Heather Jenkins


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"When I want to know anything about Kimberly or any of her associates, I will ask! Your books are going to be done, Carla, that is the only reason we have to talk to each other. Laura, I'll send you the clothing and shoes and whatever else is yours when I get done with Carla's books. I'll thank both of you to leave right now, and Laura leave your damn keys. Goodbye!"

Laura set her copy of my house keys on the counter. "Goodbye, Heath."

I heard some conversation in the foyer, some raised voices, and the front door slamming. Nadia made her presence known when she picked up the bottles. "Are you going to drink these?"

"No, go ahead and dump them out in the sink," I sighed. "Were you already in the house when they showed up?"

"I was not." Nadia poured the bottles out and went into the mud room to put them into the recycling totes. When she returned, she went to the refrigerator and pulled two fresh bottles out, popping the tops on the opener under the island. She slid a bottle over to me and sat down. "I was assigned to watch your house. Laura and Carla pulled up in the Bug and were making entry while I was making my rounds outside. I figured it was better to take the conversation indoors to avoid nosy neighbors."

"Thank you for that," I nodded. "So, do you work for Kimberly?"

"Let's just say I work with Kimberly," Nadia replied. "I don't know why I was sent to guard your house, the house guards itself."

"Yes, I know. You can stay inside if you want, it's more comfortable that way. My office and my bedroom are off limits, okay?"

"My team is eight. Can the others watch from inside as well?" Nadia asked. "We work in pairs and switch out every six hours."

"But there were five women with me and Kimberly today. How many of you are there?"

Nadia sighed. "Kimberly will have to tell you that, Heather, that's not in my mandate. I could call her..."

"No, it's okay. Just keep it down and watch the weapons exposure, and your team can stay in the house."

"I'll let my relief know when I go back outside," Nadia nodded. "We'll bring our own food, of course."

"Of course," I nodded. "I'd hate to impose, but could you come upstairs for a minute?"

Nadia followed me up to my bedroom, and I took the sports jacket off. "Can you unhook this thing for me?"

"Sure, not a problem." I felt her little fingers lift up the strap of the sports bra and unhook it. She didn't pull away, but tugged the bra upward so that it came off completely. "You seem really tense, ma'am."

"I am. It was a long day. Do you have any idea how much a box full of paper weighs? I also think I wrote ten miles today."

"Lay down. Let me see what I can do, ma'am" I went to lay down on the bed, hearing Nadia slip her shoes off. She pulled off my shoes, then my footies. The bed shifted, and her hands were on my back. Fingers pushed into muscles and unbound the knots that had built up over the course of the day.

After minutes of this, Nadia got off the bed and pulled my leggings off. When she straddled me again, her legs were bare as well. I couldn't object, her fingers were the base of my spine, lulling me into dreamland.


I felt a poking in my arm as I was startled from my sleep. "Heather?" Kimberly's voice asked.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Time to get up, sweetie. Long day ahead."

Another poke later, and I focused on her face. "What the hell?"

"Good morning to you too," Kimberly smiled. "It's almost nine."

"Nadia?" I sat up and looked around. "Did we?"

"No, you didn't. You're concerned for her?"

"Ah, Kimberly, I lured her up here with the intention of tasting her sweet little body. Sorry," I mumbled.

Kimberly seemed amused. "Why are you sorry? If Nadia wasn't interested, she would have handed you a pair of scissors."

Well, shit! I chuckled. "You set me up!"

Kimberly put her hands on my face. "Listen. Two things can happen now: One, you and I just go on with the deal we made. Two, you tell us to bug out and me and my team are gone."

"There are only two options?" I asked.

"Either we are here with you, or we're not. I'd like to stay close to you, and have a presence around you, to keep you safe. I employ bodyguards to maintain our safety, and you've met most of them. I'm going to have to hire more, something I hadn't anticipated."

"You're talking about Nadia, how does she fit into this?"

"Nadia was one of your guards. She made the choice to get involved with you, something that she should not have done. I cannot employ her anymore, so I'm going to pay off the rest of the contract she had with me. Now she can either stay with you, or she gets a ticket to the destination of her choice. She'd like to stay with you."

"You're firing her, because she gave me a back massage?"

"Heather, security cannot be intimate with their protectees, it's the rules."

"You're talking about objectivity. How can..."

