Something's Different About Mary 07


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Rose started shaking like a dog fresh out of water, "I did...I need to be punished..."

Mary wanted to pull her into a hug and hold her. Instead she stayed where she was and replied, "Why?"

Rose threw her hands apart and screamed, "This is why!"

Mary looked lower and found Rose was not a woman after all. Between her legs was a cock in a little metal cage that looked as if it were locked on and connected to the base of her balls. She moved forward to hug and hold Rose, "There, there dear, I won't tell anyone unless you say so." It took a moment for the girl to return the hug. "So, you are a girl stuck in a male's body?"

Rose looked up and shook her head, "No, I am both. I am a hermaphrodite." Seeing Mary did not understand the word she added, "I have both sets of sexual organs."

Mary stroked her hair, "See that was not so hard was it. Will you get into the simulator now and find peace Rose dear?" She looked at the pod, "Oh wait! The simulator uses salt water to make you float."

Rose nodded, "That's okay Lady Mary... I need a good purging pain right now." Without waiting she crawled in and lay down. "Please help me find peace Lady Mary..." under her breath she added, "Through pain."

Mary closed the simulator and walked over to the control. She started the baby boy and baby girl programs for the others. Mary paused when she reached Rose's program and added a provision for the girl to stop punishing herself. It was only then that she started Rose on the baby girl program.

Chapter 48

Mary was sitting at the computer reading about Rose's condition when Susan came back. "I'm back Lady Mary." She said loudly from the front hall. When she did not receive a reply, she started ferrying the boxes of stuff she and Pam had bought. With the exception of one large bag, she placed everything into the spare bedroom before coming back down stairs. It was only by accident that she caught sight of Mary sitting in front of the computer. Walking into the communal bedroom she said, "I am back Mistress."

Mary looked up and then past Susan, "Where is Pam?"

Susan was surprised that she did not receive a greeting or welcome home kiss. However, she took it as Mary had more important things happening than to pamper her. "Pam had to make her evening rounds and then she said she had to clear up something that should have ended long ago." She paused and added, "I expect she will be here after then."

Mary closed the web browser and said, "Call her and make sure she comes back tonight." She looked out the window and added, "There are four in the stimulators now. When they finish, greet them and send them back to Tiffany and the girls." She looked at Susan, "That is with the exception of Rose..." She stood and walked over to Susan, "Rose is special, do not react to anything you see with her. Just welcome her and bring her up to my bedroom." She paused, "Oh see if Tiffany will take care of all the baby girls and boy at her place tonight?"

Susan was confused, "As you wish Mistress..." she paused and took Mary's hand in hers and added, "Mary is there anything I can do?"

Mary shook her head, "No dear, just welcome Rose, put her in a robe, and bring her up to me."

Susan nodded even more confused than before. "What about Kari?"

Mary was confused and then remembered, Kari was the girl that George had used as a lab rat. "When she arrives, you and only you can disturb me." She paused and added, "You will understand soon enough dear. Just remember your punishment last time you talked."

Susan shuddered, "I learned my lesson Mary. I will be good."

Mary nodded, "I know you will." She went up to her bedroom and lay down with a cool cloth over her eyes. After wading through all the medical mumbo jumbo she was more confused than when she started. However, from what she could gather, Rose's life must have been a living hell so far from what the pages showed. If anyone deserved peace and happiness it was Rose.

Mary must have dosed off because the next thing she knew there was a knock on the door. Before she could say anything there was another knock and Susan peeked her head in, "Lady Mary, Mistress?"

Mary got up and said, "Yes Susan?"

Susan opened the door fully and ushered Rose in. "I just received a call from Julie, the three of them should be here in about a half an hour." She looked at a piece of paper in her hand, "Pam will be here as fast as she can after her rounds and I talked to Tiffany. She said everything is good with her." Susan gulped and added, "I told her that you said they were to play together and orgasm all night long with her being in charge."

Mary looked sharply at Susan, "You take a lot on yourself Susan."

Susan looked down, "I will be waiting for your punishment on the chair."

Mary shook her head, "No you won't Susan. You did the right thing. However, in the future remember my orgasms are a reward."

Rose spoke up, "What do you mean orgasms are a reward Mistress?"

Susan answered, "Rose dear, Mistress' orgasms are special."

Mary nodded, "Show her Susan... Cum now!"

