My Descent into Slavery Ch. 20


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"I don't want to pussyfoot around too much. This is my life. I feel they need to accept me for who I am now."

"But that's not the same as running around naked and making out in front of them. We've restrained ourselves when we've had other guests who'd be shocked by our behavior. We can show a little decorum. Just being in Miami on Labor Day Weekend will be a shock to their systems."

Sahar laughed. "My mother and father will be scandalized by all the flesh shown around the pool."

"I know. I won't cover my face for them, but I'm willing to wear underclothes and loose fitting attire that doesn't mold to my body. If we use the pool, I can wear a one piece suit, instead of a bikini. You tell me what you want, and I'll try to accommodate you. I love you and don't want to totally mess with your parents. I've always tried to honor other people's religious beliefs and customs, even if they're not mine."

"Get the two room suite," Sahar said. "I'll keep a pillow handy if I feel the need to scream, and I hope they do hear me moan a little so they know I'm enjoying my marriage to you."

"You got it. It comes with a king size bed in one room and a queen in the other," Hannah said.

"Give them the king," I said. "Sahar and I like to snuggle. I'd like to meet them at the airport. Could you hire a car for us?"

"With driver?"

"It's probably best," I said. "Someone who knows the area and I can pay attention to our guests instead of worrying about where I'm going."

"There will be one waiting at the pier when you disembark."

"If he's good looking, maybe we'll fuck him," Sahar said. I smiled at her.

"What day is the Prime Minister joining us?"

"Day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is a dive day, as will be the day following his visit, then the short trip to Miami the following day. Sahar's parents will arrive on Saturday, around noon the day after we get into port. I'll make the hotel reservations for Friday night as well. It gives you time to shop for appropriate clothes, and perhaps some food for the kitchen."

"Thank you, Hannah. Would you and your two slaves like to join us in Master's bed tonight?"

"We would enjoy that very much."

They did too, enjoy it very much.


While we were doing our rests between dives, I talked to Sahar about the Prime Minister's visit.

"You should address him as Your Excellency, or Mr. Prime Minister."

"What are you going to call him?"

"Master. My Master wanted me to serve him as a sex slave, so I'll address him as my Dominant. His wife used to be his submissive on occasion. He'll know what to do with me, without harming me."

"Have you fucked him before?"

"I did. So did Miranda. She had to wear a mask because she'd met him before at Congress. This was before she got married, but it's never good for single congresswomen to be caught fucking either."

"Do tell. Was he any good?"

"Quite good. He's in his sixties now, but he was still a lusty fucker, with a nice thick prick. His bodyguard wasn't bad either, though who knows if he'll have the same one. He liked fucking my ass, so I'll do a cleansing before he arrives, so I can suck his cock after he fucks my ass."

"Should I give you permission to fuck him or not?" Sahar said. "Be a pity if he came her to fuck all three of your holes and you got ill, wouldn't it?"

She smiled so I knew she was joking. I pulled her forward and kissed her. "I love you," I said.

"I know. What's not to love?"

"Pay attention, you two. Quit fucking around," Ethan said.

"No fucking, just kissing. Do you think it's possible to lick pussy under water?" I asked.

"I don't know. It never came up in Boat Squadron training," Ethan laughed.

"I'm going to find out. Lose your bottoms, sweetie."

Sahar shed her bottoms. Ethan started to get a woody. "You want to see if you can suck a cock under water?" Ethan asked.

"Can I suck his cock, Sahar?"

"No fucking way."

"Sorry, Ethan. No can do. You wouldn't want me to upchuck in my air hose, would you?"

"Fine," he laughed. "We'll be diving down to sixty feet this dive. After a surface interval of ninety minutes, how long can we stay down?"

We did 33 minutes at 60 feet, ending up in pressure group F. Ninety minutes dropped us down to pressure group E, which gave us a maximum of 21 minutes.

"Twenty-one minutes."

"Sahar, if we only dive down to 50 feet, how long can you stay down?"

She grabbed the table, running the same calculation I did. "Forty minutes."

"If you want Beth to lick your pussy longer, how deep should you go?"

"By that logic, I should only go down to forty feet. She can lick me for 85 minutes then."

Ethan laughed again. "But you'll breathe faster, and run out of oxygen before you get 85 minutes."

