My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 04


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"Why would Joshua take the risk of testing her submissiveness?" Angelique asked.

"Because I think she wants to be freed."

"What do you mean?" Angelique said.

"I think on the whole she's unhappy with her life. When you discovered you were submissive and could submit to Hannah, would you have wanted to remain as you were or were you happy you could surrender yourself to her."

She nodded thoughtfully. "You think she'll be happier as a submissive?"

"Aren't you? I know I'm more content now than I used to be. I thought I was happy, but my happiness runs deeper now than it used to. I only worry I'm not the sex slave Master wants or even what I'm going to do when this cruise is over. I mean, I know I have to finish my degree and work, but I know I'm going to miss not having a Master when my year is up. I might need to seek someone else to submit to. I doubt I can completely go back to my pre-slavery life."

My timer went off and Angelique and I got out, dried off and Hannah led us both to Master's cabin, leaving as we entered. I opened the door and we went in. Sure enough, Miranda was tied spread eagled to the bed and Master was fucking her hard. We knelt beside the bed waiting for orders. We saw Miranda climax once, cumming hard. Perhaps the audience stimulated her.

"Angelique, on the bed now," Master said and Angelique obeyed with a quiet "Yes, sir."

"I want you to ride Miranda's face, Angelique," Master ordered.

Angelique mounted Miranda's face her smooth black cunt inches away from Miranda's mouth with her back facing Master. Miranda didn't do anything but inhale the scent of aroused slave emanating from her pussy and moan from Master's fucking.

"Lick, Miranda, or do I have to spank your naughty pussy," Master ordered.

Miranda didn't do anything for several seconds, frozen.

"By the count of three, Miranda. One." Pause. "Two."

I waited, holding my breath, wondering what she would do. Miranda's tongue snaked out of her lips and she took a tentative lick of the pussy in front of her, testing it, then licking with more energy. Angelique moaned. She began rocking her hips over Miranda's mouth, finally receiving a return on all the times she'd been forced to lick Miranda.

Miranda paused the next time she climaxed, then continuing to lick and suck with more abandon. Pausing when she was distracted could be trained out of her. Angelique orgasmed, once, twice, a third time. Master told Angelique she could find her Mistress and told me to get on Miranda's face. When Angelique got up, Miranda's face was coated with her juices.

I climbed over her in the opposite direction facing my Master, sliding my wet slit back and forth over Miranda's tongue, winking at Master. He grinned. As I moved over Miranda's face, I made sure her tongue explored the wrinkled rim of my back door. She just kept licking regardless of what was over her tongue. I knew it.

I had two orgasms before I recognized Master reaching his crest. He pumped harder and faster a few moments before he froze, fully embedded in the Congresswoman's cunt, pumping his seed inside. I had to take care of clean up, starting with her as she was leaking the most fluids. When she was unlikely to drip on the bed, I took care of Master's cock.

"Very good, Miranda. I'm proud of you," Master said, releasing her from her bonds, reminding her to stretch to get out the kinks. "You should be rewarded. Help Beth get me hard and I'll fuck you again."

Miranda and I took turns sucking Master's prick and licking his balls until he was hard again. When he was erect, he had me lie on the bed with my legs spread and Miranda to kneeling between my thighs, licking my wet, needy cunt. When she'd started, he plunged into her pussy, making her squeal as she was filled with his thickness.

"Miranda, there's one rule to this fucking. You can't cum without permission. When you need to orgasm, ask for my permission."

She didn't reply, her mouth submerged in me, lapping like a good girl. Three minutes later she paused what she was doing and asked for permission to cum. Master granted it immediately, and she climaxed, losing focus on me again. I was patient. I could wait. Master gave her permission to cum immediately the second time she asked as well. The third time she needed to cum, she wasn't as fortunate. Master told her no.

"Please, Joshua," she begged. "I need to orgasm so bad."

"No, and if you cum without my permission, I'll spank your naked ass in front of the crew at morning muster."

This was the real turning point of whether or not she was a submissive. If she got off the bed and yelled at him, or laughed at his outrageous statement, it was over. Master would laugh and apologize for teasing with her. Instead, she moaned, and licked harder at my cunt while he fucked her.

