Ralph and Mabel Go Medieval Pt. 02


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Ralph couldn't believe it. Frank was getting his cock massaged, but he wasn't making a big scene out of it like when the teens had bowled him over and stripped him. In fact, his buddy looked to be enjoying the attention.

Frank sighed. "What classes did you teach, grandma?"

"History, social studies." Mrs. Segura divulged.

"Yeah, I had Mrs. Keenan in social studies. She had a big, fat butt that wiggled every time she wrote something on the chalkboard. She was totally oblivious to how she turned on all the boys in class, just by standing there and wiggling her fat ass. Man, I would be walking around with Hard Wood for the rest of the day. I could have chipped concrete back then."

"You could chip concrete right now." Mrs. Segura squeezed his cock.

"I guess I could huh?"

"You can't stop me because you're all tied up." The woman told him, as she stood up to remove her clothing. "All you can do is buck up and down trying to get me off."

"I'll get you off all right." Frank replied. "When is the last time you had some, grandma?"

"No comment on that one." Mrs. Segura grinned.

Ralph had no choice but to watch the older woman mount his friend. Right away, Frank began lifting his hips and ramming into her, and soon after the retired teacher was moaning at his energetic efforts. Except for her saggy titties, Mrs. Segura wasn't all that bad to look at, not really. What was the difference between Frank's rebellion when the pack of teens had jumped on him, and having the old lady on him now? Ralph figured that maybe his buddy was too much of a control freak or something. Past that, Frank's actions made no sense to him.

Frank was grunting a short while later. Grunting like the time he'd fucked Mabel on that very same couch that had kept both nude men pressed close together. Grunting like the time when his wife went down on him, with Ralph sitting nearby and waiting for his turn with her. Frank grunted right up until he raised his hips high off the carpet and shoved his cock as far into Mrs. Segura as it would go. The man's robust climax came out rough and raspy in his grunts, to contrast with the softer, spiked mewls of his rider.

In another unexpected twist, the usually hurried Frank lay there peacefully, as Mrs. Segura's heavy breathing calmed back to normal. Ralph had been certain his friend would have loudly demanded the old woman get off right away, but he was wrong.

"I guess I can untie you now." She said. "Get on your side, Frank."

"Look at how red my wrists are." Frank mentioned, once he was loose. He held up his hands so the others could see. "Those chicks really tied me up tight, didn't they?" When no one replied, he looked over at Mrs. Segura.

The older woman was looking at Ralph's cock. It had gotten hard while Ralph had been watching his buddy and his neighbor going at it.

"I guess we have to get rid of this one, too." The woman said, as she slid over Ralph's body.

Ten violent teenage girls or one tempered and retired schoolteacher, Ralph compared. One side was a tidal wave of ferocity while the other was a warm and quiet wave lapping up to the shore.

"Don't tell my wife." Ralph said, as Mrs. Segura enveloped him within her body.

A couple of days later, Mabel was watching the two men very closely. They'd gone into the den where they always played their dumb board games. In case of any unwanted advances, Mabel had procured a small can of pepper spray to fend off her attackers.

"Are you two going to tell me who busted up the screen door or not?" She demanded from them.

"Don't worry about that." Her husband replied. "Frank and I got in a scuffle over our board game, and that's all you have to know. Frank and I have agreed to go halfers on buying a new screen door. On my next day off, you and I will head over to the hardware store to pick a new door out."

"Are you sure about that, Ralphie? You're not going to flake out on me later?" She asked. "Can I pick a nicer door than the one we had? Can I pick a white one?"

"First we'll see how much a replacement costs, okay?"

"Well, all right. If you guys get into another scuffle, why don't you take it out on the fridge next time? I want to get one that has double doors and an ice maker on it."

"My mother gave us that refrigerator!" Ralph balked.

"Yeah, yeah, it is a family heirloom or something. No, Ralphie. I want a new fridge and that's final. You can give that old fridge back to your mother."

"Okay, fine. We'll sell the car and get you a new fridge. Happy now?"

"Sell the car?" Mabel asked in shock. "How am I going to get to the hair salon if you sell the car? Did you think about that, Ralphie? Let's sell that big TV you have in the living room instead."

"Mabel, we'd like to play our board game now."

"I don't see what's so exciting about that. Your game is a bunch of pieces of colored cardboard that cost a lot of money. Only little boys play with board games."

