Long Love Broken


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"How long have you been transitioning?" Lilith asked when we were blocks away from the church.

"There's a long answer to that question," I replied. "What tipped you off?"

"I am a psychiatrist specializing in helping other women. Every once in a while, I help counsel ladies like yourself to becoming women."

"So I guess that means we can't have sex, then?" I asked.

"No, no, no, hell no! If I think you need therapy, I'll refer you to someone else. I want you all to myself! In fact, make a right up here. Having sex on a full stomach is bad for you anyway."

"In spite of my defects?" I asked.

"Your only defect is how you let your wife treat you," Lilith replied. "Left, right, then left again."

"How in the world do you know that?" I asked in surprise.

"The way you answered certain questions, the tone of your voice. I knew you were referring to a wife, even though some of your interrogators didn't. Also, you sounded like you gave serious though to selling this beast. House up there, ten two sixty-five."

Lilith's house was really nice. The inside was done in mahogany tones. "I can see why you get the demon association."

"I like warm tones. Sure, I have people from the church over occasionally, but none of them has seen the inside of my bedroom. In fact, very few people have seen my bedroom."

"I'm honored."

"You will be."

Lilith took my hand and pulled me into her bedroom. Before I could kiss her, her hands were on my dress, pulling it down over my shoulders, ripping it down the center.

I did the same to her, finding that she didn't have any underwear on. "You truly are a temptress."

"Yes.". She took my bra off, carefully handling my prosthetic boobs and setting them on her armoire. "Don't want to damage the girls," she giggled.

"As opposed to the dress?". I asked.

"You can have one of mine." She slid down my body, pulling my panties down to the floor. She tapped on my calf, signaling me to step back. Grabbing my dick as she stood back up, she kissed me on the lips.

"You're delicious," I whispered.

She started to massage my cock, alternatively squeezing and releasing it. "Sit down in the chair."

I sat in the plush chair, and Lilith straddled me, but not letting me slip into her. She leaned forward into a kiss and I grabbed her tits. Her kisses were passionate, wanting.

Her nipples became hard, and I pinched them, hard. There was moaning and groaning from her into my mouth. She pulled back just far enough so that she could nibble on my lip and look into my eyes.

Then I saw it, the dreamy look in her eyes. I pinched harder on her nipples and she let out long groan after long groan until she went limp so fast I had to put my arms around her so she wouldn't fall all the way back. I did ease her back far enough so that I could study her body close-up.

Like all natural redheads, Lilith had freckles, a lot of them. Her tits were small, but still enough to fill my small hands.

"That was good, " Lilith whispered.

"I didn't do much." I protested

"You are soft and kissed me back just right, and you played with my nipples so good. My first ever nipple-gasm. Now for yours."

"Kissing is good" I said.

"There will be kissing," Lilith promised. She arched her back and wiggled her hips and I slipped inside her hot pussy. I could smell her now, sweeter than I had ever smelled before..

"I can smell you," I whispered.

"Yes, I know. You just took a deep whiff like a person in a flower garden."

"You're so hot." I could feel her insides squeeze my cock like her fingers had been doing earlier. She kissed me, inviting me into her mouth and nipping my tongue whenever I entered her.

I was trying to hold back against her pulsating pussy while I pinched her nipples again and again. Her groaning started and got louder and just when she started to squeal I let go inside her. It felt like I was squirting forever because she was milking me for all it was worth.

"You were amazing," I whispered when she laid her head on my shoulder.

"So were you. You are a great kisser and your fingers know what they are doing. So dianty with a hint of nail for stimulation."

"That vaginal pulsing was amazing" I sighed. "It was hard to hold up against that. I better clean you up before my cum gets too far."

"You squirted so much into me it felt like it was going to come out my mouth. Don't worry about me." Lilith dismounted me and went to lay on the bed. "Pick out a dress while I recover from you."

Lilith laid back on the bed, breathing easy and staying still. Polly had done that when she was trying to get pregnant. "Is that something you want, a baby?"

"You have good genes."

"I don't have a job, I can't afford child support."

"Don't worry about that. If you aren't living with me by the time I have her, you can still visit. The blue one would look good on you."

Blue was my favorite color, and Lilith had two. One was in royal blue and the other in midnight blue. I pulled out the royal blue one and hung it on the door. "Yes it will. But it's a little low-cut ."