She begged again another minute or two later. Master denied his permission again. I could tell she was straining not to cum, ignoring me as she struggled to hold off the impending explosion. Her face a mask of misery, finally succumbed to her needs, screaming as she orgasmed. The climax following an imposed denial always so intense because you'd struggled hard to resist.

She was moaning, still cumming, as Master continued fucking her right through her orgasm. He swatted her ass.

"Keep licking. You're not excused from pleasuring Beth just because you disobeyed me and climaxed."

He smacked her ass again before she resumed licking me. Miranda climaxed twice more before Master emptied himself in her. I cleaned Master first this time. Miranda was merely a slave. Slaves came after Masters were taken care of. I still took care to clean her thoroughly. I had to sleep in this bed too.

"Kneel on the floor, Miranda. You too, Beth."

"Yes, Master," I answered, kneeling on the floor. Miranda was silent. She looked at him, wondering what she should do.

"I can double your punishment tomorrow if that's what you'd prefer," Master said, tapping his foot.

Miranda knelt, copying me, her cunt exposed. She'd learn eventually.

Master started digging in one of his drawers, eventually coming over to us with another collar and two cuffs for Miranda's wrists.

"You're nothing but another slave, Miranda. Since you're a slave, I'm going to collar you to keep you out of trouble. Lower your head and accept my collar."

Miranda bowed her head and Master fastened the plain leather collar around her neck. While she still knelt, he told her to address him as Master or sir.

Miranda looked up at him. "I'm not sure I can do this, Master, even though I crave it with every fiber of my being. A Congresswoman; your sex slave. How will it look?"

"No one will know but the people on this ship, Miranda. Your secret will be safe with us."

"Will I continue to be your slave when I go back to Washington?"

"Absolutely. You'll continue being my slave, but we'll make allowances for appearances sake."

"Are you expecting me to vote for you on issues affecting your businesses?"

"No. You have a job. I expect you to do your job to the best of your abilities. Being a Congresswoman has nothing to do with your slavery, which is personal to me. There is one thing I'd like you to do though, as a Congresswoman."

"What is it?"

"I believe people in Washington have quit doing what's best for the country, or even their constituents. Instead of working together to make things better, we've divided into political parties with every politician expected to toe the party line whether it's good or bad for people as a whole. You're not representing Republicans only, but everyone. Don't vote for what you think might get you reelected the next time you run. Running the country shouldn't be something you do to get elected time after time, it should be to run the country in such a way it is best for all. Politicians have forgotten what their job is and who pays them. Vote your conscience. Vote for what you think is best for the country as a whole, not what the Republican Party wants you to vote."

"Even if it doesn't help you?"

"I'll do fine no matter what happens. I don't need someone to hold my hand. If I have the best products or services to offer, it will find a legitimate market."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, Master."

"Give me your hands."

Miranda raised her hands and Master placed his cuffs on her wrists, then he fastened them together.

"My slave gets a ten swat spanking every morning on general principles. Since you will also be receiving a twenty swat punishment spanking for cumming without permission, I'm going to give you the first ten now as you won't be used to receiving them, so I'd like to start slow."

"Are you really going to punish me in front of the crew?"

"Absolutely," Master replied. Miranda shivered. "You'll also start serving as rewards for the crew, as Beth does. We'll be drawing two names out of the hat every morning to reward hard working crew members. Beth will reward one, you will reward the second. However, since you're not as orally skilled as Beth is, your winner will be allowed the option of taking their winnings with your cunt. As you become trained, I'll give you the choice of whether you'll continue that way.

"You will no longer be wearing clothing on the ship unless you're somehow doing Congressional work. You will need to be led everywhere by a leash and provide your guide with one minute's access to your body. Since Beth is my first slave and you're my second, she is the Senior Slave, and you the lowest of my slaves. She will help teach you to be a better slave. You will address her as Miss Beth. Beth, I expect you to start improving Miranda's oral skills and indoctrinate her on her responsibilities as my slave. You may call her Miranda as you are the senior slave. We're getting an apprentice Dominant who I will be training, coming aboard this evening. Her name is Lynn and you will address her as Miss Lynn. When she is ready, she will become Mistress to you and all the other slaves on board.

