Busty Naïve Punishment Pt. 03


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"Fucking dumb bitch. Brains went to your tits, which is why you won't ever be anything but a fuck-toy," Concerned Girl tells Fat Tits, slurring rather badly. When she says this, she stares right into her victim's eyes, showing how truly pissed off she seems. It's here that I realize that Concerned Girl was drinking rather heavily. That she must be full blown drunk at the moment.

Concerned Girl then lets go of the nipple, then turns around to pick something else off the ground. Immediately, she begins to wrap the new item around Fat Tits' head. Scared and confused, Fat Tits can't help but whine as this happens as she doesn't know what is happening. But in a moment she'll figure it out as I watch Concerned Girl wrap a bungie cord around Fat Tits' head.

Becoming oddly impressed, I see what Concerned Girl has done in her drunk state. She's inserted the bottle in Fat Tits' mouth, but wrapped the bungie cord around to keep it in. Now there's no way for Fat Tits to spit the bottle out as it is no doubt forced to the back of her mouth. She's going to feel the thing deep in her mouth until it's taken out.

"Fucking whore," Concerned Girl growls, the words heavily slurred as she steps back to look at her victim. She stands there and sways for a moment, again showing how drunk she is.

I twitch as I see Concerned Girl swing her hand, where it connects with Fat Tits' right breast hard. Fat Tit yelps at this, looking down to see her boob swing hard. It smacks into her other breast, where both begin to swing hard and fast back and forth.

Concerned Girl repeats this, but this time with Fat Tits' left breast. Again her victim cries out, where both of her large breasts swing heavily. This time Concerned Girl doesn't pause but slaps again, and again. Each time it is a different boob, but each time looks even more painful.

Fat Tits is unable to do anything about what is happening as she remains tied to the fence. She's made to stand there and feel her tits get slapped all about, just for being large. She's forced to feel the venom of a flat-chested girl who wants what she has, and is taking it out on her. And the slaps get so intense that with one well aimed slap, Fat Tits' boob actually hits the bottom of her chin.

"Fat titty bitch!" Concerned girl rages. Becoming more deranged, Concerned Girl turns and looks over the crap that she brought. This time she picks up what looks to be a wooden rake handle. Or at least I'm assuming that is what it is. It looks like a handle that was somehow broken and is now only half a handle.

"Going to make sure you feel this, cow," Concerned Girl growls as she marches back, nearly falling over. I do step forward as I get a bad feeling she's about to start swinging that handle. That she intends on seriously hurting Fat Tits by beating her down.

That's not what Concerned Girl does though. She does something that most would think is much worse. Instead she kneels directly in front of Fat Tits, where for a moment I'm convinced she's about to kiss her victim's pussy. But then she puts the rounded end of the wooden handle against Fat Tits' pussy.

Immediately Fat Tits shakes her head no as she feels what her tormentor means to do. But Concerned Girl doesn't even look up as she starts to insert the handle inside Fat Tits' well-used pussy. In her drunk state, she tries to force it in at a bad angle, but she fixes it and lowers the handle some, where she does indeed get it to slip inside her victim.

The moment the handle starts to go in, Fat Tits stops struggling and her eyes begin to roll. The feeling of the object being forced inside her appears to be more than she can take, as it looks as if she's having a forced orgasm. The more the handle is pushes inside her, the more intense her orgasm appears to be.

I watch Concerned Girl insert the handle deeper and deeper inside Fat Tits, having no clue that her victim is orgasming thanks to her gag. I do notice that Concerned Girl inserts it slow and gentle, showing that on some level she does care for her victim's safety. She could do a lot of damage if she wanted, but that's clearly not what she wants.

The orgasm that Fat Tits has seems to be a very short one as I hear her start to pout as Concerned Girl makes the handle go between Fat Tits' legs. It was angled out a little as she was inserting it, but now Concerned Girl is trying to make the handle go straight up and between her victim's legs.

The length of handle is taller than Fat Tits' hips, so Concerned Girl has to use her shoe to tab the bottom of the handle. Here is moves against the ground as it is still a bit too tall to move underneath Fat Tits. Over and over Concerned Girl taps at the handle, making Fat Tits whimper and moan each time as more of the handle is inserted inside of her at this action.

