Alien Desires


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"God," Alex said, her voice strange in the sudden silence. "It tastes so fucking good. Like nothing I've ever had before." Her hand, which had never left her groin, began to softly knead her organ. To her utter shock, Julia could feel herself hardening again. No man she had ever been with had ever been able to do that. But here she was, mere minutes after a tremendous climax, and her...her...

Oh, fuck it, she thought, as Alex cleaned the last trace of her orgasm from her body, which now shone wetly in the overhead lights, damp with her lover's saliva. It's a cock. I've got a fucking alien cock coming out of my pussy, and I love it.

And so, apparently, did Alex, because as soon as she was done, she rolled over on the floor, coming to rest on her back. Her legs were spread suggestively. "Well, baby," she said, her voice a throaty murmur. "It looks like it works. How'd you like to screw me with your new toy?" A finger slid up her lips, coming away gleaming. "I'm so wet. That was," she swallowed, "that was the kinkiest thing I've ever done in my life."

Her knees rose, forming a cradle for her body. "Fuck me? Please?"

She didn't need a second invitation. And her cock seemed to agree with her. Before she could form a second thought, she was kneeling over the older woman, her phallus guiding her as if it had a mind of its own. She let the tip graze Alexandra's folds, and bit her lip. The heat! The sensitivity! Now that she knew what a woman felt like from a man's point of view, it was no wonder that every straight man spent their lives in desperate efforts to get inside a woman. She spared a moment of pity for the poor things. So lonely.

"Now," Alex begged. Her round hips were writhing on the rubbery floor, and her eyes shone with a hectic gleam. "Please, baby. Julia." Her fingers were shaking as they traced the curves of her breast, finding the taut nipples. "I want it. I need it."

Yes, she does. The thought seemed to come from outside her.

"I love you," she whispered, leaning down so she could look deep into the doctor's eyes. Using knowledge she hadn't even known she possessed, she rocked forward, piercing Alex with her cock, pushing into her in one long, slow, steady thrust that did not end until their loins were fused together, her belly flat against Alex's bare mound.

"Ah!" Alexandra spasmed, her fingers clutching at Julia's shoulders.

"Am I too big?" she asked worriedly. She didn't think so, but then, she thought with a shell-shocked laugh, this was all new to her. Every other time, she had been on the receiving end of a cock, rather than the giving end.

She slowly began to withdraw, leaving only her tip inside, but Alex grasped her by the base, holding her fast.

"No," she said, her voice thick and labored. "You're staying in."

"Sorry," Julia replied. She moved inside her partner, as Alex began to play with her breasts, her long, clever fingers kneading her tits, then pulling her down so she could kiss her throbbing nipples. "I've never done this before."

"If you had, I'd have some serious questions. No, you're not too big," she went on. "It's this thing." A finger reached out to stroke the dorsal ridge of her phallus.

"Is there something wrong with it?" she asked, feeling slightly insulted.

"No," Alex sighed. "There's something right. It's just the right size and just the right place so that it rubs on my clit every time you move in. Or out." She pulled her head down, kissing her sweetly, their tongues tangling feverishly as their desire rose. "And it feels so damn good, Julia. You would not believe."

"It feels pretty good on this end as well," she replied. "Damn. Your pussy is so hot and wet. I love fucking you." Unable to control herself, following the demands of her body, she began to move more rapidly. The feeling of pressure, more familiar now, began to rise within her again. Soft squelching noises emerged from where their bodies joined, but the sound didn't repulse her. Instead, she felt proud. Proud that she could arouse this wonderful woman to the point where her vagina was overflowing with the signs of her passion.

"Fuck," Alex panted. Her hands reached up to grasp her nipples, and underneath Julia, her hips rocked, shoving her mound upwards to meet her strokes. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Gonna cum now. Need to cum." Her thighs lifted, her ankles hooking around the backs of Julia's legs, pulling her in deeper on every stroke. "It's gonna be a big one, baby. Get ready." She wrapped her arms around Julia's back, pulling her down until their breasts were pressed together. "Cumming." She buried her head in the crook of her shoulder in an effort to muffle her scream. "Cummminnggg!!" she cried, her body bucking and rippling as Julia's cock shot load after load of her semen deep within the woman's core.