"It's still longer. Better yet, we skip the second dive and she just licks my pussy."

"Don't you ever get enough?"

"It's Beth; what do you think? You did want her to try sucking your cock under water. I know you know what that feels like. It's the fucking best."

"I can't argue with that."

"Ethan, you want to have another race when we're done diving?" I asked.

"What do you want to bet this time? My first born child?"

"No bet, just race. I haven't gotten near enough swimming work done for the Iron Man competitions. I need some stiff practice."

"If it's not going to cost me my dignity, I'll have a go."

"Is it about a mile back to the ship?"

He turned to look. "More or less."

"There's only one requirement," I said. "We both swim naked."

"Why's that?"

"I figure if I'm naked, you might stick close enough to watch me, and I have a chance of finishing within ten yards of you, but if I'm swimming bare assed, so should you. It shouldn't be that bad. You've fucked me in public."

"Fuck it, why not."

I grinned at him.

We had a nice dive to fifty feet, spending thirty-five minutes down, then coming up for a safety stop at fifteen, which is where I tried licking Sahar's pussy. To be honest, it didn't work all that well. For one thing, I couldn't really taste her, mostly just salt water. I had to keep taking hits off my air hose, and I had to pay attention I didn't actually drift up while holding my breath. I gave up trying to lick her and finger fucked her instead, which was more successful, but the water washed away her natural lubrication which increased the friction. I gave her one orgasm, but I stopped after that. Live and learn.

After we shed our gear in the RIB, Ethan and I stripped off our suits. "If you suck him hard, Sahar, his erection will cause more drag and give me a chance to beat him," I said.

Just talking about it made his cock swell. Sahar took off her top.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to try swimming the distance with you, see what it's like to swim so far."

"Thomas, keep an eye on my bitch, pull her out if she starts to flounder."

"You got it. It will be easy on the eyes keeping an eye on your bitch."

I looked her strong, sleek body over. "It sure is."

We both laughed. I whispered to her, "Give me permission to suck Ethan's cock at the end of the race, but only if it's underwater. I'd like to see how it works out."

Aloud, so Ethan could hear her, Sahar said, "Beth you have permission to suck Ethan's cock if you win the race and his dick remains underwater."

His cock swelled some more, becoming semi hard.

"There, I gave you a chance. Don't blow it," Sahar giggled.

I laughed again and jumped in the water. If that didn't keep him in range, nothing would. Ethan leaped in behind me. Sahar dived in after him.

"Thomas, call the start," Ethan said.

"What's it going to be, Ethan, underwater blow job or finally beating me?" I asked, laughing.

"I haven't figured out the answer to that one yet," Ethan said. "Both are tempting."

"Go," Thomas said.

It was a long swim. I certainly didn't jump out to any lead. I found a pace I could maintain for a long time. Nor did Ethan leap ahead, though for an entirely different reason. He did like hanging back and watching me swim nude. I didn't mind sneaking peeks at him either, easier to do since he did stay in front of me. All the men on Master's ship were in good shape and easy on the eyes physique wise. Ethan was no exception. They worked out often and it showed. Ethan hadn't gotten much more swimming training in than I did, so we were both rusty in the water. More disappointing, he'd lost his erection too, so it wasn't slowing him down at all.

No matter what other kinds of exercises one did, swimming was a different animal, requiring the coordination of all your limbs along with your breathing. If you were running, your breathing could suck, and you could still truck along. Swimming, you swallowed water if you fucked it up. Running was good for my stamina, and hitting the heavy bag good for my arms, so it wasn't a total disaster, but my pace really dropped off after half the distance.

I risked a glance behind me. The RIB was quite a ways behind, so Sahar was still swimming, but not swiftly. Like I said, swimming is a different animal. I was sure she could shred me running, but she'd just learned to swim a few months ago. She hadn't given up though. Ethan was about ten feet ahead of me, but his pace was slower, and I don't think it was all wanting to watch me swim in my altogether.

With about a quarter mile to go, I tried upping my pace, but I gave that up, when I realized I'd run out of gas before I got there. I tried again with a couple hundred yards to go. I might make it at this pace. Ethan was five feet in front of me. He'd picked up his pace as well. Must not want the blow job that bad. I tried to catch up, putting more into it. I was getting closer, and even though Ethan appeared to be struggling as much as I was, I wasn't catching up. He was a foot away from the back of the boat, and he just stopped. I touched before he did. He had this huge grin on his face. I guess he wanted it more than I thought. He'd proved he could beat me then quit.

