Halloween Hell: Carla and Jeff

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A bitchy woman has an unforgettable Halloween.
13.7k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/25/2023
Created 10/31/2020
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The following very dark story has themes of non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"Look, once we get there, you fuck off and leave me alone, you got it? You don't come around and bother me or any of my friends, you got it?" I warn my younger brother, stopping as we are walking down the sidewalk together. When I stop, I turn to look at him, wanting him to see how serious I'm being by the look in my eyes.

It's Halloween night, so my upset and intense tone seems at odds with the environment that's all around us. There are tons of happy kids in costume roaming around, most of them acting like turds. Everywhere there are shrill sounds of laughter, screams of getting scared and excitement at the thought of getting free, cheap candy from strangers. Yet I don't care about any of that as I glare at my younger brother.

My 18 year old brother rolls his eyes again and resumes walking, acting like he didn't go to Mom and say how I was trying to gaslight his social life. Hell, the little shit doesn't even know what that word means. He was just upset because I told him I didn't want him going to this party. That I pointed out to him that he got invited as a pity invite, not a real invite like mine.

I get so tired of my younger brother and the way he always tries to make it look like I'm the bad guy. I mean, I'm the victim here! I was trying to help him when I told him not to go. Afterall, he would be so out of place at the party, especially since no one knows him and his social skills suck. And the ones that do know him, will know him as my bratty, prevy little brother. Who knows what someone might do to him once the drinking really gets going. But will he listen? No. That's why he'll be a big loser all his life.

"I'm serious Jeff!" I say, damn near screaming as I hate when anyone ignores me. My scream then echoes all around, even bouncing off and coming back. As my brother damn well knows, I don't mind making a scene. Just like I don't care that all the nearby trick or treaters have stopped to look at us, wondering what our drama is.

"Jeez, you don't have to scream Carla. I can hear that bitchy voice of yours just fine when you talk normal," Jeff replies ahead of me, acting annoyed as if he has any reason. He's stopped to look back at me, but resumes his walking, not caring if it is with me or not.

"If you fuck things up between Brady and me, I swear I will pancake your balls," I warn my loser brother, again being as serious as I can be. Brady is my soon to be girlfriend, and tonight will be the night we finally get together. And nothing is going to stop that.

"I don't care about whatever slut thing you are going to do. I'm just going to check out Johnny's new PS5," Jeff tells me as he keeps on walking. Despite him trying to play cool and keep calm, I know I've gotten under his skin. I can tell by the way his shoulders are stiff and tense, which makes me smile.

"But I don't have any friends, right? So that can't be why I'm going to my friend's party. Isn't that what you keep telling Mom? That I lie and make up the friends that I have?" Jeff says, pausing his walk.

With a huge smile on my face, I'm proud that I've gotten under his skin more than what I thought I did. If I'm lucky, he'll be so upset he acts like an asshole at the party and gets kicked out. Oh, how I love pushing his buttons and watching him self-destruct.

"Well, it's true. You're a fucking loser," I tell my brother who is a year and a half younger than I am. I say this with my head held high as well as with a lot of pride because I'm not ashamed of saying this. Nor do I feel bad telling him the truth.

I do tell Mom that he has no friends because he really doesn't. His friends are losers like him. The type of people you can't really rely on nor would you want to admit are your friends. It's not my fault he can't find any real friends. Real friends like the type that will help scam some old man at the club. Or that will help harass your OnlyFans into giving more tips. And anyway, I'm forced to tell mom these things because she expects me to be his friend and I think I rather eat my own hand.

"Really, tell me how you met Brady again. It was all by yourself, right? Not because you came begging for money when Johnny, Travis, Phil and I were hanging out at the mall?" Jeff asks, a knowing look on his face, as if he's caught me in some lie.

I consider screaming at him again as my anger flares. My rage feels like it begins at my toes and rises over my body like in some cartoon. But as soon as I feel it move over me, I manage to calm myself down. I'm able to do this because I tell myself my younger brother has replaced what really happened that day with some fake version. He's always doing that too. Lying and making up shit that didn't happen to make himself feel better. It's pathetic.

