Ralph and Mabel Go Medieval Pt. 02


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"Are you really here to play the game with us?" Ralph cut in.

"Yes." Amy nodded. "I think I want to be the cat girl."

"What cat girl?" Frank replied. "There is no cat girl in this game."

"There is now." Amy held her hand up. In it, was a character card that looked every bit like the cards from the game. "I just created her."

"Let me see that." Ralph took the card to examine it. He soon passed it over to his buddy. "Frank, this card has the same kind of artwork and stats just like our cards. Amy, how did you do that?"

"I'mmm quantum!" Amy exclaimed. "Just think of me as a real sorceress, who just happened to get bored enough to come here tonight, and who wants to play that game with you. I want you to explain the rules to me so we can start playing."

"It isn't that easy to learn how to play." Frank warned. "That's why Ralph and I first bought this game, because it was hard to learn and because we don't win every single time. We wanted it to be a challenge to play."

"Well, let me tell you that us Heartbreakers are all about challenges." Amy replied. "Trust me on that. Give me the basics, and I'll learn the details as I go along."

"You just made this character card out of nothing." Ralph handed the item back. "We don't even know how you'll be playing that character."

"My cat girl is wild and feral." Amy expounded. "She's fast in towns, and even faster in the wilderness. She can climb, she can jump, and she can use her claws to pounce on bad guys and tear them up. Think of my character like an assassin with fur."

"With what weapons?" Frank wondered.

"I can start with these." Amy raised her hand. Instead of nails, she had two-inch claws on the ends of her fingers. "They're very sharp. I can start off with these, and I can add other stuff as I go along, just like you guys will be doing with your people. I want to grab some bounty like you guys!"

Frank gulped, as he took in the dagger-like claws. "Pirates call it bounty. Us knightly sorts call it treasure."

"It'll be fun!" Amy said, her face gleaming. "Let's get started!"

"Okay." Ralph said. "We've got our characters ready. Let me show you the board, and what all these tokens are for. The rules are so complicated, we might just have to postpone the actual game play until tomorrow night. Is that okay with you?"

"It's terrrrific!"

"Well, all right." Ralph replied.

The following afternoon, the two men were found sitting on the porch waiting for Amy to arrive. They both had beers in hand, and were quite nervous, not only because they were dealing with an unpredictable and feisty little blonde, but also because Mabel had gone and called Sue Ellen and gotten her riled up as well. In fact, Sue Ellen had come along with Frank, and was now having a fairly heated debate with Mabel, over how acceptable it was for married couples to have threesomes. That's how Mabel and Sue Ellen had discovered Ralph and Frank had tag-teamed both of them.

Furious, Mabel came to the door. "Is there anyone else, Ralphie? Did you and Frank barrel over any other women that we should know about?"

"Well..." Ralph started. "Uh..."

Mostly because Frank wanted to rub it into Mabel's face, he grinned back. "We did bang that old dinosaur that lives across the street."

It was rare to described Mabel's countenance as being flabbergasted, but that's exactly what it looked like. "Are you talking about Mrs. Segura? Ralphie! That's it, I'm cutting your balls off! You need to be neutered!"

"Who is Mrs. Segura?" Sue Ellen asked, innocently.

"She's an older woman who is into threesomes." Her husband said. "You want to walk over later and meet her?"

When Sue Ellen actually paused to consider the question, Mabel made that same face of ultimate surprise. "You're thinking about it, aren't you? You really are!"

"Uh, hello, this isn't the 1950s, okay?" Sue Ellen replied.

Just then, a silver two-seater pulled up to the curb. From this car not one, not two, but three hot blonde teenage girls popped out. Amy and a second blonde walked up front, obviously escorting the even hotter blonde that came behind them. In a steady, expert march the three Heartbreakers strode up to the porch.

Amy motioned toward the athletic girl at her side. "Shelly, I need you to keep the two women back while I take Mindy into the back room."

"Check." Shelly said, quickening her advance to approach Mabel and Sue Ellen. "Stay where you are and this will all be over quickly."

"Who the hell are you?" Mabel protested. "You can't just barge into my house and tell me what to do!"

Shelly went right up the angry housewife and bumped breasts with her. "You do not want to a piece of me, lady, not in the kind of mood I'm in right now. Ask your men what happens when they defy the Heartbreakers."

"Ralphie, what is this little hussy talking about?"

"This way, Mindy." Amy said. "Ralph, Frank, fall in at the rear."

