A Wish From The gods


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"Damn, class about to start," Jake then says disappointed after looking at his cell for the time.

Jake proceeds to aim his cell at Sarah, where it is clear he's about to take a picture. To this Sarah tries to turn and hide her naked self, but there's no where to hide too. And so the flash goes off on Jake's cell as he takes a picture of her like this. A picture of her naked and humiliated.

Sarah is humiliated on a new level as she orgasms again. It's a small, weak orgasm, but still an orgasm. But it's not from Jake taking a picture of her like this. It's from everyone else doing it. Where dozens of other classmates point their cells and take picture after picture of her like this, ensuring her life is about to be ruined.

Becky, on purpose, doesn't do anything as people do this. She lets Sarah stand there, wanting her to be ruined. This feeling makes Sarah feel very upset, but at herself. On some level she can't believe her body would betray her like this. Where it is getting off on her destruction...and she loves it.

After Jake gets his pic, he smiles at Becky, then leaves. When he leaves, so does the gathered crowd. They all rush off, concerned about making it to class before the bell rings. Within moments Sarah is left again with Becky, Rosey and Jenny.

"Fix her," Becky orders as the bell rings overhead, and at once Rosey and Jenny move forward. Without saying anything to the other, the two women fix Sarah's clothes. Rosey grabs her wet t-shirt and pulls it down, stuffing her breasts back under it. Jenny lifts Sarah's shorts until Sarah is able to hold it again and hide her bare sex.

"Walk," Becky orders to Sarah, pointing down the near empty hallway.

Knowing her place, Sarah starts to walk again. She had hoped that after that show Becky would be done with her, but this is clearly not the case. Then again, Sarah feels so confused that she isn't sure if she wanted this to stop or not.

Like before, Sarah's tits bounce hard as she walks. She feels the way the heavy orbs move up and down, which makes her feel like such a victim. She can feel the eyes of people looking at her as she passes classroom after classroom, the walking victim and her bouncing tits.

The humiliation she is suffering starts to feel like a drug to Sarah. A drug more powerful than any opiate. Which is a feeling she is finding she wants more of. A lot more.

Rosey didn't pull Sarah's t-shirt down all the way. Because of this, each time Sarah's breasts bounce the shirt rides up more and more. Sarah does notice this, to which she is scared at it's only a matter of time before her breasts break free of the shirt. She would ask for it to be fixed, but she knows Becky wouldn't go for it. If anything, she would lift her shirt and force her to walk exposed where some teacher would notice.

Sarah keeps walking down the hallway, having no clue where Becky is taking her. The only thing she does know is that the connecting hallway is coming up. From there, who knows where she's about to be taken.

"Alright nerd, turn around, put your back to the door," Becky orders as they reach the two connecting hallways.

Unable to help it, Sarah stops to look at Becky in confusion. After locking eyes with her bully, Sarah looks about, not understanding what Sarah wants. Where they are has no classrooms as this is more like the maintenance section of the hallway. Sure there are classes further down in either direction, but here it is storerooms, closets and more.

"B-B-Becky...no. P-Please," Sarah starts to beg when she figures what Becky wants. That cold fear moves over her again as she sees the cruel smile on Becky's face. For what she wants is far worse than letting people she her get spanked.

In front of them is one of the many janitor's closets. They are all over the school where he stores his mops, towels, cleaners or whatever. That isn't what is so bad, but who the janitor is...that's bad.

Sarah remembers the janitor. The creepy, weird janitor. The janitor wasn't a creep but THE creep. That's the best way to describe him. The rumor was that he was related to the superintendent, so he could never be fired. That's why he got away with the creepy stuff he would do.

Everyone had a story about the creepy janitor. Being leered at, being told a crude sexual joke, or even him poking his scarred face into the women's restroom under the guise that he needed to clean it. Where he would open the stall to get a look at you if there was no one else inside.

"Turn around. Put your back to the door," Becky states, smirking as she points to the janitor's closet. After saying this, Rosey and Jenny both giggle as everyone knows what this means.

With a bright red face and a heart filled with fear, Sarah walks towards the closed door. When she reaches it, she turns around slowly until she sees the women again. Sarah then steps backward until her back and tied hands touch the door. She looks down after doing this, feeling so very cowardly and humiliated.

