Chelsea's Twelve Days of Christmas


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"Shit, well she won't go back to Isabella because she will feel like she let her down. If her reputation is cactus, there's no telling what she might do. It must have been bad if she walked out rather than asking you to release her. Her reputation was everything to her," Riley said.

"Idea's Riley, I need to know where she would go?" Harry urged desperately.

"How bad of a fuck up are we talking?" Riley asked cautiously hearing the anxiety in his voice.

"Accused her of something she didn't do and then wouldn't let her defend herself," Harry admitted painfully.

"The morgue," Riley said without pulling any punches. "If the first man she has trusted in all these years did that to her, you may as well alert hospitals because she won't be coming back." She was horrified and felt sick all at once. She had pushed Chelsea into trusting Harry, thinking he would never let her down, and all she had done was destroy her friend's life. If anything, bad happened to Chelsea she would never forgive Harry. She knew she was being cruel by her bleak outlook, but she wanted him to hurt, as much as Chelsea must be hurting right now.

"Think Riley, where would she go?" he asked again. "There has to be somewhere or someone she would go to in a moment of crisis."

"I don't know, we met at school, before that she was in prison and you know she doesn't talk about anything before that," Riley said. "I'll try to call her," she said.

"She's turned her phone off," he said curtly.

"She probably has her old phone with her because that was hers not yours," Riley said, having been in Chelsea's position. Not that she ever left Harry but she did pack a bag once.

"Text me the number," he commanded.

"How about I let you know if she answers first," Riley said. "I'll call you back if I think of anything but trust me, as far as I know, without Innamorata she has no one and nothing to turn to, so she could be anywhere."


"Chelsea just answer your goddamn phone," Riley said plonking herself on the bench seat Chelsea lay on. "I've been looking for this freakin' tree for over two hours. Do you know how bloody big this campus is?"

"Riley what are you doing here?" Chelsea asked sitting up and leaning back feeling exhausted from crying.

"Trying to convince Harry that I have no idea where you might have gone while trying to find this goddamn tree you love so much," she sighed. "Don't go anywhere and don't panic, I am obviously the one person in the world who would never betray you, much to my disgust. I'm so mad at Harry right now." She spat as she fiddled with her phone.

"Gary," she said into her phone, "Yes I found them, tree and Chelsea together again." She put her phone on speaker, so Chelsea knew not to be scared of her calling Gary.

"Good news what do you want me to do?" he asked.

"Give it another hour, and then you can tell him to stop searching the morgues," she winked at Chelsea. "You can tell him I found her, but she's not ready to talk to him. Warn him if he continues to call she will run again and to just let me handle it from here."

"I think I like this bossy side of you," he chuckled. "So let him suffer for another hour then tell him, got it. Keep me updated, and just because I know you would be letting her listen," he paused for a second, "Chelsea are welcome to stay with us, for as long as you need."

"And that is why I love you so much," she grinned widely. "I'll call you soon and let you know what we're doing, love you."

"Stay safe," he said, and the phone went dead.

"You have him searching morgues?" Chelsea whispered horrified by the idea.

"Sure, he made you suffer, so he had to do a little of his own suffering," Riley shrugged. "He knows he fucked up monumentally, and they are his words, not mine, I would never swear like that," she grinned.

"That's a little mean, don't you think?" Chelsea asked.

"Nope not at all. He deserves to suffer. If it were up to me, I'd make him suffer even more," she said and pulled Chelsea into a strong embrace. "So, the way I see it, we can go back to my place and get incredibly drunk and let Gary look after us while we talk about your plans. Or we can grab a hotel room, get sloshy in the bar while flirting with the bartenders first and then head upstairs to get totally drunk and talk about your plans," Riley said.

"Is there any scenario that sees you leaving me alone with a wad of cash to get drunk and wallow in the depths of self-pity?" Chelsea asked.

"Nope, I am gonna wallow with you, because that what friends are for," Riley said.

"I'd say hotel room but," she paused and thought about the fact that she was going to say she had no money. "I don't suppose you want to wrestle this out of my hand to pay for it. I mean I couldn't use it myself but if you did," she said with a lopsided smile.