"It's gone."

"What?" With an effort, Alex cracked an eye open, then levered herself up on one elbow, her mind still spinning from her stupendous orgasm. "What's gone?"

"What do you think?" Julia spread her legs wide, and Alex blinked. Gone from view was that wonderful piece of flesh which had given her so much joy. Indeed, her body was still thrumming with the memory of what it had done to her. In its place were the perfectly formed lips of the Latina woman's labia, as if they had never been gone. "I took a little nap, know. And when I woke up it was gone.

"That's...not possible. Body parts don't just disappear."

"Body parts don't just appear, either," Julia snapped. "But this one did." Her lips trembled, and a tear trickled down her cheek. "Where did it go?"

All right, brain, Alex thought, levering herself to her feet. Time for you to earn your keep. "Come on, get up," she said to Julia, who was still sniffling on the floor. "I want to take a closer look at you, now that I know what I'm looking for."

"Like what?"

"Did you know," she replied, walking back into the medlab, Julia trailing disconsolately behind her, "that most mammals keep their penises inside their body? Rather than hanging outside, all dangly, like a man's? Horses, for instance. Or cats." She patted the examining table. "Hop on."

"So what are you saying?" Julia frowned at her, though she obeyed her order. "That thing is retractable?"

"I'm not saying anything until I've given you a thorough exam," she stated bluntly. "I'm a scientist. I don't make conclusions and then twist the facts to suit me. I observe what the facts are and then I draw my conclusions."

"Well?" Julia asked an hour later. Her face was drawn and tight with anxiety.

Strange, Alex thought. Most women would fall into a gibbering panic if they suddenly acquired a dick. But Julia's terrified that it's gone away, never to return.

"The human body," she said, stripping off her gloves and throwing them into a refuse bin. "Is weird."

"Which means?"

"Which means that you've had some pretty drastic changes take place up inside your hoo-ha," she said bluntly. She stepped to her desk and keyed on her computer, turning the monitor so that the Latina woman could see it. "Here's a normal reproductive system," she said, absently wiping sweat away from her forehead. When had it gotten so warm in the medlab? "And here's yours."

"It's...different," Julia said slowly. She pointed at her half of the screen. "What's that?"

"That's your penis." She tapped the foggy image with the tip of her pen. "Much smaller. Kind of like a deflated balloon. It seems to be attached to the uterine wall. I would posit that when the subject is aroused, it expands and slides down the vaginal canal until it can emerge outside your body."

"But..." Julia's fingers twined together. "What if I have sex with a guy? I have a boyfriend back home. I don't want to be in bed with him, get turned on, and then whoops, my new alien dick pops out!"

Alex chewed her lip. "Well, some of our bodily functions which start off as involuntarily can be controlled. Our bladders, for instance. We have to learn to control them, when we get toilet-trained." She smiled in memory. "Though it did take Michael a while to get the hang of it."

" think I can control this?"

"You can try."

She watched as the younger woman's face screwed up in concentration. She blinked, suddenly dizzy, trying to fight through the haze of disorientation.

"Oh!" Julia's face lit up, as if she was a child who had learned a magic trick. "That's easy!"

Slowly and gracefully, her penis slipped out of her canal, as naturally as if it had every right to be there. With a sudden, luminous smile, Julia snapped her fingers, and it then retracted, just as easily.

"Good." Alex shivered suddenly, and she waved her hand at the younger woman. "You go on back to your cabin. But you can tell anyone who asks that you're on bed rest until I say so. I have to send a report to the captain. And I'll let Moreau and Akira know what's going on."

"What? All of it?"

"Of course not. If I told the captain this, she'd take me off duty and lock me in my cabin." She closed her eyes as a wave of weariness passed over her, leaving her light-headed. "Go, Julia."

After the door closed behind the Latina, Alexandra slumped back in her seat, fighting the waves of dizziness. With her eyes closed, she hit her communicator, keying it to send a message to the captain's personal file, which she would see when she woke up.

"Doctor Alexandra McCoy reporting to Captain Helen Sandusky in regards to crewmate Julia Garcia following her EVA earlier today, mission day five hundred and forty-seven. Time..." She cracked a bleary eye. "fifteen-oh-five, Greenwich mean time.