I looked back at the RIB. It was two hundred yards behind us and there was a lot of thrashing in the water as Sahar struggled to make the boat. Thomas was leaning over the edge, either encouraging Sahar or telling her to let him lift her into the boat. He was keeping a close eye on her, so I sank under the water and began sucking Ethan's cock. I was still breathless and couldn't stay under too long, but I got another breath and went back. Holding myself under by gripping his knees, I did everything in my power to make him cum quickly, since I wanted to take a regular breather. It still took five minutes and around fifteen deep breaths before I felt his cock swell and his salty cream fill my mouth. Before his balls were empty, I needed to take another breath, so I stroked the last of his cum out as I popped out of the water gasping. The Rib was finally alongside, Sahar clinging to it panting as hard as I was.

"Did you win?" Sahar puffed.

"Ethan was here first, but he let me out touch him so he could get his blow job."

Sahar laughed. "Figures. How hard was it?"

"Easier than licking your cunt. I could form a seal around his cock so I wasn't swallowing sea water."

"You know, I hate that your lazy ass can beat me in anything. I need to seriously take up this swimming thing."

"You can start training for Iron Man races when we're home. The water leg of the race is over three times the distance you just swam, so you'll need to work on it. I'm actually fairly impressed you swam as far as you did, even if you did almost drown. Work with Ethan on your stroke."

"Yeah, that last few hundred yards was a bitch. I swallowed enough sea water, I can probably skip lunch."

We both climbed on board, naked. Ethan was already wrapping a towel around himself. "Feeling shy there, studly?" I asked.

"I'm not used to nudity as much as you are," he admitted, grinning. "Thanks for the race and the blow job."

"Thank my sweetie for giving me permission."

"Thanks, sweetie."

After lunch, we went out for one more dive. That evening, Roberta and Jìngyi spent the night in Master's bed with us. It was nice reconnecting with them.


I cleansed my bottom for Prime Minister Manfred Minnick, then went through my lingerie to pick out something he might like. I went for the Bordelle Ula Ouvert open bra and crotchless Ula Ouvert brief. He could fuck me without removing a thing. Presentation counted.

We were waiting on the helicopter deck at 1000 when Leo flew him aboard. Hannah and Sahar were dressed. I was not except for the lingerie I'd picked out. As soon as he got off the chopper, I could see the effect of my choices on him. His cock started tenting his pants. Rupert, the body guard he had the last time, was with him again, and my lingerie was having the same effect on him. Perhaps the Prime Minister trusted his discretion in such matters.

As he approached me, I knelt. "Your Excellency, in return for the help you provided so that my Master could save me, he asked that I serve you as your slave for the day. You may treat me as yours until eight PM tonight, including bare handed punishment if I should exceed ten orgasms during your visit."

He smiled in delight. "That is a very generous offer. Why don't you stand for the moment."

I stood and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I personally have a great deal to thank you for, Master. Your assistance helped effect my rescue before I was branded and sold into what would have been an intolerable slavery. In addition to saving my life, it helped save the life of Miss Hannah, who was going to be sold to a Russian oligarch who loved to beat his women, plus our communications specialist, Jìngyi who was being sold to a brothel owner in Asia. I'd like to introduce you to my wife and bodyguard, Sahar Wilson-Hafeez."

"Your wife?"

"Yes, Master. A lot happened after we were here last. We freed a number of involuntary slaves who'd I'd like to introduce you to at some point. Sahar was one of them, freed in Rio de Janeiro. She was determined never to be helpless and in the control of another human being again. She worked day and night to become one of the deadliest people you'll ever meet. She was an integral part of my rescue from Morocco, but even more than that, she helped me overcome my slave conditioning right here in The Bahamas so that I could once again, safely submit to my Master. When I was freed, I would beg to fuck everyone, no matter the consequences, and despite the loss of pleasure from sex. My Master would have no control of me, so I was going to give up my collar and I was ready to kill myself. I almost threw myself into the Mediterranean.

