Plain Jane Ch. 04


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"Alice, Jason, and Susan... Lay back, with closed eyes and feel the others ravishing you. No orgasms allowed until I command. Lisa you still feel the others trying their best to break you." Jane said. She watched as the others followed the same path as Lisa had. Finally, she said, "Feel my hands, mouth and body pushing you deeper into your need for release. No matter how bad you want and need, only I can grant you your orgasms. Yes, you can feel little pulses of pleasure, but a true orgasm, no never again without my command."

Jane crawled out and sat on the edge of the hot tub with her legs wide open, "Lisa, come drink. When I orgasm you will also. But though you want and need to pass out, you will not." Like a robot the girl came over and began to worship her cunny after the drinks and waiting all day, it didn't take long for her to orgasm. She held Lisa's head against her as the girl orgasmed and screamed against her cunny. That set her off again and Lisa drank her love.

Lisa was in heaven, the taste of her mistress and owner was addicting and when Jane orgasmed, she followed suit. She would have passed out but again her mistress's words bound her and kept her awake through it all. Once Jane was clean she lifted her mouth and said, "An owned girl thanks her mistress."

"An owned girl isn't done with her reward yet," Jane replied. "Will she share her reward with her sisters and brother or will she be greedy and hold back?"

Lisa looked at her sisters and brother lost in their need and looked back at her mistress. "An owned girl would like to share her reward if mistress allowed her to."

"Very well Lisa. I want you to go to each and hold their faces in your hands. Then will you say; In mistress's name, have an orgasm for her pleasure without passing out." Jane said. She watched as Lisa went to each and granted them an orgasm. Once all three had their orgasms the woman returned to her. She waited until all four were watching her before saying, "Good girls and boy always share their rewards."

Getting up Jane took Lisa's hand in hers, "I want the dishes done and clothes picked up before you three come to bed. She smiled at Lisa and said, "A special girl is going to have another taste of her mistress while we wait for you to join us." With Lisa following along she led her to her bedroom and lay on her back. "Make love to me," she said softly.

To be invited to her mistress's bed was a dream come true and then have Jane ask for her to just make love to her as a person was a whole another level of pleasure. Tenderly, slowly, Lisa made love to her mistress. Every touch, caress was geared on bringing Jane peace and pleasure all at once. It was only when she reached Jane's slick flower and her scent hit her that Lisa lost control and hungrily licked her mistress's flower. She did everything she could think of to bring Jane off so she could drink her honey.

Before she could bring her mistress off, the others showed up to join in the fun. Sharing sucks she thought to herself. Suddenly the image of Jane standing over her and calling her a bad girl slammed into her mind and she cried out. Raising her head, she looked into her mistress's face and knew that she had fucked up. Crying she curled into a ball and rolled off the bed.

Susan watched Lisa suddenly cry out and roll off the bed. She looked at Jane, "Mistress? What's wrong with Lisa?"

"Think about not sharing. Think about having me all to yourselves and them anywhere else but here. Wish it and see," Jane said sitting up.

Just as soon as she thought it, Susan knew it was a mistake. Then it was too late, the vision of Jane frowning at her and calling her bad slammed into her mind and she shrieked and curled into a ball to hide. But how do you hide from something in your mind. She whimpered knowing she had failed her mistress and worse disappointed Jane.

Jane looked around the room, all four were curled up in a ball and running the gambit from whimpering to crying. "Thoughts are every bit as bad as actions. If you even think about being bad, you know what will happen. I won't have to punish you; you will do it yourself. Now let go of the bad thoughts and never allow them to enter your minds again." She slid up on the bed, sat cross-legged and said, "The down side of this arrangement is I don't have anyone to bitch about a shitty day to."

She waited until four heads peaked up over the edge of the bed, "When I got up this morning I had two girls and was getting ready to interview a crew to fly me as needed when and how I wanted to. Within two hours, I find out one of my girls, took a slave using my scent and got her rocks off whipping the other one. She in turn loved every minute of it." Jane sighed and looked down, "I don't know if I can get you to feel how deeply that hurt me. Imagine giving someone your love, seeing her as a daughter and then having her stab you in the back. Not just by her betrayal of your love and trust but twisting it and turning it evil."

