Halloween Hell: Carla and Jeff


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With her attention now on the sex toy, I reach over with both hands and grab the waistband of her sweatpants on either side of her hips. With a hard tug/yank, I pull down not just her sweatpants but her panties as well.

"There," I say, pulling her sweatpants but her panties all the way down to her feet. Brady gasps at this, but with both hands filled and slightly drunk, she can't think what to do. She just stands there, red faced and shocked as I finally get to see what her pussy looks like.

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to pull those pretty panties down, I'm sorry," I tell her in a fake apology which I think comes out real. But with her panties down, I get a good view of her shaved mound. And oh, that pussy looks incredible. Looks so nice and clean, like it would taste sweet on my tongue. Oh, how this makes me want her even more.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh," Brady says, finally looking down at herself to see that yes, her sex is exposed. That of all people, it's exposed to me. I, of course, play cool, like nothing has happened. Staying calm I act like nothing out of place has happened.

"Sweetie, it's nothing I haven't seen before. And anyways, yours looks very nice. Very sexy," I tell her, as if this isn't a big deal. Brady looks at me with wide eyes and a pale face, like she doesn't know what to do. And those eyes are very glassy now, letting me know she's very much past tipsy.

To help her along, I move her hand that has the flask back to her lips. This time she takes a long sip as if needing it, all while her panties are around her ankles, her ass and pussy fully exposed. But I know not to touch her yet. If I do, she'll freak for sure.

"Now, for the rest," I tell the stunned Brady, to which I start lifting her sweater. She tries to back up at this while protesting, but I don't listen. And thanks to her clothes being pooled around her ankles, she can't really go anywhere.

Lifting, I pull her sweater up. I move it high enough to move past her bra covered breasts which are even larger than I thought. Not anywhere near my size, but damn sexy. I can't help but look at them as I keep lifting her sweatshirt up.

Brady struggles at this, but doesn't say anything. She keeps her arms down, as if this will stop me. I then pull the back of her shirt over her head then move it down her arms. I pull the sweatshirt all the way to her hands, which still have the flask and fake cock, leaving her in just her white bra.

"Hey, Brady, you up here?" I hear a male voice call out. Brady gasps at this and I tense up. I know a flash of anger moves over my face upon hearing him as the fucker is interrupting me. And right as I had her where I wanted her.

Annoyed at being interrupted, I bend over and pull Brady's panties back up. I grab just those cute white cotton panties and pull them all the way up her sexy legs and back in place. I manage to get them back on her right before some guy and girl come into the doorframe.

"Oh! W-What's going on here?" the guy asks upon seeing the scene. He looks at the two of us, with Brady all but in her underwear.

Brady doesn't say anything but looks at them with her pale face. She still has a look of being shocked, which I know is going to give me away. So I know I have to take control of the situation.

"We are getting her into costume. Now, come on, take off your top and we'll put you in the harness," I tell Brady in a sweet and friendly tone. Like I'm her best friend that is helping her get ready. That nothing wrong is happening at all.

"She was nervous about putting on the costume she really wanted to wear," I tell the two before they can say anything. I again act nice and friendly, as if we have known each other forever.

"Y-yeah, my costume," Brady says, her speech somewhat slurred. She proceeds to step out of her sweatpants, seemingly still embarrassed to be in just her panties and bra. There's an air of trauma about the way she moves, which annoys me. It's not like I really did anything to her. So I saw her pussy. Who cares?!

Brady then hands me the flask and fake cock, which I put on the bed. She then removes the top, which I take and put in a hamper. Like a virgin, Brady uses her arms to try and cover her exposed body. This annoys me as well as after all, she still is wearing her bra and panties.

"Here, one leg, then the other," I tell Brady, placing the harness for her fake cock on the ground in front of her. When I do this, I see the pair at the door in the corner of my eye. They look at each other where I can tell they are wondering what is going on. But thankfully they seem to be a bit tipsy themselves as they don't question it.

"There, now tighten it. It's on your side," I tell Brady upon lifting the harness with the cock attached up her legs once she steps into them. Much like the way I lifted her panties, I slide the harness all the way up to her waist where I can feel Brady swaying, showing she's truly drunk now.

