Can There Be Peace Ch. 04


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As she released her legs she looked back towards where it was plugged in. "I want my money back for this shitty ride." She started to get up when it suddenly shocked her and she fell back down with a scream. Completely unprepared for it, the shock seemed to sear her very soul. The next thing she knew she was half laying over them. "I take it back; you can keep your money." She rolled off them and looked at it, "That was unexpected to say the least. Fuck that really hurt."

"Are you done?" Baby girl asked. "Or should we break out the salt?"

"Don't be nasty," Karen said. "It doesn't become you Baby Girl. I needed to pull back from the edge. I know tomorrow and the next day will be hateful." She sighed and then added, "She will call me every name in the book, try every trick she can think of to escape and I have to not only counter but punish. In short, I have to become my mother, harsh, cold and without an ounce of compassion."

"Then let us deal with her," Cat said. "I can do what needs be done."

"No you can't; you don't know how. Oh, sure I can train you but even so I would have to supervise. Better for me to go alone than you four see the darkness."

"I've seen it Mistress, I'll go with you." Baby Girl said.

"No, I must walk alone into this at the start. Later each of you can and will join and help." She looked at Baby Girl, "I don't want you to see it. I don't want you flashing back."

"I won't flash back," Baby Girl said softly pleading with her Mistress.

"I am going to string her up against the wall and whip her long and slowly. The only difference is I won't be using a braded whip. Not unless I have to." Karen said reaching out to stroke Baby Girl's cheek. "I don't even want you to hear it." She smiled, "I seem to remember you four getting something for me. Or was that a dream?" She looked at Red, "You will note how smoothly I changed the subject."

"Yeah real smooth, we would have never noticed had you not said something," Red replied.

Little Bit said, "Me first," and jumped up and rushed out of the living room. A moment later she came back holding a Barbie Doll box. Handing it to Karen she said, "I got you Bondage Barbie."

Karen looked at the doll in the box and started laughing. Little Bit had taken string bound the girl's ankles and knees together Then she wrapped her like a mummy from the neck down to her hips in clear tape with her arms bound at her sides. As an added touch she took a little piece of tape and covered the doll's mouth. "I love it. Thank you!" she pulled the girl close and kissed her.

Cat stood and smiled at her Mistress before going to the back. When she came back she was holding a little snow globe. Kneeling before Karen she said, "A girl hope Mistress is pleased with this simple gift."

Karen took it and smiled, it had a carousel pony in it. Turning it over she wound it and listened to it play "Memories" as the horse spun around slowly. "I got a pony after all," She said smiling at it. Setting it down she pulled Cat close and kissed her just as deeply as she had Little Bit. "Thank you dear."

Red looked at Baby Girl and then Karen, "Take your pick, bad or worse gift."

"It's up to you two." Karen replied. She watched them play rock paper scissors and Baby Girl get up. When she came back she was looking down and holding something in her hand.

Kneeling Baby Girl said with bowed head, "A girl prays her Mistress finds her gift worthy." She reached out and handed it to Karen.

Opening the little box Karen saw a small golden cross on a fine chain. It looked like the one she had lost somewhere between being shot and the hospital. She pulled it out and put it on silently. Kissing the cross, she bent forward and took Baby Girl's head in her hands. Blinking back tears she said softly, "Thank you." She kissed Baby Girl tenderly, as a lover would and heard the girl moan in reply.

Turning to Red, Karen said, "And then there was one."

Red smiled and went back and came back with a box. Handing it to Karen she said, "So you can practice."

Looking at Karen smiled. It was one of those childhood makeup kits with a head and hair. "So you're saying my makeup skills leave a bit to be desired?"

"Well... we didn't want to say anything, but my childhood cocker spaniel could do better." Cat said.

"Face it Karen, among the things your mother forgot to teach you, makeup skills would be the top of my list," Baby Girl said giggling.

"Mistress, we love you to death, but your makeup is horrible," Little Bit said.

"In that case from now before we go out, you four will do my makeup. Meanwhile I'll practice." Karen said with smile. She pulled Red towards her and kissed her roughly. "Good girls one and all." She paused a moment and said, "I have a gift for you four. Instead of me dealing with our guest, I want you four to have some fun with her. I don't care what you do as long as you don't' leave any permanent marks on her."