Jane looked at Susan, "Had you not been there I would have killed myself. I would have thrown myself out the balcony and been done with it all."

Susan felt the hurt and betrayal in a way she had not thought possible. She too would have ended it even before Jane said so. "Leave them both mistress... Love just let the pair go," she said worried she was going to feel a bad girl again. But it had to be said.

"I was, remember?" Jane replied. She again looked down at her hands, "But I couldn't leave them like that. It was my fault as you pointed out more than once. I told her that my panties might come in handy. I didn't think she would pervert my research and now I have moved heaven and hell to get a passport for Tina. I come back find no one will answer the damn phone, have to get a ride from a biker and ride on his death trap. Reaching the house, I find out why try to just let go, relax, and have a fun play filled night before trying to fix my mess. Instead I end up here on my bed alone and you four down below. Yea this mistress thing sucks."

Looking at their tragic faces, Jane sighed, "See? I can't even bitch about my day without you taking it personally." She got up, went to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Once alone, she slumped to the floor and cried herself to sleep. Jane woke to the sound of knocking. It took her a minute to realize where she was and say, "Yes?"

"Jane, Lisa wanted me to tell you that if you still want to go with her to pick up the plane, they will be leaving in an hour." Susan said from the other side of the door.

Jane got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like hell and knew it. After brushing her teeth and trying to run a brush through her hair she opened the door. She found Susan sitting on the bed. "I didn't know what you wanted to wear so I didn't lay anything out," Susan said not meeting her eyes.

Sitting down at her makeup table Jane said, "I need to look and dress as if I am spending a cool million dollars buying a jet." She paused and looked at Susan in the mirror, "Time for you to work your magic and earn your paycheck. I look like hell and I know it." The other woman jumped up and began pulling out a smart business dress suit for her before coming over and looking at her in the mirror.

Susan shook her head, "Jane I know I am good... But no one is that good. I can't make you beautiful, dressed and at the airport in time. Would it be okay if I did your makeup on the way up? Or am I allowed to go."

Jane looked at her for a long moment trying how to reply. Finally, she looked down and said, "I had hoped you would. But understand if you don't want to."

"Of course I want to Jane. Where you go I follow... except behind a closed door, then I wait knowing I failed you again." Susan said hugging Jane from behind.

She half turned and clung to Susan and said, "Let's not go there love. Please just for now; pretend we are two girlfriends once more."

"Okay Jane," Susan replied. She was shocked at how shattered Jane was the night before and still fragile over being their mistress. She made a mental note to talk to the others and tell them their mistress was having a breakdown. She began brushing out her mistress's hair and said, "I packed a little bag with a couple dressy clothes. I didn't know what else you wanted packed." She paused, "Jane you have to guide me. I don't know what to pack unless I know what you want to do while there."

"Once I fix someone's wagon, I may not be in the mood to play. But that shouldn't stop you Susan." Jane replied looking at her in the mirror. She caught the look of hurt in Susan's eyes but kept quiet. "Just pack a few things for both of us," She said softly. After a moment she said, "Remember when Jason left me to go to flight school? The one man who ever showed any interest in me dumped me. He never even did anything more than a little peck on the lips. God Susan I wanted him so bad it hurt and when he left my world was crushed. Remember how much I hurt?"

Susan nodded, "I wanted to kill him Jane for what he did to you. Had he been around I would have too."

"But you made me feel better and loved without saying the words." Jane replied. "Remember you got out the spandex, made me put it on as you put yours on and we made love. It was the first time that I saw you really cared about me. That you loved me despite me being ugly and flawed." Jane began to fight back tears and broke eye contact, "I'm still flawed. I want to be what you need love but..." She wiped her eyes and said, "Pack the spandex and your makeup kit."

She got up and dressed. Even though Susan laid out stockings and panties for her, Jane didn't wear them. She just slipped on her dress suit and pumps before going downstairs. She checked her purse and looked at her cash supply before the pair of them went to the airport. Although they were about fifteen minutes late, she saw the jet waiting for them. Boarding she went to the flight deck and knocked. A moment later Alice opened the door and she said, "Please tell Lisa that we can leave now."

