My Descent into Slavery Ch. 23


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Driving in Orlando is kind of a pain, but once you get past the Disney World snarl, things open up a little. Traffic was going a sedate 45 due to the freeway being more of a parking lot, but once I was on FL 408 past US 441, otherwise known as the Orange Blossom Trail, traffic thinned out enough to push the Corvette up to 90 for a few miles. Going 40, and then flooring it and being thrust into your seat like you were taking off, and suddenly finding yourself flying along at close to a 100, was fucking amazing. I figured I wasn't going to chance that for too long, so dropped down to around 75 and set the cruise control.

"Oh, man," Sahar said, as enthused as I was. "That was kick ass."

"As much as breaking an arm," I said.


We stopped in Winter Garden, near Lake Apopka right after getting on FL 91, at a Cracker Barrel restaurant. I bought Sahar something from the gift shop there, her very own baseball cap, with a John Deere logo so she'd fit in with the locals. I had the meat loaf, and Sahar had the chicken fried steak.

"It's not Pierre's food, but it's edible."

We hit the road again.

As we were going through Ocala, I told her we could stop at Mistress Layton's.

"No, let's just go. I want to see this new place we're going to be living in, and we didn't get a ton of sleep last night, and I want to fuck you, not Ranger. We're close enough to go see them later."


As we got close to Gainesville the map wasn't going anywhere near the apartments students traditionally lived in.

"No students live around here. This is where rich folk live. There are no apartments that I know of down here. Nothing but McMansions on this side of the lake."

"Maybe Joshua rented you a house," Sahar said.

"For two people. We don't need a house. A two or even three bedroom apartment would have been just dandy. We'd rattle around in a house. Hell, you and I can live in a bedroom with a kitchen."

"I'm not even sure we need a kitchen, as well as you cook," Sahar said. "Apparently, a microwave oven is all you need."

"Don't criticize my microwaving. Stouffer's and Marie Callendar's make a lot of good food. I can nuke a lasagna and eat for three days. PF Chang's and even Skyline Chili make frozen foods now."

"It won't be long now. Looks like it's only a couple more blocks."

Sure enough, we pulled up in front of a house which had a fucking four car garage.

"We've got one car between us and a four car garage," I said. "This is too much. I don't know what Joshua or Jill was thinking, This is ridiculous. This looks like it's 4000 square feet. We could fit a dormitory in here."

"Can we even get into the house?" Sahar asked.

"There's a key on the car keychain that looks like a house key. Otherwise, I guess we look under the welcome mat."

"We should have asked Jill."

"I thought we'd be getting a super to let us in and giving us a key. This is bizarre."

"Maybe they left the door open," Sahar said.

"So thieves could rob us blind?"

"Our stuff isn't here yet. What could they steal?"

"The stove, the refrigerator, washers, dryers, the copper in the electrical wiring, my microwave oven."

Sahar laughed. "There goes any hope of a meal. Let's check it out."

We got out of the car and approached the house. I tested the doorknob. It turned. I pulled the door open. Holy crap, the place looked fully furnished. I could see a big swimming pool in the back.

"There's someone here," Sahar said, pulling her weapon and chambering a round. "I heard a noise."

"Don't be too quick to shoot," I whispered. "It might be a friend of Jill's. Might be why the house is open."

Sahar nodded.

"Don't shoot. We're unarmed." A voice off to the side.

"Ranger, is that you?" I said.

"Yes, it's me. We didn't think this through completely."

"Come out where I can see you," Sahar ordered.

Ranger came out with his hands up. Sahar laughed and put the gun away.

"Is Mistress Layton with you?" I said rushing up to throw my arms around him.

As soon as I got to him, about thirty people yelled, "Surprise!"

I looked at all the people crowded off to the side of the room. Shit! There was Master, Miranda, Francesca, Belle, Professor Kline and his wife, Oliva, William Thornhill, Evelyn, Regina, Richard and Marnie, Alexandra, Mistress Theresa, Luke, Gloria, Frank, Marilyn, and lots of other people, including a few from Guadeloupe. I ignored Ranger and went leaping into Master's arms, almost knocking him to the ground. I rained kisses on him as I started crying tears of joy, I was so freaking happy.

"You liar," I said, laughing. "You made it sound like I might not see you for months, sir."