She looked at Cat, "Do we have any disinfecting wipes? If so could you take them down." Looking at Baby Girl she added, "I want her pierced. Full kit like the rest of us."

"Can I make it slow and painful Mistress? And teach my sisters so they can do one each?"

"Yes, but you pierce her clit hood. If you happen to miss and pierce her clit, I will personally pull yours out with a pair of vice grips." She smiled coldly as she looked at the girls, "One last thing, hold it in the morning. I suspect our guest will need a nice golden shower hair rinse." She paused once more, "No infections so make sure each site is clean before you pierce and once you are done, put her in a posture collar and against the wall arms and legs spread. I want full access to her back and sides."

Karen smiled at them, "So I have in mind a little game you'll love. When I say so I want you girls to orgasm and keep going until you pass out. The first two who wake up, have to pick up the clothes and mess we made. Then, you four together will come into the bedroom and orgasm again until you pass out. This time the first pair to wake up get to snuggle tight with me while the other pair get the floor. Just to make it interesting, the pair on the floor will have another five rounds of orgasms, pass out...each round stronger than the last. The fifth one will put them to sleep until my alarm goes off at 6 am sharp."

"Cum now!" she watched as they all threw back their heads in pleasure and mewed. Smiling Karen said, "Harder slaves, show me your love and devotion. Cum now!"

That set them off and they began thrashing around. Stepping over the bodies she went back to the bedroom and undressed. Setting the alarm on her phone she crawled into bed and closed her eyes. Instead of falling asleep, her mind unwound all the good times she had with her mother. "Damn her for that message, damn her to hell..." she said softly. "Why couldn't you just let me hate you?"

She was still awake when she felt first Cat and then Red crawl into bed with her. Both girls cuddled tight and rested their heads on her chest. Karen had just fallen asleep when her alarm went off. She felt the girls on each side of her get up so she got up also. Still tired to the bone, Karen staggered into the bathroom, preformed her morning ritual and then got dressed.

Without waiting she started down the driveway jogging to an internal cadence. She was on her third lap when she noticed the others were jogging also though only Little Bit had caught up with her. Instead of stopping she did a fourth and fifth lap and in the end only Baby Girl was still running about a half lap behind her. She was three quarter of the way up when a caddy pulled up past her and stopped by the house. Pushing herself, she continued the rest of the way and stopped by the car.

"Morning Karen," Tom said looking at her. "How many laps?"

"Five," Karen replied slightly winded. "Tiffany?"

"She asked to ride in the trunk," he said with a smile.

He popped the trunk and Karen looked down at the bound woman. She was in a hog tie with tape over her eyes and mouth. She bent down and lifted the girl out and dropped her on the ground. Crouching down she pealed the tape off the girl's mouth and asked, "Are you sure Tiffany?"

"Yes, Mistress Karen, I wish to submit and need to make everything right between us," Tiffany replied softly.

Going over to him she said, "Give me 2 weeks and you will have the daughter men dream of."

"Take all the time you need," he said. "There's no rush."

"I will anyways, I am just giving you a timeline Tom." Karen replied. She watched her slaves manhandle the girl towards the shed and turned back to him. "You can pass the word that I will take commissions for behavior modification on females as time allows. I am not my mother and refuse to troll for play toys as she did." She paused and added, "You were a good friend to mom and dad so there is no charge. I am glad to repay your kindness. Same with Doc Johnson. You two, more than anyone else made all this possible and there is a debt to be repaid."

Tom rested his hand on Karen's shoulder, "Karen, no one expects you to be your mother. She went too far even for us most of the time. Your dad was my best friend and the debt is on myside not yours." He hugged her and added, "So don't you feel like you have to scrape and save to live as you should. You're covered as far as the bank and I'm concerned."

He lowered his voice and added, "Come to the bank after you get what you need from Doc. If you have a list, I can let him know beforehand."

"Sure give me a sec," Karen replied. She hurried into the house got a pad of paper and her phone. She transferred the items onto the paper and took it back out. "Here Tom and thanks," she said. She waited until he left before going inside. She made a pot of coffee and showered. When she came out she sat down and had a cup of coffee. While planning out her attack on Tiffany's ego, the phone rang.

