My Descent into Slavery Ch. 20


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The Prime Minister plunged into my slick pussy. Oh, fuck, he felt good.

"Permission to cum, Master," I panted, ready just like that.

"Permission denied."

I moaned, then slipped into subspace to give me as much time as I could.

"You're so exquisitely tight," he groaned.

"Lots of exercise, Master."

I didn't last, I couldn't, it felt so good. "Please, Master," I pleaded, "I'm begging you to cum."

"How much are you punished for cumming without permission?" PM Minnick panted.

"Ten swats, Master."

"Am I allowed to punish you for that?"

"I'm yours, Master, to do as you please."

"Sahar won't kill me?"

"She understands the difference between voluntary and involuntary slavery, Master. She knows I crave this with all my being."

"You don't have permission to cum."

Thirty seconds later, I orgasmed anyway, moaning. Sahar said, "Slut."

I laughed. His excellency pulled out of my pussy, and pushed into my ass. "Permission to cum, sir," I moaned again, still primed from my last orgasm.

"You have my permission for this one," he said.

I let go, and the contractions of my pucker almost pulled his orgasm out of the Prime Minister. He managed to hold out. I felt another cock pushing at my lips and started to get nauseous immediately.

"Permission to suck Rupert's cock, Sahar."

"You have my permission to drain his balls, slut."

My mouth opened and his cock filled me. Darla got underneath him, suckling his ball sack. Between the two of us, he couldn't last long, but he was in his early thirties, so he'd have more later. I climaxed two more times, neither of them with permission, since I couldn't ask, before I felt Rupert flood my mouth. The Prime Minister sank his cock deep in my bowels and planted his seed way up my rectum.

Since Rupert was already empty, when I felt his Excellency pull out of my derrière, I immediately turned and started sucking on his cock again, cleaning it. When nothing more than saliva covered it, I released him.

"A special treat indeed," he said when I withdrew off his cock.

"I took several enemas this morning before you arrived, knowing you enjoyed anal sex, Master. I enjoy doing that when I know I'm getting an anal fucking."

He smiled and said, "Over my lap now. Take your medicine."

"Yes, Master. Of course."

I draped myself over his lap and he gave me thirty swift swats to my bottom. They were not as hard as Lynn or Master usually gave me, but he was still testing my limits. He gave me the thirty I deserved, while I counted and thanked him for each one. Darla and Sahar had started to kiss and play around. I was good with it. The two gentlemen watched the two women get it on, and soon began to stir again.

"Don't you get enough sex, Master?" I asked as his cock started filling my hand.

"Not like this," the Prime Minister replied. "It's been over a year since I've been this tempted, and you were part of the cause the last time."

I helped his erection along by sucking his cock and balls, but not too much as I wanted his cock cumming someplace other than my mouth. When he was hard, I mounted him, sinking slowly over his nice shaft. He wasn't quite as stiff as the first erection he gave me, but plenty hard enough to slide my soggy cunt over. When I was mounted on him, I leaned down against his chest and kissed him, then pulled my ass cheeks apart in invitation to Rupert. I looked over my shoulder.

"Fuck my ass, please, sir. I want to feel both of you inside of me."

Rupert didn't need a written invitation. He knelt between our legs and placed his prick against my pucker. Exerting pressure against my bottom, my star parted for his plump head and he slowly filled me up, taking care not to go too fast since I now had two fat pricks filling me. It felt amazing. I returned to kissing the Prime Minister.

I wondered how many women had actually kissed him since his wife died. I didn't recall spending any time kissing him the last time he fucked me. I was truly grateful for all the help he'd given to Master, and even Sahar, when he'd let us keep the buildings up so she could break me of my fear. Their third orgasms of the morning took around thirty minutes to wring out of them. Rupert finished first, but he stayed hard enough to remain in my ass as the Prime Minister had his way with me.

I sucked both of their cocks clean, while Sahar took care of my pussy and ass. Prime Minister Minnick said he had to rest a bit before he could do anything more in the way of sex. It was time for lunch anyway.

"We can remain in this room and I can have food delivered, in which case we might as well remain naked. Or we could eat in the dining room, Master, either getting fully dressed, or just wear a robe, or even go naked, sir. As I said, anything which happens on the ship, remains on the ship, and other people are sometimes naked, especially if they're submissives such as me. If we eat in the dining room, I would greatly appreciate it if you fed me, sir. I love to be fed by my Master.

