Something's Different About Mary 07


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Susan nodded and hurried down to the basement, "Mistress, will you allow Pam to come ask for help?"

Mary looked at her and nodded, "As long as she is serious Susan."

Susan nodded, "She is Mistress." She went back up stairs and stopped beside Pam who was biting her lips and looking lost. "Pam, she said she would allow it as long as you are serious about wanting help."

Pam looked at June and nodded, "Yes..." she turned to Susan, would you hold my hand when I go face Lady Mary?" With each passing second, she felt more lost and out of control of her life.

Susan nodded and led her by the hand down the stairs. They found Mary standing beside one of the pods with the door open. "Lady Mary, Pam would like to ask you something?" She gave Pam's hand a squeeze.

Pam gulped and looked at Lady Mary, "I want... Will you make me..." She looked down and gathering her strength said, "I want to enjoy life..."

Chapter 46

Mary looked at Pam and then Susan holding her hand, "You want to let go of your issues and live life to the fullest like Susan?"

Pam looked at Susan and nodded, "I do."

Mary looked at Susan and back to Pam, "I have four simulators that allow you to see what life is like on the other side, the choice is yours to follow or not." She paused and added, "Susan will help you get ready." She smiled finally and said, "I believe that you will find yourself the peace and joy you need Pam." She hugged her and Susan before going upstairs. Stopping in front of June she said, "Stop now June."

June stopped in mid orgasm and mewed in need. Mary pulled the hood off the woman and smiled, "I want you to rest there while I tell you what I want you to do from now on while at work." She explained the bare bones of Steve becoming Candy and that June's job was to run interference and keep others out of his office as much as possible. She was also to make sure she helped him with his makeup and high heels while at work. She made sure June wore the bodysuit under her clothes before seeing her out of the door with strict instructions that she was to come back right after work.

Going back downstairs, Mary found Susan kneeling before the pod with Pam inside. Going over to the controller Mary started her program and then turned to Susan, "Would you rather watch Pam go through the program or orgasm until your mind turns into putty?"

Susan looked up at Mary, "I would like to do whatever pleases you Mistress."

Mary smiled, "In that case, come and give me your best shot. Let's see if you can bring me to an orgasm before you pass out from yours." As Susan hurried over with a big grin she added, "You do realize of course, you are mine now."

Susan knelt between Mary's legs and said looking up at her, "Mistress I was yours the moment I tasted you the first time while showing you this house." She looked down and nuzzled Mary's leg, "Your power and control allowed my inner slut to come out." She looked up and said, "I knew right then I was in love with you."

Mary smiled, "Me too sweetheart, me too. But to quote Julie, less talking, more licking." As soon as Julie's tongue reached her inner thighs, Mary grabbed Susan's head and said, "Start your orgasm cycle now pet."

Susan was vexed with herself, every time she would get Mistress close to an orgasm, everything would go black and she would pass out. The orgasms sweeping through her mind and body washed everything else away except the desire for pleasure and the need to pleasure her owner, her Mistress. She heard a distant voice, "Subject Pamela program complete." And felt Mary orgasm into her mouth. Even with the darkness closing in around her, she kept sucking the honey from her Mistress.

As Susan slumped from the pleasure Mary said, "Good girl Susan, that is enough for now." She stood and walked over to the pod and Pam. Looking inside she smiled at the woman and the dildo that was attached to her. "How are you feeling Pam?"

Pam looked up and knew Lady Mary for what she was, her Mistress. She had felt it when she walked in. She caught the scent of woman's musk and felt herself squeeze in need against the dildo that impaled her still. "Free Mistress..." She felt blessed to have Mary help her out of the pod and looked at her with blind devotion as she said softly, "Thank you Mistress."

Mary saw the dove like eyes of Pam on her and smiled, she gestured at Susan, "It is Susan you should thank Pam, she interceded on your behalf." She added, "Just think about all that honey, locked inside a latex shell waiting for you to lick clean."

Pam felt herself become aroused, "May I go thank her properly?"

Mary smiled and nodded, "Yes pet," she waited until the pair were locked in a passionate embrace before adding, "You may come once Pam, but none for Susan." She smiled at Susan pout and added, "Don't worry pet, you will have more. But before then us three need to have a little talk about a certain bastard and how to make him suffer."

