My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 17


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I nodded, and the briefing finished, we three went into the water. I was going to hang next to Belle for the whole dive. I tried to be cognizant of where Ethan was all the time, as he was going to be doing the stuff to me. I had two things going against me. The damn Slave Trainer, which was distracting as hell, and having to stick with Belle since she was going to be my breathing buddy. I had to go where she went, and she wasn't paying that much attention to Ethan. So in the normal course of moving about, Ethan ended up behind me and my air was turned off. I tried my secondary hose first while moving up on Belle. It didn't work either, which I'd expected as the air was off and it affected both hoses. I tapped on her leg and she turned and I gave her the signal for no air and gestured to share hers. We buddy breathed for thirty seconds, then she handed me her secondary hose and I started using it. After a couple minutes, Ethan turned on my air again and gave me a thumbs up and I could start using my own hose. God, I needed to cum so bad. Going without air was almost easier.

Since there was another boat on the dive site, an unfamiliar diver came over from the other group and gave me a signal I recognized even though I'd never seen it used before. He pointed at me, then himself, then formed a circle with thumb and forefinger on his left hand and pumped his right finger through the circle. He wanted to know if I'd fuck him. I shook my head and waved him away. He made the same gesture to Belle who looked nearly as nude as I did with her transparent when wet, skin tight, dive outfit. Belle gave him the finger. He turned angrily to swim away and in kicking his fins, knocked her mask off. Fucking asshole. Since I'd been prepared to lose mine anyway, I handed her my mask as I didn't want her panicking.

Belle resisted giving way to fear and took my mask gratefully and put it on. I looked around for her mask and I saw it sitting in the sand beneath us. I went down and even at fifty feet, it was still ten feet below me. I pointed out the mask to Ethan who was watching and signaled I was going to go down and get it. He nodded and I went down to sixty feet and collected it, came up to fifty feet and put it on, clearing it after it was on my face. Knowing he'd been preaching safety, I knew I had to end my dive. I swam to Ethan, pointed at myself and then the surface. He nodded his head. He collected Belle and went with me as he preached never leaving your dive buddies.

We made our stop at fifteen and then surfaced. No one else was done when we climbed onto the boat, as we'd broken off our dive early.

"Did I pass my certification?" I asked when on the boat.

"You did, Beth. I liked how neither of you panicked when Belle had her mask kicked off. You gave her your mask. Looked for hers, realized you needed to go deeper than fifty to fetch it, signaled your partners what you were going to do, got it and moved back up before putting it on to minimize your time at the deeper depth, then called off your dive while signaling your intentions. A question; why did you give your mask to Belle?"

"I was expecting to lose my mask anyway and she wasn't. I thought she might be more flustered than I was. I'm used to salt water in my eyes from some of my training for Ironman and I knew I was going to get mine knocked off at some point anyway. Since I passed my certification, can I get the Slave Trainer removed?"

"That's not up to me. Joshua needs to remove it if he feels you've earned it. Since we're going to be in the sun longer than planned, why don't you put some suntan lotion on so you don't burn." He tossed me a bottle.

While I spread it on my front, he asked, "If the man who bothered you had persisted and went up and grabbed you, what would you have done?"

"Well, unlike normal situations of boarders, I wouldn't want to kill him, especially since you were with us. I suppose I would have knocked his mask off, pulled out his regulator and whacked him in the balls."

"Maybe not pulling out his regulator. If he has hold of you, he might grab for yours instead of his and you'd be the one without air, and he's now pissed you knackered him in the nuts and connected to you by your hose."

"I suppose you're right," I agreed.

I had Belle do my back, then she removed her skin and I did her. We tossed some boat cushions on the deck of the boat and started sunning ourselves. The boat which had been here when we arrived with the jerk on it, eventually left. I could hear the boat leaving, though I didn't open my eyes to watch them leave. The Slave Trainer kept turning itself off and on and I developed a small puddle below my cunt.

"Beth," Ethan said, "I want you to check the dive tables and tell me if you had to make another dive right now to go find some missing divers, how long could you stay down given how long we've been back?"

I turned over and sat up. A half hour at sixty feet max depth for 30 minutes since there was nothing for 22, 30 minutes surface interval. I was an F pressure group when I left the water and I was still an F after only thirty minutes of surface time.

