Plain Jane Ch. 04


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"You on the other hand love flying and we both know it would kill you to give it up. That is the difference between you two." Jane replied. "I'm not saying that is a bad thing. In fact, it is a good thing. I need you and Susan to keep me grounded. Without you two I would become lost."

Lisa's feeling bad faded with those words. It fell on to her and Susan to help mistress grow into her role. They had already decided that between themselves. She wasn't sure how the other two would fit in and worried about it constantly. Susan wanted them dead for what they did to mistress. She was inclined to agree at this point and wondered how bad she would be if they had an accident.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Jane asked after a time.

"I'm not sure you want them mistress." Lisa said. She sighed and then added, "I hate how they hurt you and was wondering how bad it would be if I arranged a little accident for them."

"Not too long ago you protested my punishment and now you want them dead?" Jane asked not sure if she understood Lisa correctly.

"I protested against the length of the punishment. I would have ordered them to dive out the window." Lisa said simply.

"Why do you hate them when you haven't even met them Lisa?"

"Mistress, Jane," Lisa looked at her and said, "They hurt you so much that you are fearful now. Once burned and now shy of our devotion and love. That is why we want them dead and gone. Then and only then will you be able to move forward."

"I refuse to kill them Lisa and I refuse to allow you four to kill them. However, I will make sure they are not with us once we return to the states if that is what you four really want. No strike that, Alice and Rachel will do what they think I want. So it falls on you and Susan to decide their fate." Jane paused and then said tenderly, "I know you mean well Lisa, but deciding the fate of another person is easy. Living with what you have done is the hard part." She looked at the woman beside her, "Remember when we first met? Do you remember what we talked about when it was just you and I? What did I tell you?"

Lisa thought back she had seen Jane looking forlorn in the cafeteria and went to sit with her. "We were in the cafeteria on pizza day, you were sitting alone looking forlorn and lost." She gave a little laugh, "You weren't lost Jane, I was but didn't realize it until I sat and we talked. You were what my father called an old soul. Someone who was older than their years... You and your best friend, Susan were having issues. She went to a party and left you alone." Suddenly she sobbed and had to scrub her eyes quickly to be able to see while flying. "I felt your pain and was ready to go beat the shit out of her when you stopped me. You told me she had to spread her wings and fly before she would see that what she had already was better than anything out there."

Jane nodded, "And I was right, Susan is here and would rather die than be without me." She paused and said, "That's not all I told you Lisa, let all the memories come back. Quit blocking them out."

"I went back with you to your dorm room and we made love. No that not right, you made love to me, I just went through the motions. "Oh god..." her eyes got large as she realized she faked everything that night. "I was faking it and you knew. You said one day I would look back and realize my mistakes. It is better to do nothing than it is to do something halfheartedly." She stared at Jane and said in a whisper, "I thought you were talking about me becoming a pilot. But you weren't, you were talking about us." She flipped on the autopilot and hid her face in her hands as she cried.

"Do I need to get Alice or Rachel up?" Jane asked.

That brought Lisa back and she looked at the controls and gages quickly before turning to Jane, "I can do my job mistress. I will be fine."

"You still haven't opened fully Lisa. I would rather you say it all, let it all out now when it is just the two of us." Jane prompted. "Faking it hurt yes and my line was a jab in hopes you would remember one day that you had a chance and blew it. But that wasn't the big thing you are hiding from yourself." Jane paused and then said, "You said it just before you left. No it wasn't that you would call me."

"You mean when I called you a whinny bitch and to get over yourself before slapping you," Lisa tried to joke. The look of hurt in Jane's eyes slammed into her. She said those very words and slapped Jane so hard the younger woman fell back. Her last vision was the red hand print on Jane's face before she turned and left. "Oh shit... I did..." She wished she was dead. She tried going back once she reached the parking lot and did return several times but there was a wall between them that she could not break down no matter how hard she tried.

"What would your three sisters do if they heard about that night?" Jane asked.

"It would be a race to see who would throw me out the door first and see if I could learn to fly on the way down." Lisa said, her face ashen.

