Can There Be Peace Ch. 04


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Putting everything in her bag and Baby Girl's, Karen said, "When it is time for your happy helper, bind gag and blindfold her and bring her out. If that's an issue, then get her alone and we will do pickup. I want that bitch so bad I can taste it."

"See you in two weeks," He said as she stood. Standing he went around and gave her a hug, "It's good to have you back Karen." After a second he hugged Baby Girl, "You too Sandy. You take good care of Karen now you hear?"

"Yes sir. I will," Baby Girl replied with a smile.

"Good," He replied.

As she walked out Karen looked at the receptionist and said, "Never mess with a soldier who just came back from a tour."

Behind her Baby Girl smiled, "Have a nice day." Once in the truck they unloaded everything out of their bags into a Walmart bag and put it into the back seat. As they headed to the bank she asked, "Mistress may my sisters play with her first also. I really want to fuck that bitch up."

"Yes pet, but I don't think you should be her friend as she is broken down. Perhaps Little Bit." Karen replied.

At the Bank they were ushered into Tom's office and he handed her a key. She followed him to the vault where she opened the lock box and took out an envelope. Opening it she read a short letter.

"Dig where you don't expect to dig. Go a deep as you are to find the buried treasure."

Putting the sheet in the envelope and that in her bag she looked at Tom. "What about the one we three opened? How do I get into it?"

He looked at her for a long moment and dug out his keys. He pulled one of his key ring and handed it to her and said, "I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Once she was alone she went to the one they had opened when she was just a girl. Opening it she found a savings account book and another letter. This one had a lipstick impression on the back. Instead of reading it she put it in her bag also and closed the box. Going to Tom's office she smiled at Baby Girl sitting and asked as she offered him the savings book, "Tom can you tell me how much is in this account?"

He took it and smiled at her, "Sure Karen," he said as he turned to the computer. He typed the number in and stared at it in shock.

"Let me guess it says I owe money." Karen said smiling.

"No, there's just over $200,000 in it." He looked at her surprised.

"Can you transfer it into my checking account please?" Karen asked pulling out a deposit slip.

"Sure..." he said still surprised at the amount of the long unused account. "You might want to leave a little in, for a rainy day."

"Good idea, leave half in," Karen agreed.

He transferred the money and his jaw dropped at her balance. Here he was thinking he would have to carry her and she was the highest depositor in the bank by far. According to the current balance she had just shy of 500,000 thousand in her checking account. Looking at her he said, "Karen that much cash in one account is asking for trouble. If the bank fails, you are only covered up to 250 thousand. Might I recommend you put 250 in the savings account, and 100 in CD's or something like that. Then you have 250, 250 and 100 spread over three accounts."

"Good idea but I have one better," Karen replied. Put 200 in checking, 250 in savings, and Sandy here will open an account with 150 in it." Karen replied.

"Who me?" Baby Girl asked surprised. "Mistress, that is your money." She said quickly not thinking.

"True but if we need milk I want to send someone else instead of me going. Your it." Karen replied she looked at Tom, "Would you please do that for me?" It took nearly half an hour but in the end Sandy had a checking account and card.

When they got out to the truck Baby Girl said, "Mistress, please take it back. This feels very wrong to me."

"No and that's my final say on the matter." She looked at Baby Girl's troubled face, "Look, you and Cat need to buy stuff all the time. Just use it for things we need. Food, latex, slinky hose. basic stuff."

Mmmm... deal," Baby Girl replied.

"Oh, that reminds me. When you pierce Tiff, give her a belly ring also. Then she will need a school girl outfit like yours, knee socks, and high heeled Mary Janes. Finally, I want her to have Tramp Stamp with little hearts and saying Daddy's Girl. I want the design by tonight. Order the inks you need and anything else rush shipping." She paused and then added, "I want her ready as soon as we can so we can play with the bitch." The final word came out harsh and filled with rage. God she really wanted to hurt that woman for her snotty attitude.

"Mistress will you force me to shoot you so soon?" Baby Girl asked softly. The anger in Karen's voice when referring to the bitch worried her.