By this time, Ralph was running low on patience. With a heavy scowl on his face, he stood up and pointed down the hall. "Be gone, wench, before we loosen the dogs of war upon you as before!"

"Methinks that is a very good idea." Frank nodded.

Mabel looked from her husband to his friend, wondering how close she might be to getting double-teamed again. Hoping to avoid the unpleasant scene, she turned and strode down the hall. Maybe the men were looking at her butt or maybe not. "You'd better not try anything with me, because I have my pepper spray."

Frank waited until she was out of earshot, before he gave a mischievous grin to his buddy. "Dude, let's bone her anyway!"

"You mean now, or after we play the game?"

At this, both looked down at the plethora of game tokens, cards and dice they were still sorting out on the table. It took them a good fifteen minutes just to set up the blasted game.

"Let's play the game first." Frank decided. "Either we take your wife downtown or we don't, when we're done playing. If she pepper sprays us, we'll just wash it off and head over to my place. Sue Ellen is one hundred percent ready and willing for another threesome with us."

"Between you and me, what do you think about that, Frank?" Ralph wondered. "I mean, what do you think about your wife wanting to sleep with both of us, when my wife hates the idea?"

Frank shrugged. "I wish I'd asked her about it sooner. Maybe I could have gotten a second chick in bed with us."

"But you're not jealous, and you're not mad at her? If Mabel suddenly wanted you to jump on the bed with us, I think I'd get mad about it. That's another thing I wanted to ask. How come you got upset when those high school girls buffaloed us, but you didn't make a peep when Mrs. Segura took advantage of us being tied up."

"Different situation. Hey, when the game is over, you want to head over to that old lady's place and bone her? I'm game!"

"Come on, Frank, I'm asking a serious question here."

"It's about respecting authority." Frank admitted. "I am a man, and I want to feel and act like one. I want to take charge of shit, and I want people to say; that dude, he has his shit together and he doesn't let anybody push him around. Those Heartbreakers came in here like gangbusters and took away our pride. I mean, they humbled the shit out of us by what they did. You know? The old lady, yeah, yeah, she took advantage of us, but she did it the right way. She cleaned my face up first, and then she felt me up a little bit. She showed us the respect that a man is supposed to have. The old lady got me all excited, so that when we started getting it on it felt like a proper seduction. Do you see what I'm saying here?"

"What about Sue Ellen? She doesn't push you around. She does everything you tell her to, and you still got tired of her."

"Look," Frank sighed. "Sue Ellen is a wonderful wife. Don't get me wrong about that. But sometimes she's just too nice. She's like a fluffy pink pillow or something, and she thinks I'm the same way she is. I am not a fucking fluffy pillow! Every once in a while, I want a challenge! Like this game we're playing here. If we don't play our people right, if we don't use good strategy and tactics, the game will kick our ass! Half the time we win, and half the time we don't win, and that's the kind of challenge a man like me needs in life. You see what I'm saying?"

"Do you think I'm a fluffy pillow?"

"Yes. Your wife made you that way. My wife made me that way too, and I don't like it."

A couple of minutes later, they finished separating all the little pieces. Ralph got up to grab a couple of beers from the fridge, while Frank started setting the assortment into their proper places.

"No beer tonight, Ralphie." Mabel said, when she saw her husband going into the kitchen.

"Shut up, wench."

Looking highly irritated, Mabel stood up from the couch with her can of pepper spray in hand. In Ralph's estimation, his wife was probably wondering if she could spray him and get away from the house before Frank joined the fray.

"Watch your reality show." He said, brushing her off. "Or get double boned. It's your choice."

Ralph didn't want to be a fluffy pillow. He did man-things. He flirted with girls at work and watched football games and talked shit with the guys. Still, this idea that he was emasculated was starting to eat on his conscience.

As Ralph returned to the back room, he had the sudden sense that his wife was running up behind him with the pepper spray. Hoping to avoid her, he actually ducked to one side, only to see that Mabel was still on the couch, watching him.

"Mosquito." He said as an excuse.

"They're in here because we have no screen door anymore." Mabel replied.

There she was, Ralph thought, bitching at him again, being sarcastic and making him feel inferior. "We'll get a new screen soon. Don't give me any more lip about it."