"Now the important question Lisa. Would you throw a pair of women who are not much older than you were that night out the door? With the knowledge of how it all worked out for us."

"No and you know it Jane. How could I punish someone who did less than I did all those years ago."

"I wouldn't call it less Lisa. Jane replied. "Yours hurt because I was young and alone. Their sin hurt because Kim used the one sore point for me... pain and turning Tina into a pain lover." She paused and then added, "I learned some since then also. Instead of leaving them to their own devises, I have to allow them to say sorry. If I had with you, we would have been together much sooner and the playtime we had would have been more real. Like you said, I walled myself off from you. That was my mistake."

"Time to get Rachel up," Jane said getting up. "I loved you that day and I still love you now Lisa. Never forget that. Add to that the fact that you are stuck with me good bad or otherwise." Before leaving Jane bent over and kissed Lisa tenderly, "Rachel will be up in a minute."

Going back, she went to the bed and said softly, "Rachel, wake quietly and come with me." The woman opened her eyes and sat up. Even though she looked butch, and not a little flat, Jane saw a woman looking back at her. She left the bedroom and said, "Alice was so whipped I let her nap on the floor and Lisa has had to deal with me in the flight deck. Wake up, and join her. I know it will be a relief for her to have someone she doesn't have to watch like a hawk sitting in the pilot's seat."

"Okay mistress," Rachel replied. She turned and went up to join Lisa.

Going back to the bed Jane got in and lay next to Susan, "Wake up Susan," she said tenderly.

Susan woke up and looked at her mistress beside her, "I love you," she said softly rolling onto her side to face Jane.

"I love you too dear." Jane said. "Can I tell you a story? One that is hard for me and for you also. But please trust me there is a point to all this."

"Of course you can mistress," Susan said. She was worried something else happened to mistress while she slept.

"Back when I first started out. I came up with a female version of sexual excitement in drug form. I made just under thirty million for that drug. It really got me started building a company instead of living hand to mouth." Looking at the ceiling Jane continued, "I invited the one woman who meant more than the world to me over for dinner to celebrate. I went all out, bought a red dress, heels to match, candles a bottle of overpriced wine, and scratch made lasagna. I even went as far as buying an engagement ring. I was going to tell her of my love and propose to her that night." She closed her eyes tightly and fought the tears that threatened to burst free.

"She stood you up because some man asked her out." Susan said softly. "That was the red dress in your closet," Although Jane wasn't crying she was. She had no idea it meant so much to Jane. Her friend seemed awful busy for a long time after that night but she never thought about it. "Fuck me... fuck me twice."

"Being stood up on the night I finally got my courage was bad enough. But I was stood up by my lesbian lover for a guy she met at the hotel that very same night. It killed me inside when she called the next day gushing about the hunk she fucked all night long." Jane sighed, "The first person I thought I connected with on a spiritual level told me to get over myself and slapped me so hard I can still feel it. It took three years to get enough nerve to try again and that time I was stood up for a piece of beef. This second woman didn't physically slap me, she ripped my heart out and jumped up and down on it."

She still didn't look at Susan and said, "What do you think your sisters would do to you if they knew how you destroyed the woman I was that night and the next day? Would they want to arrange a little accident so you wouldn't hurt me again?" Jane finally turned her head and looked into Susan's horrified eyes, "You see love, if they had killed you, I would be alone now and dead. Your blood would have been on my hands even if they did the deed." She reached out to wipe the hair out of Susan's eyes, "Now look at Kim and what she did to Tina. Yes, it hurts me, it hurts like hell but you have to trust me and let me handle it. If you do away with the pair, it is as if I killed them and I could never live with myself."

She paused and said tenderly, "I love you Susan and will tell you the same thing I told Lisa, "I will not kill them. I will not allow you to kill them. But if you and her decide, I will set them up in your old place, get Tina your old job, make sure they see the other as their soul mate." Jane sat up and said, "I love you more than anything or anyone else in the world Susan. Please don't forget that." She got up, "I'll send Lisa back so you two can discuss it."

Going forward she crouched down next to Alice, "Wake up baby girl."