Mary was sitting in the kitchen eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when Susan and Pam walked in together. Susan was still wearing the latex cat suit while Pam was in a blue leotard and her shoes. Before Mary could do more than take a sip of milk, Pam said, "Please forgive me Mistress, for these awful shoes." She looked at her shoes and frowned again, "I don't know why I ever bought these nasty things."

Mary looked at them again, the shoes had short one-inch heels and while they were sensible, they were not flattering at all. "That is ok Pam; Susan can give you an address of where you can find some proper shoes." She smiled, "Or if you tell her your size, she could call Tiffany and have her bring you a pair or two to wear when she gets a chance."

Pam looked at Susan and then back at Mary, "You would do that for me?" She was floored, to ask someone to hand deliver a pair of new shoes just for her comfort was unbelievable.

Mary reached forward and took Pam's hand in hers. "Pam, all I want is for you to be happy. If that means one of your new sisters bringing you a pair of high heels so you feel good about yourself, then I am happy also." She smiled, "Anyways I know you would help them out if they needed you." She looked up at Susan, "That's what family does, help each other out."

"Family..." Pam said softly. At first, she had never had time to settle down into an relationship. Then when she did, her boyfriend of seven years seemed happy to keep things as they were and not pop the question. With Mary uttering that word, family, Pam realized she belonged somewhere and had joined her Mistress' family for life. Feeling tears of joy fill her eyes she said, "Thank you Mistress; Oh, thank you so much for everything."

Mary smiled and replied, "No, thank you Pam for joining our family." She looked up at Susan and said, "So are you two going to join me for lunch or do I have to eat alone?" While Susan started making sandwiches for herself and Pam, Mary talked about what they had found out Steve had done. She concluded, "So, first order is to make him suffer as much as possible. However," She held up a hand, "I want it to be finished as fast as it can be done." She looked at Susan as she set the plates and milk down on the table. "Do you agree Susan?"

Susan looked at Mary, "Why so fast Mistress?"

Mary smiled, "Because once it is finished, Steve will exit and Candy, his sister will take over the company."

Susan giggled, "And he will know every day that it is really him and unable to do or say anything about it." She shook her head, "Oh I like that!"

Pam smiled coldly, "I have been thinking about this for a long time Mistress. Can I have him for a month?"

Mary looked at Susan, "Think the company can get along for a month without Steve?"

Susan bit her lip as she thought, "Mostly yes, but he would have to be able to make conference calls or I would have to pick up the slack."

Mary looked at Pam, "Other than the operations, I want him here in this house. I want, and I know Susan wants to watch what you do to that sorry piece of shit."

Pam looked at Susan who nodded. Turning back to Mary she said, "As you wish Mistress, but it will cost more, and I would need a special sick room prepared."

Mary nodded, "You and Susan see to it, I don't care what the cost." She stood and put her plate in the sink and took a last sip of milk. Not facing them she added, "Just so long as he suffers." Turning to face them she said, "There still are the twelve other men he sold his services to."

Susan replied, "And George..." She looked at Pam and added, "George is the inventor and programmer."

Mary looked at her, "Don't worry about George I have plans for that asshole."

Pam looked at Mary, "Mistress, if I understand you right, none of them would willingly come here." As Mary nodded she continued, "I'm not sure how I can help."

Mary looked down and said, "I'm not sure if it is right of me to ask Pam. But isn't there something I can use to drug them and stuff them in to the system, so they will get a dose of their own medicine?"

Pam thought long and hard. If she got caught, then she would lose her license. However, her Mistress had asked and it was a worthy cause. Finally, a solution came to her, "I think I have it, I will do the breast augmentation surgery first and prescribe the strongest pain pills I can. Instead of giving it to Steve, you can use it to drug the other bastards."

Susan smiled, "I like it, what do you say about a nice pair of D cup breasts?"

Pam smiled back, "I was thinking of double D cups, that way he will always have men staring at his tits." She looked at Mary, "Not to mention going from an A cup to double D will hurt like hell."

Mary smiled in return, "Do it!"

Pam looked at Mary and nodded before turning to Susan, "When can you have him at my office for the forms and preliminary checkup?"