"Once we've eaten, we can give you a tour of the ship, give Rupert a chance to go up against my sweetie on 'Hogan's Alley', bring you up to the salon for a nice massage, or use the hot tub up there for some fun and games. Darla may stay with us all afternoon. She loves to have sex. If she's not working, she's usually fucking, and isn't particular as to whether it's a boy or girl. Perhaps more sex followed by a shower before supper at which point, I'd like to introduce you to the other freed slaves aboard.

"Five of them are currently married, including Sahar to me. Two have children, impregnated by their former Owners. And Master Minnick, in addition to saving my life, over fifty other slaves were freed when they rescued me. Nearly a thousand women were freed that day, all over the world. We've freed others since, six just recently in Los Angeles, two more who escaped their owners off the coast of Mexico. Just think of what good you did for so many people when you gave my Master permission to use The Bahamas to train in. Even if my Master hadn't suggested my serving you, I would have volunteered to do so. That's how important it was."

"Why don't we wear the robes for now, kind of see how things go," the Prime Minister said. "How about you?"

"This is my official attire for the day, Master. Take advantage of it."

He laughed, and I got two robes for them to use and we went to lunch in the dining room. As expected, Sherry, Angelique, Delphine and Yasmine were naked at lunch. Manuel wasn't at lunch, and Pierre was serving food, so dressed.

The last time PM Minnick was aboard, he hadn't done a tour of the ship and only met Hannah, Master, Miranda, Jake, and Leo, his pilot. I made sure I introduced him to the rest of the Department Heads, and Fatima, who was there with Edgar since we were anchored.

"I feel underdressed," his Excellency said, slightly embarrassed at seeing all of the Department Heads dressed for lunch.

"Don't worry, your Excellency," Ethan said. "If any one of us was spending the day with Beth, we'd likely be short a uniform or two. It's a rare honor to spend time with her, and I wouldn't bother with clothes either. She's a special lass."

He laughed. "Indeed she is. I haven't felt this young in years."

"I've often thought she could get a rise out of a dead man, and you aren't dead yet, your Excellency."

"Given what's occurred so far, I may be dead before she's finished," he joked, relaxing a little.

"Is this seat taken, Master?" I said, patting his lap, now that introductions were made and he'd taken a seat.

"No, feel free," he said. I sat down in his lap and put my arms around him.

"It's a good thing you aren't dressed, Master. If you were, I'm sure your pants would be soaked in pussy juice in no time."

He laughed again. He fed me my lunch. He inquired about all the things we'd been up to over the last year, the slaves we found and where, the attack on our limo in France, the marriages, mine and others. While he fed me, he wasn't shy about fondling me either, and I was frequently squirming on his lap. He gave me another orgasm without permission, and I knew I'd be getting another spanking at some point.

"And you say that Beth's wedding dress was cut so high you could see her bare pussy?" The Prime Minister asked. "And she was wearing something giving her orgasms while the ceremony was performed?"

"Yes, she was. Then she licked Sahar's pussy, right there at the reception, Your Excellency. It was quite the party," Edgar said. "I'm told there was a movie made of their wedding night which a few lucky folks have seen, which is guaranteed to stiffen your prick. How many orgasms did you give Sahar that night, Beth?"

"Close to forty. I didn't count them exactly."

"That's my sweetie," Sahar said, "best pussy licker in the world, though I finally met someone else who was close, damn close."

"Monique," I agreed. "Since I can't lick myself, Monique is the best I've ever had."

"To what do you attribute your oral skills. I can definitely say they're the best I've ever experienced as well."

"I really love my submission, and to serve others, Master. Sahar says that when I have sex with her, she feels like she's the center of my universe, that nothing matters more to me at that moment, than her pleasure. And I know she's onto something. At that moment in time, the person I'm pleasuring is all that matters to me. Everything else is shunted aside; what kind of day I'm having, will I get to cum, any aches and pains or pleasure I'm feeling, all put aside. It's just me and that one cock or pussy, and how can I make it a better experience for you. Nothing else matters in that moment because I'm zeroed in on that one thing. I'm not like you, with a country to run, or Björn, with a ship to manage. I have no duties or responsibilities to anyone else but to provide pleasure to the person I'm with. It greatly reduces the distractions."

