah knows that there is more than one person out there. More than one was waiting on her.

"Stupid nerd is playing with herself. Playing with that tiny little bean of hers, getting off on hearing all the normal people acting normal," the cruel female voice declares.

Humiliation and panic run over Sarah at this statement. She knows on a normal day she wouldn't care what anyone said about her. But this was no normal day. In fact, the more that time passes, the more Sarah starts to believe she really is back in high school. Her class schedule even returns, making her recall the route through the halls she is supposed to take. And that there's a test today in last period.

Sarah somehow knows if she doesn't come out fast, those girls out there will spread the rumor that she is playing with herself all over school. She'll be the weirdo girl that played with herself in the locker room. For the rest of time, that is what she will be remembered for.

Humiliated and scared, which are emotions Sarah has never felt to this degree, she takes the t-shirt in her hand and pulls it down over her head. This proves to be rather hard as Sarah had forgotten that she hadn't dried herself off. Her wet body proceeds to make the t-shirt cling to her, making her force it down.

Right as Sarah gets the t-shirt past her shoulders, she realizes something else. The shirt is way too small. It's so tight that she doesn't know if she can even get it over her chest. It has to be at least two sizes too small.

But knowing what will happen if she doesn't get out of the stall fast, Sarah forces the shirt down with all her might, stuffing her tits behind the tight top. Stuffing her tits inside the shirt is a very true description of what she's had to do, as her poor breasts feel mashed down now.

Sarah's face burns red as she looks at her chest with the t-shirt on. Not only is it too tight and her stomach shows, but the shirt is also wet. Wet to the point you can make out her breasts perfectly. You can see each orb stuffed in the shirt, pressing against the fabric. To top it off, her nipples poke out lewdly.

Fear like Sarah has never felt before comes over her at the thought of being seen like this. This fear threatens to overpower her and send her into a panic attack. Yet Sarah doesn't understand why. She's worn incredibly revealing clothing before and in public. She's never cared about being seen before, so why is it such a big deal now?

Sarah has always felt confident and sure of herself. Where she knew she was the smartest, prettiest and richest person in the room. But now she feels far from that.

"No. No way," Sarah then gasps to herself as what is happening dawns to her. It occurs to Sarah that what she is feeling...is what Becky must have felt back then. That she's being forced to feel what Becky went through in high school.

Swaying some due to her fear, Sarah resumes trying to get dressed. She places her feet into the leg holes of the gym shorts that she's placed on the ground. She quickly pulls the red gym shorts up, prepared to exit the stall. Only the moment she lets go of the shorts, they fall to her ankles.

Picking the gym shorts back up, Sarah sees that they are too big. Way too big. Sarah normally wears a medium, but these have to be an extra-large, if not an extra-extra-large. These will never stay up.

Having to hold the shorts up by the waistband, Sarah exits the stall. The panic of being known as the girl that plays with herself at school is an extremely powerful motivator to get her to move.

When Sarah exits the stall, she sees three women standing there, waiting for her. Three women that she recognizes. Three women with cruel expressions.

The girl on the left side is Rosey, one of Sarah's best friends in high school. Same is true for the girl on the right, Jenny. They were part of her crew back in high school, where they did everything together. They were like her sidekicks, always right by her side. All of them were 18 years old, demanding to be treated as adults.

But in between the two women...is Becky Bigtits. Only she looks nothing like she did in high school. Gone is the overly large chest or dorky clothes with comic book characters. Gone are the boyish shoes and ponytail. Instead she stands there, noticeably confident and downright sexy in designer shoes and styled hair.

Fear moves over Sarah yet again as she sees their smiles are not smiles of friendship. They are cruel smiles. Smiles that show they want to cause pain and humiliation. Sarah should know those smiles as she saw them on Rosey and Jenny all the time, only they were always directed at someone else.

"Ahhh look how the nerd decided to dress today," Becky taunts as she looks at the clothes Sarah forced herself into, making all three laugh at Sarah.