"Whenever you want him, I can have him there within the hour if you wished it dear."

"Tomorrow morning at nine would be fine." Pam looked at Mary, "With your permission may Susan and I go get the items and make up a room for Steve?"

"In a moment," Mary replied. She looked at the pair and smiled, "But first, I want to watch you both have an orgasm. Cum now!"

Pam felt the command sweep through her mind and body before exploding with pure pleasure. Her mouth opened as the wave after wave of joy and sexual pleasure flooded out every other thought. Her eyes locked on to Mary's and through the haze of pleasure she reaffirmed her belief that the woman across the table from her was in fact an angel in human form. As she came down she realized that the angel had taken her from a calm state and opened the door to heaven and allowed her to feel ultimate pleasure.

Mary smiled at the pair as they orgasmed. Once they calmed down she said, "Just so we are all on the same page, I want Candy to look like a blond bimbo latex slut when it is all done." She looked at Susan, "I had asked you to let him keep his cock as a reminder of who he was." She paused, "However the final decision is up to both of you." Susan opened her mouth and Mary shook her head, "No Susan I mean it. I want you, you and Pam to decide without trying to make me happy."

Chapter 47

Not long after Susan and Pam had retired to the second floor to discuss changes to one of the bedrooms, Mary's cell rang. Opening it she was informed by Tiffany that there were four workers who needed to come in for training. She replied, "Send them over and please send a couple pairs of shoes with them." She gave Tiffany the shoe sizes and what she was thinking about. Finally, she added, "Are there any of them you feel should become brothers or sisters?"

Tiffany giggled and looked at the four standing before her, "I would say all of them Lady Mary."

Mary shook her head and said, "Very well Tiffany, send them over." She hung up the phone and went downstairs to change the programming on the system. She made two new programs that included the first one she made and added the same inabilities that Sandy and Carol had over making decisions. She named them Lady Mary baby girl and baby boy programs respectively.

When the four arrived, she greeted them at the door with a smile, "Hello, my name is Lady Mary and I am here at Tiffany's request to help you build confidence in your work." She looked at the three girls and the guy. All looked to be a few years younger than her and showed mixed feelings about being there. The boy, for example, could not take his eyes off her feet and shoes while one of the girls, made up in full goth dress including chunky boots looked bored.

Mary singled her out and said, "Are you sure you wouldn't be more happy working at one of Tiffany's other stores?" When she had the girl's attention she continued, "Somehow, I don't think I can give you what you need miss."

The girl put her hands on her hips and replied, "What makes you say that? You're going to discriminate against me just because of what I wear bitch?"

Mary's slapped the girl. "First off, you need to learn some manners." The girl started to raise her hand when Mary slapped her hard a second time. "Second, you are at my place of business at the request of your boss." She slapped the girl a third time with all her strength causing the goth to fall to the floor. "Finally, if you ever call me bitch again; I will break you in two."

She smiled sweetly to the other three who stood still in shock. "As you see, I have standards of who I allow in my door." She looked at the girl on the floor and continued, "Since I am doing this for free as a favor, I can tell you to piss off like the spoiled brat you are young lady." She took a slow breath, "You have two choices, walk out the front door or go to the bathroom, remove every bit of metal you have on, wash your face, get rid of the black polish and see if you can act like a civilized person."

Susan came down the stairs followed by Pam still wearing the latex clothing from before, "Is everything alright Lady Mary?"

Mary nodded, "Yes Susan, this young lady and I were just having a discussion on proper manners." She looked at the other three and said, "That reminds me, wasn't someone supposed to deliver some shoes when you came?" The three looked at the girl on the ground not speaking. Mary turned to her and smiled, "Would you be please deliver the shoes to Pam..." She gestured towards Pam, "...Before you leave?" Turning back to the other three she added, "If you will come with me I will discuss the purpose of this mini class with you."

Mary had seated everyone in the living room and was discussing her training simulators when the girl walked into the room. Even though she was still wearing black and god-awful boots, she looked quite lovely without the makeup and jewelry. Mary looked at her and nodded, "You look much better dear, please have a seat." She waited until the girl was seated and continued, "In a nutshell, I have found that if you are not comfortable with yourself and the items being sold, it will translate to the customer and you will lose a sale."