"We will continue our relationship for three months. If at the end of three months, you wish to seek a different Master, you will be free to do so. If you wish to continue, it will be for another three months and so on."

"Sir, how will my submission continue once I go back to Washington?"

"Don't worry. It will. Your sex now belongs to me. You will have sex only when I say you may and never when I haven't. You will not orgasm again unless you have my permission. You have ceded control to me when you accepted my collar. You will be required to have sex with both men and women, as you've already shown a willingness to do both, both accepting and providing. We will announce your new position to my Department Heads tonight. You will provide each of them with three minutes of your oral attentions when we do. If any of the men should happen to cum, you will swallow their sperm. Beth, help Miranda develop a slave agreement and safe words this afternoon prior to supper. Do either of you have questions at this point."

"No, Master," I replied. "I'll comply."

"No, Master," Miranda said. "No questions at this time."

"Then I want you over my lap," Master said. "Your hands and feet are both supposed to touch the deck and stay there. If either hands or feet leave the ground, that swat doesn't count. Each swat you receive, I expect you to count and say, 'Thank you, sir, may I have another', with every swat, each time you are spanked unless you are gagged."

Miranda, somewhat gingerly, placed herself over Master's lap with her hands and feet on the floor. He winked at me and swatted her bottom very hard, causing her to move her hands as if to rub her bottom, but of course, they were fastened together and she couldn't anyway.

"That one doesn't count. Hands and feet on the deck at all times."

"Yes, sir," she whimpered.

Master took some mustard off the next ten, after letting her know how hard they could be and she was obedient in keeping count and thanking him for each one. Her bottom was a nice rosy red when he finished.

"Beth will give you a quick orgasm," Master said. "It will ease the pain somewhat. You have my permission to cum."

He laid her on her back on the edge of the bed and I gave her one and one only, orgasm.

"Dinner will be at 1900," Master said. "I will send Hannah to get you both." He got up and left.

"Come with me, Miranda. We'll put together your slave agreement. I just helped Angelique with hers, so I have everything we need on my computer." We went into my room and I cranked up my laptop.

"Am I doing the right thing, Miss Beth?"

"Miranda, you have one of the most submissive profiles I've come across. You've expressed how exhausting Washington life is for you. I believe living a life as a submissive would refresh and energize you for the political battles you deal with all the time. You have to live a lie every day; be tough and in charge and expressing only your masculine traits in order to do your job.

"Your sex life is limited by being single and being unable to freely enjoy sex without worrying about scandal and headlines."

"How will my sex life improve? I'm now surrendering it to someone who won't even be with me most of the time."

"You'll let your Master take care of it. He is now responsible for your well being and happiness. It will be his job to ensure you're satisfied. I believe your slavery will allow you to get back in contact with your most feminine self and surrender to your deepest needs and desires. Doing so on a regular basis will allow you to climb back on your horse with the energy to slay more dragons. When you talked to me, you expressed a wish to live a life like mine. You won't be able to do it all the time, at least, not openly, but I believe it will be beneficial for you."

She sighed. "I did envy you and wonder what it would be like to abdicate responsibility and go on a cruise where I'd be fucking regularly for the next year."

I pulled up the master slave agreement. "I'm going to take the agreement I developed for Angelique and reinsert the items deleted due to her sexual preferences and marriage," I said. "Then, you'll go through it and identify anything which you're certain you would never do under any circumstance. Things which you have reservations about, we'll identify as soft limits. Those may be stopped by use of your first safe word. Perhaps they are things which you might do in some circumstance, but not others. Normally, Master may pressure you to accept a command identified as a soft limit, but he won't expect absolute obedience regarding one."

"Why was Angelique able to refuse cocks and I can't refuse cunts?"

"Because Angelique's Mistress who is also her wife, didn't want her fucking cocks and she'd never done so since she was married. You not only chose to accept oral pleasure from females, but were also willing to provide it even before accepting Master's collar."