"I never lied to you," he said. "I implied I might not see you until you finished your dissertation. You made that leap yourself."

"So, sir, who's house did you borrow to throw this party?"


"Mine. This is too big for me and Sahar. We'll spend all of our time cleaning it instead of studying and writing, sir."

"You'll have a maid, and this isn't just for you. It's for all of us." He pulled Miranda into our circle, waving Francesca and Belle over. "We're all moving here for the duration."

"What about Congress, Master," I said, "Washington and all that political crap, New York and your business."

"I can run my businesses from anywhere. I did it while I was sailing around the world," Master replied.

"And I'm not running for reelection and we're on a pre-election hiatus. If there's something I need to vote on before my successor takes over, I can fly back. Master bought a jet."

"So we're all going to be together again?" Scarce able to believe my ears, forgetting to say Master or sir, which Master would be happy to remind me about later.

"One big happy family," Francesca said, "except for all these fucking strangers." Waving at all the other people filling the room.

"You have to see the house," Belle said. "There's a gun range and gym for Sahar and everyone else. A room for studiers and writers and students, although it's missing your computer gear at the moment. Lots of bedrooms and a nursery, an office for Master, and one of those huge fucking Alaskan King beds to fit lots of bodies into. A pool outside for swimming and sunbathing nude. It's going to be great. If you'd opened the garage door, you'd have seen three other cars in there. We were kind of hoping you wouldn't. Jill didn't show you the garage door opener on the car."

"The house can wait. I need to greet all of my friends," I said.

"Not before you're naked," Master said. "Strip."

When your Master says, strip, you strip. I stripped, and so did Miranda, Francesca and Belle. Sahar was grinning at me.

"Did you know about this shit?" I asked her.

"Fuck, no. Do you think I could have kept this a secret?"

Naked, I greeted all of my friends, hugging them all, kissing them all. Regina was bigger than the last time I'd seen her, deeper into her pregnancy. So was Marnie, who looked ready to pop. She had to be seven, almost eight months along at least. She and Richard were standing next to a handsome black man.

"This is Andre Miller, my Master," Marnie said, introducing him.

"Not yours, Richard?"

"He's my lover, but I'm not his submissive at the moment. I guess I'm more of a stag than a regular cuckold. I didn't want to have to wait for him to fuck Marnie before I fucked my own wife."

"How's it working out for you then."

"It's working out well. We love each other a great deal. By the way, but I don't know if you know this. Marnie's child is mine."

"I thought that was impossible given the circumstances," I said.

"Marnie pulled a fast one on both of us. I made sperm deposits at a sperm bank before I left in case something happened to me. She had it implanted via IVF to ensure the first child is mine, but she also wanted to test me to see if I'd be willing to accept one of Andre's in the future."

"That's bold," I said to Marnie, "and risky. You almost lost both men, didn't you?"

"I nearly did. I was hoping for a good outcome, but I should have said something to both of them before doing it. As it turned out, I think Richard would have accepted some compromise about children in the future. I just felt we made a good polyamorous threesome, and I didn't want to have to be careful of pregnancy in the future. I wanted things to occur naturally, I guess. It's part of the reason Richard isn't in submission. If he has to accept that a child might be Andre's, he wants to fuck me as often as he wants, not wait for permission. What would you do if you were in love with two men?"

"I don't know. I don't have that problem. There's only one man for me and the rest are women, and they're not competing for my womb. I'm happy to give Master the first and only crack at giving me children, unless he wishes otherwise."

"What will Sahar do if she wants children?" Richard asked.

"Whatever she wants. She greatly enjoyed her sex with you. You might end up a Dad with two different women."

"Richard, that would be wonderful if it happened," Marnie said. "He told me that he was the first man Sahar slept with after you were taken. I'm so happy he was able to help her. He's such a good, kind man. I love him so much. I think there might be at least one other woman who'd love to give her womb to Richard. He has several girlfriends. I have to be nice to him or he might leave me for one of his other sluts."

Richard kissed her. "I think I'm pretty happy where I am, even if my dick is second fiddle to Andre's."

"You have to fuck him, Beth," Marnie said. "Andre has got the most amazing cock, and he used to be a professional sex worker, so he knows what to do with it."

"What's he doing now?"

"I've got Richard's old job," Andre said.

"What's Richard doing then?" Sahar asked.