"Six months," Kimberly interrupted. "Nadia and her partner have been watching you for six months. It probably wasn't the best of ideas to put them on patrol around your house, but my team is only so big. Nadia, I guess she got a little too involved in watching you, and now she can't stop."

"Why are you watching me?" I demanded.

'We are recruiting people, Heather, and we need to check them out first. Usually we can do this digitally, but you are hard to keep track of that way."

"There's a reason for that," I warned. "Nadia's been following me for six months? How did I not see that? Are you saying she's infatuated with me?"

"Of course. I've been up close and personal with you for two days and I'm infatuated, Heather," Kimberly said. "Would you like to know Nadia better or not?"

"I would, but..."

"Nadia?" Kimberly called out.

Nadia came into my bedroom, she had on only a tank top and a pair of bikini panties. "Hi, Heather."

Kimberly stood up and looked down at me with a smile. "Breakfast in thirty."

"Make it forty-five." I waited for Kimberly to leave so I could turn my attention on Nadia. I couldn't help but smile at this shy little woman. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-eight," Nadia replied.

"Are you okay with skipping to the sex and then going back to getting to know one another thing?"

"I'll answer any questions you have for me. I know you pretty well, already," Nadia nodded. "I'd like to do the sex thing now."

"Let's start out in the bathroom," I said.

I followed her into the bathroom, watching her little ass move from side to side. I stopped her by putting my hands on her hips and pulling her back toward me. I guided her arms up, then pulled the tank top over her head. I felt her up on the way back down, pulling her panties down to the floor.

"Are you good?" I asked in a whisper.

"Very," she breathed.

I pulled my panties down, freeing my cock before I pushed up against her. Hands on her hips again, I guided her over to the vanity. There was a trio of condoms in the top drawer, and I reached for them.

Nadia put her hand on mine. "I'm on the pill, Heather."

"If you've been following me for six months, you have a pretty good idea of my sexual activities."

"Just let me worry about that," Nadia pulled her hand back. She pushed back against me, bending over and putting her hands on the vanity. "Go ahead, I'm waiting."

I nudged her feet with mine to give her the hint about spreading her legs, and she did. I slipped a finger inside her, pulled back and inserted two. She was hot, slippery, and after sucking on my fingers, tasted like candy.

Lining myself up for entry I slipped inside her. She was tight around me, and when she closed her legs, she was even tighter.

My intention was to let her expand around me, but she gave a wiggle of her hips to tell me to get on with it. Hands on her hips again, I pulled back and thrust myself back into her, hard. She let out a moan, which encouraged me to do it again.

Our eyes locked in the mirror and she smiled at me. It was erotic to watch her little titties wiggle in time with my slamming into her. Nadia closed her eyes and her face scrunched up like she was getting ready to have an orgasm.

Then Nadia clenched her insides, closing around my cock like a fist. Hell, my masturbator wasn't that tight. She opened her eyes again, grabbing the edge of the vanity and pushing hard back against me. I felt myself building up under Nadia's clenching and my last coherent thought was hoping she was having an orgasm too.

We moaned together as I began to release myself inside her. The lights in the room seemed to blink in time with my cumming. My knees went weak and Nadia's went weaker as we finished our ograsms. I managed to hold her up against me by her hips until the strength returned to her limbs.

"How was that?" Nadia asked after she pulled off of me.

"Amazing," I admitted.

She turned around and put her hands on my face. "Do you remember when you first saw me?"

My memory was drawing a blank, but then it came to me. Seven months ago, Nadia had gotten on the elevator with me and asked me where Personnel was at. I remembered watching her walk out of the elevator and wishing I could feel that ass of hers. "I remember."

"I'm yours now, Heather."

"What are you doing to me?" I searched her eyes, wishing I could read her mind. "Why?"

"Don't you want it, too?" She asked. "Yes, you do. I know you do."

"Yes, I want you, Nadia. Let's shower before they eat breakfast without us."

Nadia showed a strange fascination with my body while we were showering together. She washed me clean, I had to bend over so that she could do my hair.

Washing Nadia was a great pleasure. Her golden brown skin was blemish free and her jet-black hair sported a beautiful blue tint. She got out of the shower before me, provocatively drying off before she vanished from the bathroom.