"You mean if I refused, I wouldn't have to accept it now?"

"You would have had to refuse accepting oral sex from women as well. Master wouldn't have allowed you to receive sexual favors from women without giving them in return. It wouldn't have been fair to the woman, regardless if she were a slave or not. Your life as a sex slave is going to change you. You think you've needed sex on this cruise. Your sex drive will double or triple. You'll think about sex all the time and crave it as you never have before. Limiting yourself to only men makes it so much harder to scratch your itch. One woman can provide as much sex as four or five men. We're not limited by our erections. There will come a time you'll welcome licking a pussy if only she'll lick yours in return.

"If you are to get sex provided by your Master while apart from him, you can expect some to be from men, some from women and it will be less obvious to others that you are getting regular fucking, if you are seen with both sexes. Licking pussy won't kill you and you might learn to appreciate it at some point. You actually did fairly well this afternoon, showing a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so I have hope for you."

I put everything together and printed it out and had her start reading it. The first couple pages, the things she'd essentially already agreed to, she didn't try to change.

"I don't think I could do a glory hole," Miranda said, ready to cross it out.

"Are you going to suck the cocks of all of Master's Department Heads tonight, one after the other?" I asked.


"How is it different sucking five cocks of men you barely know tonight, different from sucking five random cocks stuck through a hole in the wall?"

"I know the men tonight are all relatively young and handsome," Miranda replied.

"You think you'd know the age or beauty of the men on the other side of the wall based solely upon the appearance of their cock?"

"Are you saying I shouldn't cross it off?"

"I'm not saying anything. I'm asking is there any relative difference between the two acts?"

She didn't cross it off.

"What about anal sex?" Miranda asked. "What would you recommend regarding that?"

"Have you done it before and did you enjoy it?"

"A couple times and not really. I didn't detest it, but I didn't really enjoy it either."

"If you are to have anal sex regularly, you'll be prepared for it and it will probably feel better than what you've experienced before. I don't enjoy anal sex as much as vaginal sex, but I do enjoy it and orgasm from it. Given a choice between letting someone use my mouth or my ass, I'll cum from them using my ass, but not from using my mouth. Which means, if I'm desperate to orgasm and they're not using my cunt, my ass is my second choice."

"Must you use the word 'cunt'?" Miranda asked.

"You must be confused, Miranda. You're no longer merely a Congresswoman; you're a slave. You might have had a vagina or pussy or kitty before you were a slave, but now, you possess a cunt. You might have made love or had sex before you were a slave, but slaves get fucked. You are a slave and it will be a constant reminder to you when people fuck your slave cunt."

Miranda nodded and she didn't cross anal sex off her list either.

"I don't know how many swats I can tolerate from these different punishment instruments," she said, going through the punishment section.

"It will be the purpose of your safe words to help you establish limits. If you need Master to ease up, you'll use your first word. If you need him to stop, you'll use your second, but he should also be paying attention to you. For instance, if you passed out and couldn't use a safe word, there is no reason he should keep punishing you. He should recognize you've passed out because he should be attuned to what he's doing. The same logic applies to much of the other acts which you have doubts about. You can leave the decision whether to do it or not to the moment. If you cannot perform it at that time, use a safe word. If you can, you can let Master continue. Plus your slave agreement can always be modified by mutual agreement. If every time Master wishes you to do something and you need to use a safe word to get out of it, it can be made a hard limit and he won't bother you with it any more."

Miranda nodded and went through everything. I looked through her changes and what she wrote down as her safe words, "Winston" and "Salem".

"Cigarettes are your safe words?" I asked.

"One of the largest cities in my Congressional District, is Winston-Salem. I'll use them as safe words as it will also remind me of who and what I am."

"This looks complete." I sent it to Master so he could look it over and sign it. "Let's get your pussy shaved and then I can start training you to be a better cunt licker."

"Do I need to?" Miranda asked.

"Master prefers a bald cunt," I replied, "plus it's easier to clean dried cum off of bare skin than it is off of pubic hair. If you want people to enjoy licking your pussy and therefore do it more frequently, you should be bald. It could be worse. Master might require it to be permanently removed via laser."