"I'm just saying, Ralphie. The mosquitoes are in the living room too."

Because he did love his wife, Ralph went and relented. "Mabel, when we go to the store, we'll pick out a nice screen door to replace that ugly one we had. If we find a white door we both like, we'll buy it, but we both have to like it, okay?"

Just like that, his wife was beaming a big smile at him. "Really, Ralphie? I think a white door would look so nice on the house, especially since the old one was so dusty and full of rust. I hope it doesn't cost a lot more than the old door. Okay, Ralphie, you play your game and we'll see about that door on your day off."

"My wife isn't so bad." Ralph said, once he handed Frank his first beer.

"No, she isn't. Not really. Sue Ellen isn't so bad either. All I'm saying is that nine times out of ten, the woman of the house gets her way and the man of the house gets shafted. I just want a little more respect in my life, you know?"

"Yeah, I see what you're saying." Ralph popped his can open and sat down. After wiping his moist hands on his shorts, he finished helping getting the board ready.

"Who do you want to play as?" Frank asked. "Archer, barbarian, knight or mage? I know, let's play the chick versions this time, to break things up."

That was easy enough, Ralph knew. The character cards were double-sided with male and female versions. The stats were pretty much the same, however. "Should we flip a coin for who chooses first?"

"Yeah, okay." Frank nodded. "Let's do this tonight, dude. Let's reset the whole fucking game, just like we had it when we first opened up the box. All the stats go back to zero, and all of our inventory gets emptied out. Are you game for that?"

"You want to start the entire game over, playing as female characters?"

"Yeah, why not?" Frank scoured through the player cards. He chuckled. "Check this out. The female sorcerer reminds me of Mrs. Segura. And Mabel, she would probably be this assassin chick. I don't know about Sue Ellen. She's kind of bland as a person."

Ralph won the coin toss, allowing him to choose his character first. That wasn't as easy a decision as it first sounded, because the game worked a lot better if the players chose characters with complementing abilities. "What are you going to play, knight or barbarian?"

"I'll be the tank." Frank decided. "Unless you want to? No? Okay, I'll tank up ahead of you, and you can shoot arrows or cast spells or whatnot from the periphery. You want to be the female necromancer? That chick is triple digit hot, if you compare her to the male version. That guy is fucking ugly as shit."

Ralph frowned. Over the last few months, he and Frank had pitched in together and purchased pretty much every expansion pack the game company offered. There were so many characters they hadn't even gotten the chance to play all of them yet.

"Come on, dude!" Frank pressured him.

"I'll be the archer chick."

"Let me see her stats." Frank requested the card. "Okay, she's got her dexterity, agility and speed bonuses. Man, should I be the barbarian or the knight? Wait, I could be the dwarf chick swinging my big fucking hammer! How about the werebear chick? You don't want to meet her in a dark alley, know what I mean?"

"Don't choose any of the more exotic characters." Ralph cautioned. "We hardly ever play those. If you choose some character you don't know anything about, we're going to come up against some Boss Monster half-assed, and we're going to get fucked."

"You're right, dude." Frank agreed. "I know the barb and I know the knight, and you know the archer. I'll go the safe route and be the knight. Prepare for thy doom at the end of mine lance!"

"Are you sure you want to give up all our inventory? If we start from scratch, we're way over at the beginning of act one."

"We weren't playing full co-op before." Frank reminded him. "We were competing against each other. This time, if I find something you can use, we'll trade instead of me selling it off to the game for gold coins. And let's not play that same dungeon scenario we played last time. Let's go with one of these other ones..."

Frank seemed to be distracted by something over Ralph's shoulder. In fact, Frank looked to be gawking at the far wall. Out of instinct, Ralph shifted to first look out of the room and down the hall, where Mabel was still watching TV in the living room. Next, Ralph's eyes tracked over to what Frank was staring at.

It was a girl, a short and very pretty blonde with her hair pulled back. Ralph and his buddy had watched role-playing videos before, but this chick had taken things to a whole other level. She wore a white head-wrap, a brown kirtle with sleeves in soft green that were pinned on just like in the old days, linen stockings and wooden shoes. The girl looked every bit like a hot maiden from the Middle Ages.

"Dude, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Frank asked.

"Maybe." Ralph replied. "What are you seeing?"

"One of those chicks that railroaded us the other day. She's wearing medieval clothes this time."

