Summer Surprise Pt. 11


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"Well, your fucking might give me nightmares," Maria said, "but my fucking was marvelous. Thank you boys and girls."

"It was scary," Felicity said, "the threat of rape. I don't want to be raped, but there's something about not having control, knowing anything can be done to you. I mean, I've never signed up for a triple penetration before, usually just me and one other person, man or woman. So this was scary, but still safe. I knew all I had to do was say 'Red Raider', and it was over, so it was safely scary. Jesus, the orgasms though. I don't believe I've ever cum that hard. Was it the same for the rest of the victims?"

They all tended to agree the orgasms had been explosive. "Part of it is the multiple sex partners though," Maria said. "Like Felicity, I've only really had single partners before and there's something about every erogenous zone on your body being used and abused. Six hands, three cocks or two cocks and a cunt like I had. It's pretty overwhelming."

"I've been having multiple partner sex for over a month now," Chloe said, "and that's definitely part of it, because I'm having extraordinary sex on a regular basis with Matt and Dianne. This was different. Matt even forced his dick down my throat and he's never done that before. I wouldn't want him doing it all the time, but in this instance, it went with the fantasy, so it was okay somehow. What about the rapists? What did you get out of it?"

"It added a little thrill and extra jolt to the sex for me," Magnus said. "I'd never do it for real, but there is an adrenaline rush to having so much control over another person."

"I'm not surprised," Chloe said. "I'm sure it's not unlike the thrill I get from having my personal sex slave to toy with. I'd like to know what our sole female rapist felt?"

"What this exercise did was make this all about sex, and it enhanced the sex, no question. No offense intended to Maria, but you're a much better cunt licker than she is, so if we're talking purely sexual ability, I should have enjoyed sex with you more than sex with Maria, but it was at least as much, if not more, enjoyable to grind against her face than it was yours. So something definitely happened to enhance it. Let's call it power. The exercise gave it to me and took it away from her, so I think that's part of the reason, but as I said, we made this about sex. Rape, according to people who should know, is not about sex, it's a crime of violence. Part of that is power. I just took your kingdom, now I get to rape your women. I just broke into your house, now I get to terrorize you. I have mommy issues, now I'll rape her out of my head.

"We're all reasonably attractive people, so by making it about sex and removing the threat of violence by giving everyone a safe word, I'm not sure we approach what rape is really like. We made it fun to play with when it's not fun at all for those who actually get raped. It was nothing more than a fantasy the victims got to play out for some great fucking. I guess I'd call this power exchange fantasy fucking more than I'd call it a rape fantasy, because that could never be fun."

"You're right," Chloe said, "but I think women's sexual fantasies about rape are nothing more than power exchange fantasy fucking anyway. If it had been real, we wouldn't have enjoyed it at all, even if we somehow managed to cum. So this was never about duplicating rape, it was about duplicating the fantasy, and that's why it was fun to play with. Remember that boys and girls. This was never about rape, so don't ever think some woman would enjoy being raped. It's not the same. This was nothing more than safe sex, power exchange fucking. Just as Dianne has no desire to be an actual sex slave, but can enjoy the appearance of sexual slavery, no one wants to actually be raped. It was just something to play with."

"Speaking of something to play with," Gretchen said. "I figure I have another 24 hours of fertility left. I know this party is breaking up now, but I was wondering if any of the gentlemen would want to continue trying to get me preggers for another day. I would really appreciate it. We could bring that party over to my house. I will feed you, do whatever I can to keep your dicks hard and your balls churning out sperm. I'm thinking steaks on the grill, maybe some oysters Rockefeller as an appetizer."

"Where's the soon-to-be-ex husband of yours?" Ray asked.

"After screaming at each other all night while he packed up some of his things, I booted his lying, cheating ass out about six or seven this morning, spent a couple hours feeling sorry for myself, then came over here to get my brains fucked out."

"I'm not sure you want to emphasize the cheating part of his departure," Dianne said. "Up until the time he told you he was leaving, you were cheating on him yesterday."

"True, but he lied when he married me. I wouldn't have been married if he'd told me he didn't want, nor could he have children, so essentially, my entire marriage is a sham. Felicity's husband has been fucking around on her for two years. Maria can't know for sure if her husband is cheating on her, but he's gone for business all the time and I doubt he's remained faithful every time he's been missing in action. When this started yesterday, I was the only one who truly felt like I was doing something wrong and as it turns out, I wasn't even in the marriage I thought I was, and I was making the men wear condoms because my husband was supposed to be giving me children, so fuck him."