"I'm awake mistress," Alice replied with a yawn and warm smile.

"I need you to go up and send Lisa back, I need to get some information from her before we land." Jane paused and added, "I know your nap was a little short."

"It's okay mistress," Alice said. She got up and with a smile hurried forward.

Jane looked around for her laptop and didn't see it. "Shit! Always double check your own stuff dipshit."

She looked around and couldn't even find a pad to make notes on. "Damn it!" she exclaimed. She realized Lisa was looking her and shivering in fear. "Make a note, I want several legal pads and pens in this jet from now on. Also if there isn't once we get home, make sure there is a secure encrypted internet connection on board."

Lisa smiled, "I have some pads in my bag mistress and there is already an encrypted connection here off communication satellites so no matter where we are you can access anything you need."

"Shortly I will want the pad and a pen. First," Jane stood. And walked back to the bedroom where Susan was clinging to a pillow and crying. "Susan." Jane said. She waited until Susan looked up at her and said, "You know Lisa's sin. Tell her yours and then the pair of you decide what you want done to Kimberly and Tina." She gestured for Lisa to enter and closed the door. Going back to the main cabin she began looking around for something to drink. And settled on a mini bottle of Jack Danials. Drinking it down she moved to sit in a corner on the floor and hold her head in her hands. She looked up at the heavens and said, "I don't know how much more I can take god. So how about cutting me some slack for once?"

She lowered her head back into her hands and the next thing she knew she heard the sound of someone shuffling. Looking up she saw Susan and Lisa kneeling side by side before her. "Mistress we have decided it is not our place to tell you what to do." Susan said with lowered head.

"Oh no... I said it is up to you both, you wanted it and now you have it." Jane smiled, "Let you see how it feels to know that no matter what you do, you have fucked up someone else's life." She gave a bark of laughter, "I have lots of experience in that field."

"An old soul told me once that when in doubt, do nothing at all." Lisa replied. "We choose to do nothing."

"Are you sure?" Jane asked.

"Yes mistress," Lisa replied calmly.

Jane got up and opened the door to the cockpit, "How much flight time do we have before we run out of fuel?"

"Six hours at this rate," Rachel replied after doing a few calculations.

"Thanks dear," Jane said returning to sit in her corner. "So we do nothing for six hours and crash into the sea. Extreme but it works Lisa."

"That is not what I meant mistress," Lisa said. "I was simply pointing out that Susan and I have made our choice. We chose not to interfere with things we do not understand fully."

"I understood what you meant Lisa. I was the one who said it to you remember?" Jane said. "My reply was I refuse to let you two off that easy. Yes, I can just do as I please. But like the child who wants to touch a hot stove, I can only say no it is hot so many times before you go ahead and do it anyways. So, either make up your minds in the next six hours or we will crash into the north Atlantic."

"I don't believe you would allow us to die mistress," Susan said looking up with red eyes.

"I could always lock you two in the bedroom and go open that door over there and let you four live while I take a long swan dive." Jane replied. "Care to bet on that option?"

"No mistress, you would do it," Susan said. "What do you want from us? I'm sorrier than words can say for destroying your love for me. Shoot me, call me names, but at least tell me what to do to make it right."

"Susan I still love you damn it. Just like I am still in love with your sister beside you and the pair in front. I am trying to get you to learn a lesson." Jane sighed, "Look both of you have never really had to live with your choices. Someone has always been there to lend a hand." She looked at Lisa, "For example a handy gift from a long lost Aunt when you couldn't pay for advanced flight school. A letter to the owner of a charter company she uses all the time for a hot shot pilot that no one would hire because she believed she was better than sliced bread and would show up the men."

Jane looked at Susan, "Or a rich friend who kept bailing her lover out when she got into fights with her boss. Covering little things that popped up like when she had so many accidents and no one would insure her anymore without a cosigner and loaning her a couple hundred nearly every month when she was a little short."

"I would do it all again in a heartbeat. However, you two in your own ways have not had to live with your poor choices. Well you picked a big one to go solo with. So pick and live with it. The lives of two humans, one who was a damn fool and the other an irresponsible researcher are in your hands."