I plainly remember how I met Brady. It's true it was at the mall, but I had run into my brother on accident. I often go to the mall to hang out near Victoria Secret's or a store like it. There's always some old pervert nearby that you get to give you money. All you have to do is ask him to give his opinion on how some bra looks on you. Once he sees that, the wallet opens up.

That day I found Jeff in some computer or electronic store. I forget which one it was, but it was the one that sells like compute insides and chips and whatever. When I found him, he kept asking me to leave because he was having an informal job interview with the owner. I told him I would, if he would Venmo me some money to get a dress that really looked good on me. I did have money for it, but why spend my hard earned money when I could have his? It's not like he was going to use it on anything important. Probably just another stupid video game or dumb thing like that.

Right as I was about to walk off, I saw Brady. My brother's loser friends were hanging out outside the store, no doubt waiting for him. She was standing a little ways behind them, but clearly by herself. Yeah, she was talking to one of them, but it was pretty clear she didn't like being so close to people like them.

I started to talk to her and found out that much like myself, she was the older sister and had to accompany them on behalf of her parents. She never said it in words, but I knew we had a connection because she was embarrassed by her sibling and his friends.

"Just stay the fuck away from me tonight you fucking pervert," I warn my brother as he walks off since I won't sink to his level. But because he is walking away, he makes me yell this warning.

"Hey! There's kids around. Watch your mouth!" Some Karen barks as she holds the hand of some brat that is trick or treating. The woman looks at me with a look that seems to say what a piece of garbage I am. In response, I give her the middle finger and resume walking, thankful that I'm never going to let anyone ever make me pregnant to have her body shape.

So...the Halloween party. It's at Brady's house. Brady's parents are out of town, so she's throwing a wild party. I guess it would technically be her brother throwing it too, but he's a loser so I doubt he could throw a ping pong ball yet alone a party.

I'll admit that she's been playing hard to get, but that's an act. All it'll take is to get a few drinks in her and I'm sure her wanting me will come out. Sometimes you have to make people see that they are into you. At the very least, if she has a few drinks, I'll be able to have some fun with her tight little body.

And tonight couldn't be more perfect as I've seen Brady's comments online in which she hinted that she has some, well, sex games to play. She posted how she went to a porn shop for the first time ever and purchased something for her costume. There was no hint about what it was, but it's the perfect opening to get into dirty topics.

Thankfully Brady's house is pretty close as it's just three streets over in the same neighborhood I live in. That's why I was ok with walking in my Sexy Black Cat costume to her house. Otherwise I would drive there. I look too damn good to get sweaty or walk that far as this baby barely covers my breasts. Hell, every poor pathetic father that I pass can't stop staring at my chest, as each step makes my babies bounce in the sexiest way.

That's another thing about how nerdy my brother is. I'm dressed as sexy as can be in a classic costume for Halloween. Every sexy girl that's ever lived has worn the sexy black cat. It's a rite of passage. But my brother? He's dressed as some anime super-hero idiot that no one knows. Took him a couple of weeks to make it too. Stuck in his room, learning to sew and all that. What a loser.

Finally I reach Brady's street. Turning down it, I'm a bit surprised that I don't see my brother. He wasn't that far ahead of me but now I don't see him anywhere. He was walking much faster than I was, but I still should be able to see him. I'm guessing he either took off running or maybe he made some dorky pitstop at someone else's house. Knowing his loser-butt he may have decided to go trick-or-treating.

"Hey kid, your shoe is untied," I tell some lone kid walking by himself in a cheap Friday the 13th costume. It's the sort of costume that was furnished by a Dollar Store, probably cause the kid's family is poor. That it's either wearing the crap he's wearing now, or wear his gym clothes and pretend he's a famous athlete.

The kid, who is probably around 11 years old stops and looks down. When he sees that his shoe is untied, he puts his bag of candy down to the side and begins to tie his shoe. The idiot doesn't think to lift the mask.