"I can confirm that, Mr. Prime Minister," Edgar said. "When I was first teaching Beth to shoot, I tried distracting her with a finger or two in her pussy. She shot just as well as she did when she wasn't distracted. No better, but no worse. When she did the same thing to me by sucking my cock, my shots were all over the place. Until Sahar started tearing up the range, that was the only time I've ever shot worse than someone."

"She taught me her tricks, Edgar," Sahar said. "Slaves and submissives have a thing called subspace they have to go into if they're being brutalized or punished. It's how you get through it, survive if you're a slave. When she's shooting, and when I shoot, there's minimum awareness of everything else going on around you, and concentration on just the shot. I maintain enough awareness to hear orders, but all the other chaos going on, is shoved to the back of my mind. It's why there's no difference in her cunt licking even if she's being fucked or punished herself. All of that gets shunted to the side so she can concentrate on your cock or pussy. She knows it's taking place, she'll still orgasm, or her ass will turn red, but it's in the back of her mind, not in the front, where it fucks up her concentration."

"If I'm not a submissive, how do I access it? How do you describe it?" Rupert asked.

"The closest I can get to describing it in non-submissive terms," I said, "is like second wind when you're pushing yourself exercising. Your lungs are burning, your legs have turned to mush or you're thrashing in the water because you're so fucking exhausted, you've got nothing left. You feel like you're going to die. Then, you somehow get your second wind. You push through it; you shunt all the pain and exhaustion aside and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, or take on more stroke. That's your only focus, putting that next foot forward, swimming another lap, pedaling another ten yards, ignoring everything else. That's what gets me through training for the Iron Man, that next step, that next stroke, that next pedal. To me, that's kind of like what subspace is, just concentrating on that next step."

By this time, holding a squirming, mostly naked, (in all the good spots anyway), bundle of sexual energy on his lap, Prime Minister Minnick was erect again under his robe.

"I can relieve you of that protuberance, Master," I whispered to him while kissing his neck and ear.

"At the dinner table?" he questioned me back.

I glanced around the table. "I don't think there's anyone here I haven't done at the dinner table, Master, except, surprisingly, my wife."

"I think that should be remedied first," he said. "Sahar, would you like your wife to lick your cunt at the dinner table?"

"I'll let my wife lick me anywhere I wouldn't get arrested for it," Sahar laughed.

"Take your pants off, sweetie," I said, dropping to the deck.

Sahar stood and pushed her fatigues and underwear down her legs, baring her pussy to me. I crawled under the table and began a seduction of my wife, wanting to make her scream for me. I knew her body so well by this time. She didn't scream by the simple expedient of stuffing her napkin into her mouth. I quickly topped her off with two more. I crawled back to Prime Minister Minnick.

I looked up at him with Sahar's juices covering the lower half of my face, dripping off my chin. "Now, Master, would you like your cock relieved?"

He didn't say a word, but pulled his robe apart, releasing his erection. I took my time extracting his load. It gave the other people time to finish up and leave the table, leaving only Rupert, Sahar and Darla, and two naked servers, cleaning up. Darla lowered her cunt down over Rupert's throbbing cock to take care of him, his cock also rampant with need.

The Prime Minister swamped my mouth with cum, and I heard Rupert grunting behind me as he spasmed inside of Darla's amazing pussy.

We took a tour of the ship after lunch. Since it was so near, the first place we stopped was Master's playroom.

"I'd like to come back here later," PM Minnick said, looking around.

"Very well, sir. I recently discovered a spot over here on the wall for hanging a nude slave. It's quite provocative. I'd love to show it to you later."

"No question," Sahar said. "You'll want to fuck her the moment she's hung up. I loved when Joshua hung her up there."

We went up to the top deck where I showed them the salon, and massage parlor, bar and game room, and the small spa up there.

"Does Roberta give happy endings?" Rupert asked after we left.

"It's not part of her job description, but you can always ask. She may refuse. Slaves who receive massages have to give her a happy ending however," I laughed. "She's gotten a few from me. If you ask Darla for a massage, she won't be as good, but I can almost guarantee a happy ending."

