Heather Jenkins


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Another pair of women came in after the first group had split up. There was a brief discussion, then they started toward the observation area seventy feet to my left. I slipped out of my booth and went for a hidden stairwell to get to the next floor.

Nobody followed me into the service corridor that led to the security booth. If I was lucky, someone I knew would be in there.

My luck was good because John, my back-door man, was working today. "Hey, babe," I gave him an air-kiss.

"I almost didn't recognise you when you came through the T-Mart. Another hour and I would have been off the clock."

"Did you see any more come in with me, John?" I asked.

His face froze. "Are you in trouble, Heather?" I shook my head. "Let me see." He hummed and his fingers bustled over knobs and keys. "Heather, you had six on your tail."

I looked over the monitors he indicated and memorized the faces. "They're all feds and all women. This has got FBI CI written all over it."

"Shit, man. Counterintelligence? You know what bomb they're going to drop on you. Espionage."

"Im a fucking accountant in the real world and the nether world. I crunch numbers, not spread secrets. Speaking of fucking, I need some."

"If these guys are watching your place, no way," John shook his head.

"C'mon, baby. Where's your sense of adventure?" Shooting him the pouty lip always worked, it just reminded him of what would be around his cock if he showed up.

"All right, all right. Come here, slut."

I gave him a kiss that made him sigh. "See you later, pimp."

There was a new athletics store at the center of the mall that I was itching to check out. Most gals freak out when they see the price tag on a high-end pair of leggings, but I don't. The first set I came across was my favorite shade of blue with a high waist and cut just to show a little bit of ankle. I got the sports tank and the running jacket to go with them. I also got another set which was white with random color patches and random lines and mesh. The set was so wonderful, I wore it out of the store.

Since I had come in heels, I needed to find some shoes to suit my new outfit. One of my watchers lingered around the store while I bought running shoes and shades, a backpack, and a beanie. When I was done, I worked my way to the mall entrance and out into the sun. My home was north, so I went south. Over the next three hours I worked my way through downtown and around the streets on the border. Them watching my car was a given, so I took a cab home, having it drop me four blocks from my house.

Since surveillance vans are a dead giveaway and not used by government agencies despite what Hollywood says, I looked for new cars around my neighborhood. The surveillance had been set up in a time-share house a block away, perfect for watching three sides of my house. I slipped through the hedges in my backyard and right up to the sunroom. Even if they had a full surveillance package on my house, thermal, IR, audio, they wouldn't know I was home. Simple things blocked complicated sensors, so I knew I was invisible to them as long as I didn't go out the front door.

Knowing John would be coming over got me all hard and bothered. I took a shower to wash off the excitement of the day and got ready in a cami and panties. John did not disappoint. He slipped up to my house at eight, and he had his wife with him. "Hey, Dana."

"Hey, Heather," Dana smiled. I hugged each of them in turn and led them to my basement playroom, closing the door behind us.

John made a rattling sound, a pill bottle in his hand. "You need a hardon pill, Heather?"

"No, I'm going to let the two of you be my hardon inspiration for tonight," I said. "Water in the fridge."

John popped a little blue pill and sauntered over to me. "Missed you, Heather."

"I did too," Dana put her hands on my shoulders, playing with my cami straps. She pushed me into John, sandwiching me between them. When they released the hug, I unbuckled John's pants and let them fall to the floor.

As I knelt in front of him, I pulled his underwear down to free his cock. I slipped off his shoes so he could step out of his pants. Dana reached around my head and started playing with John's stiffening cock and I took the head in my mouth.

When he was fully in my mouth, Dana gently fisted my hair with one of her hands and started moving my head for me. It was erotic, but not forceful, just the way I liked it. John must have been really horny because he didn't last two minutes before he started releasing his load. I pulled back, catching his cum in my mouth, savoring his taste.

Dana knelt beside me, taking my head and turning it so she could share John's cum via kiss. The kiss afterward was hot, heavy, and full of passion. John had backed away from us and was making himself comfortable in one of the chairs.

I started to stand, but Dana had other plans, she lay back on the carpet, pulling me on top of her. "I want you inside me, Heather."