"I have plunge bras. You're still hard, Tori."

"It must be the hormones," I shrugged.

Lilith sat up and leaned back on her arms. "You're taking hormones? For how long?"

Polly had been giving the cream since we began the cross-dresser game. Then had come the pills.. "I don't know. My doctor ex-friend has also been giving me estradiol. She said it was for getting my chest bigger so she could give me implants."

"Stop taking the hormones. Most of the transexual men that I counsel want to be translesbians. They use a natural supplement to grow tits, or have implants. Estradiol can make your pecker stop working."

"She lied to me, no big surprise there. I want boobs, maybe as big as yours."

"Thanks, Tori." Lilith smiled. "Now get over here and put that pecker to use.". She opened her legs and made a beckoning motion. When I tried to eat her out, she grabbed ahold of my hair and pulled me up. "None of that now."

She guided me into her and I eased into her the rest of the way. I pushed up and wiggled my hips to give her some teasing. "You feel good, Lilith, nice and tight."

"Faster and harder," she demanded. Along with her demand, she grabbed my boobs and squeezed them together, pinching my nipples. That action sent electric shocks so my cock, and along with her internal massage sent me over the edge faster than I would have liked. I kept on going until I gave her another orgasm, and then collapsed on her.

"That was excellent, babe," I gasped. Rolling onto the bed, Lilith turned into her side. "You have a lot of passion trapped in there."

"Yes, I do. You seem like it has been a while since you've had a nice, gentle fucking session."

"Been a while since the fucking was gentle," I admitted. "You psychoanalyzing me with your dirty, church-girl mouth?"

Lilith chuckled. "That church was not as innocent as it looked."

"Church is church, fire and brimstone sounds pretty church-y to me," I countered.

"We have our own religion there. To any new people, it's fire and brimstone. To anybody accepted into the church, it's fornication. A lot of it."

"Hence the name."

"All about the Enternal, internal Enlightenment," Lilith explained.

"And the sacrosanct bond of marriage?" I asked.

"Gary and Kat are swingers. If they find another couple, great, single people on occasion. They don't do married people singularly."

A light went on above my head. "So all those women, picking my brain..."

"Were single, looking for a threesome," Lilith chuckled. "I was the only brave enough to ask you out."

"Temptress," I accused.

"Yes, I am. Go shower, I'm going to lay here a bit."

I watched her lay back down, eyes closed like she was meditating. By the time I was done in the shower, Lilith came into the bathroom with a smile on her face. "Try the makeup in the left cabinet, blow dry or ponytail, your choice."

"What if I want to hop into the shower with you?" I asked.

"No sex in the shower. Bed, yes. Furniture, yes. Kitchen counter, no."

"Fine with me." I gave her an ass-slap, making her giggle as she climbed into the shower.

My phone chimed twice while I was getting ready. I ignored it, not really caring who may be texting me on a Sunday afternoon.

Lilith came out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. "Who was it?"

"Dunno yet.". I put the finishing touches on my eyeliner and put the cap back on the pencil. "Could be Emily. Don't think Darla has any good intentions, and all my guy friends would kick my ass if they saw me like this."

"Let me see." Lilith went out and retrieved my purse. "Code?"

"'Liars,' in numbers," I replied. "Changed it this morning."

"That's easily guessed," Lilith warned. "It's from Polly, wants to know where you are at. Interesting."


"There's a geolocator request embedded in the message. It means that any reply would automatically send your location anyway."

"I've never heard of that," I admitted.

"The technology is not new," Lilith started tapping on the screen. "There, geolocation disabled."

"And you know how to do this, how?" I asked.

"I also help at a women's shelter. A private dick showed me the ins and outs of cellphones."

"Well, thanks," I said.

"Three hundred an hour," she dropped her towel and started rummaging through her drawers. She came back with a bra and panty set. "Sex and gawking are free."

I helped her with her bra, copping a feel on the way up. Her breasts just spilled over in the palms of my hands. "These are perfect, I want some of these."

"Just remember, it's a lot harder to go back once you get implants. If there's any part of Victor still inside, you will have a lot of guilt later."

"All right, I promise to think about it."

"Good girl," Lilith gave me a wink. "Let me finish getting dressed, and I'll take you out for lunch."

