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"Wet    finger    ni–    ni–,    hard,    kiss    ni–,    kiss    me"

"S–    s–    s–ell    s–    smell    wetness"

"Finger    in    me,    dee–,    ru–,    more"

She screamed a little as her orgasm took her away.

"Excuse    –i    –i," a severe cramp stopped her, her spittle dropping until I helped again.

"Excuse    witch.    Thank    you.    Knew    you    like    –e    me,    see    all,    body,    ugly,    re–    re–    re–    ," another severe spasm distorts her face. She was excited again, her mouth wide open, spastically cramped. She couldn't close it, not even with my help. It took some time until she was able to continue.

"re–    repulsive,    thank    you    not    hesitate    touch,    caress    me."

"Want    touch    you,    pet    you,    –ee    feel    you.    Know    im–    im–    im–ossible,    ne–    ne–    ne–er    never,    fuck    hands.    All    can    do    say    THANK    YOU."

I tried to interrupt and clean her face.

"No,    wait,    im–    im–    im–ortant    im–    important."

"Must    know.    I    de–    de–"

I tried to calm her down and caressed her, but she spasmed again.

"de–    de–endent    de–endent    dependent    on    you,    must    al–    al–ays    always    care    me,    need    lot    care,    full    ti–    ti–    ti–"

"Isabelle, calm down, take a breath. I'm listening and, be sure, you have my full attention."

I caressed her face and she paused for a while.

"full    time    jo–    job,    all    days,    around    clock,    need    your    hands    as    mine,    your    legs    as    my    legs,    al–    al–    al–ays." She was too excited again to make it.


"Yes,    al–ays.    Can    not    scratch    me    or    dis–    dis–    dispel    flies    from    my    face.    Must    toilet    me,    –i    –i    wi–e    –ipe    –ipe    wi–    clean    me.    Think    a–    a–    a–out"


"Yes,    about.    Thank    you    hel–    hel–    helping    me,    thank    you    taking    care    of    me.    Feel    good,    sa–    safe,    protected    with    you,    in    your    hands.    Thank    you    acce–    acce–    accepting    witch.    Now    angel.    Like    kiss    messed    angel?"

I didn't hesitate a second. A passionate kiss.

"Isabelle, don't forget Laura. She loves you and does everything for you."

"Sister,    yes,    know.    Does    not    acce–    acce–    accept    disa–    disability,    cri–    cri–    cri–"


"Yes,    cri–    body,    useless    lim–    lim–    limbs.    Thinks    I    do    not    deser–    deserve    that.    Can't    care    for    my    needs.    Ne–    ne–er    never    touches    me    like    you.    –i    vi–    vi–    –i    –i–rator    –i–rator    vi–rator    –i–rator," she was stuck again, getting more excited.


"Yes,    dressing    me    o–    o–ice    o–ice    o–."

"Sorry, I don't understand. Try to stay calm."

"dressing    me    o–    o–,    jo–    jo–"

"Yes, I got it. You're saying that Laura sometimes puts a vibrator in you when she dresses you for the office, for your job. And it runs all day?"

"No,    s–    smart.    Integrated    in    wheelchair    control.    Can    o–    o–erate    o–    operate    toes."

"And you turn it on when you need a distraction. You are a witch."

"Yes," she smiled.

"Broken.    U–    u–date    u–    update    failed.    Windows!"

We arranged to spend the next day at my place on the beach.

Chapter 3

I met her early in the morning. She was waiting in the hotel lobby, sitting in her wheelchair, a voluminous electric wheelchair with a display of the control system mounted in front of her. She was securely strapped into her shell, which kept her body and her head straight and erect. Her arms were strapped to armrests and her legs were fixed in the same Lotus-like position as yesterday. She was unable to move at all.

But her hands and left foot wriggled involuntarily and senselessly. Isabelle has pretty feet, slender but badly twisted like a club foot, pointing upwards. Her right foot could not move. It was strapped to a console with three buttons at her toes. One for the big toe, one for the middle toes, and one for the small one. That was all she could do voluntarily: push three buttons. But it was enough to run her chair, her mobile, and her smart home and office environment.

She wore fashionable, cutoff, very short jeans and a sleeveless, cropped top with a shameless neckline. Apparently, she wanted to show me everything.

She rolled towards me and spun around in her wheelchair a few times when she saw me.

"Like    it?"

She was stunningly beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at her. I was far away.

"Hello,    earth    –o    –o    for    John,    good    morning," she grinned at me. "Your    witch    calling!    Kiss    her!"

Isabelle is quite adept at running her wheelchair with her toes. I had to hurry on the way to the car park to follow her.

My vacation home was not yet accessible at that time. So, I detached Isabelle's shell from her wheelchair and carried her through the door.

"Training    for    marriage?" she smiled at me.

"Feel    good    in    your    arms."

I carried Isabelle to the patio and sat her down at the table for breakfast.