Finally Concerned Girl gets the handle fully between Fat Tits' legs, where it looks very snug and secured as it runs from the ground, straight up and into Fat Tits' pussy, where there has to be at least five inches buried inside her. It looks both painful and pleasurable at the same time as it effectively traps Fat Tits from moving.

"That is cruel," I say out loud, not really meaning to, not believing what I'm seeing. Not only is Fat Tits tied to the fence, but she's now in a makeshift one-bar prison. Concerned Girl wanted to make sure that Fat Tits wouldn't be able to go anywhere. And for some reason I get the feeling she means to call attention to this to fully humiliate her victim.

"It's what the Fat Titty Cow gets," Concerned Girl grunts, her eyes wild and speech slurred. When she says this, she looks at me but does a motion that I'm not even sure she knows she does, which is to grab her own tits. Her hands grope at her own chest, as if lamenting her own size.

Still upset, Concerned Girl turns back to her pile of junk. She starts to shamble over to it, but her attention gets drawn to another set of balloons that are fluttering in the breeze. To this, she smirks an evil smirk and stumbles to the fence, where she unties this bunch of balloons.

"You're joking," I tell Concerned Girl as she walks back to Fat Tits. I then let out a laugh at how silly, stupid and perfect this is as Concern Girl does her next punishment.

Concerned Girl ties the ribbons of at least five balloons to Fat Tits' right breast. She wraps it around the base of her meaty boob, then ties it tight, to the point it won't come off. So tight that Fat Tits yelps out in pain. Then she lets the balloons float up, where it flutters in the wind over Fat Tits' head, tied to her breasts.

"Fucking Tits...huge...big sun...bitch!" Concerned Girl says in what I think is meant to be a curse, but she's extremely drunk so I don't know. She then proceeds to tie the rest of the balloons to Fat Tits' over breast. Only this time she ties it even tighter where I'm sure she's cut off the circulation.

"Not fair! I should have those! I should be cumming over and over!" Concerned Girl rages as she stumbles back and towards the items she brought. Only, I only see one item left in her pile.

"H-Hey now," I say when I see her grab the last item. I wasn't sure what it was before, but once she picks it up, I can plainly see it. But it's already too late to stop her as by the time I notice what it is, Concerned Girl has already pressed the nozzle to send paint over Fat Tits' stomach.

Concerned Girl holds a spray paint can of red paint. A can that she uses to paint what is clearly a smile across Fat Tits' stomach. Doing this makes Fat Tits' upper body into a face, where the nipples are the eyes.

Concerned Girl keeps muttering to herself as she continues to spray paint Fat Tits. From a picture of a cock on the inside of her thigh, to "Big Buubs" written across her chest. And while it all happens, Fat Tits just stands there, silent. She didn't even react at how cold the paint must feel. She just stares forward with a look that seems to say that she knows she deserves this.

It's only now that I begin to see just how crazy the two of them are. I'm no saint by any means, but it feels almost like these two are meant for each other. And that makes me extremely upset for some reason. I mean, Fat Tits was meant to be mine. And now this other woman just moves in and takes what should be mine?

"Yous knows whats?" Concerned Girl then Fat Tits after tossing the spray paint can to the side. Swaying hard, Concerned Girl grabs Fat Tits' face and makes her look at her. The two women then stare at each other, where I swear it looks like Fat Tits may cum again.

"I...I'm gonnas turn on the lights h-here. Big bright l-lights. Motion s-sensor lights," Concerned Girl slurs to Fat Tits while still holding her face. At this Fat Tits eyes get wide, making her look even more ridiculous with the bottle sticking out of her mouth.

"You sees...there's cameras. Lots of cameras. When owner sees the notice...that lights are on....he will...they will...look at the cameras...they look and will get to see you with your big balloons and normal balloons. Fun, huh?" Concerned Girl slurs, revealing her masterplan.

Fat Tits shakes her head at this, begging her tormentor not to do this. The calm and trance-like mood she was in seems to disappear as she gets a sobering dose of reality. That someone outside of me is about to see her like this. See the real her, and I don't think she will be able to handle that, mentally.

Concerned Girl only laughs as Fat Tits begs her with the bottle still jammed in her mouth. Now Fat Tits notices how stuck she is as she keeps trying to move, but with her being pinned by the vagina, there's no way she's going anywhere.