"Good news, Captain." She rested her throbbing head in one hand. "Garcia regained consciousness at approximately thirteen hundred hours this afternoon. Though she reported some disorientation, she was lucid and showed no ill effects, though she was unable to explain what happened on her EVA that caused her to lose consciousness.

"After a thorough physical examination," she smiled, "I have released her to her quarters, though I have advised that she stay off duty for the remainder of the day. I will look at her again tomorrow. If she seems all right, she can take up her usual tasks.

"Report ends."

She keyed off her communicator, and sat, slumped in her chair. Then she got up, putting the medbay back in order, as her body grew hotter and hotter, shivers chasing themselves up and down her arms and legs.

Physician, heal thyself.

What would the captain do, when she found out how Alexandra had misled her? Every word she had said was true. But her words were so far away from reality that they might as well have been on different planets.

Worry about that later.

The medbay was spotless, so Alex made her slow way up to the bridge. Her very bones seemed to ache, and she had to pause several times until the black spots had cleared from her vision.

Becky and Kumiko were talking quietly on the bridge, and Alex was struck once again by the differences between them. Tiny, exquisitely petite, but with a mind sharp as a razor, Kumiko Akira had graduated from the world-renowned Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois before she could legally buy alcohol, and had become a multi-millionaire by the age of twenty-five due to her skill in building computer networks that sneered at hacking attempts, and had then honed her body to a razor's edge to get accepted into the NASA astronaut-traning program. Her black hair was currently styled in an elaborate braid atop her head, with a pair of jeweled combs holding the entire mass in place.

Becky Moreau, on the other hand, was tall, rangy, and rawboned, with a mop of strawberry blond hair that defied styling, and an open face which was always on the verge of laughter. A southern girl, she held wildly divergent PhDs in both astrophysics and geology, and had been chosen for the mission due to her expertise in planetary formation.

Now she cut short what she was going to say, looking up worriedly at Alex, who was hanging in the doorway. "Any news?"

She nodded. "She's awake. And she seems to be all right. I've sent her back to her cabin for the rest of the day. Don't bother her, all right?" She tried to muster up the energy for a repressing scowl. "If you two want to hump each other's brains out, do it someplace where you won't wake her up. Or keep her from falling asleep in the first place. This ship is full of open spaces. Find one."

Kumiko nodded, her face serene as always. Except, Alex had reason to know, when she was in bed, where she became an insatiable nympho, with a mouth foul enough to make a marine blush. "No problem. Did she say why she passed out?"

"Nope." Alex shook her head, then regretted it. "I'm going to send a message to the folks back home, to let them know what happened. I've already reported to the Captain. You two going to be okay up here all by yourselves?"

"I think we can manage it," Kumiko said, with a tiny smile.

"Are you all right, darling?" Becky asked. She tilted her head to one side. "You look a little peaked."

She passed hand in front of her face. "Just tired, I guess. What happened to was a shock. I guess I found out that no place is ever truly safe."

"Welcome to outer space, Doc," Kumiko said.

"Yeah." She turned away. "I'll see you later."

But instead of going to medbay and filing a report for mission control, she fought her way to her cabin, where she zipped herself in her sleeping cocoon and fell asleep, passing into welcome oblivion as suddenly as if she had been hit with a hammer.


Julia woke the next morning feeling cheerful and refreshed, but with a curiously tense, full sensation below her waist.

She unzipped her cocoon, the sleeping bag that all astronauts grew to both love and loathe in their zero-gee living quarters. Slipping out, she stretched sensuously, taking delight in her body's strength and beauty. She cupped a ripe breast in one hand, her thumb flicking over the erect nipple, and spun in midair, feeling as graceful as a ballerina.

Then her eyes dipped below her waist, and memory hit her like a bucket of cold water.

Fuck. I've got a dick. The entire, mind-bending episode of the day before washed over her. Going out for the EVA. Falling into some sort of fugue state that had forced the captain to go out and physically drag her back on board. Waking in medbay, feverish and disoriented. The cramps that grew more and more painful, combined with a growing arousal for Alexandra McCoy that would have had her red-faced in mortified embarrassment at any other time.