We had discussed this before, John would bone me as much as he could but Dana wouldn't take my cock inside any hole. "Dana, we agreed..."

"John?" Dana demanded.

"Go ahead, Heather. I want to watch."

"Can you toss me a rubber?"

"Dana wants to skip the condoms tonight. If you want to."

"Will you cum in me?" I was asking John but looking at Dana. "Cum in my ass?"

"Yes," John and Dana said together.

I wasn't sure, but this was something they obviously had discussed. I just wished they had discussed it with me first. "Let's get on the bed, I don't wanna fuck on the floor." I stood up, offering Dana my hand.

When she was on her feet, she stripped down, denying me my favorite part of foreplay. "Are you sure about the condoms? You two haven't been my only partners."

"No, moodkiller," Dana mumbled. "No rubber but the dildos."

I lifted her up and tossed her toward the bed. Dana landed in a fit of giggles. I pulled off my panties and pounced on her. I was content to just kiss her for the longest time, and she kissed me back, all the while guiding me to her pussy. I pushed in, her insides feeling hot and juicy, making me wish I had the chance to eat her first. Dana lifted up her legs and I moved so that they were on my shoulders. Now, Dana controlled my thrusts, her having more leverage than me.

Her eyes were closed, and she might have been picturing John inside her instead of me. I didn't feel bad about that, I was just glad she was having a good time. She was building up a moan in her throat, deep then rising in pitch until it was a squeal. I started squirting inside her, the squeal deepening then rising again. Then, I stopped squirting and she stopped squealing. Her legs went limp and started sliding down my arms. I pulled out of her and went to lift myself off when she reached out and grabbed my head.

"We should have done that long ago, Heather baby," Dana said. "There should never have been rules, sweetie." She pulled me into another kiss then let me go.

I got off the bed, beckoning John to me. He stood, and I pulled off my cami so he could pinch my nipples better. He was fully hard again, and I hoped he would last a while before cumming again, I needed him inside me. After a long kiss, I went over to the dresser and got the lube. I squished a glob onto his dick and worked it around until he was fully slimed. I then gave the lube a little spit to make it more slippery.

John took the lube and I bent over the bed, legs shoulder width apart. He fingered me with a lube covered finger and put it further inside me. Then he stretched me out a bit more with another finger, then he slid his cock inside me. It felt so good. Dana was in my face, kissing me while she tugged on my hair.

John was just loving my ass, easing himself in and out like he had when we had gone to a hotel in North Carolina a month ago. He had told me he loved me that night, but apologized for it the next morning. I could feel his head moving along my insides while Dana did her best to do the same with her tongue in my mouth.

Then I felt John's cock start to pulse, he was squirting his cock-fluid and coating my insides. He pulled out of me and turned me over. At first I thought we were going to do the missionary, but Dana latched under my arms and pulled me back. John started jacking me with his hand and he put his mouth over my head. I was having too much pleasure to protest the fact that he had never sucked me off.

Dana instantly distracted me by putting a boob in my face and a nipple in my mouth. I reached up to caress her tits while my cock started building up again. My mouth was still blocked by tit so I couldn't warn John about my impending ejaculation. He didn't flinch when I started squirting in his mouth, and he started sucking my juices like his mouth was like a big old straw.

John crawled up onto the bed, giving me a kiss before he lay down on the pillow. Dana turned around and lay on the other side of me, tugging on my hip so that I would face toward her. "Hi, Heather."

"HI, Dana," I breathed. "That was wonderful, sweetness."

"My idea," she admitted. "You know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to us, Heather? Just the manifestation of our fantasies both naughty and nice."

"Thank you," I smiled.

John stirred behind me, I felt him turn on his side and he started pushing his cock against my anus again. I lifted up my leg to allow him easier entry and he slid right inside me. He humped me for a few minutes then slipped his cock out of my ass because it has started to shrink. "Everything all right, John?"

"Just dandy, Heather," he said. Him and Dana got off the bed at the same time and went into the bathroom. When they emerged semi-clothed, I suddenly felt self-conscious. I also felt hurt. I went toward the bathroom, stopping at the dresser and getting some shorts and a t-shirt.

When I came out, they had turned on the brighter lights and were sitting at the table. I knew I was going to the 'the break-up talk,' so I joined them. "I guess this is goodbye?"

