Alien Desires


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"Maybe after I give you an exam," she replied. "Can you stand?"

"Of course I can stand," Julia said indignantly. "I'm not an invalid, you know."

"Yes," Alex replied mildly, grateful that she had three children. Right now Julia resembled Wendy when she insisted that she was so feeling better, Mommy, can I go out and play now? "I know. But you're still feverish." She removed the IV from Julia's arm, placing a small bandage over the tiny wound. "All right. On your feet, earthling."

Julia swiveled on the cot, then slid off. For a moment she closed her eyes, her head hanging, but then straightened. "Just dizzy," she said defensively. "I'm fine," though Alex hadn't said a word.

"All right. You know the drill. Just like a monthly physical. Strip." Courteously, she turned her back while the Hispanic woman removed her clothes. When Julia was naked, Alex started the exam, as routine as the ones she performed on every member of the crew once a month, to make sure they were following the exercise regimen they used to keep the bone loss caused by low gravity from becoming too severe.

As she did, she whispered, low-voiced, into her headset, her voice recorded by the computers in the medbay for later reference if needed.

"Subject is Julia Garcia, Hispanic female, twenty-nine years old. Get on the scale, please. Weight is thirty-seven pounds, which translates to a true-earth weight of one hundred and eleven pounds. Height..." she paused as Julia moved to the measuring stick along one wall. "is five feet, four inches." She shook her head. You'd think that we could have moved to the metric system after the Federation formed. But no. Stubborn Americans. She used an ear thermometer to take Julia's temperature. "Temperature is down slightly, but still elevated. One hundred one point three degrees. Respiration appears near normal. Pulse..." Alexhe took the woman's wrist in her fingers, counting off the beats as she kept an eye on her chronometer. "Still elevated. Eighty-six beats per minute.

"How do you feel, Julia?"

"Me? I feel fine. Kind of hot. But not too bad. I'd like to clean up." She lifted an arm and mimed sniffing at one armpit. "I'm pretty sure I don't smell too good."

"In a minute," Alexhe assured her. But Julia's movements reminded her of Kumiko's suggestion. Without trying to be too obvious, she looked at Julia's body.

Her breasts were bigger. She was sure of it. On the Artemis, low gravity made things like bras unnecessary, but even a blind woman could see the way Julia's breasts had grown, sitting high and firm on her chest. Not only that, but the skin was flushed, darker than the surrounding areas. And her nipples...Becky swallowed. They were erect and turgid, standing out proudly from the woman's chest.

"I just...I just want to get your measurements down. Then we'll give you that shower."

"All right," Julia said agreeably, smiling at her.

She pulled a measuring tape out of a drawer. "Raise your arms, please." As Julia followed her instructions, the motion made her breasts pull up higher, and Alex had to fight a sudden urge to cup the warm spheres of flesh in her hands.

Her fingers shook as she passed the tape around Julia's breasts, and the dark-haired woman made a low, throaty murmur, deep in her throat. "Thirty-six inch bust," she said, frowning. "Julia, weren't you a thirty-four? Three weeks ago?"

"Was I?" The voice was unconcerned. "Maybe."

Well, I'm not going to be the one digging through her lingerie drawer. And I'm not going to ask her what her cup size was. Or is. "Waist...twenty-seven." She knelt on the cold decking to finish the measurements. "Hips...thirty-three." Her frown deepened. How had Julia gained two inches on her bust while losing an inch off her waist?

Her nose was tickled by an unfamiliar aroma. Low, deep, and earthy, it emanated from Julia's groin, bypassing conscious thought and drilling deep inside her unconscious mind. It bought to mind fertile fields, and growing things, and long lazy afternoons in her bed back home with her wife and husband, the three of them bringing each other to orgasm over and over again until they fell asleep in a warm happy heap.

"Pretty," the low murmur came from above. She looked up, catching Julia's dark brown eyes. Her hand reached down to cup her cheek.


"You're very pretty, Alexandra." Her voice caressed her name lovingly. "Beautiful. I've always loved your eyes. They're so...expressive. And your skin." Her fingers, barely moving, stroked her.

Alex was suddenly flooded by a churning wash of desire. Her eyes caught on the folds of Julia's pussy, only a few inches away from her eyes. The lips of her sex were slightly unfurled below the black, tightly curled strip of pubic hair which was all the fastidious woman would allow, and visibly wet with arousal.

