Alien Desires


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"But you're right. Women can be beautiful. Even attractive." She nodded at the screen, where the immortal Valentina Belmonte was portraying the elf-maiden Luthien. "Like her. God, I would kill to have tits like hers. They're almost too big, you know? But not quite. For her, they work, though I'd look ridiculous if mine were that size. And the rest of her body is just absolutely perfect. I mean, she doesn't look like one of Tolkien's elves at all, really. But somehow she makes it seem natural."

"Hmmm." Kumiko squirted more wine into her mouth. A drop clung to her lips, and Becky pulled her close, her tongue flicking out to lick away the tiny droplet.

The Asian woman threw a look at Alexandra. The tiny line between her eyebrows increased. "Alex. Don't take this the wrong way, but...did you set up a liposuction machine in medbay and not tell us?"

"What?" Beside her, Becky started, craning her neck around for a closer look. "Jesus Christ," she swore. "I didn't even notice." She spun away from the wall, her hands on her hips, and fixed the older woman with a glare. "What did you do? You look...amazing. Younger. And your boobs are bigger, too." She pointed a shaking finger at Julia. "Just like hers. What the hell is going on here?"

Alexandra looked at Julia helplessly. This was your idea, the look seemed to say. What are you going to do about it?

She finished off her bulb of wine, sucking the last drops out. The drink made a pleasant warmth in her stomach as she shoved the empty bulb into a drawstring bag in a corner.

"It's okay, Becky," she said soothingly, pushing away from the wall. She kept her voice slow and even, but let a thread of desire weave through it. "Something happened to me. Out there. I've changed. Just a little. And I've shared it with Becky.

"Would you like me to share it with you, too? And Kumiko? I can.

"It's easy," Julia went on, her voice sure and certain, almost as if someone else was using it. She pulled off her shirt, letting it drift away, and saw the blond woman's eyes widen as she took in her newly-enhanced chest, her brown skin glowing in the light, her breasts, a full cup-size bigger than before, displayed in all their wondrous perfection. "You can become...your best self. All the crud in your DNA scrubbed away, leaving you clean and healthy and whole.

Almost dancing in thin air, she slid around Becky, letting her hand run up under the hem of the shirt until she could stroke the long muscles of the back. "Wouldn't you like to have a better body?" she whispered, her breath stirring the reddish-blond hairs on the back of her neck. "You can. I can see it. Larger boobs and wider hips. And you wouldn't have those back problems you were so careful to hide from the medical team during training."

A second hand joined the first, and she pulled the taller woman closer, her hands joining at her belly. "I want you," Julia whispered.

"You're not a lesbian." Becky's voice quivered with suppressed emotion. Fear. And something else.

"No, I'm not," Julia replied. Somehow, she could see into the lines of Becky's soul. See her love for Kumiko, and the grinding suspicion that when they returned to earth, the lovely Asian woman would leave her, drawn away by someone more attractive. "But I'm not a Scudderite, either. I'm more. Not a lesbian. Not hetero. Not bisexual.

"But I love you, Rebecca Dawn Moreau. I love all of you. All of us, here on the Artemis. And I want you to be happy." In the corner of her eye, she could see Alex talking with Kumiko. The petite Asian girl was staring at the two of them, stunned by the change in Julia's personality.

And, to be honest, Julia couldn't blame her. In the last day and a half, her entire world had been turned upside down. But the reward had been worth it. From a life of celibacy, enforced by her own body's monosexual desires, she had embraced the joys of having multiple women to know and to love.

Her fingers tugged at the waistband of Becky's ship-knits, the comfortable almost-sweatpants that were her preferred off-duty attire. Despite her obvious confusion, Becky didn't resist, and she felt a glow of triumph.

"Let me help you."

The pants slid off, revealing a pair of sexy lace panties. Julia smiled to herself. If there had been any question about what Becky and Kumiko had had planned for this evening, there wasn't any more. "Mmmm, sexy," she murmured, letting her fingers brush against the front. She could feel the woman's heat through the cloth, and the warmth turned her on even more.

"What do you like, baby?" she whispered. In another corner of the room, Kumiko and Alex were spinning around slowly, caught in the spell of their desire, shedding clothes in the zero-gravity environment like the petals of an exquisitely lovely flower.

"You've lost your mind." Becky's voice was flat, though a grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Kumiko's been drooling over you for months, but you want to screw me?"