"Thirty-one minutes at no more than 50 feet, to as little as fourteen minutes if I had to go down to 70 feet. I assume since they're around here, it would be unlikely to be much deeper."

"What's the bad part of going to 70 feet for 14 minutes if you went diving again?"

"I'm doing deeper dives after shallower dives, instead of the other way around."

"That, plus there's one other thing you should be aware of."

I looked at the tables again. "Since I'm going to the very limit of time on that dive, I should be making a longer safety stop at fifteen feet. I'd say five minutes instead of three."

"Yes. We make a three minute safety stop no matter how long we're diving, just to be cautious, but the NAUI tables recommend minimum of five minute safety stops when you have to make one, up to fourteen minutes if you really exceed your time. So you should make a longer safety stop. It's just smarter."

Five minutes later, Master, Francesca, Björn, Lynn and Chaney came up.

"How come you cut your dive short?" Master asked Ethan.

"We had some minor problem with a dick diver from the other boat," Ethan said. "He was making passes at the two women and after Belle flipped him a bird, he accidentally knocked her mask off with a fin. Beth gave Belle her mask as she was expecting to get hers taken off anyway and had to go down to sixty feet to fetch it. Since she'd exceeded the planned depth for the dive, she called it early and we came up."

"Did she pass her certification?"

"Yes, never lost her cool, played it smart, looked after her dive buddy. Passed with flying colors really." He explained the entire incident.

"I think the same shit for brains made a pass at Francesca as well. We've got two women swimming with three men and this idiot thinks one of them would be interested in him."

"Just because I'm doing without a bra top, suddenly I'm some kind of trollop who will fuck some total stranger when I'm with other men. How fucking crazy is that," Francesca said.

"Well you have been fucking relative strangers," Master said.

She smiled. "But they're my strangers, and your employees and I trust you to keep them in line."

"I'm a relative stranger as well."

"But Beth trusts you and I trust Beth."

"Speaking of Beth, may I please have my Slave Trainer removed, Master?" I asked.

"Well, I was planning to leave it on until it died. Since you did so well, I'll take it off after two hours if you suck Ethan and Thomas for looking after you."

The words were hardly out of Master's mouth before I had Ethans swim trunks tugged down and sucking at his root. Thomas started back to the ship. Since I was so desperate to have it removed, I didn't try to extend Ethan's pleasure, I got him to cum as fast as possible. I went on to Thomas. Thomas had Chaney take the controls so he could enjoy my blow job. He slowed me down.

"It remains on for two hours regardless of how fast I cum," Thomas said. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't want to cum until the two hour mark is approaching."

Good point. I took my time. Since the other men became erect from my show, Francesca had Belle service them, even Chaney when Ethan took over the controls. I didn't wait until the two hours was up before making Thomas cum. I waited until we reached the boat, slurping his sperm down before we tied off, so he could help.

In the stern room, Francesca stopped Master before he went to his cabin. "I'd like to see how Belle has progressed during her stay. I'd like you to spank her with a paddle fifteen times while she's pleasuring me, then fuck her, so I can check out her concentration."

Master sent me to fetch a paddle. I got one and returned. Belle pleasured her Mistress while Master turned her ass red, then fucked first her cunt, then her ass as she continued pleasuring Francesca. If she faltered at any point. I couldn't see it from my vantage point. Francesca might have been able to feel any differences, but I couldn't tell.

The worst part was Master had cum on the tender when sucked and with the spanking first, he was lasting a long time. Longer than the end of my two hours of misery. He was still fucking her fifteen minutes after my two hours were over. I couldn't shut it off myself, nor disturb him when he was fucking someone else, so my suffering continued.

Finally, Master surrendered his gift in Belle's ass and I asked him if I could remove the Slave Trainer. He looked at his watch and saw we'd gone about twenty minutes past two hours.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"You were busy fucking, sir."

"Go ahead and take it off. Francesca, would you mind if Belle were to give Beth three orgasms in return for her having to wait past her two hour limit? I'd fuck her myself, but it will be some time before I'm ready to fuck again."

It was coming off as soon as he gave the word. My cunt was dripping when it came out of me.

Francesca looked at me and said, "I'll do it myself if she's willing to sixty-nine?"

She pushed Belle away from her cunt, who immediately grew sad, though she said nothing. Belle hadn't had many opportunities to please her Mistress since coming aboard.