Ralph had a closer look at her face. Indeed, it was the little blonde that had flipped both men off before she and her friends had chased the men into the house and gang-raped them.

"It's a Heartbreaker." He whispered in something approaching fear.

"I want to play your game." The girl said, clasping her hands together at her middle. "It looks interesting."

"Are you real?" Ralph asked.


"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Frank balked. "Are you real or not?"

"I can be." The blonde shrugged. "It's complicated."

"How did you get into my house?" Ralph queried.

"The door was open and I was invisible when I walked in. Your wife didn't see me."

"Well, sure." Frank said. "People turn invisible all the time."

"I can." She said.

A second later, she was gone from their view. Ralph and Frank both stood up, and after a few seconds they walked over to where she'd been standing. Frank even waved his arms out in case she was still there.

"Dude!" He said. "She's gone! She's totally gone!"

"No, I walked over here." The girl's voice caused both men to spin around. She was over on the other side of the room now. "Now do you believe me?"

"How did you do that?" Ralph asked.

She shrugged back at them. "It's a long story. I can pretty much go wherever I want and do whatever I want now. I decided to come to this house because I got bored of being at home. Sometimes I'll go into people's houses and they'll never know I was there. This time, I saw how you guys were about to play that game and I want to play with you."

"Who the hell is this?" Mabel squawked from the doorway. Apparently, she'd seen the pretty blonde from the living room. "Ralphie, you've got some explaining to do!"

"Hi, I'm Amy." The girl waved. "Ralph and Frank hired me to be their serving wench for the night. They're paying me forty bucks to bring them beers and play that board game with them. Isn't that right, guys?"

Mabel looked from the girl to the two men and back. "Is that true, Ralphie? Did you hire this girl to be your wench? What did you do, let her in through the window?"

"Uh, it was Frank's idea." Ralph said, squeamishly.

"My idea?" Frank blurted. "Oh, no, buddy. You're not putting all of this on my doorstep! Mabel, we met this girl a couple of days ago, and, uh, we kind of talked with her, and now she's here."

"And you're paying her forty dollars to bring you beers all night?"

Seeing no easy way out of the dilemma, and especially considering how the gang of Heartbreaker girls had sexually assaulted them, Ralph quickly got with the program. "To bring us beer and, yeah, to play the game with us. She wants to play the game, and look, she even got dressed up for it and everything. I know, I know, forty bucks is a lot of money, but come on, honey. How many times have I asked you to come play with us, and all you say is that our games aren't worth your time."

Mabel shifted over to scrutinize the pretty girl.

"I'm eighteen." Amy nodded.

"Well, you don't look eighteen. You look like you're ten."

"It's these clothes." Amy looked down at her attire. "And plus I don't have any make-up on, just like the girls from the time period. Next time, I'll come dressed like a lady of the court! You should see the dresses they wore back then!"

"What do you mean next time?" Mabel demanded.

"Your husband said these games last days and days."

"Those games do last days and days." Mabel grumbled. "Sometimes they leave all the pieces on the table when they don't finish in one night."

"You can play with us if you'd like." Amy offered. "Ralph is going to be an archer, and Frank is going to be a knight. They're playing as females, because I'm here. I haven't decided what character I want to be yet. I could be the elf girl, except they're always so skinny and running around naked in the woods. Or maybe I could be the sorceress, but then I have to decide if I want to control ice or fire, or maybe lightning..."

Mabel threw her hands up. "Okay, okay. I get it. I don't like board games, so my husband hired you to play with him. Fine! I'll just go back to the living room and watch my show. Just one thing, Amy. If either of these bozos puts their hands on you, especially this guy Frank, you let me know about it. I will kick him in the balls so hard his future kids will be speaking Chinese, if he ever has any. I mean it, Frank, don't you get fresh with her! You either, Ralphie."

"Don't worry." Amy smiled. "Everything will be fine. I can take care of myself."

"Well, I hope so." Mabel relented. "You two had better behave, and you both know what I'm talking about. I'll be in the living room if you need me, Amy."

Because it was their habit, both men watched the curvy woman sway out the door. They were surprised to see Amy looking right along with them.

"What?" Amy asked. "She is pretty hot. I'd jump on her."

"Like you jumped on us a couple of days ago?" Frank asked.