"I'm supposed to pay," I objected.

"Darling, at those prices, you would pass out when they drop the check. Let me treat you."

The other message was from Darla, and I told her the same thing I told Polly: "I'm going out to have lunch."

Polly didn't reply, but Darla did: "You owe me seven dates, Victor."

That broke my heart. Every time Darla and I had talked after my transformation, she had called me Tori. "Well, I guess that settles that."

"What's that?" Lilith asked.

"It's just Darla. When I asked her to go check on Polly, she told me that she had stayed and played for a while. Just then, she called me Victor."

"Oh, you think they corrupted her?" Lilith giggled. "You may be right, but don't be paranoid yet. Take a date with her, see how she acts."

"Maybe bring her along today?" I asked.

"Hell no. This date is ours, girl. Have a date with Darla, possibly another time when you trust her more."

"Okay," I said.

"My car, you can drive."

I initially balked when I saw Lilith's car. I was the same car as Polly's, and she had never let me drive it. I got over the shakes pretty quick but was happy to hand it over to the valet.

Lilith took my hand and led me inside; letting me know that the other patrons and staff would be friendly to a same-sex couple. Lilith flashed a card at the host, and we were ushered up to a second-level seat with a balcony.

"VIP access," Lilith explained. "A member of the church owns this place."

"Wow. He, she, or they?" I asked.

"She. One of the ladies that took an interest in you in the parking lot. Nirina was her name."

"I remember her. Hard to forget that olive skin. Where's she from?"

"Israel. Her tastes run more toward women, though. I'll have to ask."

"We're on our first lunch, and already you're talking like that?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me for forgetting about your betrayal."

"It's okay." My phone buzzed, it was Darla again. She wanted to know where I was having lunch. "Dammit Darla."

"Tell her you are having lunch at 'Strange,'" Lilith said after I showed her the screen.


We were halfway through lunch when Rachel and Polly came breezing into the restaurant. "I guess that settles that," Lilith remarked.

"Yeah, but why?" I watched as Polly went through the motions of trying to describe me while Rachel scanned the restaurant. Polly turned to Rachel and said something and Rachel shrugged her shoulders. They indicated to the hostess that they wanted to stay and followed her.

"Want to send them some wine?" Lilith giggled.

"I can't afford this wine, let alone the dinner," I said.

"I'll foot the bill."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I can. They treated you like shit, Tori. Time to play with their heads now."

Lilith waved the waiter over, and asked for the wine list while I watched Polly and Rachel. They looked like the couple Polly and I used to be: Close and giggling and whispering into each other's ears. My thoughts were interrupted by a waiter bringing a wine bottle to their table.

"This is courtesy of Tori," Lilith said, showing off lip-reading skills. "Tori? I don't know any Tori," Lilith said in a different voice. "Who sent this?"

"Really, Lilith?" I tried to be stern. I was giggling inside.

"Just take the damn wine," I saw Polly's lips say with Lilith's voice. "Fine," Lilith finished.

"Okay, so what did you get out of that?" I asked Lilith.

"Rachel is trying to forget the transsexual named Tori by replacing the entire burden on the guy named Victor. She's very pointed on that, and could be dangerous to Victor," Lilith answered.

"That makes sense. It also makes sense with Darla, too," I shrugged. "Let's finish our eating, maybe some desert later?"

"Now you're talking," Lilith grinned.

Into the evening, Lilith had sex with me, as opposed to the other way around. She started off with the missionary, only with me on the bottom with my legs open. Then she did me with a strap-on while we lay on our sides.

She held steadfast to her rule about no sex in the shower, but was all too happy to give me a blow job after I got out.

I hated to leave her, but I had to go back to the house that I had once called home. There was a gentle knock on my door after I got ready for bed. I threw on a robe and pulled the door open.

Rachel was there, in all of her glory, minus her clothes. She extended her arm, handing me a watch box. I opened it up, and inside was a Tudor Pelagos Men's Watch.

"Thank you for the wine, Victor. It made the meal so much better," she said.

"You're welcome?" Was all I could muster, trying not to look at her goddess-like body.

"Do you still want the job?"

"Yes, of course."

"Details in the morning. Good night, Victor."

"Good night ma'am." I closed the door, trying to abide by the rules I had agreed to.