"Bill's Executive Assistant. Learning more about running the company. With two other children on the way..."


"Evelyn is planning on having another if she's not knocked up already. He just wants to spend more time with his family."

"How long are you going to be in town?" I asked.

"A few days at least," Richard said.

"Where are you staying?"

"Here, in one of the guest rooms. So are Bill and his family," Richard said.

"Then I might have time to fuck him, but I expect to be quite busy for the next couple days, fucking my own Master and sister slaves. Andre, don't get aggressive with my wife. She decides who she has sex with. She will hurt you."

"Richard warned me. I'll be on my best behavior."

"Professor Kline and Oliva," I said, greeting them next. "So good to see you again."

"Even better seeing you," he said. "The last time was at your wedding. You seem quite happy."

"Ecstatic. This is such a wonderful surprise. I didn't expect I'd be seeing everyone for several months."

"How far along are you on your dissertation?"

"About a quarter done. I'll need to have you review my progress when we get a chance. I'll make an appointment when I'm a little settled. Oliva, slavery seems to agree with you. You look marvelous."

"I feel marvelous."

"I'm so happy for you."

Next up was Frank, Theresa and slaves. I hugged everyone.

"I'll be around to see you all when I'm settled. I almost stopped by when we passed through Ocala. No one would have been there."

"Diego would have just said we were out, and not expected back for several hours," Mistress Layton said. "You'd have made it here eventually."

"Marilyn, being a pony must agree with you. You look fabulous," I said to my slut trainee.

"Being a pony is hard work, but the rewards, whew. I'm the happiest I've been since I got divorced. I'm so glad Francesca and Belle will be nearby. I missed so much of her life by being a bitch. I might finally get to know my daughter again. Thank you for changing my life."

"You're welcome. It was my pleasure. You were quite a good cunt licker before you left the ship."

"Better now," Frank said. "She gets lots of practice. Not all the ponies get to fuck a stallion. The other mares need to be cared for. Marilyn is one of the best."

She blushed. It's a wonder she still could. I didn't anymore.

"That's because she was trained by the best," Sahar said. "No one licks pussy like Beth."

"Gloria is getting there," Mistress Layton said. "She says she wants to be the best."

"I'll have to check her out and pass judgement," Sahar said. "If she's 90% as good, she'll be damn good. Richard was the second best I have ever had. He understood submission."

"Which one is Richard?" Mistress Layton asked.

"The young man with the pregnant wife standing next to the handsome black fellow." I pointed him out. "It's Lynn's son."

"He wasn't at the wedding, was he?"

"No, but he was at the party at William Thornhill's though he didn't participate. No Dominant at the time. No Dominant now, for that matter, though the black fellow is his wife's Dominant."

"Will he have oral sex with anyone?" Theresa asked.

"I don't know. You'll have to ask."

Next, I said hello to Henri and Simone, Marta and Anna, Li-Li and LuAnne. "It's so nice you came all this way," I said.

"Joshua sent his plane for us," Henri said. "He's a very kind and generous man. We wanted to see Mr. Thornhill and Evelyn again. Turns out he has another woman too, but the women get along fine. It's hard to believe."

"Chantelle and Marcia get along well together," I said. "It's not impossible for three to get along as well as two."

"What would you do if I took another slave, mon cherie?" Henri asked Simone.

"Scratch her eyes out, Maître. You're too old to take another lover. I barely get enough sex as it is."

"Too bad I didn't discover this when I was a younger man," Henri said.

"I would have still scratched her eyes out then as well, Maître. If you want to care for a blind woman, take another slave."

"It appears Simone does not obey me in all things," Henri said with a smile, and a hug and kiss to his wife.

"I don't know, Simone," Sahar said. "Women still lick pussy the best and if Henri can't produce another erection, you always have each other."

"That's true, and she can help me prepare food, clean house and if I only had to surrender one erection a day and she took over all the work, it might be worth it. Find a maid and a cook, and if I like how she licks pussy, we'll chat again, Maître."

Henri laughed, hugging his wife again.