"I'll have sex with you for the next 24 hours," Todd said. "I'd like to say thank you to Matt, Chloe and Dianne for opening up something entirely foreign to my existence before now, sex with other people. I'd had one, somewhat miserable, sexual experience before Dianne chose me to be a guardian. It doubled when Barbara allowed me sex with Erin at school. This entire experience has made me feel so much better about myself and increased my confidence I could be satisfying to a woman. I don't want it to stop yet, so if you want more sex, I'm your man. I might need some recharging time for a few hours, but I've no doubt I can fuck you at least five or six more times before this time tomorrow. My dick has been dormant for so long, I want to set it free. And Ray, if you could show me how to work out, I'm tired of being the short, weak, skinny, geeky guy in accounting. I want to be the short, well built geeky guy in accounting. I may never be any good at sports, but I don't have to look like I am."

"Sure, man. I'll put you on a training regimen before I leave for the summer; no problem. Gretchen, I'm with my bud, Todd, here. I think it's cool you didn't care if you had a bi-racial kid. You want more sperm, I'll give you more sperm."

Magnus bowed over Gretchen's hand, kissing it. "Yeah, put me down for the rest of the night anyway, and maybe longer."

Everyone looked at Matt. "Are we breaking up the team, Matt, or are you going to pump a few more loads in Gretchen too" Ray asked.

"If it helps make up your mind, Matt," Dianne said, "Mistress told me I'm spending the night with Fiona here tonight to pay her back for getting all the deets on Rosilyn. Rosilyn will be spending the night with Alice at her apartment, learning to be a better pussy pleaser, and Chloe said she's had enough dick for the day, so she's spending the night with Sophia. We won't object if you want to dip your dick in Gretchen again."

"Fine, I'll do it. I've got to admit it's nice having sex with someone almost as tall as I am. I'm looking forward to some face-to-face action where she isn't tied down and I can feel her wrapping those long legs around me."

"Hear, hear," Ray said, lifting a glass of champagne. "To long, wrap around legs, urging you deeper into a warm, wet, cunt."

"Thank you so much, gentlemen. I appreciate it so much. You'll never regret it. I live right next door, but before we go over there, I need to take a shower. My thighs are a sticky mess from all the cum you squirted in me so far today."

"Take another two, three bottles of champagne," Sophia said. "There's no reason you can't continue to party."

"Erin, you need to take a fast shower before your Mistress gets here to pick you up. You should be presentable instead of the well fucked mess you look like now," Chloe said. "Matt's cum is running down your legs. Bree, would you like to spend the night with Sophia and me? All I ask is for you to take a weed eater to that bush of yours. It's more trimmed than it was the Thursday we explained the guardianship to you, but it could be shorter. I feel like I'm eating shredded wheat."

"I won't trim it as short as yours," Bree said, pointing to Chloe's newly bald mound, "but I'd love to stay, Chloe, Sophia, thank you. And Chloe, I know we dated before and it didn't work out as I'd hoped, but I'm truly sorry for what happened to Monica. She was a lovely woman."

"Who's Monica?" Todd asked.

"Chloe's fiancée, one of those people killed in Madison a couple months ago," Bree said.

"I didn't know. I'm so, so sorry. I knew a couple people were from this school, but not that anyone who I knew, knew them or was close to them."

Chloe kissed Todd's cheek. "I sometimes think everyone should know, but reality is far different than fantasy, as we've witnessed today. She was Dianne's and Matt's friend as well, so thank you from all of us."

"Did she know about the slavery thing?"

"The slavery thing happened after her death. I doubt it would have happened if she hadn't died. Hurry up, Erin. You'll be punished if you're not ready at six. I need to eat and get cleaned up myself."

Everyone got busy. They all needed to shower. There had been a lot of sex and they reeked of it. When everyone had showered, the four men went next door with Gretchen, the other two women going home at the same time. Barbara came for Erin, and enjoyed an orgasm from her immediately before leaving, requiring Erin to wear her cum on her face. She led her out of the house on a leash.

When Alice was ready to go, Chloe had Rosilyn display and discussed the treatment she was to be afforded while under Alice's supervision. "Rosilyn needs to learn her orgasms now belong to me. She can no longer orgasm without my permission. She can help you to orgasm as much as you want in order to train her properly. She had several nice orgasms today and yesterday to make up for the lack of them with her roommate. That ends now. She has my permission to cum five times between now and when you return her tomorrow afternoon at three. Whether you will give her those orgasms in conjunction with training her or as part of your general enjoyment is entirely up to you. I would prefer you address her as 'Slut' instead of Rosilyn during her time with you. Again, I wish her status as a sex slave to be reinforced. As such, you may keep her naked in your residence, including during any period where you're having company or deliveries made. If she needs to leave your residence, she may dress, but without underwear or bra. She's now a sex slave and should be dressed like a slut as a result.