In the morning, I cooked breakfast, and had everything set out by the time the girls stumbled into the kitchen. Rachel slid a packet across the table and the two of them ate while I read.

"All you really have to do is flirt with some doctors," Rachel said. "As you know, the supplies are standard, just learn to associate the supplies with their specialty." That said, she got up and left.

I cleared the table and went to my room to get dressed. I was feeling kind of nervous, stepping into a position I knew nothing about.

"Your door is open," Polly said.

"Come in," I said. I looked myself over in the mirror, check to make sure I had everything.

"You look perfect. I know you will be great."

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"We'll talk later, Victor." Polly spun on her heel and left the room.

My car was about half empty, so I pulled into a gas station to fill it up with the card Rachel had given me. The pump promptly rejected the card, telling me to contact the bank. I knew there was still money left on it, so Polly had killed it on purpose. I didn't want to use the cash except in emergency, just in case I had to run; but I reluctantly parted with two of the twenties and I filled up and was on my way.

The parking lot I pulled into was next to a building that was shiny and new. There was a sign out front informing all that the construction company I used to work for was responsible for the building's completion. I felt both mad and sad at that; sad that they had not called me for the job, and mad that I was laid off for an apparent lack of work.

There was still a construction trailer at the back, but it was being hooked up to a semi tractor for hauling. I went in the front, showing the ID that had been in my packet to the receptionist. She gave me directions to an office, and I scribbled them down on the packet in my hands.

My old boss, Charles Harper, was in the hallway by the elevators. I squeezed past him to hit the up button. "That's a sweet ride you got out there," he said, offering his hand. "Charles Harper."

"Tori," I said. I offered my hand to him, and before he took it, he looked at the top of it. I knew right then he was looking for a scar in the web of my right hand.

"Don't you mean Victor?" He asked in a whisper. "Is that you, Victor?"

"Y-y-yes," I stammered. The elevator doors opened behind me, and I backed into it.

Charles followed, looking me up and down as the doors closed. "Did you get a sex change? I should have known something was up when you came into work all neat and shaved."

"Please don't tell the guys, Charles. They'll kick my ass if they found out," I begged.

"I'm not going to tell anybody," Charles chuckled. "But you've got to do something for me."

Somehow, I knew this was going to end up being about sex. "All right, anything."

"No, not anything sexual," he put a hand on my shoulder. The elevator doors opened and we walked out. Charles led me into an empty office and closed the door behind us. "Listen, Victor."

"Tori," I corrected him.

"Tori, why didn't you call me back? We were offered this job and have a half-dozen in queue. We needed a junior architect to do all the scut work; clearances, permit writing, shit like that. I gave up after a hundred calls. Even went to your house, your wife told me Victor didn't live there anymore."

"Shit, Chuck," I muttered.

"Look, they are hiring at the main office in Las Vegas. Here's my card. If you think you might want to do any drafting work again, give me a call, okay?"

"Ok, Chuck," I nodded as I took the card.

"That out of the way, you look really good. Are you bi?"

I looked Chuck over. He was older, not overly muscled, not a beer gut like the other guys on the crew had. "You know, Chuck, I don't know yet."

He looked kind of embarrassed as he took the card out of my hand. He scribbled a number on the back and handed it back to me. "Just between us?"

"Sure. What about your wife?"

"My wife would just gobble you up," Charles chuckled. "Good luck."

I watched him leave with some interest and shook off the feelings I was having. I made my way to the assignments room and went inside. I was directed to an office, paint smell still in the air.

"Tori, great to see you," the woman sitting behind the desk stood and we shook hands before we sat. "I know you haven't done anything like this before, so I'll have someone ride along with you."

"I'd really appreciate that," I nodded

She slid a packet across the desk. "Your ID and stuff for HR. You can fill that out on your lunch break or something, but you're being paid as of right now." A notebook came next. "Until we get the system up and running, you'll have to use this. I'm told tablet computers will be issued when IT gets off their asses."

I couldn't help but giggle. "I have no clue as to what you just said."

"Marcie will help you out," the woman indicated the doorway, now filled with a demure-looking brunette.

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome."

"Please forgive Helen," Marcie said as she guided me through the cubicles. "This will be your desk. Do you prefer Victor or Tori?"