"Yes mist.." Alice started to reply. She caught sight of Susan shaking her head no and gesturing wildly. "Yes, I'll tell her."

"Don't mind Susan making a scene behind me dear, just tell your sister we can go anytime she is ready." Jane said tenderly. Like Susan, Alice looked like hell. She turned and looked at Susan for a long moment, sat down in the front row, and patted the seat next to her. Once they were in the air, she said, "Susan, we never lie to each other. Lie to the world but between you and I we never lie right?"

"I would never lie to you Jane," Susan replied shocked.

"But not saying something is the same as lying. It's better to hurt feelings than lie. Feelings heal, lies only get worse." Jane said softly. She looked at Susan and asked, "Who are you really?"

|I don't understand the question Jane. Who am I?" Susan asked confused. "I'm Susan."

"I know your name silly," Jane replied with a smile. She said, "I want to know who you are here..." she touched Susan's chest. "...and up here." She touched Susan's temple.

Susan said tenderly, "My heart says that I am a woman who loves you more than life itself." She closed her eyes knowing she was damning the pair of them and said, "My mind tells me that you are my mistress and I your slave." She kept them closed for fear of seeing the look of hurt in Jane's eyes. "I'm sorry mistress but I cannot lie to you no matter how much it hurts both of us."

"Go make coffee please for us and the three flying." Jane said getting up. "We will continue this over coffee." She walked up to the flight deck and knocked on the door. After a moment Alice opened it and looked at her. "May I come in Alice?" Wordlessly the girl moved to the side so she could pass.

To her credit Lisa only glanced back to Jane before returning her attention to the flight controls. "What can we do for you?" she asked cutting a glance towards Jason who was in the copilot's seat.

"Are the three of you safe to jump the pond?" Jane asked.

"We are tired mistress but we can do it," Lisa replied the lie dying on her lips.

"While you and I are dealing with buying the other jet, do you need Alice and Jason?"

"No mistress," Lisa replied. "If I have you beside me, we can handle anything."

"Okay, once we land, I want Alice and Jason to lay down and take a nap. I know from past experience that even an hour nap helps a lot." Jane replied. "For the record, I was not mad at any of you last night and I am not mad now. I just have some personal issues to work through so please bear with me."

"Okay mistress and thank you," Lisa said. She heard the door close and looked back to see they were alone. "At least mistress is getting better. I was afraid she was going to lose it after the call from Susan."

"You and me both," Jason replied. "Last night was as bad as when I left to learn to fly for her. I knew it would hurt her but I had to go."

In the cabin Susan finished making the coffee and knocked on the door before opening it. "I made coffee if you want some." She closed the door, poured two cups and took them back for Jane and herself.

Taking her cup Jane sipped it. After a moment she said, "So you are saying that you are my slave and you are in love with me."

It's much more than that Jane," Susan replied. "Remember that first day we met. I a party girl and you showed up as an under aged book worm. I remember thinking that the joker who put us together had a twisted sense of humor. Two girls who had nothing in common thrown together like water and oil." Susan paused, "By the end of the first week I respected you. I put on a brave face but in reality, I partied because I was lost. In you, I found a rock to keep me stable. I knew I was falling hard for you but dared not speak for fear of you leaving me."

Susan paused and then let her heart speak fully, "If you think back, we always did what you wanted. I needed someone to guide me help me cope with the world and you were the one. The one time I ever did anything on my own was when I took your corset. I wore it under my clothes every day lacing it tightly imagining you wanted me in it." She faltered, "I still have it, mended many times, in my room." Taking a deep breath, she said, "In my mind and heart you were my leader my guide, and yes though you hate the word, my mistress."

Jane thought back and realized Susan had always done what she wanted. After that first couple of weeks, Susan followed along. To add to it for four years after college Susan dropped everything every time she called. "Yes, I did lead you the whole time. I never really thought about it but somehow I knew you were mine." Her mind switched gears and she added, "Before I forget, when we get to London remind me to give you some cash. I want your brother and two sisters to have proper clothing for our fetishes. You will take them shopping while I go upstairs and deal with Kim and Tina."

