Can There Be Peace Ch. 04


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"Would it be okay if we went home so I can get it off my chest?" Cat asked looking down.

"Eye contact Cat..." Karen chided. "At least you didn't talk in third person."

Looking up Cat said, "A girl is thankful her Mistress only gave her a warning. She hopes she will be allowed to help Mistress train the bitch proper manners." She smiled, "It wasn't the slap Mistress, it was her whole attitude."

"At least I got eye contact out of the deal." Karen replied. "Round up your sisters, I want to have a word with the bouncer before we go." Capping the bottle, she grabbed it and walked up front.

She stood next to the bouncer and said, not looking at him, "If you plan on being in this business very long let me give you a piece of advice." Karen looked at him as she continued, "More service men and women will be coming home. The things they have seen and done would give you nightmares and torment them constantly. It's called PTSD and it makes them liable to snap and go for the kill." She paused and turned to face him fully, "We were trained that way you see. Kill or be killed was a lesson learned the hard way. Sitting at the table were three of us who just saw and did god awful things over there and a wrong move would have set off a blood bath."

As the others came out Karen said, "I like you John, you were smart enough to walk away. But not smart enough to realize what you walked into without being told. As you let people in, look at their eyes. The eyes will tell you everything you need to know." She gestured at the other four, "Who are the killers here. Look at each and tell me."

"You, that one," he gestured at Baby Girl and then nodded at Cat, "And her." The woman talking to him was right. He could see the wild look in their eyes right away now that he knew what to look for. He turned to the woman, "Thank you..."

"Karen," Karen replied. "This will become our watering hole so in the future when we are here and you need backup or someone to talk down a fellow service member, let us know. We got your back John."

"Thank you Karen and I will," John said. "G'night Patty... Girls..."

"That was a nice thing you did for him Mistress," Little Bit said.

"He's going to need it as time goes on," Karen said. "If you hadn't been there all hell would have broken loose."

Once back at the house Karen looked at Cat, "You're on dear. Where would you like to talk?"

"Can we go up to the grove Mistress?" Cat asked.

"Not until we buy head lamps for everyone. The grove is safe, the path in the dark, not so much. I'm sorry. How about the little front yard under the stars and a $100 bottle of whiskey?" Karen asked.

"Can't turn down a drink that costs that much," Baby Girl said as she took the bottle and drank a big slug. "Who knew Jack would cost so much..." she gasped.

"The front yard sounds nice." Cat replied taking the bottle from Baby Girl and taking a sip before passing it to Red.

Kneeling in a circle with the bottle being passed around Cat said, "I was a Captain in command of Firebase Bravo in Northern Afghanistan and had three squads under me.. One squad would be on patrol, one on standby and the third off duty. That way if something popped, and it always did, no squad would be left out on their own like yours was Staff Sergeant Mistress." She looked down at her hands, "It was Thanksgiving and all three squads were on site. The mess had managed to get real turkey and outdid themselves making a dinner just like home. We were buttoned up tight for the night and I wanted my boys to have a nice evening off." She sobbed and got it under control.

"I was running late with some intel that had just come in about possible attacks in the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas." Cat looked at Karen, "That piece of paper saved, and damned me." She looked at Baby Girl, "They had us dialed in. The first rounds hit the mess and communications areas and wiped out all three squads' dead and wounded. Those of us who could still fight, fought all night long." She looked at Little Bit and Red, "Think the Alamo in the dark."

"With the radios out, we had no way to call for help and it wasn't until morning when they sent drone out that they saw." She sobbed. Looking at Karen, "You lost your squad to an IED I lost my command to a turkey dinner." She stood and turned away, "They promoted me and gave me a fucking medal for my mistake." She spun around, "The President for god's sake shook my hand and said I made him proud. I killed half my command, everyone else was wounded and I didn't even get a scratch and I made him proud."

"Sit down Cat," Karen finally said.

Cat sat and sobbed, "I should have died that night. I wished I had died that night." She finally looked at Karen, "I thought getting out would solve my problems. Just to fuck with me god made me win the lottery and made me rich. But money would never bring back my boys."

She started to break down when her Mistress's sharp "Stop it!" rang out in the night.