"Hell yes, that's the least he owes you. Let's go; I know just where I want to stay, and we can get a massage and some pampering tomorrow."

Chelsea allowed Riley to sweep her along on her bubble of enthusiasm. She had already cried herself out and come up with a plan for living because the alternative was just too hard to contemplate. She would harden her heart again and ask for half of the fee for this contract which still should be a good sum. Then she would move again to where no one knew her name and start again. She had great people skills and had been taught to serve, so she could pick up a waitressing job somewhere, even without a resume, she could fake that much she was sure.

They were on their second drink when Riley's phone rang, and she frowned at it. "Madame?" she answered putting it on speaker. She didn't want Chelsea having any doubts about what she would say or hear.

"Riley is Chelsea with you?" the woman asked.

"Yes Madame," Riley pulled a face at her phone.

"Then bring her home where she belongs, this has been a dreadful misunderstanding, and once Harry explains, everything will be fine," Isabella commanded.

"No, if Chelsea wanted to go to Innamorata she would have and if she were ready to speak to Harry they would be speaking. She is hurt and confused, and you have to give her some time and space to deal with it, just as I am. If you force her, she will only leave again, and then no one will be able to find her," she declared.

"You are being ridiculous, Chelsea knows that the only solution to this problem is to negotiate the current contract to her benefit or she gets nothing," Isabella said in her business-like voice.

Chelsea waved her hands attempting to signal her intentions to her friend.

"Chelsea will call you tomorrow; she was wanting to negotiate for half of the contract fee for time served and then release from the remainder. She has no wish at this moment to be involved with Harrison Drake again," Riley said in a stilted way as she tried to read her friends gestures. "If he is so eager to negotiate her release those are her terms and her belongings can be sent to my house if he wishes to be rid of her entirely." There was stunned silence on the other end of the phone.

"If you would like to talk to Chelsea tomorrow you may find she might mellow in her resolve to end any and all contracts and proposals submitted to Innamorata if allowed the time to do so," Riley said despite the vehement shaking of Chelsea's head.

"Have her call me in the morning," Isabella said in an abrupt tone and hung up.

"Don't go back there Chelsea, you deserve so much more than that bitch," Riley said picking up her phone from the table. "She didn't even ask how you were just started negotiating business."

"That's not in my plans, and neither is dying anytime soon," she smiled lopsidedly. Riley's phone rang again, and Chelsea sat back and sipped her drink.

"It's Gary, I'll let him know I'm turning my phone off for a little while," she said before answering it.

"Hey, babe," Gary's voice seemed tentative in his greeting. "Harry's here, and I was wondering if you're likely to be home tonight?"

"No, we're staying out all night and getting rotten drunk so we can contemplate the stars, the universe and everything. Then we'll have a big breakfast, probably at the casino or somewhere that opens extra early and will let us have champagne cocktails with our bacon and eggs, and we'll be home after that. Oh, and let Harry know that I stole Chelsea's new platinum card, so he's picking up the tab," she laughed.

"I deserve that," she heard Harry's deep voice in the background and knew she was on speakerphone.

"Yes, yes you do, Harrison Drake. Two of the people I love most in the world are miserable tonight because you messed up big time, you two were perfect for each other. Honestly, I could slap you so hard right now," Riley said angrily.

"I was angry at Julia for making a scene in my office when I called Chelsea to find out the story from her. I shouldn't have called angry, I know how it sounded, but it wasn't an accusation as such, it was what others had said, and I needed to know what had happened so I could calm Julia down," Harry's voice sounded anguished as he explained his side of the story. The text I got from Thomas was ambiguous at best, and I read it wrong. It's all my fault but it's not nearly as bad as it seems," he pleaded with Riley. "I just wanted to know what happened and went about it in the wrong way. I know she thinks I betrayed her trust but that was never my intention," his voice was strained and filled with anguish.

"You're telling the wrong girl, and the right one doesn't want to talk to you tonight," Riley said sadly. "Gary, you're in the doghouse for this," she said. "I'm turning off my phone now. We're safe don't worry. I'll call you in the morning." She disconnected the call knowing she was pushing her luck with Gary and turned her phone off looking at Chelsea. "Well if that's not a man with a broken heart I don't know what is."