"Oh, I want to screw both of you. All of you. For hours on end," Julia murmured. With a monumental effort, Julia kept her cock inside her vagina, although the desire to let it spring out and rub against Becky was almost overpowering. "How about you kiss my titties?" she asked playfully. "And I can eat you? If you like that sort of thing, I mean. I've never screwed in zero-gee before."

"What?" Becky spun in her arms, looking at her with amazement. "You never took Zach to Eden?" she demanded, naming the hedonistic vacation-spot. "Fuck, Julia, it was right there in lunar orbit the entire time we were in training! You could have gone any time. Good grief, it's only a shuttle ride away!"

"Oh, I don't know." Smiling, she pushed her head down so Becky could kiss her breasts. "It never seemed important at the time. Oh, that's nice," she said, as the red-haired woman pulled at her nipples with her tongue and her lips. She was getting the strangest sensation between her legs as her pussy both flooded with moisture, wanting a cock inside her so fucking badly. But at the same time, she knew if she relaxed her control for an instant, her new space-penis would come barreling out, eager for another pussy to conquer.

She kissed her new lover, then lifted her so she could dot kisses on her neck, her small breasts with their cute pink nipples, her flat belly, and then to the curly reddish-blond hair on the arching mound of her pubis. She stroked the furry down softly, her mouth watering, and cupped the hot lips with her palm.

Becky rocked against her, her motions quick and urgent. "Fuck, Julia," she said. "I'm so fucking horny. You better eat me or finger me, one of the two. Cause I feel like I'm about to burst."

Oh, I'm going to do more than that, she thought with a wicked laugh. But obeying Becky's orders, she positioned the woman over her mouth. "Let me know what you like," she said softly, letting a note of uncertainty enter her voice. "I've never done this before."

With those words, she pulled Becky close, inhaling the thick, rich aroma of her pussy as it wafted from between her spread thighs. The smell was deep and musky, a smell of a horny human woman, and the scent made her mouth water.

She took her first lick, and Becky's taste exploded on her tongue, incredibly arousing. Before she knew it, she was licking at her feverishly, her tongue probing deep within her folds. Her hands came hard around her hips, pulling her close. If she could have physically merged with the woman above her, inserting her entire body into her vagina, she would have. As it was, she settled for stabbing her pussy with her tongue, gathering as much of her sweet womanly nectar that she could.

"God!" Becky's hands clutched at her head. To her dismay, she felt herself being pulled away, and she made a muffled sound of protest as those lovely lips were withdrawn.

"What?" Julia looked up. "Was I doing it wrong?"

"Not...not wrong." Becky's face was flushed, and her legs were shaking, which Julia noted with pride. "Just...too much. Too quick.

"You've got to build up to it, sweetie. You can't just dive in, like a hound dog on a dead squirrel."

"You don't really eat her," Kumiko called from across the room. "It's more like licking a tall blonde ice-cream cone."

"But hot ice cream," Alex put in, lifting her head from Kumiko's chest. Her dark nipples, Julia noted with some jealousy, were jutting up stiffly from her breasts, and shining wetly with Alex's saliva. She snickered. "You do it right, she'll drip all over your chin. Just like a real ice cream cone."

"Here." Ignoring the comments from the peanut gallery, Becky spread her legs. Her fingers fanned out the delicate folds of her labia, revealing a glistening pink pearl. "Right here. But softly, sweetie, okay? Not like...not like..."

"Not like a man." Kumiko called out.

"Right. Like a woman." Becky sighed and threaded her hands through Julia's hair, pulling her close as she lapped at her button with exquisite care. "Like a fucking sexy-ass woman. There you go." Her hips slowly rolled towards her mouth, and Julia could feel the moisture gathering on her nether-lips as her arousal increased. "Oh, baby, yeah. Just. Like. That. You learn quick."

"I have to," she said, lifting her head. "Otherwise Alexandra will take my spot, and I'll be left with Kumiko."

"That slut?" Becky's voice was fond as she glanced across the room at her lover, who seemed to be doing her very best to determine if Alex's new breasts could produce milk. At least, from the muffled slurping sounds, and the way she had her face buried in Alex's tits, that's what she thought was going on. "You're too good for her."

"I heard that," Kumiko said, looking up. One hand was busy between Alex's legs, and the older woman rocked back, moaning. With a thrill of worry, Julia hoped that she could keep her cock hidden until the time was right. An introduction of that amazing addition to their bodies at the wrong moment could be catastrophic.