She talked to the doctor for a few minutes about what she wanted. He recommended newer drugs that he had samples of and if she came by at 9 he would be glad to see her for a few and discuss the case. Hanging up she went to the shed and down a hidden set of stairs that only her parents, Sandy, and she knew about. Standing in the shadow's she watched as Cat used a slave whip, a whip that had three long tails about an inch wide with little weights on the ends on the girl. From what she could see, Tiffany had welts from her upper back all the way down to her calves.

Stepping forward Karen stopped Cat mid swing and shook her head. She ripped the tape from the girl's eyes and said, "My name is Mistress Karen and I will oversee your training. First rule, you will always address anyone who speaks to you while here as Mistress. If they give you a name, then you will use it behind the Mistress title. Second rule, you will always speak in third person. Third rule, you will follow any order given as quickly and silently as possible."

She paused and then added, "First failure in any of these rules will be this." Karen grabbed the riding crop and brought it down across the girl's ass cheeks as hard as she could. Hanging it back up she grabbed a cat o nine tails with barbed tips and said, "Second failure of any of these rules and you will be the proud owner of slave freckles." With her free hands she pulled on the girl's hair and tilted her head back so she could see the barbed whip.

Letting go she stepped back and looked at the four watching. Turning back to Tiffany she hit and twitched the whip causing the barbs to dig in and tear nine little cuts in her back. "Silence," she screamed at the girl who was wailing in pain. Instantly the girl shut up and she hung the whip back up. In a cold dead voice Karen said, "Fuck with me, fail in any way, and I will kill you slowly." She looked at her watch, "You have two hours to make sure she is ready." She looked at Baby Girl and added, "You will come with me."

"Yes, Mistress Karen," Baby Girl replied. "May a girl have one last moment with the new slave?"

"Yes," Karen replied stepping back.

Grabbing a container of salt, Baby Girl said, "You will not make a sound slave. Do you understand me?"

"A girl understands," Tiffany replied through whimpers.

"Anything Mistress does to you is a blessing. It shows she cares enough to spend time with you. Remember that always. It helps, I know. Be strong little sister." Baby Girl said tenderly. She then poured salt on her hand and ground it into the little cuts.

To her credit Tiffany didn't scream. She panted heavily and finally said, "A girl thanks her Mistress for her attention."

"Good girl," Baby Girl said. "Trust me Tiffany, there will be times you wish you would just die. But in the end you will find joy the likes of which you never knew existed."

"A girl trusts her Mistress," Tiffany said and began to cry nearly silently.

Karen looked at Baby Girl for a long moment and turned to the others, "You have your orders." She went to the bathroom and with Baby Girl rode the elevator back up. At the house she looked at her and said, "You surprised me love. I didn't expect the tenderness and almost friendship from you four."

She poured a cup of coffee for Baby Girl and refreshing her own went out onto the back deck. Sitting down she continued, "I also thought you four would lose it when I gave her the taste."

"Lose it hell, I wanted to be in her place," Baby Girl replied. "To have you mark me... oh my god it would be a dream come true, Mistress of mine."

"Why where you nice to her Baby Girl?"

"We decided that she needed a friend, a fellow slave who had gone through what she is about to and I fit the bill." Baby Girl replied sipping her coffee. She frowned and said, "Mistress this is not special coffee, is it?"

"No pet it's not." Karen replied. Not looking at the girl kneeling beside her she said, "May I talk to my best and only friend for a minute? I ask as Karen not your Mistress."

"Of course, Karen," Baby Girl wanted to say more but stopped there.

"Sandy, why did she have to record that damn message?" Karen said with a sob.

"Because she loved you. I knelt beside her as she recorded it Karen. You didn't and couldn't see her crying afterwards. It was one of the most profound moments of my life." Baby Girl said.

"And I killed her..." Karen wailed holding her head in her hands... "I killed her..." she repeated softly.

"She knew you would one day. She told me that she was pushing you and using me so you would strike back. Better you than the cops she said." Baby Girl paused, "Karen look at me," When her friend's tormented eyes turned towards her she said, "Carol knew you would be nearly destroyed by what you had to do. That's why she made sure I would always be there for you. Not that I wouldn't have anyways. After the recording I held her in my arms as she broke down. I saw the woman, the loving mother who was worried about her little girl not being strong enough."