Susan dropped as if she were pole axed and thrashed around on the floor. Her mews of pleasure and pawing latex covered hands left no doubt that she was in the throes of orgasmic pleasure. Her mews softened and finally stopped. Breathing heavily, she looked up at Mary and Rose, "Thank you Mistress..."

Mary smiled, "Again dear Susan, show her how nice it can be..."

Susan's eyes got large as the pleasure swept through her. Again, her hands slid over her latex covered breasts as she thrashed and mewed in pleasure. The sound grew until she suddenly went limp.

Rose looked at Susan, "Oh my god you killed her!"

Mary laughed, "No she just passed out from pleasure Rose." She waited a moment and as Susan started moving she added, "See?" When Susan sat up she looked at her and said, "You may go Susan." Not speaking Susan nodded and closed the door. Turning to Rose, Mary said, "How are you feeling?"

Rose looked at her Mistress confused, "How should I feel Mistress?"

Mary tilted her head, "Well other than wearing terry cloth instead of silk or latex, my guess is that you feel peaceful." She paused and added, "Why don't you lose the robe and let me look at you baby." Without waiting for Rose to move, Mary untied the knot and slipped the robe off her shoulders. Letting it fall to the floor she hugged the girl and kissed her slowly.

Rose felt an overwhelming sense of love and devotion as Mary touched her. She clung to her Mistress and kissed her back with a need that she had never let out. As Mary broke off the kiss, Rose looked up into her eyes and said softly, "May I stay here Mistress?"

Mary ran her fingers through Rose's still damp hair, "Of course pet, you are my Rose." She smiled slightly, "The question is, are you going to be my baby girl, baby boy, or both."

Rose felt as if she were going to faint, her hopes and dreams of being forever Mary's pet fleeing from her grasp. "I guess I will have to be both, Mistress... I can't afford the operations."

Mary smiled, "As my slave, you only worry about pleasure. I worry about costs." She hugged Rose again, "So close your eyes and tell me what you see that you are."

Rose didn't need to close her eyes for as long as she could remember, she thought of herself as female with extra parts. "I am your baby girl." She said whispering against Mary's neck. "If pleases you Mistress I mean." She blurted out after a second.

Mary smiled and kissed Rose's neck, "Your joy is all I want Rose." She let go of Rose and smiled, "Well a baby girl needs a nice latex dress to wear to dinner when she meets her other sisters and brothers." She took Rose's hand and led her to the closet. Opening it she frowned and finally picked out a once piece blue dress that came down to just above the knee and handed it to Rose. Seeing the look on Rose's face she added, "Don't worry about anything Rose, you are safe here." She smiled, "If anything your sisters and brothers will be more supportive then you can even imagine."

There was a knock on the door and Pam hurried in, "You sent for me Mistress?" she said breathlessly. She stopped and looked at Rose holding the latex dress up before herself and blushed. "Oh my god I'm sorry Mistress!" She started backing out of the room while apologizing profusely.

Mary rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry Pam, I didn't want Susan to pull you away from anything, I just wanted you here this evening." She looked at Rose and said, "Rose you remember Pam, don't you?"

Rose lowered the dress a bit and walked up to Pam, "Thank you Pam, you were right about Mistress."

Pam looked at her a long moment and then smiled, "You look better now then you did earlier dear." She looked at Mary, "Since I am here Mistress, what can I do for you?"

Mary looked at Rose, "It is not me you can help Pam, it is your sister here." She nodded to Rose and said, "show her."

Rose dropped the latex dress and stood looking at Pam with slight worry in her eyes. She knew that Mistress had said the others would be supportive, but after all the years of abuse and scorn she worried. To her relief Pam looked at her without judging and after asking her, "May I?" and receiving Rose's nod move in closer.

After looking at Rose's legs and body a time Pam said stood up and said, "Do you have the key?" When Rose shook her head no Pam sighed, "Who is your doctor?"

"I don't have one..." Rose replied in a small voice.

Pam looked sharply at her, "What do you mean you don't have one? Didn't your parents take you to one?"

Rose gave out a bark of laughter, "My parents? They considered me a freak and gave me the boot back when I turned thirteen." She looked at Mary, "Daddy could not handle his son having breasts and menstruating."