"Do you believe him?" Chelsea asked.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter what I believe, the question is do you?" she asked.

"Part of me wants to but it's too late now," she said the alcohol in the two drinks making her weary already. "It hurts so badly. I keep running the conversation in my mind, and he could have just been stating the facts others had given him, but he was so angry, cold and hard. By the time he asked me what had happened, I'd already lost my mind and had no words, so I just hung up and left. Even if he doubted Julia, he had the text from Thomas," she looked up at Riley wanting her to tell her that she hadn't overreacted to the bad situation. The truth was that she knew she probably had.

"He shouldn't have called you when he was already angry with her," Riley agreed. "But if you take away the tone of voice could he be telling the truth?"

"You think I over-reacted, don't you?" Chelsea said.

"Hey, I'm on your side remember? Don't get angry at me because he made you doubt yourself. He knew your issues. He knew how you would react in that situation and he still called and got angry at you. It doesn't matter what was said after that. He did it, and he knows he fucked up royally. The question is, what can he possibly do to make it right or is it over for good?" Riley asked. "Sounds like you're in a pretty good place to do some negotiating if you want to try again."

Chelsea frowned at her friend. She'd spent ten days with the man, and suddenly she was a confused emotional wreck. The last time she had cried this much was when her mother had died. She remained silent thinking over the question Riley had just posed.

"Okay," Riley suddenly blurted. "I don't want to lose my best friend in the world. I want you to stay, and if trying to work it out with Harry means, you stay then yes that's what I want. So, sue me."

"I do love you, Riley, I honestly truly love you, and I don't know what I would do without you," Chelsea laughed. The fact that Riley had come to find her and had left her fiancé to spend the night hold up in a hotel with her, trying to work through this mess was more than anyone had ever done for her before. She didn't want to lose their friendship either, and if she was honest, she did believe Harry. "So much for Mr Perfect, what are you going to call him now?"

"Harry, just plain old' human Harry. It's kinda nice to find out he isn't perfect, isn't it?" Riley asked.

"Get me another drink, and we can talk about my terms of surrender," Chelsea said not sure if that was what she wanted at all, but having lay on a park bench for two hours in the cold, none of the alternatives seemed inviting at all. She didn't like the thought that she could be throwing it all away because of a misunderstanding and she wished she could talk to Thomas about the text, she was sure that would explain much of what had occurred and if what Harry said was true. She fished the phone Harry had given her out of her bag and turned it on. It pinged rapidly with missed calls and text messages.

"Well aren't we a popular girl," Riley laughed. "You read through those, and I will order us some room service, I think Harry would want us to have one of everything, don't you?"


Harry had been going through his father's contract with Julia with a fine-tooth comb, looking for any clause, which could make him liable in any way for the woman's welfare, aside from the request in his father's will which only made him responsible for five years from his death. It was close to midnight when his phone rang, and he snatched it up off his desk

"Chelsea?" he asked.

"Yup," she said emphasising the p, making him smile as he pictured her in his mind.

"You sound like you and Riley have achieved your goal for tonight," he said relieved to hear her voice and trying to sound positive.

"I called Thomas, he thinks you need glasses or sumpink," she slurred. "I guess he already told you that, he said he was pretty cranky with you for blaming him and told you so."

"He did," Harry spoke warily.

"So you know you had no right to be angry and so mean when you called me right?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm an asshole and if I could take it all back, I would. I don't blame you for leaving or needing this time to think. I just needed to know you were with someone who cared about you," Harry said gently.

"I realised tonight how much Riley loves me. I mean, she really does. The only other person who loved me enough to try and help me when I needed it was my mum, and they beat her to death for it," she said, the alcohol making her talkative and nostalgic. "You'll make sure Gary looks after her like a princess, right?"

"I will; Gary is a good guy though I don't think he needs much encouragement where Riley is concerned. He loves her," Harry smiled hearing how Chelsea felt about Riley.

"He's sweet, he said I was welcome to stay with them for as long as I wanted, but Riley says you, and I are soul mates and have to work it out," she chuckled. "I just think she doesn't want me there to be a third wheel. Like a big ol' party-pooper raining on their wedding plans."

"You wouldn't do that, would you?" he asked.