But yesterday afternoon, overcome by desire, it had seemed to be the most natural thing in the world. And when her body had done the unthinkable, shocking both herself and the doctor by popping out what could only be called an alien penis from her vagina, neither of them had been able to resist. First Alex had given her a handjob, causing her to blow glittering alien semen all over her chest and belly. And then the prim and proper doctor had shocked her by licking it up as if it were whipped cream on top of a mug of hot chocolate.

And then I fucked her, she recalled, looking down at the stiff length of flesh that bobbed in front of her belly, throbbing in time with her heartbeat. And I liked it!

Not just liked it, she had to admit. She'd loved it. Loved sinking her stiff rod deep inside Alexandra's hot wet pussy. Loved the way her arousal had made her whimper. Loved the way her body had changed, her breasts growing larger and firmer, her waist growing more slender. Loved the feeling as she came inside the older woman, her alien cum bathing her sheath with her ejaculate.

What is happening to me? She stroked her cock with a finger, sighing as the rigid flesh shivered under her touch, pleasure singing through her body.


She snapped out of her sensual trance, noting with chagrin that a pearl of pre-cum had formed at the tip of her phallus. She hit her communicator. "Captain?"

"Good. You're awake. And may I say that's it's good to hear your voice. You had us worried, Julia."

"Glad to be back and on my feet," she said, pulling on a pair of loose pants as she hung weightless in mid-air. She thought quiet, calming thoughts at her dick, and with an air of sullen disappointment, it finally softened enough so that she could will it back inside her vagina. She felt a sudden sympathy for her boyfriend back on Earth. More than once, she had woken with Zach's morning wood pressed against her back or her belly as they lay cuddled together in bed. She had never quite believed his protests that his dick had a mind of its own, and that he couldn't be held responsible for how it behaved while he was asleep.

Now I know better. This thing is going to take some getting used to, she giggled.

"Well, now that you're up," Captain Sandusky continued briskly, "could you look in on Alexandra? She went off duty early yesterday, and Moreau and Akira tell me that she didn't look well when she told them that you had recovered." Her voice took on a tinge of worry. "Do you think she might have caught a dose of what you had?"

"I...suppose it's possible," she admitted slowly.

In fact, I'm certain. Since I gave her the dose myself.

"No problem, Captain. I'll swing by her quarters on my way to the galley. Can I pick up anything for you?"

Alexandra wasn't in her quarters, though the room, usually spotlessly neat, bore the signs of a hasty exit. Neither was she in the galley, the lounge, or the exercise room, where they all spent several hours a week.

When she finally tracked her down, it was in the bathroom, and she hardly recognized her. In place of the slightly frumpy woman who was easing into a comfortable middle age, the doctor was staring into the mirror above the sink with an expression on her face that mingled joy with disbelief.

And Julia couldn't blame her. Obviously, Alex had decided to examine her body in some detail, because her pants and shirt were lying in a puddled heap on the floor. Now the doctor leaned close, her hand on her cheek, staring at her reflection as if she wanted to memorize it, in case she woke up and it all turned out to be a dream. Her hair, which had been a mousy brown with threads of gray, was now thick and luxurious. Her legs were smooth and trim, her waist narrow above the double flare of her hips, and her breasts large, high and firm, with pink nipples that stood out boldly.

And she has a cock now, too, Julia thought with a sort of smug hunger. The twin of hers, it jutted up from between her thighs, thick and steely-hard.

She walked over to the woman, wrapping her arms around her waist and setting her chin on her shoulder. "God, you look great," she murmured, licking the side of her neck. "I could just eat you up. Or fuck you silly."

"Jesus, Julia." Alex sighed under her touch, even as she turned, her eyes confused. "What's happening to you? To me? To us?"

She reached up, grasping her breasts. "Look at me. I never looked this good before. Even when I was a teenager, these things were never so firm. Or big. And this one," she said, wiggling her right breast, "was a full cup size bigger than this one," she continued, shaking the left. "I always felt off-balance.

"Now I look like, like..."

"Like the best possible version of yourself?" Julia asked gently.

"Yes! I'm being changed, Julia. And that doesn't even take this into account." She flicked at her phallus irritably. "I'm scared," she finished in a small voice.