"Good." Julia could hear a smile in Becky's voice. "About time y'all got a little competition. Being the only other lesbian in a billion miles has made you a mite complacent."

"A billion? Bullshit." Kumiko kissed Alex, capturing one of her thighs between her own, and slowly humped it, grinding her pubis into hard muscle. "It's not that far."

"Who's the navigator here?" Becky hooted. "Earth's on the far side of the sun right now. We're at opposition. One point oh three billion miles. Look it up if you don't believe me."

"I'd rather lick it up," Julia put in, diving between her thighs again. The on-again, off-again battle between Becky and Kumiko was one she and Alex had gone through half a dozen times over the past year. She licked at Becky's clit, the tip of her tongue dancing over the swollen bud of flesh. In response, she could feel Becky's thighs rise, clamping over the sides of her head, and squeezing rhythmically as her own desire mounted. Her body began to shake, her entire torso quivering. Julia allowed her hands to slide upward, massaging her small, pert breasts, her fingers playing with her nipples.

"Cum for me, Becky," she commanded. She swept her tongue up her slit, then drove it deep within her core, gathering up her delectable juices. "Cum now!"

She fastened her lips over Becky's clit, her tongue lashing it with tiny sweeping strokes. Becky tensed, her head thrown back, then rocked forward, her head nearly touching her knees, as all of her stress left her in a burst of pleasure, her body going loose as her muscles shuddered with the force of her orgasm. A flood of wetness poured over Julia's tongue, and she felt a glow of fierce pride inside her at her triumph.

"Damn." Becky ran a hand through her hair, then touched her cheek. "That was pretty damn good for a beginner. You might be new at this, sweetie. But you eat pussy like a pro."

"Thank you." Julia slid up and around the blond woman's body, clasping her loosely around the waist, her chin resting on her shoulder. Across the room, Alex and Kumiko were in a position that would have been impossible anywhere but zero-gee, with the two arranged in a kind of X-formation, with the heads of each at the other's groin, slowly spinning in mid-air. From across the room came the naughty sound of licking, sucking and slurping, and she felt a familiar pressure building in her groin.

"Tell me, Becky," she whispered, kissing the back of her lover's neck. "Have you ever dreamed about having a cock? A real one, not just a strap-on? And fucking Kumiko with it? Of filling up her nasty little cunt with your meat, and making her scream with pleasure as you cum inside her?" She pulled down her pants, but somehow kept herself from pressing her hidden shaft against the cleft of Becky's ass. Just a little more time...

"Fuck yeah," Becky breathed, staring avidly at the scene on the other side of the room. "Rubber and plastic is great when you're designing a spaceship, but it doesn't do much good when you're trying to please the hottest fucking woman in the solar system. Sometimes I almost wish I were I guy, you know? Just so I could have a real dick, not a fake one that I have to buckle myself into every time that little whore over there wants something hard up her fuck-hole."

Kumiko lifted her face from Alex's pussy, smiling beatifically. "God, I love it when you talk dirty, baby. You turn me on so much."

"She sure does." Alex lifted her head in turn, her lips shining with the Asian girl's wetness. "She's leaking like bad plumbing right now."

"Well, so are you," Kumiko returned. She dipped two of her fingers into Alex's tunnel, then pulled them out and licked them. "And damn, do you taste good. I can't get enough."

Now. Julia could sense that it was time.

With one hand, she pushed her shorts down over her hips, and with an inner sigh, almost a groan of relief, she allowed her cock to slide out of her vagina. It immediately sprang erect, a visible sign of her rampaging lust.

"I want to fuck you," she whispered into Becky's ear. Gently, she moved to place her lower legs between Becky's, slowly spreading them, forcing them apart. Carefully. You have to do this carefully. She couldn't count on the surprise and curiosity which had helped her with Alexandra, the doctor's natural interest piqued by the impossibility of her new phallus. Keeping her body hidden behind Becky, she caressed her stomach with one hand, her fingers exploring her pubis, then dipping down to her nether lips. With the other, she grasped the base of her cock, lining it up with her pussy. She bit back a moan as she sensed the damp, humid heat of her slit.

"God, what's gotten into you?" Becky said, turning her head to kiss her. "Not that I'm complaining," she teased, arching her back into her. "I could get used to this."

"Oh," Julia said. "I'm planning on it." Slowly, she let the head of her cock touch Becky's lips, sliding over the slick flesh.