"Nah," she said exaggeratedly. "So what do you think, I forgive you for being a cranky bear and you forgive me for being a drama queen?"

"There's nothing to forgive, I'm the one who messed up here," he said softly, "And if you can find it in your heart to forgive me I promise you will never have to deal with Julia again."

"Riley says guys have to learn stuff the hard way, the lesson here is don't call someone when you're angry or upset or probably drunk, as well but we'll ignore that one for now," she giggled. "As far as Julia is concerned that's up to you. I would never ask you to give up a relationship you value. I mean I wouldn't like you to be having sexy time with her anymore, but I understand there is history there. We all have history, and this is the second time mine has gotten the better of me since I've been with you."

"This wasn't your fault," he reassured again.

"I should have explained, even in the face of your anger I should have explained what happened and showed you the bruise on my arm where she grabbed me. She was such a bitch, one of the other ladies even swapped seats with me to try and rescue me from her."

"Wait, what bruise," he demanded.

"Shush, don't yell, you'll wake Riley she's already mad as hell and wants to give the bitch a good slap. Shit it took me ages to get her to sleep so I could call you and talk terms of surrender," Chelsea whispered exaggeratedly.

"My terms are simple come home tomorrow and have great make-up sex with me," he chuckled more at ease now and enjoying her drunkenness.

"I've run up a bit of a bill on the card you gave me today," she admitted. "And I made you miss your event tonight."

"You were also thoughtful enough to buy gifts for the staff," he said. "The two ladies were overwhelmed by her generosity. You didn't buy anything for me though so I was pouting a little over that."

"A courier is bringing something for you in the morning," I couldn't get it there tonight."

"Oh was it too big for the car? Is it a car? Or a boat? A helicopter I've always wanted a helicopter," he guessed wildly making her giggle.

"No," she drew out the word. "It's just something small I bought before the event. It was going to be a Christmas present, but I am hoping you might like it better than the make-up sex, so it will be good timing for you to get it in the morning,"

"I can't imagine anything better than make-up sex right now, so it must be good," he said genuinely curious.

"Meh, now that I've built it up, you probably will be disappointed, that was dumb of me," she lamented.

"If you chose it with me in mind I am sure I will love it, maybe not as much as I love make-up sex with you but pretty darn close," he heard her giggle again and felt the tension of the last eight hours drain from him. She was his broken dove and the thought of having broken her as completely as Riley had so harshly told him he had, had almost broken him.

"Chelsea tell me where you're staying and I will get Thomas to come and get you in the morning," Harry said not wanting her to forget this conversation because of her drunkenness.

"Tell him where we are and invite him for breakfast just not too early. Then he can take me to slap ol' bitch face so I can get that outta my system and you can go home," Riley said sleepily as she walked through the suite to check that Chelsea was still there and hadn't had a change of heart. She had been happy to hear Harry's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Good night, Harry," she whispered despite Riley being in the room.

"Sleep well, Chelsea," he smiled as he heard the phone disconnect.


Chapter 8: You make me Feel

Chelsea woke feeling disgusting; her mouth was dry, and she felt her stomach roll, as she tried to sit up. She groaned and looked around the room at her discarded clothes. She'd drunk far too much on an empty stomach. She vaguely remembered calling Harry to tell him off for treating her so badly and grimaced.

"She lives," Riley said cheerily walking into the bedroom looking fresh and relaxed. "Get up and have a shower and I will order you a big greasy breakfast that will make you feel normal again."

"I don't think that's possible," Chelsea groaned. "What did you do to me last night?"

"No way, that wasn't me, you did that all by yourself, I tried to get you to slow down, not that you probably remember," Riley laughed. "Now shower," she went to help Chelsea up and help her into the bathroom.

"Did I call Harry last night and scold him?" Chelsea grimaced.

"You didn't scold him that I know of, but you did promise him something better than makeup sex, and I believe you promised plenty of that too," Riley laughed.

"Oh God, I did, didn't I?" Chelsea put a hand on her head and looked mortified.

"Maybe you should eat first," Riley saw how unsteady Chelsea seemed. "Here drink some water, and I'll order some breakfast for you," she handed Chelsea a bottle of water and went out to make a call.