"Of course, Mistress. I would enjoy it," I said. "If your slave is willing to surrender her spot to me?"

Belle looked at me, surprised and delighted. She said, "Beth surrendered her mask to me when it was kicked off and I will happily surrender my Mistress' sexual gratification to a talented slave such as Beth who I know will provide my Mistress as much or more pleasure than I can."

I smiled at Belle and approached her. "Would you mind if I clean my Master's cum from her ass first, Mistress?"

"Not at all," Francesca said.

I took a couple minutes to lick the cum dripping from her bottom, though I wasn't quite ready to dig deep for his offering. Then I joined Francesca, where she'd been enjoying her slave, lying down with her legs spread. I got over her and carefully lowered my cunt over her face. Francesca's tongue swiped up my slit, collecting a large amount of my fluids. She almost had to slurp, it was so profuse. My own mouth settled over her pretty pussy, relatively clean from Belle's services. The first orgasm shook me hard within a minute, I was so on edge. At this pace, I'd have all three within five minutes.

"Please slow down, Mistress," I whimpered, "or it will be over too soon."

I felt the rumble of her laugh against my sex, but she slowed down and she spread her licks and kisses more judiciously. I didn't have a second orgasm for almost ten minutes. Since she'd no orgasm restrictions, she had three in the same time. Each time she climaxed, she'd shiver beneath me, forgetting to pleasure me. I didn't mind as it slowed her down. The third orgasm for me occurred seven minutes after the second. She had two more, arching her hips against my mouth. Since I was done now, I turned about and cleaned up the mess I'd left on her face, licking and kissing my fluids from around her mouth.

"Thank you, Mistress. I'm glad your slave was willing to share you. I enjoy sex with you."

"I enjoy sex with you as well," Francesca said. "You were quite wet."

"Two and a half hours on a Slave Trainer, Mistress, has me profoundly aroused when it comes off."

I stood up and went to Master. My leash had been left here when we left for our dive. I handed it to him and he clipped it to my collar and after I collected the Slave Trainer to be cleaned and recharged, he led me to his cabin. He allowed me time for housekeeping chores, then we shared the shower and we washed each other. When I was finished, he had another erection. I offered to ease it for him, but he declined, saying he should save himself for tonight.

"Who are you fucking tonight, sir?" I asked.

"I was prepared to do Roberta tonight, but Francesca beat me to her, so I asked Hannah and Angelique if they were still serious about fucking a man again. They both said they wanted to do so, so they'll be sharing our bed tonight."

"It sounds lovely, Master. Since it will be the two of them, would you like me to sleep in my room?"


"Four people seems rather busy, Master. Three people are more manageable."

He laughed. "Let's face it, I'm sure half the reason most of the women want to fuck me is they get to share you as well. Especially two lesbians such as Hannah and Angelique. They've asked if they could have you a couple times. I didn't want to part with you for the entire night and we've been busy enough I could refuse. I'm not sure they'd still want to do it if you weren't here."

"Thank you, sir. I'll enjoy their company. Do you think you'll enjoy fucking Hannah again after so many years?"

"It was never the sex which made us incompatible. We both knew we weren't quite the people for each other. I'm sure I'll enjoy the sex again."

"What about Angelique, sir?"

"Can you imagine a single reason I wouldn't want to fuck her?"

"None at all, Master," I laughed. "She's one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. It's understandable why she's a model. The models who came to your wedding had nothing on her. Chantelle is the only semi-normal person I thought came close."

"Did you see pictures of Sam's wife, Marcia."

"No, sir."

"I saw a pictures of her from the National Nude Day auction she was involved in. It was like an instant erection. She easily rates among the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Sexy as hell."

"I hope we get to see them again when we reach the west coast on our trip."

"I do too. I always enjoy Bill's company and the rest of them were pleasant and fun as well. We're going to watch Miranda get fucked now."

"I'd enjoy it, sir. Who's she fucking today?"

"Her personal trainer. She had to suck him off before her session started and he gets to fuck her when they've finished."

He made a FaceTime call and put it on one of the large screens at the front of the cabin, taking a seat in front of it and pulling me into his lap.

"Good afternoon, Master," Miranda said.

"Good afternoon, slave. You've finished your workout and not showered as instructed?"

"Yes, sir."

"Show me."