"Uh, babe, I'll tell you later." Ralph said.

Again, Frank couldn't help but rib Mabel. "You don't want to fuck with these girls. The last time I did, I got a finger up my butt. And this Shelly chick, she sat on Ralph's face when he got too loud with her."

"Ralphie! That better not be true!"

Ralph did his best to ignore the outburst, as he and his buddy walked all the way back to the den.

Amy got to the game table first, motioning at the way the board, card, tokens and playing dice were all set up. "Here it is, Mindy. This is the game I was telling you about."

The blonde who was apparently in charge scrutinized the entire set-up.

Amy introduced Mindy to the men. "This is the Yellow Queen, and also my lover. I am not allowed to use my magic powers without her permission."

In a haughty, presumptive manner, Mindy glanced at the two males, before returning her gaze to scan over the game components.

Amy picked up a game piece. "This is my character, the cat girl. I created her myself last night. The guys call it a meeple, which stands for miniature people."

Mindy took the piece and studied it.

"Are you really a queen?" Frank asked.

"I am." Mindy affirmed. "I rule the Heartbreakers with the Red Queen."

"You know what would be really cool?" Frank persisted. "If you're a real queen, maybe you can, like, knight us before we start playing the game. That would be so fucking amazing! Don't you think so, Ralph?"

Actually, Ralph didn't believe the blonde was any sort of queen at all, but after the vicious gang rape that happened last time, he was not about to say a thing to the contrary.

Mindy handed the game piece back to Amy, before considering Frank's request. "Show me your meeple."

"It's right here." Frank scooped up two pieces. "I'm going to play this knight, and Ralph is the archer. Aw, man, if we only had a play sword around, I'd ask you to tap us on the head and shoulder right now, just like they do in the movies! How cool would that be, Ralph?"

"Yeah, that would be cool." The other man agreed.

"In the Heartbreakers, we take oaths very seriously." Mindy answered. "I'm afraid I cannot grant knighthood to people who haven't proven themselves in my eyes. Amy, I am placing these two men as provisional Falcon recruits, under your command. You are to give them a challenge worthy of the Heartbreakers. If they pass this challenge, they may attain the official rank of Falcon."

"Check." Amy said.

"Did you hear that, Ralph?" Frank squealed from joy. "We're going to be Falcons!"

"Mindy, may I have your permission to create what we in the Heartbreakers call a Game?" Amy requested. "Conforming with the rules and conditions of this board game that is set up on the table here?"

The Yellow Queen turned to face her subordinate. "Are the parameters going to be strict?"

"No, they'll be randomized and fluid." Amy answered. "But that's going to be half the fun of it! We won't know what will happen until it actually happens!"

"I'm Ordering you to assign a Heartbreaker to watch over the game while you play. I want status updates and observational reports twice a day."

"I'll ask Gabby." Amy nodded. 'Can I set the Game up, please?"

"You may." Mindy nodded. "Have fun with your new friends. We'll talk about your adventures when we meet again."

"Thank you, Mindy!" Amy started bouncing up and down on her toes. "Guys, we're going to play an awesome game!"

"I'll have Shelly drive me out to HB Central." Mindy walked away. "Yellow Queen, out."

"Guys, this game is going to be so great!" Amy gushed. "Okay, for you to be Falcon recruits, you have to pass a challenge first. I already know about this tag-team deal you did with your wives..."

"And with the old dinosaur from across the street." Frank reminded her.

"The Heartbreakers love sexy challenges." Amy grinned. "Your challenge will be to go out right now and find a new woman to tag-team."

"Excuse me, but our wives are in the living room." Ralph said.

"Getting past them will be part of the challenge." Amy decided. "Let me call Gabby and see how long it will take her to get here. Gabby is going to love this!"

Within moments, Amy was talking on the phone. With the other Heartbreakers out of the picture, Mabel and Sue Ellen both walked into the den.

"What's going on, Ralphie?" Mabel wondered. "You have that look on your face like when I asked you if you had any nudie magazines stashed in the house."

"Honey, nothing is going on, I swear." Ralph shook his head.

"Your husband may not have any balls, but I do!" Frank pointed at his chest. "In a few minutes, we're heading out on a challenge, a man's challenge that you can't stop us from doing. And when we get back here, we are going to kick ass in that board game!"

"Gabby will be here in twenty minutes, give or take." Amy informed the men.