Brady then does as I say, reaching to tighten the harness, making the fake cock swing and sway from her movements. I will say that she does look rather sexy like this. Something about her bra and panties being completely white while wearing the strap on.

"Just like Jason Bobby," I boast while standing and stepping back. I say this with a lot of excitement, as if presenting her to whomever the two people are.

"Jayson Boebert," Brady corrects on instinct. The two at the door chuckle at this, seemingly getting the joke even if I don't. They chuckle softly at first, but then full on laugh. This serves to give Brady the confidence she needs and she begins to laugh with them. The pale expression and stiff body she had now fades.

"Well, come on, we need to play a game or something," the woman at the door tells Brady, making it seem like people are getting bored. At this Brady lights up and stumbles forward to join them. The way she does this makes me see that she is probably past drunk. That she's at the point she probably won't remember any of this.

The three leave the room, none telling me to join them. It's as if they forgot about me. I then start to follow behind them, but stop to get the box of sex toys. I do this because another idea pops in my head since those two had to interrupt us. I know how to get Brady interested in me.

"W-W-What should we p-p-play?" Brady slurs as she holds onto the banister while walking down the stairs. Her friends are right behind her, throwing out suggestions of what they could do as I walk behind them. Each idea is rather stupid. I mean, they actually suggest charades, like we are playing with our grandparents.

On purpose I don't say anything but stay close enough to seem part of the group. I also keep the box behind my back so no one sees that I'm carrying it. I do this on purpose as I don't want anyone to see it and ruin the surprise.

When Brady enters the downstairs living room, the room erupts at seeing her. Now more confident in being in her underwear, Brady moves around pretending to be whomever it is she's pretending to be. In her drunk state she starts to be the life of the party as she pretends to be whomever her costume is. Over and over she mentions bowling and balls, as well as saying other things that people laugh at but I don't get.

I don't mind any of this because the more Brady moves about, the more her bra-covered breasts bounce. The urge to just go over there and yank her bra down is so high right now. If I thought there could be a chance to come back from it, I would do just that. Walk over, yank it down and start sucking. I mean, I've done just that before, but that crowd cheered while this one would probably call the cops.

"Time for a game!" the guy that came to find Brady announces. When everyone cheers at this, it makes me realize that this isn't a normal house party. This is more of a nerdy party, where they need structure and whatnot, instead of people doing whatever. I bet none of these losers even have X or Molly on them. In fact, I doubt that half are even drinking.

"Brady was telling me about an awesome game she wanted to play, but was too embarrassed to suggest it," I suddenly announce during a quiet moment. This sort of cuts the air as everyone turns to look at me, with most wondering who I am. But thankfully, I feel most of them looking me up and down as my body does the work for me.

"I..I was?" Brady asks, a beer in hand now. This makes me smile hard as it's the perfect setup. Brady is drunk to the point that she's probably not really thinking at all. Or she'll think we really did have this conversation.

"Of course you were, sweetie. She was just saying how few people here got to play sexy games growing up. You know, like Seven Minutes in Heaven? Were two people go into a closet and have seven minutes to...make out?" I tell the crowd.

To accent what I'm getting at, I lick my lips in a very suggestive way so at least the guys will get on board. This works as no one interrupts or says anything about what I'm saying.

"Brady was saying we could play Seven Minutes in Heaven, but I thought, why not make it a bit more adult by adding this?" I say, pulling the sex toy kit from behind my back. I hold it out for all to see, acting as if it is the holy grail.

The box produces a lot of strange looks as I move around the room with it. Most get wide eyed or shocked, while a few look scared. It again accents what a nerd-party this truly is.

"And before anyone thinks it, this is Brady's, not mine. But I think it would be fun to put this kit in the closet. Then the two people that go in will be able to use it, you know?" I suggest, doing my best to appear sexy and seductive. Making it seem that I'll be the girl that most of the losers here will get to use it on.

"I..I guess we could play it," someone in the crowd says. But then the questions come. One after another people ask all manner of questions. A few ask with fear in their voice, making it seem like they are having to do it against their will. Questions of how people are paired up. Who will keep time? Will the door be locked? What if you don't like the partner? And what all are you required to do during your seven minutes.