Baby Girl paused and then said, "When you took her, as savagely as you did, had to be the proudest moment of her life next to giving birth to you. With her taunts she was telling you she loved you the only way she knew how. Instead of being tormented you should embrace the fact you did what your mother needed you to do. Just imagine what her going to jail would have done to you and I?"

Karen looked out towards the woods, "I know you mean well Sandy, but it was easier when I hated her. Now I keep going back to all the good times we had. Yes, including those playing with various slaves as they rolled through. I enjoyed it, hell I loved it. The power rush of knowing I held someone's life in my hands was incredible."

She looked at Baby Girl, "Instead of dreading the next couple weeks, I find myself excited. I want to turn her into the perfect daddy's girl. A woman who acts like she is sixteen on the outside and a slut for her father and any of his friends on the inside. What does that make me Sandy? What am I becoming?"

"A proper Mistress to train new slaves to their roles. That is what you are becoming Karen. Though I don't think you have it in you to kill like your mother did. I don't think I would love that woman like I do you." Baby Girl replied.

"I'm holding you to what you said about killing me if I go too far Sandy. You are my safety net."

"I will Karen, we four will die right afterwards but yes I will kill you if you need it." Baby Girl said.

"Okay, I need to see Doc Johnson and hit the bank. Anything you can think of on the way Baby Girl?"

"Other than a freezer; No Mistress," Baby Girl replied dropping easily back into her proper role.

"Then finish your coffee and let's go."

"This crap? I done with it already." Baby Girl said with a smile. "May a girl take Mistress's coffee cup inside?"

"Yes, she can and she better wonder how to do the tats with little scars on her and her sisters' back." Karen said standing.

She followed Baby Girl inside, got her bag and went out to the drive way. Instead of going to the truck she looked around and moved towards the shed. Kneeling on one knee she placed on hand on the ground. "Momma, I don't know if you can hear me. But I forgive you and pray you forgive me for being a failure. I love and miss you, momma." She closed her eyes and cried silently. After a minute she wiped her eyes, looked at Baby Girl kneeling and crying silently beside her and said, "A fine pair we are."

"A fine pair indeed." Baby Girl agreed. "I'll take care of her Carol, just like I promised I would." She said before rising.

Karen drove them to the doctor's office and went inside with Baby Girl. At the counter she ran across the most disagreeable woman she had ever met. The term bitch didn't even come close. Finally, she said, "Tell Doc Johnson, Miss Karen is here or I will come across the counter and kill you slowly." The woman went for the phone and Karen reached over and yanked the cord out of the wall. "One more chance."

The woman fled and a moment later Doc Johnson came forward, "Karen welcome back!" He hugged her in front of the patients waiting and led her and Baby Girl back to his office. On the way, he passed the receptionist who cowered in fear at the sight of Karen and Baby Girl.

Once in his office Karen sat down and said, "No offense Doc but that woman is a first class bitch."

"I know but she has me by the balls, I had a weekend affair with her a couple years ago at her daddy's old hunting camp. That bitch had the house wired for sight and sound and ever since has been blackmailing me for a job and 5 thousand a month under the table," He sighed.

"Once I finish with Daddy's little girl, I would love to get my hands on her." Karen said coldly.

Really? You'd do that for me?" He asked brightening up.

"Sure Doc, between you and Tom you were mom and dad's best friends. If you can help me with the drugs, I can make her into anything you want. Mom taught me well on that account." Karen replied. "In her case it would be a pleasure. Give me a couple weeks and I will give you a pliant slave happy to serve in any way she can."

"Deal," Doc said. "I would love to pluck that thorn out of my side. You have any problem if I get rid of her?" He asked. "Tom said you were not your mother in that respect."

"What you do after I return her is your business. I just made sure he knew that I don't do disposal or pickup. You come to me and I agree or say no beforehand." She paused and the added, "If you wanted me to help Mary loosen up I can do that also without branding or going all the way." Karen offered. From what she heard, Mary, Doc's wife, was a cold fish.

"That would help also," he said leaning back and closing his eyes. "She has gotten worse since you enlisted." He opened his eyes and smiled, "How about you invite us over for a cook out after the other issues are resolved. You can judge for yourself and then go as far as you want." He paused and then said, "But back to the case at hand, He started pulling out pill packets and little bottles and passing them over. Finally, he gave her a box of syringes and needles.