"Can you at least advise us Jane? Please I'm begging you for guidance. Not a choice just some guidance," Susan said softly.

"Ahh that I can give you. Advice I have plenty of." Jane paused, "Lets break it down. First there is Tina. She is the manager of one of the top ten hotels in the world so she must have her shit together. Other than being a snob that is. However, I believe that aspect of her personality is gone. She should take your old job. I would be willing and with your help get her it." Jane paused again. "She is the easy one. Kimberly is harder. In my life, I have worked with several research chemists and biologists. Kimberly is the best and she is just a grad student. Her mind is sharp and intuitive which in my line of work is every bit as important."

She sighed and looked down, "On the other hand, she is irresponsible and that is worse than giving a blasting cap to a baby to teethe on."

Lisa asked, "You were her boss for a time. Do you as her boss, think that given time her recklessness, can be trained out of her? Or do you believe that Kimberly will grow past it?"

"No... damn me for all time," Jane said. "By letting her into my life, I blocked the only person that could have trained her out of it. Now I don't trust her enough to allow her to remain a chemist in my employ and can't recommend her to anyone."

Susan gasped, "There has got to be another way Jane. The two should be together, but you can't kick Kimmy to the curb and take her science away at the same time. Better to kill her quickly and that is not an option as you say." She looked at Lisa and said, "Imagine, Mistress told you to piss off and then made it so you could never fly again."

"I would kill myself no matter what anyone said," Lisa replied looking Jane in the eye. "Please excuse us mistress I think may I have a solution but want to run it by my sister first." She got up with Susan following and went to the back. A few minutes later they returned and knelt before her. "Mistress, you said we must decide what to do and have to live with it correct?"

"That's what I said," Jane replied.

"Very well, Tina will take my old job but remain living under your roof. She and Kimmy will also remain our sisters. I will keep Kimmy busy cleaning and such. However, having said that, we charge you to try to find a way to allow her to keep her science. That is our decision." Susan paused and then added, "If you don't like it then let's see how this baby floats."

"Okay, I agree to your terms." Jane replied. She paused and then added, "Lisa could you get that pad and pen for me now. Also send Alice back, I want to see if she and Susan here can find something for us to eat." She watched as the woman walked back before saying, "Rachel, your sister, is going to be all she wants to be. You will help her Susan." She paused and asked as a memory of something Kim said came back to her, "Remember back at the house that first night I bound you and her to the chairs. Kim mentioned a pair of... toe shoes or something like that?"

"Oh yea mistress," Susan replied with a smile. "She had a pair and showed me them. They are fucking awesome."

"Buy everyone a pair including me." Jane said. "If they excite you that much I have got to have a pair too." She got up off the floor as Alice came back holding a pen and pad of paper. She smiled as the girl knelt before her chair and looked up with a smile. "Alice, make a list of things I want on this aircraft at all times." She closed her eyes and began to rattle things she wanted kept on board including a bottle of Wild Turkey.

Opening her eyes Jane gestured towards the mini bottle of Jack and added, "As a personal note, I hate those little bottles. Find out what everyone would drink if they had a chance and stock it." She turned towards Susan, "Always make sure I bring my laptop. Work happens where it happens." She paused and then added, "I want my two very good girls to go back to the bedroom with their mistress and make her feel loved." She stood and walked to the bedroom with them following behind.

Jane was lying on her back with the pair of them snuggled tight against her and feeling at peace when they landed. "Thank you cheapens how you make me feel dears but I can't think of anything better to say." She ran her hands up and down their backs and said, "I love all of you girls so much it scares me."

"We love you too mistress," Alice said softly as she looked at Susan on the other side of their mistress. Her eyes cut up towards Jane's head and back to her sister. She mouthed, "All the way."

Susan nodded and then asked, "Jane, mistress, would you take me all the way. Make me yours fully?" She gulped and screwed her eyes tight before adding, "I can't live this half way. It's tearing us apart and I can't take that anymore. You showed me that when you forced me to make a decision without you telling me how to act." She lifted up so she could look Jane in the eye, "Please Jane..."