"What the fuck!" She jerked, but Julia kept her hold on her. "Did you wear a damned strap-on in here? And why's it so damn hot?"

"It's hot for you, baby." She slid the tip between Becky's lips, then held it there, unmoving, while she kissed the lobe of her ear, nibbling on the tender flesh. "Want to feel some more?"

"Kumiko?" Becky's voice shook, and from more than simple desire. "What...what do you see?"

The Asian woman lifted her head from between Alex's thighs. Even from across the room, Julia could see her eyes widen. "Uh..." For the first time in her experience, the lovely Asian seemed to be at a compete loss for words.

"Julia's got a dick. And it's...impressive."

Becky looked down between her legs and froze. Julia kept absolutely still. Even now, with her lust, her need, driving her mad, until she could barely think of anything besides shoving her phallus deep within her crewmate and fucking her until she came, she remained motionless. She would not, she swore, she would not take away Becky's choice.

Slowly, as if she were moving through deep water, Becky reached down with one hand and touched her cock. Her fingers probed at it, exploring as far as they could reach.

"It's...real." She shook her head, her short hair whipping back and forth. "What the actual fuck, Julia? Where the hell did this come from? I know you didn't have this before! Hell, I've showered with you!"

But her body was reacting. Julia could feel the walls of her vagina getting hotter, wetter. She covered her breasts with her hands as Becky wriggled against her, sliding another delicious inch deeper into her sheath.

She closed her eyes, trying to find the right words. "Something happened to me. Out there," she breathed, ignoring the spinning in her head, the mad surge of desire. "When I was on my EVA. Something wonderful. When I woke up, I was hot and dizzy and cramping in my belly. Alex took me to the shower. And when I saw her naked....I got so horny all of a sudden. I mean, I never found women attractive before. At all. But when I saw her body, I was practically drooling.

"And then this came out." She wiggled suggestively, and sank even deeper inside Becky, who gave a strangled moan. Across the room, Kumiko was watching the scene avidly. "I mean, I wasn't really expecting it," she said with considerable understatement.

"But when it did," Alex put in, "well, it seemed to be a shame to waste the opportunity. And let me tell, you, Becky. It's better than the real thing."

"It is the real thing," she replied, slightly stung by the implied critique. "I mean, it's the only one I'm ever going to have."

"So, wait." To their mutual surprise, Julia was now completely inside Becky. Slowly, she began to lift the weightless woman in her arms, gently fucking her. Her voice quavered. "You've had sex? With her? With that?"

"Oh, yeah. And now I've got one, too! Look!" She spread her legs with a flourish, her cock popping out and spring erect in the space of a few heartbeats.

"Well. Isn't that a hell of a thing." Kumiko's voice sounded slightly awed. " caught having a dick from her? Like some sort of incredibly sexy disease?"

"Yep." Alex's voice was smug. "Want to try?"

"Will I get one?" Julia couldn't tell if the calm, slightly lilting voice was eager, or repulsed.

Alex shrugged fluidly, the motion setting off delightful ripples throughout her newly-changed body. Looking at the older woman, Julia could see just how much her new-found beauty delighted her. "Maybe. I'm not sure." Idly, she gripped her shaft, stroking it possessively. "What I think happened is that somehow Julia the being she says she saw out in space. Don't ask me how it got through her suit without killing her, because I don't know.

"But whatever it was, it seems to have affected her at a genetic level. I examined her quite thoroughly, after our first time together. This isn't some clumsy surgical job. She has new blood vessels, a new penis, new ligaments to hold it in place, and though I'm not positive, I'm fairly sure her ovaries themselves have changed, in order to, well, you know."

"Well, we know...what?" Kumiko demanded, reaching out an inquisitive (or was that acquisitive?) hand.

"I cum," Julia said, her breath starting to become rapid. "It's pretty. Not like a man's."

"Wow." Kumiko disengaged herself from Alex and floated over to the pair of writhing lovers. "Do you think," she asked, her voice oddly hesitant, "that we could get pregnant? Have a baby?"

"I don't know. Maybe?"

"Becky?" The Asian woman put her hand on Becky's belly, near where Julia was pumping into her pussy. "If this...if this is real. Then it could be the answer to what we've always wanted. No adoption. No sperm donor.

"Just me. And you. Making a baby."

Julia stilled. Somehow she knew that this was a monumental decision for the two women. To keep on seemed almost obscene, not with such naked hope flaring in Kumiko's eyes.