The sound of tape being unrolled makes Sarah look up. When she does, she sees Becky with a roll of duct tape. Tape that she didn't have a moment ago. This makes Sarah's eyes widen as she's not sure what is about to happen.

"B-B-Becky, no!" Sarah begs as Becky steps forward with the outstretched tape. Sarah tenses up and almost tries to move, but it's already too late. Becky places the long strip of tape right across Sarah's neck, taping her to the door. The tape attaches to the far side of the door, goes over Sarah's throat, then continues on to the other side of the door.

"Nooooo," Sarah whines as she knows she's trapped. That there's no way to move off the door, even if she wanted to. The tape is far too strong and in this position Sarah can't get any leverage. To keep trying would only make her choke herself.

A moment later, another piece of tape is put on Sarah, this time over her mouth. Becky puts the much smaller piece across her mouth, ensuring that she won't even be talk now. That during what is about to happen, she won't even be able to beg for it to stop or call for help.

"Oh shut up. You know you deserve this for having those clown tits," Becky tells Sarah as Sarah whines into her gag.

Sarah doesn't say anything as Becky lifts her t-shirt again to free her breasts. Nor does she say anything when her shorts are tugged down again, exposing her bare womanhood. She doesn't even say anything when Becky grabs her face and forces her to look her in the eye.

"We are going to watch all the fun from right over there," Becky tells Sarah, pointing to the next hallway.

"When it happens, just remember...you deserve this, nerd," Becky says and all three women laugh at her. After saying this, Becky lets go of Sarah and they all giggle as they rush to the next hallway.

"Goodness me," the creepy old janitor says in his quivering voice, coming from nowhere. Like a dream he just seems to appear from nowhere, for there was no sign of him a moment ago.

The creepy old janitor is walking from the opposite end of the hallway, staring directly at Sarah. His old eyes look her up and down and his mouth is in the form of a leer, giving the impression that he's just hit the lottery. There's no doubt his evil, creepy mind is thinking of all he could do to Sarah.

The janitor, complete in his blue coveralls, looks left and then right as if checking if anyone is around. He then keeps walking, acting as if he doesn't see Sarah until he is right in front of her. He then checks the hallway again, then proceeds to lick his lips.

"Seems someone given me a present. I know I should let you go, as you don't look like this was your idea. But I'm not. I think I'll just go ahead and fuck you instead," the janitor tells Sarah in a whisper as he brings his scarred, wrinkly face close to hers.

Knowing this is what was going to happen, Sarah doesn't move. She wants to as the thought of his old hands touching her is far more humiliating than anything she can think of, but she won't. Sarah knows that even if she managed to get free, Becky would bring her back. And Becky would be pissed, leading to this becoming much worse.

"Those are some big titties you got there girl, you know that?" the janitor asks seriously while staring at Sarah's chest. He's unzipping his coveralls now, where he slides them down, revealing his old body. He is somewhat in shape, but the man is clearly in his 60s or 70s. By far the oldest man to ever do anything sexual to Sarah.

The janitor reaches out both hands and grabs hold of Sarah's nipples. He pinches hard, making Sarah react. The pain of it makes her tense up as only the janitor would cause pain as his first touch. He lessens the pinch, where he starts to roll her nipples in his hands while smiling.

"I asked ya a question. You know you got some big fucking titties?" the janitor asks, putting his scarred face inches away from Sarah's. After saying this, he pinches Sarah's nipples again, only now he makes her tits jiggle, pumping her full of that humiliation. The humiliation only gets stronger when she nods yes to actually answer him.

Again the janitor looks left and right as if not wanting to get caught. When he sees the coast is clear, he then grabs both of Sarah's tits and starts to grope. His fingers squeeze hard on her titflesh, making her feel owned at how rough he is being. And when he brings his face down to one of her nipples she tries to turn her head only to find she can't due to the tape. Therefore she is made to watch the old man suck each of her nipples over and over.

Sarah's eyes widen when the janitor lets go of her tits, only to grab the inside of her right thigh. He lifts her leg upward, slowly forcing her to spread herself open. Because of this, her right foot leaves her gym shorts completely.