"Mistress how about if I deal with them while you take the three shopping. I don't mind getting my hands dirty for you." Susan replied, her voice cold.

"If I wanted them dead, you would be the one I call on. I made the mess, I have to clean it up." Jane replied.

"Okay Jane," Susan replied feeling relieved. "Would you like me to do your makeup now?"

Standing Jane reached back and undid her skirt. Letting it drop to the ground she stepped out of it and sat back down with her legs open. "What I want is for you to make me feel loved."

Susan sunk down and crawled between Jane's legs. She began kissing and caressing them as she worked her way up to her mistress's flower. Reaching it she looked up and kept eye contact as she made love to her mistress. It took all she had in her to keep from losing herself in pleasure as she made love to Jane. This was her mistress's time and not hers she kept telling herself.

Jane flowed from one orgasm to the next as Susan worked her magic. Only when she felt the jet begin to descend did she stop the other woman. "Time to make me beautiful," she said tenderly.

Susan looked up, her face covered with her mistress's honey and replied, "You are already beautiful Jane. You always have been to me."

"I know love but I need to look professional while I shop for an aircraft." Jane said as she caressed Susan's face.

"Oh well that is a different matter altogether," Susan replied getting up. Her knees and back hurt from the time she spent pleasuring her mistress but it didn't matter to her. Getting up she went and got her makeup kit and said, "How about back here mistress mine? The light is a bit better."

Getting up, Jane slipped back into her skirt and tucked her blouse in. She walked back to where Susan was and sat down. "Thank you dear heart, you always make my heart sing."

"Something else was singing too," Susan replied savoring mistress's scent on her face. She was still working on Jane when the jet landed and managed to finish the same time the jet stopped and began to shut down. "Done," she said just as the cabin door opened.

"Good now go wash your face and lay down on the bed. I will be along in a minute or two." Jane replied.

She stood and walked towards the front as the flight deck door opened. She looked at the three who closed their eyes as the sniffed loudly as they came out. After a minute of letting them enjoy the scent of her pleasure she said, "Jason, you and Alice go back to the bedroom I will be along in a minute."

"But I have paperwork to do first," Jason said.

"No, you will rest for an hour or stay behind when I go to London. I know Lisa will not allow you to fly in the state you are in now." Jane shot back.

"Mistress is right Jason," Lisa added. I'll do the paperwork, go lay down now." She looked at Alice, "You too." As the pair headed to the back she said, "Mistress, once we take off I will need to get some sleep myself. I'm marginally safe myself right now."

"That was my plan. Let me get the others tucked in and I will join you outside." Jane walked back to the bedroom and saw all three laying down and looking up at her. "Close your eyes and feel my hands caressing your body as you relax. My touch is loving rather than erotic so let yourself go to sleep knowing I am keeping you safe. "I love you so very much," you hear me whisper in your ear as you drift off to sleep. "Sweet dreams," I add softly.

She looked at their peaceful faces a moment before turning to go. Closing the door, she joined Lisa outside. "I still have this ship for the rest of the week so I don't want anyone going in or disturbing them." She paused and looked around before adding softly, "Once we get in the air you and I have some unfinished good girl business."

Lisa mewed in pleasure and said breathlessly, "Yes mistress."

"It's Jane or Dr Brown in public," Jane replied. "However instead of making you feel bad, I want you to feel my fingers teasing and tormenting your body." She turned slightly and added, "Every time I say now, I want you to cum for me without showing it."

Lisa, her eyes bright with need said softly, "Yes Jane."

Jane smiled as she replied, "Now... lets go look at this aircraft you picked out." Other than a quiver Lisa managed to keep from passing out. "Good girl," she said. "That's just how to do it." She paused and then added, "After you."

What had seemed like the perfect solution before now lost its luster. Lisa led her mistress over to the other jet and said softly, "I know it's not much to look at..." She lost her voice before finishing and hung her head.

She looked at the little fat jet and smiled, "What does it look like on the inside?"

She looked at her mistress, wordlessly opened the cabin door, and pulled down the steps. Lisa followed Jane in and wrung her hands in worry as the other woman walked slowly through the main cabin. "Mistress I..." she paused and again looked down.