"Ok, look. Everyone here is over eighteen, so if you don't want to play, you don't have to. Can't say what people will think of you if you don't, but you don't have to play. As for partners, we tear up some paper and write pairs of numbers. Then everyone draws a number and we go in order," I explain, not believing something so simple is being debated or questioned.

As I answer more questions, I try to appear nice and friendly while eager and sexy. I need everyone to not just like me, but trust me. I need this because this is the perfect way for Brady and me to appear like a couple. Because I'm going to rig it so we go into the closet together, where I guarantee some fooling around will happen.

"Can we turn out the lights when we have to go in? That way you won't see who the partner is?" Some rather chubby guy asks. To this, many agree while others disagree. I then have to repeatedly force the conversation on topic repeatedly, making it seem like anyone that doesn't want to play is scared of sex.

But after a good five minutes of this, not only is everyone playing, but a bowl and pieces of paper are produced. Not just that, but drunk Brady leads us to an empty closet that's towards the back of the living room. It's where they were storing their Halloween decorations, but since they are all in use, the closet is empty.

The same number is put on two pieces of paper and then placed in the bowl starting at "1". When number "1" is called, the two people who got it will go to the closet. Once seven minutes pass, it will be the "2" turn. Only, Brady and I are going first as I made sure to swipe the "1".

Going around the room, I proceed to hand people their numbers instead of letting them pick. This allows me to give Brady her "1" without it looking too weird. But after walking around the room, I make sure everyone gets a number, going as far as to ask repeatedly if everyone has one.

"Everyone ready?" I announce, very excited. Instead of a loud and excited cheer, I get more grunts and worried sounds. Looking at everyone nearly makes me laugh as this crowd is very much scared of sex.

"When Bill turns out the lights, the people with number ones will make their way into the closet," I announce, ignoring the fact that most don't seem to want to play. At this, a lot of people look at the number they were given, including Brady. I can't help but smirk as I clearly see a "1" written on hers to confirm that I did indeed give her the correct one.

"Oh, can't forget this!" I exclaim, grabbing the sex toy kit and moving to the closet's door. I place the box inside, right in the middle. On purpose, I bend over as I do this, showing my firm ass for everyone to see.

"Whoever goes first, please use some of those toys. That'll set the tone so this can truly be a fun, kinky sort of game, alright?" I tell the group, to which I get even fewer grunts in response. I then move to a chair and sit, trying to make it look like I'm wondering who will be first.

And then the lights are turned off. I was scared that there would be light from the windows or from some decoration to make it clear who was going into the closet. I have a feeling Brady wouldn't go in if she knew it was me inside with her. But thankfully it goes completely black. Black to the point that you could wave a hand in front of your eyes and not see it.

Eager, I start crawling to the closet. I crawl so that no one can see or hear me. That way it'll hide who is going to the closet as if I make a lot of noise, it'll be noticeable who's going in.

When I reach the closet, I find that it is already open. Right as I find this out, I feel a very soft and gentle hand pat my shoulder as if trying to find where I am. That hand then gently pulls me into the closet, seemingly eager to get started. Smirking as I know Brady will have no clue it's me, I happily go in.

A moment later, I'm in the closet and the door is shut. At least I think it is shut because I hear the snap of the door, but it's so dark in here that I can't really tell. But I can feel that Brady is in here with me. I can feel her body heat.

I hear Brady going through the sex toy kit passionately, letting me know that yes, she did think about using it for other reasons than as a costume. The way she goes about the kit, it sounds like she's trying to find each and every toy she wants to use. I so want to tell her what I would love for her to use on me, but I can't risk her knowing it's me. She needs to get started and then when we are in the middle, she can know.

I gasp as something is pressed against my face. Something really hard. It's pressed against my mouth, making me move back a tiny bit. To my great surprise, I find it's a gag. It's a ball gag that's pressed against my mouth. Her hands then proceed to put the ball-gag in my mouth once I open up, where it forces me to open my jaw wide. After she ties the strap around my head.