What would it feel like, she wondered, caught in the grip of a sudden fantasy, to have this gorgeous woman? To spread her thighs and take her, her phallus plunging deep inside that wonderfully hot, wet sheath. To suckle on those gorgeous breasts, Julia sharing her nourishment with her. To come to climax, sowing her fertile womb with her seed? And to do it over and over again, the two of them becoming one, changing forever.

Alex shuddered as another wave of scent broke over her, her bones seeming to shake from the force of her longing. Shutting her eyes, she tried to calm herself, then laughed internally. My phallus? What the hell am I thinking of? I'm not a man. I don't have a penis. And I'm happy that way.

"Thank you," she said, forcing her words out past her dry throat. "I appreciate the compliment.

"But let's get you that shower, huh? Come on," she said, removing her headset and tossing it on the cot. She offered Julia her arm, assisting her out of the room.

The shower was an unaccustomed piece of luxury on a ship which had been designed for the maximum amount of function. Big enough for two or even three in a pinch, it had a slightly giving floor, rather than cold tiles. Since the crew was forced to recycle their water, showers were kept to an absolute minimum with strictly-enforced time-limits. Sharing was encouraged, which suited Becky and Kumiko right down to their toes, though Alex couldn't remember the captain ever sharing with anyone.

"All right," she said, stripping unselfconsciously. After over a year in close proximity to her crewmates, she had long since lost her body-shyness. "Let's get you in there. She turned on the faucet, watching in fascination as the water began its slow-motion descent. "Julia? Are you all right?"

The woman was pale under her dark skin, one forearm braced across her belly. "Another cramp," she gritted out from between clenched teeth. Her other arm wandered out, searching for a wall, and leaned against it heavily.

After a minute, she straightened, though her eyes were shadowed with pain. "What's going on?" she asked, her voice plaintive. "It's not even close to my time of the month. And even if it was, I've never had cramps this bad."

"Shh," Alex said, trying to sooth Julia's fears. She helped her into the shower cubicle. "Let's get you cleaned up, then I'll examine you." She was struck by a sudden thought. Could it be appendicitis? Julia was showing some of the symptoms, but God, she hoped she was wrong. It was the sort of thing that called for a full medical team, not a woman who hadn't performed surgery in three years.

As she quickly soaped and lathered her body, her mind ran rapidly over the options, which were terrifyingly few. She would have to ask one of the other women to stand in as a nurse. Probably Kumiko. Or the captain. Both were calm in an emergency, and Kumiko, as a pilot, had the quick, clever, steady hands that a doctor valued above all else.

"God, you're so beautiful," a voice murmured, almost in her ear and she spun, her eyes widening.

Julia stood only a step away. She had gathered up a large dollop of liquid soap, and was lathering her newly-enlarged breasts, her movements slow and languid. Through the white suds, Alex could see the tense buds of her nipples, standing out like tiny spigots. The effect was lewd and incredibly arousing.

"I'm not," Alex replied shortly. "And I don't know why you keep saying it." Astronauts were chosen for skill, not attractiveness. And Alex was long past her own teenage years, when she would have given anything to look like some of the glamorous women on the movie screens or electronic magazines she devoured. Her face was pleasant, but not spectacular, and her body, as she passed into middle age, was downright dumpy. Three children had left stretch-marks on her stomach, and despite the joys of a low-gee life, her breasts were more than a bit saggy.

"You are." Julia's hands continued to knead her breasts. Her voice was low, throaty, as if she were in a dream. "I don't know why I never noticed before. You're all so beautiful."

Fever's probably increasing. She might be starting to hallucinate. Kumiko was undeniably attractive, with her skin like ivory and petite physique. But neither the captain or Becky Moreau could be considered more than moderately attractive. And Alex herself was downright plain.

"All right," she said, trying not to let her worry show. She moved away from the spray of water, giving Julia room to rinse. "Let's get you washed up and back to medbay. I've got something I want to look at."

But instead, Julia gasped, her hands clutching her stomach. Suddenly strengthless, her legs gave way, and she fell to the floor, her back propped against one wall as the hot water sprayed down on her.

"Oh, God," she ground out, her eyes clenched shut. The muscles of her belly seemed to ripple. "Oh, God, that hurts." Soft, rhythmic grunts burst from between her lips, and her face was lined with pain.