This laughter causes Sarah's face to redden as she knows how stupid she looks. She doesn't need them to remind her. She can only be glad there's no mirror so she can see her too tight top and a huge shorts.

"Well?" Becky then asks Sarah as if wanting a response. Sarah looks at her in awe, not believing how different Becky looks now.

"I...I...I don't know what you want," Sarah answers several moments later, knowing that Becky is waiting.

When Sarah hers her own voice, she gets scared all over again as it doesn't sound like hers. It sounds like a pathetic voice. The voice of someone that was made to be a victim. A soft, quiet voice that you would just ignore.

"So stupid, aren't you?" Becky asks, shaking her head at Sarah.

"Thank us for your new outfit," Becky demands, motioning to the clothes that Sarah is wearing.

For the briefest of moments Sarah nearly exclaims, "bitch, you did this?!" But that fire is burned away like a match in a snowstorm. Replacing that fire is the thought that these three women mean to do some sort of physical violence if Becky doesn't get her way. It was the same thing Sarah would do back then.

"I...ummm, t-t-thank you," Sarah says, knowing this is better than fighting. That once they leave she can search for her clothes.

"For what, nerd? Thank you for what?" Becky demands as Rosey and Jenny laugh. The pair of women look directly at Sarah and laugh their cruel laugh, loving her humiliation.

Sarah remembered those laughs. The cruel laughs as you humiliated a weaker being. Her two friends could laugh that laugh so well. Sarah also believed that the two of them probably got off sexually at doing it. That the power was enough to make them horny. I mean, both got caught fucking their boyfriends more than once back then after we bullied some idiot.

"Thank you for my new outfit," Sarah tells Becky now that she knows what she wants.

All three of her tormentors laugh at her, and Sarah knows they have every right. She knows she is being pathetic. Beyond pathetic. She's being a willing victim, which is something Sarah said she would never be.

"Turn around, show it off. Show off that flat ass of yours," Becky orders, motioning for Sarah to turn around.

A groan comes out of Sarah as she hoped this exchange was over. But she fears it is just beginning. That they smell blood in the water.

Sarah does as she is told and slowly turns around in place. The water from her hair drips down, insuring that her shirt stays wet as can be. And Sarah is still having to hold her shorts up, basically making her hands helpless as she holds them at the waistband.

"There's that flat ass. You need to get that thing in shape. Ugly bitches like you have to offer taking it up the ass for any guy to want anything to do with you," Becky taunts when Sarah has turned all the way around. This makes Sarah's face redden as it is the exact thing she remembers saying over the years.

"Hey! HEY! What are you doing?!" Sarah protests as she feels hands on her arms. Hands that have grabbed her and are holding her in place.

Rosey and Jenny have stepped forward to grab Sarah's hands. There is a brief struggle, but Sarah knows she can't overpower them, so she lets them take her hands. It a manner of speaking, she gives up and lets them do what they want.

Sarah's arms are grabbed and pulled up some, which forces her to let go of her gym shorts. When she does, her shorts fall to the ground, exposing her bare ass to her tormentors. It makes Sarah gasp out as she is in part nude in front of the worst possible people.

"Damn girl, so desperate for us to see you naked. You'd think you were a lesbian or something," Becky taunts, making all three girls laugh as they hold Sarah.

Sarah's hands are held painfully behind her back now. Then she feels something being slid over her wrists. Whatever it is, it is made of cloth. Whatever it is, she can feel Becky wrapping it over and over her wrists, pulling on it, only to wrap it around again.

Fear and panic return to Sarah as she can't believe this is happening. She's not only half-naked, but her hands are pinned behind her, making her helpless. It's by far the most helpless she has ever been.

Sarah ponders how she never did anything this mean back in the day. Never tied someone's hands behind their back, or stripped them of their bottoms. So why is this happening to her now?

"There. At least those ugly panties of hers have some use," Becky comments once the two women are finished. They let Sarah go, laughing as they do.