Eventually, food was served, and the party moved outside. A lot of the people stripped off their clothes and began using the pool. There was the occasional sex. With Dominants and submissives, sex was often the result of nudity in a fluid environment. I had to suck Master off because I hadn't seen him in so long, and he was so good to me. I was unhappy that I had to go away to school and do without him and my sister slaves, so he does this and I can do both. I was so grateful. Eventually, most of our guests left. Bill and his family and Richard with his both stayed. Theresa and Frank and their bunch, and Professor Kline and his wife went to their homes. The Guadeloupe clan stayed in a nearby hotel.

I finally got to fuck Master, and Sahar was there with me. Just us three as Miranda spent the night with Francesca and Belle, so Master could enjoy his wayward slave and her wife without another person there. We both enjoyed some rigorous sex with him, taking turns on his cock. We were all feeling quite relaxed and comfortable, cuddled together, letting the sweat dry off.

"Sahar, I want to ask a favor of you?" Master said.

"I'm feeling kind of generous at the moment. What kind of favor do you want?"

"I want to breed your wife."

I gasped.

"And you think because you're going to make my wife fat and ugly, I might have a problem with it?"

"I don't know. Would you?"

"Traditionally, in Muslim marriages, the wife decides when and if she's going to have children. She's responsible for her own birth control," Sahar said. "Now since we're both wives, I suppose it is a little different, Muslim wise, since we're Haram anyway. But as far as I'm concerned, Beth is responsible for her own body. If you make her fat, you can be damn sure I'll work her ass off to get her in fucking trim as soon as possible. That's my job, getting her off her lazy ass and working. If you want to plant a baby in her, that's between you two. I'll live with whatever she decides."

"Beth, I've thought a lot about this, and if you were still working on your dissertation when the baby was born, I'd put it off, but you indicated you might be done is four or five months. I want to have a baby with you now, if you would."

"You could always order me to," I said. "I am your slave, sir."

"And you have a safe word, and I don't want to order you to have children. I want you to look forward to it as much as I do."

"Why do you want a child with me, sir?"

"Because I love you more than life itself, and if anything were to happen to you, I'd love that a piece of you still existed in the world."

"I wouldn't mind if a piece of her existed either," Sahar said. "What about it, bitch? Are you going to spread your legs for your Master and let him knock you up?"

"Master, I love you more than life itself, and I would be honored to leave something of me behind for the two people I love most in all the world, but I can't right now."

"Is it because you want to finish school first."

"No, sir, that's not it."

"Did Mahmoud hurt you? Can you not have children anymore?"

"I don't believe so, Master. I guess I should have a thorough gynecological exam, but I think I'm fine."

"What is it then?'

"I'm on the pill. It might be a few months before I become fertile for you, but I'll enjoy trying to conceive every chance I get."

He growled at me. I smiled at him. I smiled at Sahar. "Fuck me again, sir. Show me you're man enough to fuck a baby into me, or if I'll have to find someone else to do it."

He had no difficulty proving he was man enough. I told Sahar not to lick me clean. I wanted to get used to his cum being inside of me.


I threw my pills away the next morning. I quit having sex with other men. I wasn't going to take a chance that anyone other than Master planted his seeds in me. I still got to have sex with women, so it wasn't a huge hardship, although I did fuck Andre once before he left because it was just before my period started, and I knew it was safe. Marnie was right. Andre was good. Big and experienced. I'd put him just slightly above Diego in my pantheon of lovers. Sahar fucked him as well and she agreed he was good, but she liked me better than anyone else, naturally.

Over the next few months, Sahar learned to drive, first at Mistress Layton's in the wide open spaces of her ranch, then on the roads and highways, and finally, Master sent her to a performance driving center. After she went, she became the primary driver of the Corvette. I didn't care that much. She also started classes at U of F, art classes, and she was doing great and enjoying herself. When she was doing life studies, she convinced Francesca, Belle and me to all model one day nude. None of us had a problem with the nude part.

Sahar also learned to overcome her fear of horses at Mistress Layton's. We never told Diego the story, but he sensed there was something wrong, and helped her make friends with a very gentle mare to start out with. Given enough time to make the trip to Ocala between her other activities, she'd go horseback riding with Master, me, Francesca, Belle, Luke, Ranger, or Diego. Miranda was never a big rider. Sahar even rode the special saddle once, although I don't think she enjoyed it as much as I did, but then she was always less into cocks.

Once a month or so, we'd fly down to the Keys and go scuba diving for the weekend, all six of us. We never got more than two rooms, and often switched with each other, confusing the maids something awful.