Karen looked at Baby Girl. She realized she let the rage she felt towards the world and her mother fill her. Calming down she said, "I'm sorry Baby Girl. I lost focus for a minute." She opened her bag and got out the two letters. Passing the one she had read to Baby Girl she carefully opened the other.


If you're reading this, then your father and I are dead. I hope our death did not hurt you too much as I hope you took my life instead of the police. Dig under the tractor and you will find the trapdoor leading to the complex we built before you were born. It was a crazy time back then and we worried the world was coming to an end. By the way, I made sure your father did not leave any surprises for you when you enter with your friend.

Speaking of Sandy, I know I hurt you to the core but that was never my intention. I only wanted to make sure she was worthy of you and it spiraled out of control. She is a good woman and worthy of walking by your side as wife and lover. I pray I have not destroyed her as I had so many before.

I know you think I killed the bad slaves but in reality, we had them carried half way across the country and dumped off with a couple hundred in their pockets. I had the gravel mussed by your father up to keep up the image we created as a pair of crazies. While I don't trust the government to give anyone a fair shake, your father really believes they are out to get him. Seeing some of the shit they pulled I can understand his feelings.

Karen there is so much I want to say but cannot find words for. I was never a good one for words and know I am not like other people. So let me try to say here what I could not say in life.

I am proud of you.

I love you.

You are all a mother could hope for.

I'm glad you killed me and pray it was slow and painful. I have to atone for my sins.


Wordlessly she handed the other letter to Baby Girl to read. She waited until she had finished and handed it back before saying, "Why didn't she tell me she didn't really kill all those people?"

"Perhaps she thought you would tell," Baby Girl replied.

"Where you there when she wrote this? Did you know?" Karen asked looking at the letter once more before putting it away and starting the truck.

"No Mistress," Baby Girl replied. "But a girl is warmed by the thought your mother approved of her." She paused, "She talked about you at times and showed profound emotions when it came to something you did to make her proud. On the other hand, she never said anything good about me other than I would be a good slave for you. Then she treated me like shit and taught me to love pain instead of tenderness."

"So, you didn't like the kiss last night?" Karen asked surprised.

"I loved the kiss last night. Mistress, tenderness from you is like a gift from heaven." Baby Girl replied.

As she started driving back home she said, "I don't understand. If she taught you to love pain instead of tenderness, why did you love my tender kiss?"

"Because when you are tender it is a sign of love. I expect when you are upset and punish me it will hurt instead of being enjoyable." Baby Girl paused, "There was never any tenderness between your mother and I. She hated me. I submitted to her so I could prove my love to you. Not because I wanted what she could give me and you couldn't." She realized she was babbling but couldn't stop herself, "You must have missed me begging her to allow me to date you. She said the only way was for me to submit and prove my devotion to you. Then she destroyed me more completely than anything you ever did to me. Do you know why she had me on the table? She caught me trying to kill myself with one of your father's guns."

"But why? Why would you wish to die?" Karen asked stopping in the middle of the street and looking at her. Sounds of a screech of tires and horns blowing caused her to start up again.

"Earlier in the day she had kept me on the edge of an orgasm until I begged to be allowed to cum. I would denounce you, god, anything just to orgasm. She stopped stimulating me and said "I knew you were nothing but a good for nothing slut. You will never have my daughter you useless cunt." Baby Girl broke down crying, "I knew I had to die. I was so filthy and not worthy of your love."

"If I hadn't killed her I would kill her now. No one talks about the woman I love like that. You are not filthy and you are worth more to me than all the gold and money in the world."

Baby Girl threw herself over the center console and clung to Karen sobbing. "I'm sorry," she kept repeating as she sobbed.

"There is nothing to be sorry about. I know that from experience. You would say anything when driven to the edge and not allowed to cross over into bliss." Karen stroked her head as they drove. "You are my good girl. Say it," she commanded.

"I am your good girl," Baby Girl whimpered.

"Again," she made the woman say it several more times before commanding, "Cum for all your worth. Drive those bad thoughts out with a good girl orgasm Baby Girl." By the time they arrived back at the house, Baby Girl was just waking up. "You are my good girl and don't you ever forget it. Even if you make a mistake you are my good girl."