"Sahar fixed me, so knowing she loved me, I agreed to marry her as long as she could accept my submission to Joshua. We got married in Hawaii at the beginning of July. Additionally, while I had more control over my promiscuity after Sahar worked with me, and was enjoying sex again, I underwent hypnosis so that I would feel nauseous if I contemplated sex with anyone without getting permission to do so. Since my Master now has family obligations he cannot avoid, he ceded control of my sex to my wife, who's given me permission to enjoy sex with you. She is not submissive, and would likely react violently if anyone treated her as a slave, but will frequently have sex with those people I have sex with, at her own discretion. She will stick close to me to give me permission to have sex with any others you'd care to share me with, and may join herself if she feels like it."

"That's quite the story."

"It's obviously more complicated than this brief telling, but we have several hours and you can learn more if you wish. As you can probably tell by now, what happens on this ship, stays on this ship. You can be as open as you want to be. If you wish, we can confine our activities to the stern room as we did before, and our meals will be served there. Or, my Master has given me permission to allow you the use of his cabin, which has a very large bed to play in. There is also a play room where Master plays with his slaves that I can show you and you may use. We can eat in the dining room with the rest of the crew at lunch and dinner. No one will mind if you wish to use your slave at any time.

"I must tell you, Master Minnick, that since Master has infrequently traveled with us since we left California, I have missed the Dominance of a strong man and a big cock. I intend to enjoy your visit to the fullest extent, and I hope that I have more than the ten orgasms my Master allowed me for your visit."

"Rupert, would you be more comfortable providing for my safety in a more secluded setting? What do you think about the idea of just letting go?"

"Sir, I believe Mr. Greenbriar has not only proved to be an honorable man, but a good friend. I see no harm in you letting go."

"Good." He fondled my breast openly, making me moan for him.

"If I may direct you to Master's cabin, your Excellency, you may wish to use your new slave for a couple hours before lunch is served."

"Does Joshua have any other delightful creatures such as yourself aboard at the moment. I know Miranda is currently in Washington. I'd like Rupert to enjoy himself as well."

"Not at the moment, Master, but there are others who do enjoy a good fucking on occasion. I can ask one of them to join us, and of course, more than one of my fuck holes is available should you wish to share me with Rupert. It's entirely your decision since I'm yours for the day."

"Ask someone else to join us."

"Yes, Master. She'll meet us in Master's cabin. Hannah, would you please see to it Darla is relieved of any of her duties and joins us."

"Of course, Beth."

I led the two of them to Master's cabin, Sahar following along. I was helping the two gentlemen remove their clothes when Darla joined us. She quickly stripped off when she saw which way the wind was blowing. I gave the Prime Minister the very best blow job of which I was capable while Rupert fucked Darla. He loved it, bucking his hips up into my mouth as I drained his balls. Darla was emptying Rupert's, by the expedient of fucking him. Since the bed might see some heavy use today, I cleaned her pussy for her while she cleaned Rupert's dick.

We were giving the men some time to recover, particularly the Prime Minister, as he was no longer a spring chicken. I was idly stroking his cock and balls, with little licks thrown in.

Rupert asked, "Is Sahar really any good as a bodyguard?"

"Unless you're a serial killer," I said, "she's killed more men than you have."

"How many?"

"Over thirty. The exact total she doesn't know, because some died in combat with more than one person shooting at them. Fourteen she's killed on her own. Men who had either enslaved or raped women, or intended to. They did not die easily. The man who was going to brand me, had the brand applied to his face multiple times, then his male equipment was cut off and stuffed into his mouth. She did worse to the man who first owned her, but I can tell you that based upon what he did to her, he deserved more than he got."

They both looked at her, calmly watching us from the couch, a slight smile on her face.

"We have a training tool in the gym the crew uses to stay trained, Rupert. If you want, we can show you how to use it and you can compete against her. I can tell you right now, you'll lose. Our head of security is a former British Special Air Services commando, and he can't beat her on the range, but one time out of twenty."

I began to lick the Prime Minster more seriously, causing his shaft to stand again.

"Master, if it please you, I'd love for you to fuck my cunt, then take my ass when your cock has been fully lubricated. I have a special treat for you after you do."

"From behind?"

"You're in charge, Master. However you want to fuck. If you wish to spank this ass, you'll need to ensure I have over ten orgasms." I knelt on the bed and gave myself a whack.