"What do you want to drink? Coffee, tea, or do you want something cold? And we have champagne and caviar, scrambled eggs, toast, yogurt,..."

"Sto–,    sto–,    enough"

"Co–    co–    co–ee    co–ee    co–," she couldn't make it, even with my help.

"Coffee. Isabelle, why are you so excited? Try to relax."

"Yes,    excited.    You    me    all    day.    Alone.    Afraid    o–    o–    of    –y    –yself    –yself    –y"


"yes,    sel–    self."

"Isabelle, what do you think will happen? I'm sure we will enjoy this day and I swear that nothing will happen that we don't want both."

"Yes,    that's    it.    I    don't    know    –a    –hat    –hat"


"–hat    I    –a    –ant,"I missed my part again, and she spasmed and drooled.

"want. Sorry, I missed my turn."

"I'm    se–    se–    se–erely    severely    disa–    disa–    disabled,    can't    do    anything    myself,    can't    take    care    of    myself,    ne–    ne–    never."

"Isabelle, you are working; you have a job!"

"Yes,    can    –a    –ay    –ay    –ay"

"Slowly. Try again. I didn't get it."

"pay!    Yes,    can    pay    for    care.    Ok.    Now    I    a–    a–    am    a–    a–out    about    to    –a    –all    –all"

"Didn't get it. Try once more."

"–all    –all    fall    in    lo–    lo–    lo–    lo–e    lo–,    exited"


"lo–    love    with    you.    Care    out    o–    o–    of    lo–    lo–    lo–    love    is    un–    un–alanced    un–alanced    un–    unbalanced.    Don't    know    I    can    stand    it.    I    –ur    –ur    –ur    –urden"


"burden,    and    you    do    not    deser–    deser–    deserve    that.    Don't    know    –hat    what    to    do."

"Laura loves you."

"Yes,    so–    so–    so–," a violent spasm forced her to stop, and she wet her shirt.

"so–    so–times"


"so–times    di–    di–    di–icult    di–icult    di–."

Isabelle paused, and I cleaned her face and wiped some tears out of her eyes.

"Isabelle, let's enjoy this day. Tomorrow is another day, and next year is another year. Just let it happen without thinking too much."

I took her hands in mine and looked into her blue eyes. She didn't sob anymore.

"Back to our breakfast. What do you like to drink?"

"Co–    co–    coffee,    milk.    Cha–    cha–    champagne    start."

We didn't hurry and enjoyed the time together. It was intimate and tender to feed Isabelle, to help her chew toast and to help her drink.

After breakfast, we just sat there, looking at the beach and the ocean in front of us, feeling the sun and the warm air.

"Let's go down to the beach. I've prepared a small picnic. Just a blanket and some refreshments."

"Yes,    fine.    Carry    me    beach.    Like    you    carrying    me,    like    to    be    in    your    hands,    –ee    –ee," her face cramped again and she could not stop drooling on her shirt, although I helped her.

I didn't understand her and waited until the spastic cramp was over.

"I didn't get it. Try again. Slowly, try to relax."

"–ee    –ee    feel    sheltered    in    your    hands."

"I'll always protect you, I swear."

"Do you want me to put you on the blanket? Shall I remove your shell?"

"Yes,    like.    No,    no.    I    don't    know.    A–    a–raid    a–raid"


"a–raid    of    my    ar–    arms    legs.    Unstra–    unstra–    unstrapped    ar    ar–s    dangerous.    Flail    around    –i    –idly    –idly    –i"


"–idly,    hurting    me,    others.    Legs    sa–    sa–e    sa–    same.    Kick."

"Must    hold    down    ar–    arms    legs.    Like    you    holding    me    in    your    ar–    arms,    tightly,    nothing    bet–    bet–    bet–    bet–een"


"us,    no    shell,    no    braces.    But    can't    li–    live    without    it,    –ee    –ee"


"yes,    –ee    un–    un–    un–rotected"


"and    –ul    –ul    vulnerable    without    it,    and    know    looking    ugly,    de–    de–    deformed.    –o    –o    –o    –ody"


"Yes,    body    crooked,    t–i    t–i    t–isted    twisted."

I cleaned her face, took her hands, and caressed her hands and face tenderly until she calmed down.

"Isabelle, how do you perceive your body? Is it yours? I can't believe that you think you are ugly. Do you miss something?"

"–ei    –ei    –eird"


"q–    q–    question.    First    you?    Your    body?    Feel    enabled?"

"I can't tell you. Of course, my body is mine, part of me, not pretty or ugly, just there. Could be better trained. I don't feel enabled. I've never thought about this. And I can't tell you if I'm missing something. I was always this way. I don't know anything else."

"Sa–    sa–    same    for    me.    Don't    feel    disa–    disa–    disa–    disa–led."


" Ugly,    yes    outside    shell    look    cri–    cri–led    crippled.    –i    –i    –ith"