"I am your good girl," Baby Girl echoed with a smile.

Getting out she gathered the supplies and went inside. There she found the three waiting for them. They ran up to her and clung to her as if she had been gone weeks. "Any problems?"

"No Mistress," Cat said.

"Good," Karen replied. She handed the two envelopes to the girls to read and then looked at Baby Girl, "You can pass on what you told me but not get upset. She is gone and by damn I refuse to have her fucking up our lives anymore. Every time I forgive her I find out something more and get pissed all over again."

"Yes Mistress, I am your good girl." Baby Girl replied.

Karen looked at the others, "Come down when you finish." She dropped her bag and took the Walmart bag with her to the play room. Entering she put everything up and turned on the forge before going over to Tiffany. "Wake up," she said.

"A girl is awake Mistress Karen." Tiffany replied.

"I know that if I ask, you will say you will be good if I release you from the wall. So I won't bother asking. Instead let me say, I don't want to hurt you Tiffany. I would rather just skip that part of the game." She paused and then added, "I am surprised about one thing. Why aren't you throwing your father's name around?"

"A girl knows she is being punished."

"You are not being punished per say, you are being trained." Karen walked over and checked the irons. "Punished leads you to believe that you will return to your old life." She said picking up the first iron. Returning with it she pressed it deeply into the girl's right thigh. Because of how she was bound, Tiffany could not wiggle away as she screamed in pain. "No from now on you are nothing more than property. All who see you will know it and you will, in time, be proud of your status." Karen walked back and replaced the iron. "Say I am a slave."

"I am a slave," Tiffany whimpered.

"Again..." Karen commanded as she got the burn ointment and bandage. She kept the girl repeating the sentence as she treated the burn and covered it. "I am a slave; I live for pleasure."

By the time the others had arrived. Going over to them she looked at Baby Girl she said, "Mind fuck machine position."

Baby Girl smiled, "Yes Mistress." She looked at her sisters, "Hands and knees with elbows on the table instead of hands." She went over to Tiffany and said, "Little sister, you're going to love this part."

She stepped back and watched as they released the girl and guided her over to the table. Once she was in position they bound her wrists and arms just below her elbows legs at the knees and ankles in position. Karen handed Cat a ring gag and blindfold. By the time she had finished setting up the IV bag and drugs she would use, Baby Girl had the machine in place.

Returning to Tiffany, Karen said, "I'm going to start an IV to keep you hydrated Tiffany." All those years under her mother's watchful eye paid off as she expertly slid the needle in the back of the girl's hand and taped it in place. Starting the IV running Karen picked the first syringe and injected it into the line, "Next, something to relax and make you feel good." Talking her time, she made sure everything was set up correctly and started the machine. Slowly a rubber cock and finger entered cunt and ass from behind and began to pump in and out together.

While Mistress was starting the rear pair, Baby Girl and her sisters set up the part that would face fuck the girl. Karen walked up to it after double checking the position plugged it into the controller. Over time all three stimulators would ooze drugs to keep the girl in a state of sexual excitement. She took the smaller IV bag and started it. Of all things, this was the critical one. If it ran too fast and the girl's mind would melt completely. Finally finished she watched everything to make sure it was running correctly. She motioned for the four to follow and once outside she said, "You read the letters. Thoughts?"

"About what Mistress?" Cat asked after a minute of silence.

"Everything... But let's start with the quote complex unquote."

"Dig the hole and see what we find," Little Bit replied.

"I say leave it, we don't need anything she left you." Cat said coldly. "Mistress, even from beyond the grave she tries to mind fuck you. I have seen evil but she takes the cake."

"I agree with that, I hate what she is doing to you and our sister," Red replied with barely controlled rage.

"Now that we have shifted to your mother, I agree with my sisters. She is still twisting the knife." Little Bit said. "I find it sad what she did to Baby Girl and then had the nerve to say she was wrong. She could have just turned her over to you instead of fucking with her mind and your love."

"Tell you what, if the tractor starts we will dig. If not, then we'll leave it until later." Karen replied. In fact, she wasn't in any rush to find anymore little presents from her mother. She motioned Baby Girl to get up and see. True to her luck the damn thing started. "Go ahead and dig the floor up," she commanded stepping back.