"Not for the reasons you think," Dana hefted a satchel onto the table and pulled out the folders within. She slid them over to me and flipped the top folder open. "This is why we must distance ourselves from you."

The cover page was for a search warrant of my house. I took over paging through it and saw that it had been summarily denied for lack of evidence. Then, another request had been given for a sneak-and-peek. That, too, had been denied.

"Why are they trying to get into my house?" I asked.

"I don't know, but your protection is holding them back. The next warrant is for a knock-and-talk, but it was also denied. Arrest warrant, the same. The agent in charge went as far as to give a request to bring you in for questioning."

"They don't need to do that," I asked.

"Well, that request was granted after you lost them in Spy Mall," John said. He closed one folder and opened the next. "There were eight women following you through the mall." He paged through the six that I knew about, and then showed pictures of two Chinese women who were actually closer to me than the other six. "I can't figure out who they are, either."

"Either?" I asked. I was interested in the fact I had been tracked by what looked to be two separate agencies.

"The group of six is actually a group of two and a group of four," John pulled the next three pictures out, setting them side-by-side, showing three gatherings outside of the mall. "These two may be MSS. State Department says they are tied to a diplomatic mission, but not who they are. The other pair are former agents for the CIA."

"Former?" I turned to Dana.

"Yes, former," Dana said. "They retired and vanished a year ago. We initially thought they might have went to work for Interpol, but that was the end of their trail."

"So these last four are Fibbies," I indicated the last picture. "This is Janne Sumika. I know her from my days at FinCEn, we did a numbers chase on the Chileans a few years ago."

"Janne is in charge of the investigation," John confirmed. "But they only started following you after Ai Ming showed up in your house. They were tailing her, then branched onto you after she left."

"I knew that woman was trouble," I mumbled. "She's obviously important."

"Ai Ming used to run the Chinese version of the Soviet Sparrow School," Dana explained. "They call it The Culture School now. Word is, she not only trained Chinese women, but also Americans as honeypots for the MSS."

"Shit, the old honeypot," I shook my head. "I can't believe I fell for that!"

"You weren't the target. The honey was actually for Laura," Dana said. "We just found that out before we came over here."

Now I understood why they had to say goodbye. I was radioactive until proven innocent, which might be never if the MSS was involved. "I appreciate the heads-up."

"Ai Ming lured Laura away so that she could get close to you," Dana said. "In one of her e-mails to Carla, she mentioned something about 'a child of the sphere.' We don't know what that means, only that she applied it to you as a person."

"'A child of the sphere?' What the fuck does that mean?" I asked.

"We don't know. This isn't the first reference we've heard, and not the first person we've heard make it," Dana said. "John and I hate deep inside telling you goodbye, but we have our pensions and jobs to worry about."

"Then why come at all?"

"We wanted to have good memories of you," Dana said. "A fuck-the-rules final night. Wouldn't you have wanted the same if you knew that you were leaving us?"

I would have wanted a final night. "Yes, and not giving me the warning helped out with the scene. Otherwise I would have been too preoccupied with the reasons for the good-bye to concentrate on the sex. I won't say 'thank you,' but I will give you both kisses before I kick you out of my house."

"Your foot isn't big enough," John retorted.

After they left, I went to have a good cry in my shower. If anybody was watching my house, they would know it now. I could put up thermal shielding and electronic blankets, but I had never rigged my sewer vent to stop breathing. If the watchers were smart, they could tell somebody was here by the steam bloom from the pipe sticking out of my roof.

Sleep finally came to me, but was broken up by random flashes of interrogations I had seen on TV and in the movies. When I finally got up, it was ten in the morning. I went into my office to call my boss and let her know that I was under investigation. She brushed it off, promising to have some 'friends' standing by at the local FBI branch to shake me free. All I had to do was give a signal and they'd let me out.

My empty stomach reminded me of my need to eat, so I fixed myself a brunch and got dressed. I did up my hair and put on some light make-up, and went to knock on the door of the house where my watchers were hiding.

I was cuffed and carted downtown. They didn't read me my rights or let me know why they wanted to see me. Janne was sitting across from me twelve minutes after I was escorted into the interrogation room. "Hello again, Heath."