"Once she's had five permitted orgasms, she's not to have any more, whether provided by her, you, or any device. If she has further orgasms, they'll be considered punishable. Each additional orgasm she has you may address yourself with ten stiff swats to her bottom similar to the ones you gave Dianne in the tattoo parlor, up to a maximum of fifty total swats today and fifty more tomorrow. More than that, I will address myself once you report to me how many times she climaxed above and beyond five. Regardless of whether it's a permitted orgasm or not, she is to notify you she's going to orgasm and receive acknowledgment from you. You may warn her after her permitted five that the orgasm will result in ten swats if she cums. If she notifies you she needs to cum, you can stop stimulating her until the need to climax passes or ignore it and force her to orgasm anyway, at which point she should be punished. I would prefer no more than twenty swats be applied at any one time with at least one half hour between the twenty and any other swats she earns. She hasn't undergone much punishment yet, so I want to break her in slowly to her service.

"I'm somewhat confident in your ability to deliver ten good swats with your hand based upon your experience with Dianne, but I'd prefer you not use anything other than your hand for her punishment. If she excels in her training, and does things which are particularly pleasing to you, you may reduce any particular punishment by five strokes, but she will receive some punishment for each orgasm above five. She can't earn a free pass on all of her punishment, only half of each one. For example, Roz has five punishable orgasms but does ten things you found pleasing. She still receives twenty-five swats. I want to ensure she receives some punishment for each orgasm so it's impressed on her I own them. Since you may administer fifty this evening, theoretically, she could have ten orgasms past five tonight provided she was particularly pleasing ten times to counteract her additional orgasm. Particularly pleasing is not merely providing you an orgasm. It should be something special, a particular way you wish to be pleasured or an exceptional orgasm above what you'd normally expect from a novice cunt licker.

"If you have a roommate or a particular lover you wish to share this slave with, man or woman, that's okay, but no one but you may punish her. She still has her safe words, 'Sprinkles' and 'Chocolate Sprinkles'. If she has to use 'Chocolate Sprinkles', send her back here. She can walk, you don't have to drive her. I'm trusting you to see to her safety in my absence. Do you have any questions regarding her treatment or the rules."

"No, that was fairly comprehensive."

"Slut, do you understand I'm giving you to Alice until 3 PM tomorrow to continue your training in pleasuring women, that she has my permission to punish you by administering corporal punishment with her hand up to fifty times tonight and fifty more tomorrow, that I expect you to pleasing and obedient to her and learn to become a better cunt licking Slut?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"You're to address Alice as Miss Alice since she's training you and thank her each time she has to punish you for teaching you to be a better submissive."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you for providing me with more instruction so I may be more pleasing to you."

"You're welcome, Slut. Thank you, Alice, for your help. You may take Slut with you now."

They left and Chloe addressed Fiona next. "Fiona, I told you Dianne was yours for a whole night if you came through with the information on Rosilyn, and you came up with more than I expected. From now until eight tomorrow morning, Dianne is your sex toy. Since she hasn't had the opportunity to orgasm today, she may have eight orgasms during your time with her. You may fuck her however you wish, using any of her three holes, and anywhere in the house you wish, including the dungeon downstairs. You may confine her, but you may not punish her since she's remaining here. If she exceeds eight orgasms, you'll let me know and I'll address her punishment. If you want her to make you cum all night long, that's your prerogative since she doesn't need to attend school until the summer semester starts, and can make up on her sleep tomorrow. You may address her as Dianne or Pet if you wish. Do you have any questions?"

"No, thank you. I'm sure I'll enjoy Dianne a great deal." She took Dianne's hand and led her to the bedroom set aside for her use tonight.

"Help yourself in the kitchen, kids. We've still got a fair amount of food and beverages left," Sophia said. "Bree, since you've done some trimming, I'd like to see how much I enjoy the new cut and curl. Would you like to join me in the bedroom."

"Yes, thank you."

Chloe decided to eat something and thought briefly of Monica as she ate alone, crying quietly before wiping her tears and joining Sophia and Bree in the bedroom.


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Cindy1001Cindy1001over 2 years ago

Although I like the story, this was the part that I quickly thumbed through. I liked the previous part about a bigot getting a lesson, but this was too much and only sex to me. But I am sure to go the the next part.

HargaHargaover 2 years ago

Well written as always. This has got to be the most chill college campus in America. Where are the jerk wad guys making life miserable for Dianne and Matt that he's such a pussy he can't control his own girlfriend. What about the fem a-nazies not running around with their heads on fire about the female student being led around campus on a leash. I'm pretty sure even Chloe's magic cunt can't turn the entire campus into a bunch of submissive sluts. lol



dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy67over 2 years ago

That's the kind of party I want to attend

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