Wow. I didn't know Brady was that kinky. Not that I mind. I love getting kinky. Hell, there's not much I haven't tried with both men and women. Just now I won't be able to taste that sweet pussy of Her's.

Now gagged, I can only let out a surprised whimper when Brady pushes me back. Since we are both on our knees this has the affect of sending me completely on my back. I'm a bit shocked by this, mainly because Brady pushed me so damn hard. It nearly knocked the air out of me when I landed.

Brady proceeds to climb over me in an extremely aggressive manner. It's so unlike her that I'm not sure how to react. That's why I don't really do anything when she pats around for my arms. Once she finds them, she grabs hold of both my wrists.

I'm not sure what she is doing as she lifts both of my arms up and over my head. In fact, I'm not sure about any of this. I thought our time in here would be some good kissing, and then maybe she would use the paddle for a bit, and finally that fake cock of hers, but nothing like this. Not that I mind. I'm actually excited she's coming out of her shell.

I let out a gasp into my ball gag when I feel what she just did. She's cuffed my hands. She really cuffed my hands. I feel the cold metal on both wrists and more than that, they are trapped behind a pole or something. I pull on my hands to try and move them down and the chain can't get past whatever it is stuck on, meaning my hands are trapped over my head.

Becoming extremely aroused extremely fast, I open and lift my legs to make it easy for her to move between them. My body is so warm and wants to be touched as I feel so submissive. And there's nothing more that I would love, than for her to use that fake cock on me.

Brady surprises me again by grabbing the front of my costume and yanking down. She does this very rough and aggressive, almost like she's trying to rip my costume. My top does come down, the black cups holding my breasts moving to my stomach, exposing me, not that Brady can see. But I feel both of my bare breasts become exposed to the darkness.

A moment later, I feel Brady's warm mouth on my right nipple, sucking hungrily as she knows I can't use my arms to push her away. I moan at this, my body hot and ready for exactly this. My nipple becomes extremely hard as she flicks it with her mouth, driving me crazy. That's why I moan even louder when she moves to my left nipple and starts to playfully bite it.

More moans come from me as she starts to grope my breasts as I lay here, my legs still raised. The longer she plays with them, the more aggressive she becomes. She digs her fingers into my breasts as she squeezes them, making them get sore very quickly. Over and over she grabs and squeezes, sending both pain and pleasure over me.

Showing how horny she is, Brady lowers her face between my tits. I feel her lips press against my skin right before she squeezes my tits together against her face. I nearly laugh as I feel her move her face back and forth as she motorboats me. Over and over she shakes her head while keeping my breasts pressed against her, her mouth open and tongue licking. It's enough to make me almost orgasm as she is showing me just how kinky she is as she uses me like I am some sex toy and not a person.

After stopping, Brady leans back where I hear her get something else from the box. I'm not sure what else is in there, but I am quite excited to find out. I'm so excited that I can't even remember what was in the damn box.

But instead of using anything on me, Brady grabs my right tit. She grabs it hard too, her hand damn near crushing my boob. She then seems to angle my breast, as if pointing it up at her.

My eyes open wide and get watery as I feel something bite my nipple. Something cold and hard bites down on it, making me want to scream. Only I stop myself before I let out any sound as I don't want anyone to see me like this. If they open the closet door, they will see me, tits out and basically tied up. There'll be pictures of it too, and they'll talk about it forever.

A moment later, my left nipple is bitten as well, letting me know what's been put on me...nipple clamps. Brady just put nipple clamps on me. That's what biting at my hard nipples, punishing them.

When Brady grabs my left breast, I begin to shake my head. I recall only one other object in the kit that was meant for breasts. And it's something I don't want her to use on me. Yet in the darkness, I know she can't see me protesting. Even if she did, I'm not sure she would stop the way she's acting.

I then feel her working a large, thick rubber band onto my breast. Staring into the darkness, there's nothing I can do but feel the unforgiving band being put deeper and deeper on my left breast. Where Brady's fingers work the rubber band to move all the way to the base of my tit. As I feel the band squeeze and cut off the circulation to my tit, I think how this is the first time ever I wish I didn't have D breasts. For now they feel like crude objects to use and abuse, instead of one of my best features.