"Nowadays, I go by Heather," I countered. "Hello, Agent Sumika."

"For the purposes of this interrogation, I'm going to refer to you by your birth name."

"So this is an interrogation? You haven't read me my rights, and I'd like my lawyer," I said.

"This is an espionage case, you don't get an attorney!" Janne snapped. "You will answer my questions!"

"Why is this an espionage case?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting to get it recorded. "I was a dedicated and decorated agent for eight years, I have no intention of betraying my country."

"What was Ai Ming doing at your house yesterday?" Janne demanded.

"Asking me to bed, changing my sheets." It wasn't exactly in that order, but I could play like that.

"Were you passing government secrets to a foreign national?"

"There was passing of a few things." Breakfast, for example. "Not government secrets."

"What did you talk about?" She was getting frustrated, I could tell.

Ahh, it would have been nice to have Ai in my bed, it would make this all worthwhile. "We didn't do much talking."

"I think you are lying," Janne said. "Ai is a declared homosexual, she wouldn't have sex with a..."

"Male?" I finished. "Being male or female is genetic or cosmetic. Being man or woman? That's a choice. You can question all you want, but you know what kind of counter interrogation training I've had, Janne. I won't break unless you enhance it."

There was a knock on the glass behind her. Janne stood with a huff and left the room with a slam. I could hear arguing through the walls, so the office either needed better insulation or they were staging the argument. Janne came back into the room, red in the face, which was surprising because she was half Hawaiian by birth. "What were you doing at Prodigy Mall yesterday?"

"Shopping. And losing a tail."

"How do you know what that place is?" Janne asked.

"I do their books, every year," I replied.

"So you knew we were following you."

"Janne, I knew that eight women were following me. I found out later that four of them were FBI. You should be worried about the other four women, not me."

She left the room again, more arguing outside the door. Another agent pushed open the door and told me that I was free to go. Two men followed me to the door and out of the building. "Loman says hello," one of the men said with a smile. "And she also says to stay out of trouble."

"Tell her that trouble finds me," I chuckled. "Thanks."

I started to fish my phone out of my purse to call a cab, but decided I was going to walk, it was a nice day for that. Unlike Vegas, which was probably a hundred degrees by now. Was Carla back there? Was she thinking of me? What was her relationship to Ai Ming?

I spotted the tails two blocks from the Federal Building. Two groups of two women, one pair was Chinese, the other a pair of blondes with their hair pulled back into tight ponytails that swished as they walked.

I ducked into the nearest restaurant and the hostess showed me to a seat of my choosing. The blondes came in five minutes later. The other women didn't come inside at all.

The women scanned the dining area, obviously looking for me. When I locked eyes with one of them, I waved them over. They came to my table and sat down. "It's much easier to follow me close in," I said.

"We aren't your bodyguards."

"I'm Heather, but you already know that. You are?"



"I hear you two used to work for the State Department," I joked.

"You heard correct," Kimberly said. "Been talking to your friend Dana Sisco?"

"I have no idea who you are talking about." I waved the waitress over. "I'll have the house white, my friends will have the house water."

"You got it," she smiled.

Starr gave me the once-over. "What is that pull you have over women?"

"I have no pull over women, my ex- girlfriends are proof of that." Could I call Dana an ex-girlfriend? Yes, that was goodbye sex. "Are you with the MSS? Is that why they didn't follow you in here?"

"There is nobody following you but us," Starr said. "Even Janne has been ordered to back off. That's some pretty hefty protection you have there, Heath."

"I'm Heather, Starr. If you expect me to remain cordial, remember that."

"Yes, ma'am," Starr mumbled.

"I need to make a call," Kimberly left the table and went for the door. She spoke on her phone for several minutes, and I held off ordering until she returned. "I spoke to Nell, she'll talk to Janine later," she told Starr.

"Great, let's eat," I said. I had more information, but no place to put it into my spreadsheet just yet.

They offered me a ride home in a blacked-out Suburban with California plates. They didn't ask to come in, and I didn't offer. I tried contacting Loman, but couldn't. I left a message, hoping she would get back sooner rather than later.