"Like you, I found the club while drunk one night. It took forever for me to find it again but I did and approached the owner, Lady Sally." She paused and then said, "It was she who agreed to let me sell myself. Or at least try. When you came in I saw a stronger version of myself. Someone I wanted to be but wasn't. I saw someone I would follow to the ends of the earth." Cat took the bottle and took a sip. That's my story..."

"I read about it, read the after action report Cat." Karen paused, "Your quick action kept the squads alive. Had you died as you hoped, they would have been overrun and everyone, just like the Alamo, would have died." She held up her hand to forestall a reply. "But I understand why now." She looked at the others, "It sucks when you get a medal for screwing up. But enough about Cat and I... what are we going to do about Tiffany? Personally, I don't like her, she rubs me the wrong way so I vote no on her joining our family."

"The No's have it," Baby Girl said and the others nodded.

"It doesn't work that way," Karen said. She looked at the girls, "Look... while I have my say, you four have a say also. For example, "Say Red really wants Tiff to join us. She gets her chance to say so and make a case for her sometime lover and friend. That way there are no hard feelings when I go... um... no."

"For the record I would rather sleep with a rabid raccoon than I would with that bitch." Red replied.

They looked at each other for a second and Baby Girl said, "The no's still have it." She paused and then said, "I'll see if the tractor runs in the morning, if not I'll call someone to come fix it."

"That's not what I had in mind. I didn't want to walk in my mother's footsteps and start looking for places free." Karen said.

"Do you know how many she..." Red asked fearful of the answer.

"I remember her talking to dad and I about number 200 coming up if he didn't shape up over dinner one night." Karen replied. "But I don't know for sure. I do know a couple days later there was a fresh place of gravel overturned and she had a new plaything." She paused, "But back to the bitch as Cat puts it. What the fuck am I going to do with her?"

"Knowing Tom, I know what he likes. Let me have her for a week and she will earn the pleasure brand." Baby Girl said coldly. "Let me do it and prove I am worthy of you."

"Do what?" Little Bit asked.

"Mind fuck," Karen said. She looked at Little Bit, "You take a captive, soften her up with a broad tailed whip."

"They don't leave scars," Baby Girl added.

"Then you strap her on the table on her elbows and knees. One machine pumps her ass and injects a devil's brew of aphrodisiacs' and mind warping drugs. Another fucks her silly and shocks her when she is not wet enough. Finally, one fucks her mouth and feeds her every few minutes just like someone cumming in her mouth." Karen paused and looked at the bottle in her hands. Taking a drink, she passed it to Little Bit.

Baby Girl said, "In the end, a week later, you have a walking cunt who's craving to be fucked every way possible and needs to suck cock to feel as if she is gaining any nourishment. As an added bonus she is about as smart as a rock."

"She made life hell working there but that seems a bit extreme to me." Little Bit replied.

"I agree with Little Bit on that one. I want to fuck her up bad but not that bad Mistress," Cat said a moment later.

"I say do it," Red said. "She made everyone's life hell, used her position to get anything she wanted. She deserves to be turned into a mindless fuck bunny."

"Works for me," Baby Girl said.

"What if mother had done that to you before I took you as mine? You would have never been able to follow me into the Army, never kept me alive all those times. Most importantly, never have been there to tell me to hang on until the choppers came. No Baby Girl, I am not going to turn her mindless." She looked at Red, "What if Little Bit disappeared one day and reappeared a week later as a brain dead fucking machine."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that." Red said softly. "Sorry Mistress."

"It's okay dear, you don't have experience yet." Karen replied. She looked at Baby Girl who was looking down, "While it is not a bad idea, it's just taking it too far. We give her a little push not shove." She paused and then continued, "Tomorrow, if you want to watch that is fine if not that is fine also. But tonight, we start endurance training." She grinned in the moonlight at Baby Girl, "And I know who will be going first."

"Who?" Baby Girl asked looking around. "Me?"

"No Cat. You went first last night. You go last, that gives you time to start designing back tats for us." Karen paused, "You will each have a say in the design. However, I will have final approval and plan to add my own touch to each of you. For example, a tramp stamp saying Mistress Karen's Baby Girl with hearts on each side done in pink. Or Mistress Karen's Cat with little cats and paw prints." She paused and then said, "Each will do a part of each other and all of you will do mine. I want your hands inking me." Standing Karen said, "I want your rough sketch by your turn Baby Girl."