I was in my shower alone, having just got done fucking a fine piece of ass, and I was wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into. Having sex with a woman I barely knew wasn't new to me, but this time felt different. The sex was somehow...electric. I couldn't help but want to be inside her again, and I hoped that desire wouldn't interfere with my work.

After drying off, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Kimberly came up behind me, pulling my hands down, and proceeded to french-braid my hair. "You look good like that," she said after finishing.

Turning around to face her, I took her hands in mine. "What are you doing to me?" I asked. "How do you seem to anticipate my every move? What's going on here?"

"My full name is Kimberly Roberta Pulanski, I used to be a professor of applied mathematics at the University of Warsaw. I emigrated here to find a better life, but that's quite hard because there isn't much call for mathematicians at U.S. universities that aren't trained here in the states."

"You're a professor of mathematics, and you're here playing my assistant? What a world." I nudged her out of the way so I could get dressed. On my bed was a wonderful navy blue athleisure suit with white mesh cutouts. "This is amazing."

"I knew you were comfortable in an athleisure suit yesterday, and this bra should fit a little better," Kimberly smiled. "No luring the tarts to help them undo your bra."

Kimberly got a dubious look from me as I slipped into my outfit. As I was tying my shoes, she came over to stand in front of me and pulled my head into her crotch so I could smell her. I stood up and looked her in the eyes. "You might get kicked out of the work area today."

"No, I won't," she replied breathily. "Because I will help you focus, not distract you."

We went downstairs, Nadia and another woman were slaving over my stove. They were talking in a language that I hadn't heard before, not even in college. "Morning," I said.

Nadia turned to me and giggled. "Good morning, ma'am. This is my partner, Shehzadi."

Shehzadi offered me her hand over the island. "Pleased to meet you, up close."

Not knowing what the whole situation was, I gave her hand a friendly squeeze. "Pleased to meet you too," I said.

"You will be," Shehzadi gave me a wink and said something to Nadia in another language.

"English!" Kimberly snapped. "Unless you are willing to teach Heather Persian, English at all times."

Persian, so they both were from Iran. I idly wondered if they'd like to join a harem. "What's for breakfast?"

There wasn't much chatting over breakfast. Shehzadi kept locking eyes with me, and I didn't know if it was jealousy or anticipation, so I asked. "Are you and Nadia partners?" I asked Shehzadi.

"Yes, we're partners in the physical sense as well as the work sense," Nadia admitted. "Yes, Madam Kimberly will be short another commando for now."

"Don't remind me," Kimberly mumbled with a frown on her face.

"Remember what you said, Kimberly," I nudged her. "You can't be upset at them."

"It's just that I'm probably going to have to re-interview a whole other security force once word of this gets out," Kimberly sighed.

"We'll whip them into shape, Madam Kimberly," Shahzadi promised.

I didn't get the option of driving myself to the warehouse. Kimberly had obviously figured out where the garage door opener was in my Pontiac and transferred it to the faded and dirty Suburban that was sitting in my driveway. "What if I want to go necking at the drive-in theater with you?" I asked Kimberly once we were on our way.

"Which movie?" Kimberly asked.

"You've never been to a drive-in before, or you would know that it isn't about the movie," I replied.

Shehzadi and Nadia giggled up front while Kimberly turned shades of red. "They didn't have drive-ins where I came from. And you two, stop giggling or I'm going to get my whip out!"

The giggling stopped, but the snorts remained. Kimberly reached over and took my hand. "Let's get your project done first, then we'll worry about the..."

"Pornography?" I teased. More giggles from up front. "Seems like we are going to have our hands full, Kimmy."

"You're the only person who gets to call me that," Kimberly smiled.

Carla and Ai showed up after the first hour. The four women they had with them did not look pleased to be there, but such was their job. Over Kimberly's objections, I took Carla out to lunch at an Italian restaurant nearby, and we talked about what she was missing out on because she was here in Columbus.

Over desert, Carla commented about my face and how it seemed to be glowing. I teased her about how a different kind of pie was keeping it moisturized. She gave a little snort, and I knew she wasn't pleased. As Carla and I left the restaurant, an Audi sedan pulled up to the curb. Carla got in the back on the passenger side, her bodyguard getting in the other. She blew me a kiss before the car sped off.

Shahzadi came up beside me and we watched the Audi weave in and out of traffic before it vanished. "I don't think she would have ever really wanted sex with you," Shahzadi commented.