Pam nodded, "That is a good sign." She looked at Mary and continued, "Mistress in many cases like this, both sets of organs are dysfunctional, and the plumbing is all messed up." She looked at Rose again, "Don't worry Rose; I have a friend who owes me a favor. We will take care of you." She returned her gaze to Mary, "Mistress, I recommend that we deal with Rose's issue first before Steve."

Mary nodded, "I agree." She smiled and looked at Rose, "Aren't you glad you didn't leave now baby girl?"

Rose looked from one to the other. Not only had she found someone to love and take care of her, she would be whole for the first time soon. "Yes Mistress," She said happily.

Mary smiled and nodded to the dress on the floor, "Now get dressed and let's see if anyone thought about dinner."

As Rose got dressed Pam pulled Mary over to the side, "Mistress, Rose needs to have a full checkup and blood work. God knows what she picked up living on the streets?"

Mary looked at Rose, "Can't you do that here? I hate to have her pulled away from her home so soon after she got here."

Pam felt torn, loyalty to her Mistress and loyalty to her profession. Rose needed to be in a hospital with plasma running and under constant supervision while the blood work comes back. She looked at Mary and agonized, unable to say no or yes to her.

Chapter 49

Mary read Pam's expression and knew she had screwed up, "I will save you the breath, the answer is no..." She looked at Rose as she admired herself in the mirror. "Shit, shit, shit..." Mary swore under her breath. She looked back at Pam, "Then I am going with you two. I will not leave her alone, not tonight Pam, not tonight."

When Pam didn't reply Mary added, "Close your eyes and put yourself in Rose's shoes dear. Living your life as an outcast, then finding a Mistress and love of latex..." Mary's hand caressed Pam's latex covered breast. "And then in the same day as finding peace, it is ripped away from you and you are thrust into a sterile hospital..."

Pam felt the joy Rose must have felt when Mistress welcomed her into the family. That joy and rapture fled as she suddenly felt herself thrust into a hospital with strangers and rough cotton sheets. Crying out softly Pam's eyes flew open and looked in horror at Mary. The terror of being away from Mistress filled her soul. Even now with her eyes open she felt isolated and alone. Looking at Rose she backed up and held herself tightly, "NO... god no..." Catching sight of Mary she flew into her arms and held tightly as she cried. "Please don't send me away Mistress..."

Mary held Pam confused, "I would never do that to my little Pammy." She stroked the woman's hair softly and asked, "Do you see now why I cannot let our sweet Rose be left alone?" Instead of replying Pam nodded and held Mary tighter. "So, I will go with her and stay by her side."

Rose noticed something going on and came over, Hearing Pam's soft sobs she stroked the older woman's back and said, "What's wrong Pam... Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

Pam turned and hugged Rose tightly, "No baby girl, I almost made a terrible mistake and Mistress opened my eyes to it." She looked at Mary and saw her nod as if to say go on. "I was recommending to her that you really need to be in a hospital tonight and started on antibiotics." She felt Rose go stiff against her and she hurried to continue, "Mistress reminded me what it would feel like to be alone in a hospital room without her beside me." She lifted Rose's chin so they could see eye to eye, "I would never do that once I realized what I was suggesting."

Pam looked at Mary and then at her sister. Of all her sisters in the house, she felt closer to Rose than any of the others, Like Rose she had been thrown out when she was in high school and worked like hell to pull herself up from the gutter alone. "So, what I want to do is write a prescription for you and send someone to get it. Once your legs are healed we will do the operation and you will have to spend a night or two in the hospital. She looked at Mary and back again before adding, "We, Mistress and I, will always be beside you." Rose looked at Mary and then at Pam before nodding. She hugged her sister tightly again lifted her lips to kiss her tenderly.

Mary looked at them kissing and turned to go. She went downstairs and found everyone in the kitchen including a strange nude woman who was kneeling in the corner facing the wall. Julie looked up and saw where Mary was looking and said, "Kari..." She looked at the unmoving woman and added, "We need to have a little talk Mary."

Mary looked at the woman who had not responded in any way to Julie and nodded. Before she could ask anything Pam came into the room holding Rose's hand in hers. Mary smiled and said, "Everyone, this is your new sister Rose." She looked at Pam and added, "Called it in?"

"Yes Mistress. Who is going to go pick it up, I have some other supplies that I need."