"Loser," I say under my breath as I calmly reach over and pick up his bag of candy while his attention is on his shoes. With the mask down, he can't see his sides, so he has no clue what's just happened. And I do this nice and smooth so he doesn't even hear me pick the bag up.

Since I am literally in front of Brady's house, all I have to do is turn into Brady's yard. Due to the Halloween decorations her yard is pretty dark so I blend in perfectly. My only real trouble is holding back laughter at the dumb kid.

"Hey!" I hear the high pitched cry of the kid as he finally notices his night's haul is gone. He says this right before I open Brady's front door and walk in. Once the door is closed, I laugh hard, knowing the kid won't be able to find where I went. Better yet, if he does figure it out, whomever answers the door will probably be drunk and think he's a stupid trick or treater.

"Oh, hey, just coming right on in are we?" Johnny, who is Brady's 18 year old younger brother says while coming in, probably because he heard the alarm say the front door opened. I turn around to see him with an annoyed look on his face, even if he is in a pirate costume.

"It's me Joey, calm down," I tell him, saying the wrong name on purpose as he hates it. I even roll my eyes to show him how nerdy he's being at freaking out over something stupid such as me coming in the house without knocking. It's a party anyway.

"Look, I brought candy," I tell the loser, holding out the kid's bag of candy. I hand it over to Johnny while walking past him. The price for being able to attend the party was that you had to bring something for everyone to enjoy, like a couple bags of chips or a twelve pack of beer. I had planned on just saying that the bottle of booze my brother brought was from me as well, but since I don't know where he is, I had to do this. That means that stupid kid outside with no candy should be blaming my brother.

"Why did you bring candy in a pillowcase?" Johnny asks confused as I walk off from him, needing a drink. He then asks if I stole it, to which I don't dignify that with a response.

Having never been in this house before, I find that it is much nicer than I thought it would be. For one, it seems huge. Like I had known, Brady's parents do have a lot of money. It's one of the reasons I'm so interested in hooking up with her, because once I have an in, she will have to start lavishly giving me gifts. At the very least, maybe a few flirty exchanges will get her father to do it too.

There are tons of people in the house, all dressed up in costumes. There are people everywhere in small groups, all while music plays via speakers that are scattered around. This is exactly what I had hoped for because when there are a lot of people, it makes it easier to disappear or hide because you can blend in.

After searching around the first floor for a bit, I don't fine Brady, but that's fine. I want to get a couple of drinks in me first before going after her. Not to mention get a drink ready for her. I did bring a tiny bit of Molly with me just in case she isn't in a drinking mood. I'm sure I could slip it in whatever she feels like drinking.

Finding the kitchen, I see how they went all out for the party. The counters are covered with anything one could need, from paper plates and napkins to every sort of snack food invented. There's also a couple of kegs, not to mention a series of liquor bottles.

"Thank you!" I tell the guy who just poured himself a vodka drink of some sort at the counter with the bottles. I manage to grab the cup from him and turn my back to make it look like I thought he was a bartender instead of some idiot that was making himself a drink. When I hear him complain, I pretend not to hear it thanks to the music.

"Oh, gross," I say and spit the drink back into the cup after a single sip. Upset, I turn back around and walk back to the guy who is starting to make another drink. I push the drink back against his chest, showing him how gross the drink is. A bit of it spills onto the zombie costume he has on, surprising him, not that it matters. His costume, much like his face, looks stupid anyway.

"Coconut is freaking gross pervert," I tell him as he stares at me in shock. Annoyed now, I grab a beer from a cooler that is on the ground. I proceed to walk off, feeling the guy staring at me as I walk off, as if he's going to do something. Guys like him are all the same. He probably can't believe someone as hot as me was just talking to him, but sorry pal, I'm not interested. I'm only interested in one person tonight and her name is Brady.

"Where's Brady?" I ask a few random people as I start to roam around the bottom floor. Each person I ask seems to shrug or to point in a vague way, like they don't care. Not that I mind that they do this as it gives me an excuse to explore the house. Like I said before, Brady's family is supposed to have money, so maybe I can find something nice to look at.