Cat laughed as Baby Girl jumped up and ran towards the house. "You don't expect a design tonight do you, Mistress?"

"Yes and she knows it. Oh sure it will not be the final but she works best under pressure." Karen paused a moment, "You all remember how to push through the need to orgasm. Use something that burns you up. Get mad as hell. That will get you over the hump."

Once she had Cat on the machine and going Karen when to her father's desk. Sitting down she pulled drawers open until she found his little black book. Opening it she found Tom's number and gave him a call, "Hey Tom, quick question for you. Do you know if Doc Johnson is still around and would play ball?"

"Of course Karen. You have his number?"

"Yea but could you clear the way for me first. I know it's a lot to ask but I could use his expertise." Karen said.

"I'll talk to him first thing in the morning okay? After I drop Tiffany I can swing by his house on the way to the bank." Tom replied.

"That would be fine, thanks." Karen said breaking the connection. She went to the girls, "I need to make everything ready for the morning. After Cat, Little Bit and then Red go." She looked at Baby Girl and added, "Then someone shows me her design and if I am unhappy she rides a 10 instead of 5."

Baby Girl whimpered and said, "No pressure... none at all."

Once Karen was out, Red said, "Sis? What did Mistress mean by a 10 instead of a 5?"

"The knob sets the level of pain. If it feels you are not moving or dry then it shocks you. The higher the number the greater the pain." Baby Girl paused, "While I love painful pleasure. A ten feels like someone shoved a taser inside you and triggered it off. If that wasn't bad enough, when it fires it fires for nearly a minute or so it seems. When it stops you had better be humping for all your worth or it fires again. Even if you pass out it will shock you."

"You've been on a 10 haven't you Baby Girl," Little Bit said softly.

"Yea several times when Mistress wasn't around. Her mother really did love her in her own way and wanted to make sure I was worthy of her." She looked up at Little Bit and Red, "What she did to her mother was the most god awful thing I ever saw. Worse still was her mother taunting her and pushing her to do better even as she died."

"I'm sorry little sister," Little Bit said bending down and hugging Baby Girl tightly. A moment later Red joined in the hug.

"Mind if I help you? I have an idea," Red said sitting down. She plucked the pencil out of Baby Girl's hand and turned to a new page. After a second she started drawing.

In the dungeon Karen went to the drug cabinet and looked at what her mother had stockpiled. She made notes on her phone of what she wanted and looked the place over. For what she wanted to do, it would take a week, possibly two without destroying the girl's mind. She would have to see for sure how submissive Tiff really was. A good whipping would tell her all she needed to know. When she finally returned Red was on the machine and Baby Girl was standing and watching her.

"How long?" Karen asked coming in.

"Cat lasted 30 minutes, Little Bit hit just shy of 45 and Red is 15 into it." Baby Girl replied.

"Not bad for a start. Time to show me your sketch." Karen prompted.

"Mistress, you wouldn't really put me at a 10 would you?"

"Not until you're ready for it," Karen said. "Show me what you have love."

Baby Girl went over and got the sketch Red had done with hers and Little Bit's help. "It's the best we could come up without Cat's help." She paused and then handed it to her Mistress as she said softly, "Red did the sketch with our input."

Karen looked at it and gasped. It was beautiful. The scene showed her standing over them and holding a riding crop and a goblet. Each of the girl's faces were shown as were their looks of love. In their hands they held smaller goblets as if all five were making a toast. "Two questions, can you do it? And what if another sister comes along?"

"Then we add another figure keeling on one side or the other. As for doing it, I want to take a piece of leather and do a trial run first." Baby Girl replied.

Karen smiled and tossed it onto the table, "In that case I love it and you tell me what level you want to use to impress your sisters with your abilities."

"Two questions if I may," Baby Girl asked.


"Can I hate her too Karen? And the second one is when I pass out will you stop it from shocking me?"

"Yes you can hate her too and yes I will stop it." Karen said. She looked down, "Do you hate me still?"

Cat woke just in time to hear the question and moaned loudly. Two head snapped towards her and both her Mistress and sister hurried over. "I'm fine... just have a bit of a headache."

"Aspirin, medicine cabinet," Karen said.

"I'm fine Mistress," Cat said looking at her.