"You mean we have to do this right now?" Ralph sucked in a deep breath.

"Twenty minutes, dude!" Frank started pushing him out the room. "Let's go, man! We've got us a challenge to complete!"

In his haste to leave the house, Frank nearly barreled over both women standing in the doorway. Because Ralph didn't want to face Mabel's wrath alone, he got in high gear after his buddy.

"You need to tell us why our husbands just ran off like that." Mabel demanded.

"No, I don't." Amy shrugged. "Why don't you ask the woman who lives across the street?"

"Maybe I will." Mabel turned and strode off.

"Hi, I'm Sue Ellen." The chubby blonde that remained spoke up. "I'm Frank's wife. Mabel has been getting on my nerves ever since I got here, so I can understand why you don't want to tell her anything. Will you tell me where my husband ran off to?"

"I sent them out to double-team the first woman they come across." Amy revealed.

Sue Ellen covered her mouth and started laughing. "You are so bad. You're going to get them in serious trouble."

"Haven't you heard?" Amy asked. "The Heartbreakers thrive on starting trouble."

"Stop that car, Ralph!" Frank directed.

Ralph was too slow to act, as the car was past him before he even moved.

"Damn it, Ralph!" Frank ran off down the block. "Get with the program, dude!" After a few seconds, he turned back. "Hey, you know this neighborhood better than I do. Where can we find a hot piece of ass to pound on in the next twenty minutes?"

"Uh, shit! I don't know! What time is it?"

Frank shook his head. "Man, you are dragging us down today! Look, there's an unsuspecting and very shapely jogger! Let's nab her!"

The two men ran after the woman in the tight sweats. When the lean woman realized they were coming after her, she started running in the opposite direction. At first, it was a close race, but the jogger's better conditioning propelled her further away after about a block and a half. Both men paused to set their hands on their knees and pant with their tongues hanging out.

"Damn, we're... out of... shape." Ralph huffed and puffed.

"No shit, Sherlock." Frank scanned up and down the block. "Hey, check that out! That car is pulling into that driveway. Maybe there is a woman in it! Let's go!"

"What car?" Ralph asked.

"Come on!" Frank sped off again.

Ralph spotted the car, idling before a garage as the large door automatically rose up. Starting after his buddy, he calculated they'd have enough time to reach the car before the driver parked it and got off. Sure enough, they'd gotten as far as the sidewalk when the young black woman behind the wheel opened her door. She hadn't noticed the two men coming up behind her yet because her attention was fixed on her phone.

"Hey, lady!" Frank called out. "Stop right there!"

"Who the hell are you?" The black woman asked. "Are you cops?"

"Uh, that's right!" Frank answered. "You're in big trouble, lady. Assume the position!"

"Oh, shit." She grumbled, as she set her hands on the front fender. "Is this about those weed brownies I baked last week?"

"Yeah, that's it." Frank nodded. "That's exactly what this is about! You've got two choices here, lady. Either you come with us, to, uh, where we have to, uh..."

"We're taking you downtown for interrogation." Ralph offered.

"And you know how long interrogation takes." Frank nodded at her.

"Hours and hours." The woman shook her head. "Yes, I know. Can't you just give me a ticket? I really don't want to spend the rest of the day in any police station."

"That's why we're giving you a choice." Frank told her. "Either you come with us, or we shut this garage door and take care of things the old fashioned way."

"What way is that?"

"I'm talking about a booty call, right here, right now! What's is going to be lady? We don't have all day here!"

"Hold on." She rolled her eyes, before she went back to her phone. "Terry, I have these two cops here, and they're telling me I have to give them a booty call or else they're taking me to the station. It's over those brownies I baked for that birthday party a couple weeks back."

"Come on, lady!" Frank insisted. "We're wasting time here!"

"Hold on a minute!" She snapped at him. "My boyfriend says he wants your badge number. He said he will be here in ten minutes."

"We don't have ten minutes!" Frank reached over and pulled the phone from her hand. "Ralph, you talk to the guy! Tell him this is official business!"

Anxiously, Ralph took the phone. "Hello?"

"Who is this?" An irate voice demanded from him. "What is your badge number? When I get there, you had better have one hell of a good explanation for what you're doing. I am going to slap such a big lawsuit on your department..."

That's all the abuse Ralph could take. He cut the call off. To the others, he said, "Bad connection."