"You don't think I'm good enough for her?"

"On the contrary, you're too much for her. I don't think she understands true passion, otherwise she would have had you inside her that first night," Shahzadi replied. "Let's get back, ma'am."

The more the NLA grew over the years, the more complicated and lengthy the paper trail became. I started noticing anomalies in the balance sheets for the fifth and sixth years before I quit for the day. I made some notes about the companies around the anomalies before I gave the signal that I was ready to go.

Kimberly didn't ask me about my notes, or why I spent two hours locked in my office after we got to my house. I left my office with more questions, and answers were not forthcoming.

Shahzadi came to me in the night, snuggling into me so I could wrap myself around her and get peaceful sleep. She asked me for sex in the morning, and I didn't refuse her. I didn't understand what Kimberly's role was in this little seduction, but I didn't mind a bit.


As I went through the years of the Alliance's books, the anomalies started to multiply. I worked through my lunch, stopping only at Kimberly's urging. Carla and Ai left at five, Nadia bringing me dinner at six.

"You're going to work yourself to death, Heather," she warned.

"I'm hitting problems and they are a bunch of dead ends," I sighed. "If this were an IRS audit, I probably could get answers to these questions."

"Where are your problems?" Nadia asked.

Would she even understand what I showed her? Could I trust her with what I was seeing? "It's too early to tell," I hedged.

"Hold on a minute," she gave my hand a pat. She left the room through the double doors, bringing back a laptop. "Eat your food, and I'll show you that you can trust me."

The fruit salad was exceptionally tasty, and I finished it with a smack of my lips. Nadia handed me a wet-nap and then a paper towel to dry my hands. "Now what?"

Nadia handed me a folder, and I flipped it open. The cover sheet was a brief summary for David Shane, the man I used to be before I went into hiding. "Shit."

"Don't you worry about all that, the folder was just to show you not to fear us. This..." she turned the laptop around. "...is how you can trust us."

On the laptop display was a login portal for every government agency in the United States. "What the hell? I thought you gals weren't Feds?"

"I will explain later. What are your problems?"

My eyes wandered over to my latest work. There were twenty-four anomalies in that year. I went over to the board and started red-lining the suspicious entries. "I need these transactions itemized. Go ahead and impress me."

"Watch that board," Nadia pointed to one of the whiteboards turning black. Then it turned white again, an account register appearing and filling in with a breakdown of the transactions I had highlighted.

"How?" I was dumbfounded. They had snuck into my auditing sanctum and added god-knows-what to it. "This room is analog for a reason."

"Do you want to kick us out? I can put everything back the way that it was in ten minutes. Just say the word, Heather."

"The word is 'spanking,' that's what you're going to get when we get home," I said.

Nadia brightened up. "Yes, please?"

"Shit," I muttered. "I need to zoom in on this board."

Nadia picked up the laptop and switched applications. She folded it in half, turning it into a tablet, and handed it to me. "Here."

What a tool she had handed me. I could use the tablet to zoom in on the main screen, and zoom out on a huge spreadsheet. "What in the world is this?"

Nadia put her hand on my shoulder. "You and I can worry about the methods later. Right now, we have limited access to this system, so you need to be quick. We can't copy the ledger as it sits, so you need to tell us what you need. Please."

The clock read half past twenty hours when I handed the tablet back to Nadia. She logged out of the system and the screen went back to imitating a whiteboard.

"Nadia, there is something really wrong."

"We'll put everything back the way it was, Heather."

I waved her off. "Don't worry about all that, it helped me a lot. Maybe too much."

"How can you say too much?"

"Breaking down those numbers gave me an insight into a class of dealings that The Alliance is involved in. It smells like money laundering, but why are the amounts reversed?"

"What do you mean?" Nadia asked.

I went over to the table representing the first year the anomalies showed up. When Nadia joined me, I picked up a sheaf of paper and pointed to a shadow on the cover page. "Bear with me for a minute, I'm going to start at the beginning. These documents are photocopies, sometimes the more important things are not the numbers the company wants you to see."

"What is that?"

"It's a taxpayer identification number. I copied it down and took it through the FinCEn database, it's a perfectly innocent company that the NLA purchased eighty-five hundred dollars worth of goods from. Two weeks later, the NLA received a sixty thousand five hundred one dollar donation from that same company."