"Julia!" Alex fell to her knees beside her, feeling her head. God, the woman was burning up!

Her thoughts were a frantic babble. Get out of the shower. Call for Becky and Kumiko. Notify the captain. Get Julia back into medbay. Test for appendicitis prep for surgery oh Jesus do we have enough anesthetic do we have time to radio back to Earth to have someone send instructions fuck I haven't done an appendectomy in eleven years-

Her thoughts sliced off, as quickly as if they had been cut by a knife.

Between Julia's thighs, some...some thing began to emerge from the folds of her pussy. She stared, disbelieving, as a fleshy tube slowly slipped from between Julia's labia.

This can't be real. I have to be dreaming. My crewmate is growing a dick right in front of me.

To tell the truth, though, Julia's subtly different from a normal human penis. As her moans slowly subsided, replaced by deep, regular breathing, Alex bent down, examining it closely. For one thing, it was completely hairless. The skin, a match for the rest of Julia's body, was soft and smooth as the skin of a newborn. For another, there was no scrotum. Whatever dark miracle had happened to Julia had left her without external testes.

Which only makes sense, she thought, remembering a time when her older brother had caught a baseball in the nuts during a ballgame back home in Missouri, or the way her husband had winced when the kids jumped in his lap when they were younger. Men's balls are in a uniquely vulnerable position. Evolution did a number on us when it decided to make them external.

On the top side of the organ was a soft ridge of flesh, which reminded her somewhat of the dorsal fin of a fish. It ran from the tip to the base, which was much wider than that of a typical man. So wide, in fact, that it completely covered the spot where Julia's labia had been.

"Wow." The voice sounded loopy, almost drunken. "That's a hell of a thing."

Alex looked up to see Julia staring down between her legs. "How do you feel?" she asked, trying to keep her voice neutral, rather than run away screaming, as she was tempted to do.

"All right, considering that I've suddenly grown a cock." A high-pitched giggle burst from between her lips, and she reached down, prodding it with one finger. "I'm going to call you Mister Pokey," she snickered.

The poke turned into a stroke. And one stroke turned into several. "Wow," Julia said. Her eyes rolled up into her head. "That feels...really good." She chuckled throatily. "I'm going to have to apologize to my little brother the next time I phone home. No wonder he kept himself locked in his room most of the time when he was a teenager. Having a cock is awesome."

Under their twin stares, the phallus in Julia's hand twitched once, twice, then began to grow, becoming longer, thicker. In moments it stood high and hard in front of her belly, the color shading from tan where it melded into the skin of her groin to a rich brown at the tip.

"Excited, isn't he?" Alexandra tried to keep her voice calm.

"Yeah." Julia swallowed. "God, is this what being a man is like? All I can think about right now is how bad I want this...this thing to be inside a woman's pussy.

"Like yours."

Alexandra smiled, though underneath, she was churning with emotion. This was madness! Insanity! "Well, let's put that on the back-burner for now," she said calmly. "But maybe we should do a little...experimenting.

"Since we have this unexpected addition to your body, maybe we should see if it's function is the same as its form."

"Huh?" Above them, the water cut off in response to the external timer, though the tiny cubicle was still comfortably warm.

"If you jack it," Alex asked, lying down on the warm, wet floor beside Julia. "Will you climax? And if you do, what will come out?" She lifted a finger and ran it from base to tip. "You don't have balls. So what is the internal structure like?"

She sat up, struck by a sudden thought. "And if something comes out...I should get a sample. Wait here."

I'm not going anywhere, Julia thought languidly, shifting on the warm, soft floor. Below her, the water slowly flowed away, caught in tiny drainage channels to be filtered and recycled for their drinking and cleaning water. She ran a finger up and down her new organ, caught between exhilaration, pleasure, and terror. As the impossible fact of the changes to her body began to finally take hold, she closed her eyes, shaking.

What will I do? God, what will Zach think, when I show up with a...with a dick?! Will he be jealous? Will he dump me? Shit, I'd probably dump him, if he lost his pecker and had a vaj instead. Fuck! There no way he'll let me screw him in the butt, and I don't want to, anyway! I....I...

Relax, a voice seemed to murmur, deep within her mind. This was meant to be. You are merely the first. Change is never easy.