The higher he lifts her leg, the more open Sarah's pussy becomes. More open and more helpless. It's becomes so intense that when the man steps up to press his old body against her, Sarah moans. It's a soft moan, but a clear moan as she has never been this aroused or disgusted.

Upon closing her eyes tight, Sarah orgasms yet again. This time it is from the feeling of the old man's cock entering her. Where he holds her leg up and slides his cock in her, knowing that she doesn't want it. Knowing that this is wrong. Knowing that she was forced here, and not caring. Especially knowing how his cock is old and her womanhood so young.

"There we go, there we go," the janitor croons over and over as he thrusts inside of Sarah. He's unable to go too fast, but he is able to be rough. Where when he thrusts it feels more like he's trying to impale her with his cock than have sex. Sure, it's not an exceptionally large cock, but at the moment it feels like it is a meter long.

Sarah, once again, hides the fact that she is cumming. She closes her eyes and fights hard not to moan as the old man fucks her. To her credit, the janitor thinks that she is in pain and dealing with the humiliation of what he is doing, which only makes him harder. He misinterprets her tensed face and moans as whimpers of being used instead of having an intense orgasm.

"You enjoying my old cock? Huh whore?" the janitor states after checking that no one has come out yet to catch what he is doing. After checking, he asks Sarah again while continuing to thrust mightily inside of her.

"Say it. Say you love my old cock. Say it or I'll slap those huge funbags so hard they'll move in circles!" The janitor hisses into Sarah's ear, his own anger flaring at how she is making him feel.

Sarah's eyes roll back as the waves of pleasure get stronger and stronger. It is by far the most intense orgasm yet, where her entire body quivers and jerks from the strength. The fierceness of it seems to break her spirit even more, chasing away the tiny bit of resistance she might have had deep inside her.

"I love your old cock," Sarah says as if her life depended on it. Only with the tape over her mouth, it comes out a garbled mess. Not that the janitor cares. Hearing her say this makes him start to thrust faster and rougher, powered by her humiliation.

"Tell me how my old cock is fucking your pussy. Tell me!" the janitor hisses, showing just how crazed he is. Where he is far eviler and darker than anyone could have known. Where he thrusts his cock so hard and far inside Sarah that it makes her breasts bounce while thinking how she would look being choked and anally raped.

"Your old cock is fucking my pussy," Sarah tells the creepy old janitor through her gag, with the last word being extremely high pitched as she hits the peak of her orgasm. The peak comes not because of what she said, but what the creepy janitor does. For at hearing her say this, he cums as well.

A deep wave of humiliation moves over Sarah as she feels the old man cum inside her. Sarah always made her lovers wear condoms, so the feeling of cum inside her is shocking as she just assumed he was wearing a condom. But now, his warm seed pumps deep inside of her, violating her very insides in a dominating feeling not felt before.

The janitor makes all sorts of goofy noises as he cums inside Sarah's womanhood. He also stops thrusting but keeps his dick planted all the way, making sure all of his cum will stay inside her.

Sarah is lost in a daze of bliss and humiliation. Where her orgasm becomes so intense she forgets where she is. All she knows is that she was just used by an old man in both the best and worst ways. That this old man used her most private of places as a joke, ruining her from anyone ever wanting to fuck her again.

Panting, Sarah is unable to talk as the janitor pulls his coveralls up. The last of her orgasm runs over her as the janitor quickly fixes his clothes. He looks around again, concerned that someone might have seen or heard him raping a student.

When the coast is clear, the janitor smirks and gropes Sarah's tit one last time before he walks off, fast. He moves as fast as he can the way he came, not wanting to be found with Sarah in this state. There's no care from him about who might find her or what they might do. He happily leaves her naked, bound and now with cum leaking out of her.

"You know you deserved that, right? Deserved it for having such freak tits?" Sarah hears Becky say. The way Becky says this, Becky knows she honestly believes it. That Becky believes Sarah deserves being raped by the old man, and more.

Sarah's eyes are closed as she wants to feel every tiny bit of these new emotions. From the fading orgasm to that arousal that burns in her very soul which refuses to leaves. These are feelings that Sarah never knew existed, to which she would have happily traded all of her money to feel them. Yet some part of her knows that all those years ago, she did such actions to other because she wanted them done to her.