"Bullshit. Dehydration and toxins giving you the headache. Two aspirins and a big thing of water." Karen said as she helped Cat up. The moment Baby Girl was out of sight she said softly, "And that was the worst moan I ever heard. I'll let it go for now but I need to know for sure." Hearing Baby Girl running back, she said louder, "A girl likes to hear it."

"Well I for one love you, Mistress," Cat said loud enough for her sister to hear as she ran by towards the kitchen.

"Look who's being sneaky now," Karen said. She stood as Baby girl returned and let her give Cat the aspirin.

"Drink it all sister," Baby Girl said. "Mistress was right on that and wrong on her fear." She looked up at Karen, "I don't hate you, oh I was hurt when you took me with the crop. But that was anger speaking not my heart. I love you Karen. I love my Mistress and sometimes fear you too. You're every bit as close to the edge as I am."

"Well I love you four with all my heart and would gladly die to keep you safe." Karen said smiling. She went over to Red riding the machine and pinched her nipple. Bending down she said, "Cum for me pet.... Cum until you pass out."

Standing she watched as Red lost control and orgasmed for about two minutes before falling forward. She undid the girl and laid her down next to Little Bit, "Your up Baby Girl, set your level and let's see what your made of."

Baby Girl made a big production of setting it to ten and mounting the machine. Instead of strapping her in Karen crouched down and said, "I wonder...cum until you pass out."

She threw her head back in pleasure and mewed as her body responded to Mistress's command. In under five minutes she was laid out next to the others.

Karen looked at Cat. "Go look at the sketch your sisters did and let me know what you think. I'll be right back." Going outside she went to the edge of the woods and grabbed a stick about three quarter inch in diameter and six inches long. Returning she said, "I know right. Red drew it."

"It's beautiful Mistress," Cat said looking at it and then Karen. "Knowing Baby Girl I bet I know what is in the goblets."

Karen laughed, "I bet I know too." She walked over to the machine and turned it down before stripping and mounting it. Looking at Cat she said, "I'm going to give you a command you will hate Cat. But you will follow none the less."

"I already hate it and I haven't heard it yet." Cat said looking worried.

"Not to interfere with my ride. Also stop your sisters from interfering." Karen said as she began moving up and down with the movement. She leaned back and strapped her ankles in tightly and then set the buckles in her hands so if she made a fist her hands wouldn't come out.

Leaning back, she cranked the knob all the way over to 10 and began really pushing herself towards her first orgasm. Even though she was close the first shock caught her unprepared and her closed mouth screamed came out as a thin keening sound. As soon as it stopped she looked around and quickly grabbed the stick to bite on. She let herself go as the pleasure mounted and she orgasmed before the shock came.

She had her eyes closed and pushing the limits of pleasure when she heard a commotion. Opening her eyes, she saw all four were awake and arguing. She pulled the stick out of her mouth and said, "Can't a girl have some fun? If you're going to fight I'm going to do this." She put the stick back in and sat down no moving.

The shock when it came was as harsh as she expected. She held her breath and bit down on the stick. She could hear them yelling at her to start moving and once the shocks stopped she did. Karen removed the stick and said, "Look ma, bite marks." She laughed at her joke. And then got it under control, "I know bad joke. By the way Red, killer drawing." She paused when they had not spoken, "What? Did I piddle?" She looked down and didn't see pee or blood. "What is it?"

"Are you planning on killing yourself tonight Mistress?" Little Bit asked.

"I hadn't planned on it, why is the grim reaper behind me or something?" Karen asked. "Wow what a dead crowd tonight. "Next question... Yes, you scowling at me... Yes, the one in the back." She said looking at Baby Girl. "I know you have something to ask."

"Okay I'll play your game." Baby Girl finally said. "Why are you punishing yourself?"

"Because I am going to destroy a young woman's life as complete as if I put a gun to her head and shot it. Sure she needs to be taken down a notch. But what is going to end up happening is not something nice." Karen gave a shot bark of laughter, "Nice doesn't even come close."

"Next question?" She asked looking around. "None? Okay you have a minute to think." She stopped moving and stuffed the stick back in her mouth. She closed her eyes and waited for the shocks. When they didn't come she opened one eye and then the other. Spitting out the stick she said, "That's odd." She reached back to check the setting and it was still at a 10. "I broke it?"