After searching the first floor for a while and not finding Brady nor my brother, I decide to try the second. My goal is to find Brady, but if I can't then I want to find her room. No better place to get clues about what will make her into me than her room.

I travel up the stairs with my beer, ignoring some drunk asshole that tells me that Johnny doesn't want people going upstairs. Pretending I don't hear him, I keep walking walk, already having the excuse about needing to find a bathroom.

The second floor is basically one long hallway, with doors on either side. There's no one else up here, but for some reason, it feels crowded. Not sure how to explain it, but it doesn't feel like the dim empty hallway looks to be. In fact, it looks downright creepy.

Ignoring this, I slowly go door to door as quiet as I can to see if any are unlocked. Most doors are locked which is a pain, but I'm not too bummed about it. These look like cheap locks, so once I find a paper clip I should be able to pick the lock and look inside. I do get to look into a linen closet, a janitor type office and a bathroom.

I make my way all the way to the last room in the hallway. Instantly I am curious as the door for this room is much different than all the others. The other doors are a light brown wood color, the type you would see at anyone's house. But this door looks to be made of metal. Unable to help myself, I run my hand over it to find that yes, it is metal.

Why would there be a metal door in a house? Outside in a storeroom or something, I could see. But not inside a normal house.

Then I spot the sign/plaque in the middle of the door. It's a gold plaque that looks like it gets shined daily as it reflects light when there is only the dimmest of light here. The only issue is, the words aren't in English. I don't even know what language it is because I've never seen anything like it before. If I had to guess, I think they are in that Irish language. The one that sounds like Garlic.

While looking at the door, I finish the rest of my beer. That's when I start to look around for some place to dump the empty can. Only there's no trash can or table to leave it on up here.

That's when I hear the sound of a door opening. Surprised by this, I look about thinking that someone must be peeking out from one of the locked doors. Maybe a housekeeper or something like that wondering who is hanging out.

Only all the doors are still shut. I don't see any open door, even if it is just a crack. Then I turn back to look at the metal door. I see that the once shut door is now opened just a bit.

Considering this, I'm guessing when I ran my hand over it, it pushed the door open. It's sort of strange though, why would this door be open while most of the others are locked? From the looks of it, whatever this room is seems to be more important and therefore should be locked.

"This...is creepy," I say aloud as I push open the door more and enter the room. I'm not sure what I thought would be inside, but it's not what I expected. It's a small library, complete with shelves of books. But there are also various...things...in glass enclosures all about, meant to be displayed.

This is the sort of room that a father would have. A rich father at that. Maybe a professor in college. It's a room to show off all your treasures while drinking scotch or some other fancy drink. A place where I'm sure there are a lot of treasures worth real money.

Well, at least that's what I thought. I thought whatever was displayed in the glass fixtures would be super expensive items, but looking at them, they aren't. Instead they are all really old and gross. I mean, there's a woman's shoe in one that looks like it's a hundred years old. And I think there's blood on it.

"He fancies himself a researcher," a woman's voice says behind me. As I thought I was alone, I gasp and spin around. I then see a woman who is around my age standing in the far corner, away from the door. This makes a cold chill move over me as she looks extremely creepy.

My heart skips a beat after looking at her because her Halloween costume is really good. It's really creepy. Best one I've seen so far, after mine of course. Whomever she is wears a long, thick brownish cloak, like an old school monk would wear. She's put the hood up so it covers all of her hair and her face is mostly in shadow as it pokes out. What I do see of her face looks grey and pale, showing she did a really good job with her makeup as she almost looks like a zombie. She must be going for an undead monk or something.

"It's rude to sneak up on people," I tell her, showing I'm not best pleased at her scaring me, even if it is Halloween. I then put the empty beer can on top of the shoe's glass enclosure. I then take a look around the room, seeing there are at least two dozen of the glass display things.

"What did you say anyway? What is all this stuff?" I ask, walking to the next item that's being displayed, which is an old school fountain pen. The type of pen where you had to literally put ink inside each time you wanted to write.