Embracing these darker feelings, Sarah nods yes to Becky to answer her. She nods to show that yes, she understands she deserved being fucked by that old man. That it was her fault all of this is happening. That if she didn't annoy Becky, none of this would have happened. That they wouldn't treat her and her body like a joke.

"Jenny, give her the present," Becky then orders, to which Sarah opens her eyes.

The sidekick of Becky steps forward where she holds up a black binder clip. The sort of clip you use to keep large stacks of papers together. Only as Jenny opens and closes it, Sarah knows the only place it could go.

Jenny brings the black binder clip to Sarah's nipple. All Sarah can do is whimper as she watches Jenny do this, her naked body still on display. Jenny then lets the clip close on the nipple, causing Sarah to whine loudly as it feels like someone is biting her nipple. And of course, as she struggles to deal with the pain, all three women laugh at her as her movements makes her breasts jiggle.

Sarah's right nipple gets the same exact treatment a few moments later, leaving both nipples clamped. With pain coursing over her, Sarah looks down at her breasts which look so disrespected with the binder clips sticking out.

Jenny then lowers Sarah's shirt again to cover her exposed breasts. But this time once the t-shirt is down, there's no hiding that clips. They poke out on the shirt, making it noticeably clear she has nipple clamps. In a way Sarah sort of wishes they would just keep her exposed then try to hide it like that, as it stands out so much more. That trying to hide them makes them stand out even more.

A moment later, Jenny uses her foot to fix and lift Sarah's shorts. The way she does this is as if she doesn't want to kneel and be that close to Sarah's pussy. Like the old man is so gross that she doesn't want to go anywhere near where he was.

Sarah grabs hold of her shorts once they are pressed back into her hands. When she grabs her shorts, she feels just how sore her womanhood is thanks to the janitor. How violated it feels. How sore.

"Walk," Becky orders Sarah after peeling off the tape trapping her neck to the door. She doesn't ungag Sarah as Becky enjoys how silly it makes her look.

As Sarah starts walking down the hallway, her breasts bouncing, only now with the clamps poking out, she understands that whatever this is, is both real and not real. That the longer she stays in whatever this place is, the more her mind will believe it's real. This means if she stays too long, she will be stuck here, trapped by her bullies in this high school, where she will be humiliated, abused and fucked for all of time. But she doesn't know how to leave, or even if she wants to.

"This should be fun," Becky laughs as the bell to release class sounds off overhead. Within seconds, the hallways are flooded with students, all of which stop to look at Sarah and her bouncing clamped tits as she walks by.

Again Sarah stares forward as she walks, not sure where she is being lead to, but clearly hearing all the questions and comments; "Is she wearing nipple clamps?" "What the fuck is wrong with her?" "Damn those titties can bounce!" "Is she hiding basketballs?!" Yet no one asks why she is gagged or why her hands are tied with her own panties.

"I think it's a lovely day outside. How about we check out the back of the school?" Becky asks her friends, to which Sarah groans. A memory of long ago comes back to her at hearing her say this. A memory of what she did to Becky outside during gym class on Becky's 18th birthday.

In her sexual daze, Sarah walks between her bullies with everyone knowing how pathetic she is. Knowing what a nerd and loser she happens to be. That she deserves to be a victim.

"Come on man, it's time to go," Daniel tells Bert back on the ship. Over 30 minutes has passed since Sarah went into the house, with no sign of Sarah at all.

The past 30 minutes have been the longest of the two men's lives where they constantly check all monitors to see if there's any change. But there's none. House doesn't move, nor does any part of it change. Just like there's no change to any of the readings. The only real change is that it is just about night now with the sun setting.

"I know! Just...we can't just leave her," Bert states, his voice now filled with worry and concern.

Bert wants to turn and leave, but something inside him refuses. He knows if they leave, it would be her death sentence. That even if there is food in that house, it won't last forever. And from where this house is, no one will be coming any time soon. If they leave, Sarah will die, not to mention they won't get the other half of what they are owed.

Daniel doesn't argue with Bert because he feels the same way. He thinks the dumb woman got in over her head and is now in trouble. He knows the supernatural is something you don't play around with. That no matter how much you think you can control it, it will refuse to be controlled.