"I'll make you a deal...huh? If...if you fuck yourself, right here, right now, right in front of me...I'll think of not doing this," Concerned Girl slurs, motioning to the handle that is currently keeping Fat Tits in place.

Fat Tits looks between her legs then looks at Concerned Girl, hoping for mercy. In return, Concerned Girl just smirks, knowing she is in full control. And neither seem to remember that I'm even here. Fat Tits doesn't even turn to look at me, hoping I may stop this.

With a defeated look, Fat Tits tries to bend her knees. When she does, her body moves down a tiny bit, where she lets out a moan sound as the handle goes deeper in her. She keeps trying to bend to force the handle to go deeper inside of her.

Moaning again, Fat Tits stands up, where the handle slowly slides out of her some. But immediately she goes down on it again, making it go deeper in her. As she does, she moans a clear pleasurable moan. Over and over she does this as she forces herself to ride a garden tool.

I'm in shock at the sight of what I am seeing, and also amazed by the creativity. Fat Tits is fucking herself right now. Riding a garden tool, to which her moans start to get more and more intense. They are very much gagged thanks to the bottle in her mouth, but I can tell she's getting into doing this perverse act.

I then see another sight that shocks me. Concerned Girl has pulled her pants and panties all the way down to her ankles to the point I see her firm little ass. She stands in front of her victim as she is forced to fuck herself, all while rubbing her own clit. It's very clear that she's playing with herself, to which she's getting off on her victim humiliating herself. That she's making someone with large breasts debase themselves.

The two women seem to be connected as they both start to moan at the same time. This again makes me furious as it's as if I've been kicked out. But I keep watching, seeing both of them start to get closer to climaxing as they each play with themselves.

I don't know what possesses me to do it, but I walk over and pick up the spray paint that Concerned Girl brought. As neither seem to care that I'm here, I slowly turn and walk back to the fence back to where we entered.

I slide through the gap that Concerned Girl left open, where neither girl seems to notice that I'm leaving. But once on the other side and back on the trail, I close the panel. I do this because Concerned Girl is so drunk that I doubt she'll be able to find where the opening is. Since I doubt she can even see straight, there's no way she'll be leaving. Hell, I doubt she could even pull up her pants at the moment.

There's a darkness inside of me that seems to be coming out at the two women finding each other. A darkness that wants to see not just Fat Tits, but Concerned Girl sexually broken as they both seem to want that. One wanting it because of having huge tits and the other for having no tits.

That's why I walk away a bit, then throw the spray paint as hard as I can over the fence. It takes a moment, but the lights inside the stadium all come on, proving that Concerned Girl was right about them being on a motion sensor. Since they didn't turn on for our movement, I figure the movement had to be closer to home plate.

When the lights come on, I hear Concerned Girl cry out in shock, no doubt because she's going to be on video with her pussy on display. Or hell, by now she might have taken her shirt off as well. In any case, she too will be on video, where it'll look like she brought Fat Tits here all by herself.

Walking down the trail, I smile as I feel the darkness take hold in me. There's no feeling bad or even being sorry as I hear Concerned Girl's calls for help. Over and over she yells, where I swear I hear Fat Tits cumming again, this time at knowing her life as she knew it, is over. That people will finally see the real her.

As I walk far enough away that I no longer hear any of their noise, I muse about needing to follow up with them. To see what is reported in the news. To check up on my Fat Tits in a couple of months to see just how broken this makes her.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Please keep going.. this serie was simply amazing.. I loved every element of it!

TheJezebelTheJezebel6 months ago

This is easily my favorite series - I keep coming back to it again and again. Concerned Girl was a really nice addition. I look forward to reading more of these characters.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Excellent story so far. I'm curious how the next steps turn out. Does the old man convince the young woman that the kind of punishment she needs is to not be with young boys her own age, but to take an 'old man' as her boyfriend, to submit and serve someone that can punish her daily the way she deserves? Looking forward to more.

Raxton57Raxton579 months ago

I just finished reading your "Busty Naive Punishment" series. It was really good. I believe that my sensibilities and yours are similar considering the stories of yours that I have read. I love to play with big breasts and bondage and Non consent! You did a great job and I hope there are more chapters. I know you follow me as an author (Raxton57) and I appreciate that. Keep up the great work and thanks for the stories (I would really love to see Fat Jugs Milked at school by her bullies and maybe some of the guys get to use her as well).

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