Karen watched as Baby Girl carefully dug a trench until she hit something and then expanded the hole. When she finally stopped a metal door, three feet square lay exposed. Going down to it Karen struggled to get it open but once she broke the seal the door swung up on pistons. Looking down she saw a metal spiral staircase leading down with lights every half turn. From her vantage point she saw it had to go down at two full turns possibly more. As the others joined her she said, "I hope she was right and there aren't any traps otherwise Tiff will become the first woman to be fucked to death."

"Yea but what a way to go?" Baby Girl replied.

"Does she have the orgasm inhibitor in?"

"No. Is that what mom did to you?"

"Yes Mistress but I didn't know until afterwards when she finally told me to orgasm and I couldn't." Baby Girl replied.

"God I really hate her," Cat said.

"You're not the only one," Karen said. With one last look at them she said, "Just like on patrol. Keep twenty feet separation."

"No," Baby Girl replied. "You go boom, we all go boom Mistress."

Karen looked at her and then the other three who seemed just as defiant. "Do you really want slave freckles that bad?"

"Mistress, we have been over this before. You can't take the risks alone so let's just cut the crap and go down together or bury this place once more." Little Bit said calmly.

"Personally I want the freckles," Red said with a smile.

"Each of you will receive five lashes from the barbed whip while Tiffany watches." She looked at them and then focused on Cat, "Think of it as a reward for you girls and an object lesson for her. However, that does not mean when I give an order you can blow me off. This is your warning. One warning. The next time the number will increase and you will know you are truly being punished instead of making someone else think so."

Karen turned and headed down with the others close behind. The stairway didn't go down two turns; it went down three before ending at a door. Opening it she looked around shocked. "What the fuck?"

The others entered and looked around. Other than the lack of windows it looked like any normal house. Before them was a foyer with living room off to the left. To the right was a formal dining room, kitchen beyond that and then bedrooms. Nowhere did she see any hidden passages or other weird shit her father built over the years. As she wandered around she wondered what to do with this place. Close it up she guessed.

"Find anything?" Karen asked. Nos and shakes of heads were the replies so they headed back up. Looking at Baby Girl she said, "Bury it." She closed the trap door and moved out of the way while Baby Girl scooped and pushed the gravel back over the hole. When she had it smoothed out she pulled the tractor in and turned it off.

"What is your pleasure now Mistress?" Cat asked.

"Glancing at her watch Karen saw they had spent just over an hour digging and exploring the hole. "Make lunch while I check on our guest." She went down and smiled at Tiffany trying to hump the machine. "You love being fucked by your daddy. You need his cock in you, in your mouth and in that slutty cunt of yours. Just imagine it.... Live it.... Become daddy's girl." She waited a moment and turned up the speed a little and added, "Daddy loves his slutty daughter fucking him silly."

She was on her way out when she stopped and looked back at Tiffany. What she had done was just what her mother would do. Shit... Returning to the girl she unplugged the drug feed from the cock in her mouth, let it run a minute more and then turned it off. Removing it she heard Tiffany mewing in need. Removing the ring gag and blindfold, Karen stroked the girl's hair dirty hair softly.

"While you love having daddy's cock in your three holes, you are in love with Mistress Karen." She crouched down and raised the girl's head so their eyes made contact. While Tiffany's were glazed there was a hint of need in them. "Say it, tell me you love me and want to spend eternity kneeling between my legs worshiping me."

"A girl loves her Mistress. Please let her bring you pleasure, Mistress Karen." Tiffany said slowly. It was so hard to think but this goddess wanted to hear about her love first hand."

"Say it first person Tiffany." Karen prompted.

"I love you Mistress Karen. Please let me pleasure you and make you happy." Tiffany said as her eyes cleared up. "Make me into your good girl."

"Now tell her you want her personal brand. Mistress Karen's mark of ownership. You want to be branded at the same time she brands your sisters," Cat said coming up. "Remember we talked about it..."

"Mistress, will you brand me and my sisters so we and everyone knows we belong to you?" Tiffany said. "I know I am Daddy's girl, but can't I belong to you and love you too."