Frank moved over behind the woman. "Keep your hands where I can see them. Spread your legs. Wider! Okay, I've got to check you for weapons."

As Frank started patting the woman down, she glanced over her shoulder. "Don't you have to call a lady cop for that? I have my rights!"

"Nope, you lost your rights when you illegally baked those brownies. You belong to me now! Stop resisting!"

"Excuse me, I am not resisting. Do I look like I'm resisting?"

Emboldened, Frank reached around to grasp both her tits. "What are these? Are you smuggling oranges?"

"Those are my tits! I'm telling my boyfriend how you're grabbing me!"

"Stop resisting!" Frank scolded, as he lowered his hands and clenched two handfuls of fat ass. "I think you're concealing contraband. Drop your pants, lady!"

"The only thing I'm concealing down there is my underwear!"

"Stop resisting!"

"If I was going to resist, you would know it by now. All right, fine. You want to give me a couple of inches so I can undo my zipper? Shit! Why are you cops being so aggressive with me?"

Her phone started ringing again. Ralph answered it and brought it up to his ear, while at the same time taking a couple of steps toward the rear of the car. "Hello?"

"Why are you answering my girlfriend's phone? Let me talk to her!"

"Sorry." Ralph said. By then, the woman had lowered her pants to her thighs. "She's being inspected for contraband right now. It's not a good time."

For a brief second, Ralph saw the woman's dark green panties. He only had a second to look, as Frank jerked them down and set his greedy hands on her big, chocolaty ass. In another moment, Frank was prodding her to lean over the car hood while he got up close behind her. Frank next started grinding against her hips. The woman grimaced, as she turned to look over her shoulder at the energetic Frank.

"Stop resisting!" He said.

The black woman muttered something back at him, before she leaned over the trunk in resignation. For a second, Ralph saw Frank take a half step away. The woman's big brown swells were visible, before Frank had his cock out. When Frank closed up that half step of space, his cock vanished into her backside.

"What is your goddamned badge number?" The man on the phone shouted into Ralph's ear. "Let me talk to my girlfriend!"

Ralph found himself mesmerized by the sight of Frank bucking back and forth, and by how fiercely he was jostling their curvy catch against the edge of the car.

"Stop resisting!" Frank yelled, but the woman was much less resisting than she was crying out in ecstasy.

"What's going on?" The caller demanded. "What are they doing now?"

"Uh, your girlfriend is in full compliance." Ralph answered.

There followed a long stream of expletives. When the caller halted to catch his breath, Ralph hung up on him again.

Ralph stood immobile as Frank repeatedly bucked into the back of the black woman. That was the same way Frank had taken Mabel, and the other time, Sue Ellen. Despite that this was wrong, so utterly wrong, Ralph couldn't help but become aroused from it. He saw, recognized, when Frank reached his climax and ground his body tight against hers, ejecting his load into yet another forbidden woman. And then Frank was pulling away and fumbling about with his clothing.

She looked at Ralph. If anyone had asked Ralph about witnessing a woman being taken by force, he would have said he wanted to be a thousand miles away from such a scene. Having witnessed it firsthand, however, he found his body filling up with want and lust. The woman was staring at him, waiting for him to make his move. Her big, brown butt was still rounded out, and she was still leaning expectantly on the front of the car. Her eyes, Ralph saw, they wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

He took a step closer to her to fulfilling their mutual lusts, when a car vaulted over the curb and screeched to a halt in the driveway. An angry figure spilled out of the driver's seat.

"Run, dude, run!" Frank called out.

The sight of Frank flashing by on his way out of the garage was enough to infuse Ralph with a new energy. He bolted down the driveway, away from the driver that was cursing at them already. The driver saw the position his woman was in, instantly realized what had just happened, and right after gave chase to the two men.

Had Ralph and Frank been more criminal-minded, they might have had the wits to head off in another direction. Because they were amateurs, they went directly to the first place of safety they could think of, and that was Ralph's house. Their strides were swift at first, but quickly slowed thanks to their growing exhaustion, while their pursuer, a lean and athletic black man, was still hot on their heels. By a miracle, they made it into the house with a three second lead.

In the living room, Mabel sat on the couch with her arms crossed, while Sue Ellen was standing there talking. Ralph and Frank flashed by both women, with the angry black man bounding up the porch after them.

"You guys are back already?" Amy asked, when she saw the heaving pair of white men enter the den. "Gabby isn't here yet. I think the game would play better if you were males instead of females..."