Mary looked around and focused on Susan and Steve. "Susan will go with Steve. Please give her your list." Susan looked at Steve in revulsion and turned to protest that she could go alone without that worthless piece of shit beside her. Mary shook her head, "Can you pick out a tool Susan or was Steve the handyman around the house?"

Susan's mouth shut with a loud snap. After a minute she said quietly, "I can pick up whatever you want Mistress."

Mary smiled and shook her head, "No slave, you are going to go and you are taking Steve with you." She paused for dramatic effect and added, "Or should I say Candy is going with you..." She winked and added, "Of course Candy needs to be dressed properly for going to the store if you get my drift."

Susan's eyes widened as she realized what Mary wanted. She looked at Steve and said, "Come with me Candy, I am going to pick out a nice tight dress for you to wear out..."

As Susan stood Pam said, "I will write everything out for you while we're waiting." She giggled, "Oh I forgot that I have Candy's medication in the car." She looked at Candy and said, "You can start tonight dear isn't that great?"

Candy's eyes lit up and she squealed, "I can't wait, oh thank you Pam..." She hurried over and gave Pam a long hard hug before following Susan out of the room.

Rose looked at them confused but did not speak, it was not her place. Mary caught her confusion and said, "Rose, Steve wants to be a woman named Candy. He was also was a very bad boy. He gets his wish and is also being punished at the same time."

Rose nodded and smiled. She looked up at Pam and slipped her hand back into the older woman's. She looked back at Mary and added, "Can we, go help Susan dress Candy?"

Mary nodded, "Yes that would be a good idea. If someone could pick up something for dinner it would save me from cooking." She looked towards the woman kneeling in the corner, "Though, somehow I get the idea a stiff drink would be better." As the others left Mary turned on the automatic coffee maker and started rummaging around the cabinets. By the time she found packets of hot chocolate mix, the coffee had finished dripping. Dumping the coco into a cup she turned and went to the living room and the dry bar there. Pouring a half jigger of whisky she came back and poured it into the cup before adding the coffee. As she turned and sipped it, Bambi said, "What is that Mistress?"

Mary shrugged, "coco with coffee instead of water with a dash of whisky. She looked at Julie and added, "Could you pick up a bottle of Bushmills Black on the way home tomorrow love?"

Bambi looked down and then said softly, "May I try a taste?"

Mary nodded and handed Bambi her mug, who took a sip and smiled. She in turn handed it to Julie who looked at the mug with a frown, "here goes nothing..." She said and took a sip. Her face lit up into a smile and looked at Mary, "Hey that's not half bad."

Mary took the mug back and drank some more. She tilted her head towards the counter, "If you want more, you got to make your own."

Julie looked at Bambi and then stood up, "Thank you Mary, Mistress mine." As she was making two more coco coffees, she said, "Bambi why don't you tell Mistress about our day." Bambi looked at Mary and talked about the morning and her introducing Julie as her new executive assistant. Julie quipped from the counter, "That is assistant spelled fuck Candy."

Bambi nodded, "Yes Mistress they were sure that Julie's only function was to be my new play toy." She glanced at Kari and added, "From what I was able to gather, Once George was tired of using Kari as his toy and helper, he let her be a bonus for hard work by the other programmers."

Julie came back and sat down after handing one of the mugs to Bambi. She took a long drink and said, "Forgive me Mistress... I lost control when I found out."

Bambi reached across to Julie, "No sis, I did it not you."

Mary looked from one to the other, "Did what?"

"Kari and I went up to human recourses and blew the whistle on George and all the coworkers. Alleging and confessing to all of them using Kari's inexperience with business and blackmail to get her to consent to sexual favors for each other in the lab."

Julie nodded, "They named names, dates times and what blackmail was used to get her to consent."

Bambi said, "Although Kari was not willing to press criminal charges the company was in an uproar and pink slips were flying." She looked down and added, "The first of which was George's."

Julie nodded, "So I am on my own in the lab now without a clue." She looked down and said, "I'm sorry Mary, I just could not take it and lost control." She looked at Kari kneeling in the corner, "The poor girl's mind snapped when she found she could not stop from doing what anyone told her."

Mary looked at Kari and felt her heart break. Looking back at the pair at the table, "I would have done the same in your place." She paused and added, "Is there any good news?"

Bambi nodded, "Yes the plans for the modifications have been erased, and all traces cleaned up."