She took a deep breath, trying to control her shaking muscles, as Alex slipped back in the room. In one hand she held a tiny glass sampling vial.

"Here," she said, coming back down to lie beside her. "We'll use this to catch...well, whatever comes out. If anything does. Are you ready?" To Julia's surprise, the dark-haired doctor seemed interested. Even eager.

"Always the scientist," she said. With Alex on her left side, she wrapped her right hand around the base of her organ.

"Well, yes." The dark blue eyes twinkled. "How often does a scientist get to describe something completely new? And this is new. Hell, it's fucking cataclysmic. Think of the consequences if we can harness this! It's like stem cells on steroids!"

"I guess," Julia agreed. Truth be told, she didn't care about real-world applications right now. Her mind was fully occupied with the wonderful sensations pouring through her body.

Slow and easy. She remembered how Zach liked to be touched, when they were in bed together. Her boyfriend had always preferred intercourse to blowjobs or handjobs, but once in a while, when they were tired, she would stroke him off before bed, while he played with her pussy and clit until they both came.

"Your boobs are bigger," Alex said at her side, her voice soft and clinical. "Kumiko noticed it, when you were in medbay."

"She would," she snorted softly. Through slitted eyes, she could see a drop of liquid form at the tip of her phallus. It gleamed in the low light, a cloudy pearl which seemed to catch the light and fracture it into all the colors of the spectrum. The effect was oddly hypnotizing. "She's been staring at my boobs since we were in training."

"Well, she's not here. And I am." Hesitantly, Alex set her hand on her belly, just inches away from the tip of her phallus. "Can I...touch them?"

"God, yes," she sighed. "I thought you'd never ask." The thought that just the day before such a request would been met with a flat denial, if not offended anger, did not even cross her mind as Alexandra's hand slid up her rib cage, paused for a moment, then cupped the mound of her breast. The doctor's fingers were warm on the flesh of her tit, and when she bent close, bestowing a series of closed-mouth kisses on her, the feeling turned her on so much she could barely stand it.

"Those nipples..." Alex sighed, her thumb rubbing the pebbled skin of her areola. "They're ridiculous. I've never seen any as big." A finger reached out, flicking a stiff tip, and she moaned deep in her throat as a bolt of pleasure lanced down from her nipple to her belly.

"How many have you seen?"

"As a doctor, or a lover?"

"A lover, silly." Julia closed her eyes. Something was happening, deep inside her. A pressure building up, near the base of her phallus.

"Hmmm. Lovers." With suddenness enough to make her startle in surprise, a hand joined hers, caressing her rod with long, firm strokes. "Not that many," the doctor admitted. "Maybe half a dozen. But Mary and I fell in love when we were both young. We didn't invite Corbin in to make our marriage a triad until three or four years later.

"And I could really use a good hard dick right now," she whispered into Julia's ear, her hot breath sending shivers down her spine. "It's been so long."

The combination of Alex's handstrokes and her naked lust inflamed Julia. She began to push up from the floor, shoving her phallus into Alexandra's stroking hand. The pressure was building, and as she opened her eyes, she saw her organ begin to twitch, the base thickening.

"Alex," she gasped. "Get your...oh fuck...get your sampler ready. It''s...Jesus Christ!" she gasped, as the pressure in her middle abruptly eased in ecstatic pleasure, a torrent of glittering liquid emerging from the slit in her shaft in a series of huge, high-arcing bursts. It spattered down, thick and hot, coating her chest, her belly, her breasts in iridescent fluid.

"Hmmm," Alex continued to stroke her rod, which was rapidly softening, though the pleasurable sensations did not actually stop. It was more like a gradually easing off, as electrified nerve-endings sighed in repletion. "Yeah. That's not like human semen, that's for sure." With one hand, she swept the opening of the vial through a pool of liquid which had settled in the hollow of her belly, then skillfully capped it. "I'll take a look at that. Later.

"But now," she smiled, and Julia caught a glint of something else in her eyes. Something wild and feral. "I think I should clean you up."

The older woman bent close, her hands absent-mindedly knotting her hair at the nape of her neck. "That smells so good," she sighed, inhaling deeply. The tip of her tongue emerged, flicking out over a pool of her ejaculate. "And it tastes even better."

Her eyes wide, Julia watched as Alex began to lick her clean, her tongue sweeping up the sparkling liquid, her throat working as she hungrily swallowed it down.