Miranda directed the camera over her body, showing sweat beading on her, then flipped and showed the trainer. He was also sweaty, though less so, built like a brick house, much like the men on Master's crew and I suspected he was ex-military as well. He still had shorts on. His cock was a semi-erect bulge in them, stimulated by the naked slave, but he'd already cum in her mouth previously.

"Pete, good to see you," Master said. "Are you ready to fuck my wife?"

"You bet, Joshua. Thank you for that, by the way."

"Miranda, put your phone in the stand and suck him to hardness. I want to see you sucking on his sweaty balls. When he's hard, he can fuck you doggy style so I can see him enter you. You'll need my permission to cum."

"Yes, Master."

We saw the scene change until it was pointing at a particular spot. Miranda knelt on the floor and tugged Pete's shorts down, releasing his pleasingly formed and nicely sized cock. Miranda started her ministrations to his organ, and his sweaty balls, and soon had his cock standing at an acute angle to his body. About 75 degrees down from his six pack abs. She mewled when Master told her to get on her hands and knees and beg the trainer to fuck her. She quickly obeyed, begging him to shove his hard cock in her slutty pussy, and he lined up behind her, his cock poised at her glistening cunt. It wasn't all sweat.

Very slowly he pushed his way in, giving us a nice view of their joining. Before he was halfway in, Miranda was begging to cum. Master told her she couldn't, and he started playing with me, fingering my cunt. Miranda wailed, knowing she was going to be punished. She tried. I could see her body straining to hold back, to reinforce the dam against the impending flood. She managed to last until he was all the way in, out again, but surrendered to her ecstasy on his next thrust, her body shaking like she was shivering.

"I'm sorry, Master," she called to him. "I couldn't help myself. I'm such a nasty slut."

Within four minutes, she was ready for her next release, and again Master denied her. She pleaded with him, to no avail. I was ready to cum myself and I asked for permission, and it was denied me as well. Both of us were going to be punished.

Miranda orgasmed again, very powerfully, screaming as she climaxed, rocking back onto the penetrating prick.

Pleading with Master to let me cum, he denied me once more. My pussy had a mind of it's own. Instead of holding still and hoping I might hold out, the eroticism of our situations had me so turned on, my hips were thrusting against Master's fingers, bringing me closer and closer to my own explosion. I was the next one to fail, whimpering as I spasmed, my body wriggling like a worm on a hook, flooding his fingers. Master fed them to me as we watched, Miranda eventually reaching another crisis point.

"Please, Master," Miranda begged. "I know I won't hold out much longer. Must I get punished for all of them?"

"I'm starting my timer for three minutes. If you can hold out for three minutes, you can cum. Otherwise, you'll not get permission for the rest of your fucking."

Miranda moaned. Master reinserted his digits and started fingering me again. I thought it would be a race to see who climaxed first, I was still so turned on.

"May I cum, Master?" I begged when I was close.

"What do you think? Miranda's already receiving two punishments."

"Must I wait for three minutes as well?"

"This is only your second. I'll give you some time on your third."

I groaned in frustration. There was nothing to hold out for; I wasn't getting permission anyway, so I surrendered, beating Miranda to the punch. She still struggled, knowing there was an endpoint to her suffering.

Miranda looked like she was going to explode any second now, her mewling and caterwauling rising in tempo and volume as Pete's prick plundered her depths. I glanced at Master's watch, five, four, three, two, ignition.

"Time, you may cum as much as you want," Master said.

Lift off. It must have been special. Miranda was frozen, her back arched, her buttocks plastered against Pete's groin, crying out frenziedly, "God, I'm cumming. Fuck me, fuck me with your heavenly cock, Peter. Oh, God, fuck me."

She started pushing back against him, going faster and faster, trying to drive him deeper into her needy core. I was getting close again, so needy.

"May I cum, sir?" I whimpered.

"In four minutes," he replied. "You don't think I noticed how easily you gave up last time? You should have tried harder."

Not only did I have to wait four minutes, but he increased the speed and depth of his fingers sluicing into my sheathe. Shit! I did try harder this time and I lasted almost three and a half. I'd tried concentrating on Miranda's fucking instead of my own. She climaxed two more times before Pete filled her cunt with cum. About the time, he was cumming, I was cumming, my cunt convulsing on Master's fingers, groaning. This time, he licked his own fingers, tasting my nectar.