Darla laughed and agreed with me.

"And you say she's a former marine sniper?" PM Minnick asked.

"She went through the training when they were exploring the possibility of women as snipers when they were having recruitment issues. She never deployed as a sniper though," I replied. "Master likes her on the top deck where she's got some height for shooting. She's the only woman on board that Sahar will do unarmed combat with. She's messed around in mixed martial arts so she's a viable opponent. The other women don't present any difficulties, Sahar mostly fights the men."

"How do you do against them?" Rupert asked.

"The ex-special forces types, who I no longer have an element of surprise against, around a thirty percent success rate. Those who haven't seen real combat, but still had regular training, around sixty percent. The guys who had personnel or non-combat ratings about ninety-five percent. All but one have strength and reach advantages I try to overcome with speed and ferocity."

We also showed him the bridge, which was inactive at the current time. Then we headed down to the gym. Several people were exercising, some of the freed slaves were still working on unarmed combat, fighting with each other at the moment. Edgar was working with a couple of the others on Hogan's Alley ship clearing exercises, all of them more interested in self defense after our episodes in LA and Mexico. Sahar asked Edgar to show Rupert how the equipment worked.

"Sure thing. Take a break ladies, hit the treadmill for an hour, and we'll check out your exhausted firing exercises. Rupert, this is good equipment for keeping up with your gun skills. It can be ordered with any weapons that you regularly use. Since we're an all Smith and Wesson ship, we use this equipment, but if you use Sig-Sauer or Beretta, or any other gun, we've got what you need. If you remain behind the barriers, the action comes to you. It's what we usually train the non-combatants on. We want them to stay where they are in the event of acts of piracy, shoot any bad guys who come toward them, and not shoot any of our good guys, some of whom will be moving around as we try to clear the ship. If you step out from behind the barrier, it appears as if you're moving forward, moving through the ship. Since this is designed for training for piracy on our vessel, all the videos are based on this vessel.

"When we were planning the raid on Mahmoud's headquarters in Morocco, we were using slave descriptions and satellite images to recreate what we were facing in there. We'll occasionally put other scenarios in to recreate other things we might face, such as raids on warehouses or high rises, just to keep our skills up. We mostly put those in for Sahar as she reached the point that ship clearing exercises didn't present any challenge to her anymore, with typical pirate scenarios, twenty to thirty pirates. This one is set up for up to two people, moving straight ahead, but we've got ones for four man fire teams in which you have movements on all four sides, which requires more space. Our good guys are all wearing the same uniforms, the bad guys can be wearing anything. Attacking Mahmoud's we had naked slaves dialed in, so we wouldn't be shooting civilians with no choice of being there. Theoretically, we can dump up to a hundred evil fuckers and a hundred civilians into any of the scenarios, but that's unrealistic for most things we'd be doing. It could be set up with the Prime Minister's residence, office, and any number of staff levels.

"It uses artificial intelligence and it's never the same each time you run it, so it prepares you for the real world, where you'll never have someone attacking you the same way, over and over. It mimics everything but the sound. The gun will buck like the real weapon, uses the same trigger squeeze, everything down to the real weapon. Our handguns are the S&W M&P 9 MM and .40 caliber autos, so we have both. When the weapon is empty, nothing happens if you pull the trigger. You have to push the magazine release, wait roughly a second to mimic the normal magazine change times, then slap the bottom of the magazine as if you're slapping it in, and release the slide again. If you're doing a ship clearing exercise, stepping behind the barriers puts you behind cover for magazine changes and holds your position. Stepping out makes it seem as if you're moving forward again. You can't be wounded behind cover, you can be shot yourself if you aren't. If you're shot twice, you're dead. You have to shoot bad guys twice to ensure they're dead, unless it's a head shot, when one shot will do it. Sahar, why don't you demonstrate. I'll give you ten bad guys since I've only got a handgun set up."

Sahar nodded, took up one of the .40 caliber and started going through a ship clearing. Double taps to all the bad guys, unless it was a head shot. She'd step behind a barrier to reload, then out again. Ten minutes, ten bad guys, no innocents wounded, Sahar unscathed. She set the weapon down and stepped back.