Mary paused and looked at the confused faces. "Let's take Sandy for example. Before she went through my course, she was an okay sells woman; however, once she became confident and comfortable with herself, her sells record went through the roof. It was for this reason she was promoted to manager." She was about to continue when Susan and Pam walked in. She glanced at Pam's locking high heels and the skirts both wore and smiled.

Susan said, "Excuse us Lady Mary, but we wanted to let you know we are heading out now to get the supplies."

Mary nodded and then looking at the four that Tiffany had sent over, "Susan is my general manager and girl Friday. The other lovely is Pam; she is a plastic surgeon and went through the simulator and course this morning." She looked at them and then back at the four sitting on the couch, "Instead of listening to me tell you how great it is, please feel free to ask Pam and Susan anything."

The boy whose erection was pressing against his pants shook his head no when Mary glanced at him. After a long silence the goth girl asked, "Is Lady Mary making you wear that?"

Pam laughed and shook her head. She walked over and sat down next to the goth girl and said, "No honey, Mary is not making me wear anything. I am wearing this," Her hand caressed the latex leotard lightly. "Because I wish to." She looked at Mary and added, "She taught me that it is okay to feel good about myself." She looked at the girl again and said, "Do you like who you are?" The girl shook her head slightly not looking at Pam beside her. Pam patted her leg and said, "Then trust Mary, she knows what she is doing."

Standing up Pam looked at the others, "Are there any other questions?" Not getting a reply she added, "Trust Lady Mary she really has turned my life around for the better." She looked at Mary and smiled.

Mary smiled back and said, "Thank you Pam." She looked at Susan and continued, "Call me if you need anything Susan." Turning back to the four sitting on the couches she smiled, "Now if you will come with me." Mary led them down to the pods and opened each one. She motioned the prospects over and explained how each was used. Like with Carol before she gave them the option of leaving on their undergarments or removing them. One by one they crawled in leaving only the goth girl standing outside her simulator.

While the others had undressed, she remained fully clothed. Mary closed the other three pods and turned to her with a raised eyebrow, "You know, I thought we have settled this already young lady."

The girl pouted and said, "My name is Rose not miss or young lady."

Mary rolled her eyes, "Ok Rose, now get undressed and in that simulator or I will personally stuff you in sideways." While that did get her moving, she started undressing very slowly. Losing her patience Mary stepped forward and grabbed Rose's chin with her finger and thumb. "Rose, dear, I am trying very hard to keep from losing my patience with you." Mary said softly. "Tiffany means a lot to me and I would hate to tell her about how I threw you out, so if you could hurry up just a tad I would be happy."

Rose looked away, "I can't..."

"Can't what?"

"I can't strip down Lady Mary."

"Why not Rose?" Mary replied softly. By the look of fear and worry on the girl's face Mary knew she was getting to the root of Rose's attitude problem.

Rose looked up at Mary, "You'll tell and then I will be out of work again."

Mary shook her head, "If I had known that's all that is bothered you I would have had Susan talk to you about what happens to people who talk out of school." She looked Rose over again and could not see anything out of the ordinary. When the girl made no move to undress Mary sighed loudly, "The way I see it, take your chance with me, or leave. If you leave I can bet you will find a pink slip waiting for you."

Rose looked down and after turning around removed her tee shirt and bra. When she turned to face Mary she kept her arms at her side and stood not speaking.

Mary smiled as she looked at Rose's A cup breasts with little gold rings attached to her nipples, "Dear, do you think nipple rings would get you fired?" She shook her head, "Didn't you see what Sandy and Carol are both wearing today? If you didn't see their nipple rings and hear their labia bells, then you are both blind and deaf."

Rose bit her lip and turned around. She pulled off her boots and socks before slipping off her pants. When she turned around, she covered herself and looked at Mary with despair for a moment before looking down.

Mary's slight smile slid off her face as she looked at Rose. From the waist down the girl's legs were covered with cuts. They ran the range from old scars to still oozing cuts. "My god Rose..." Mary said looking at her legs in shock. Whoever had cut her had been working at it for several years judging by the mass of scar tissue. "Who did this to you dear?"