Take On Me


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Her voice was quiet with an almost intimate whisper. Josh shut his eyes as Britney commanded and then he felt her warm hand resting over his right arm. Her big brown eyes gazed up into the camera as she dropped her lower lip, gritting her teeth together. It was a classic posture of desire, one that she was known for in previous photo shoots from years ago. Josh could hear the machine moving as bright flashes soon lit up the small set piece. Britney held her pose while the snapshots were created. A few seconds later, Britney began to move. It was the one alert that quietly informed Josh that were done with this position.

"These pictures look excellent so far. Britney, you wanna come have a look at them?"

"Sure thing!"

She got up from the bed, leaving Josh there all by himself to listen at the sound of her heels stomping and booming over the floor as Britney hurried back to the photographer. When Josh reopened his eyes, it was similar to waking up from a wonderful dream. He let out a quiet sigh and then smiled to himself before rising up. Josh figured the photo session was completely now. Getting up from the bed, he turned around and began to walk off.

"Hey Josh! You did great! I think you'll love how these have turned out."

It was Britney calling out to him. He turned to look at her beautiful smile as she gave him a thumbs up with her right hand. Josh grinned back and returned the thumbs up sign to her. As he began to walk away back to the dressing room, he kept thinking over just what he had accomplished in today's work. A dream had come true as he had shared a photo session with a woman he had lusted over going back to his youth. Before walking back to the changing room, Josh couldn't stop himself from turning around to see what Britney was occupied with. To his surprise, she had stepped away from the camera work station and was now headed towards his direction. Those high heels stomped and boomed over the floor just like before. All Josh could do was smile as they were both headed to the changing rooms together now. Britney spoke up to him as she caught up with his pace.

"Did you have fun shooting with me? I don't think I've worked with anymore excited than you in a few years now."

Josh completely stopped walking and turned around to smile back at Britney.

"Oh my god, you just don't know. I'm a huge fan, have been for a long time."

"I can tell!"

"It was a dream come true to do something like this. When I was told that Britney Spears was here in the building, I didn't believe it. I had to come out and see for myself."

Britney giggled at his words, placing her hands on her hips while his eyes moved over her voluptuous body. Her eyes followed his face, as she almost seemed to predict that Josh would survey over her body with wandering eyes. He wasn't unlike other men she had seen in the past, for his attraction to her was hard to ignore.

"Well, it was a good thing you did come out and see. I'm glad that I could make someone's dream come true today."

Josh starred his eyes into her heavy cleavage only for a few seconds before looking back into her beautiful face. It didn't matter to him that Britney was older from what he remembered. She was a goddess to him and nothing was going to change that. He stumbled his thoughts, unable to say another word. Britney couldn't help but tease him now as she realized such a golden opportunity to do so.

"You really like my bra huh, Josh?"

"Huh? Oh damn, sorry I was looking. I know that's kinda rude of me."

She laughed at his reaction while watching his cheeks turn red. Josh couldn't hide his blushing, just as she had witnessed before.

"I understand, you think I'm hot, it's okay. I could stand here all day and look at those muscles on you. I like a nice strong man."

Giving him a wink, Britney studied his reaction. Josh just smirked, unable to come up with a reply to match her. He didn't expect to have Britney flirting with him like this as a surprise. She spoke again once she figured he wasn't going to say anything back.

"How about we meet up in an hour after we get changed? That's if you aren't doing anything for the rest of the day. I wouldn't mind getting to know you better, Josh."

A smile slowly formed over his face. Could this day possibly get any better? Josh had already achieved something that dreams were made of, but to spend more time with Britney was enough to turn this day into something of a fantasy coming true.

"I'd give anything to spend more time with you. There ain't no way in hell I would turn down this chance."

"Great! Let's both get changed and give me an hour to settle things with my schedule and I'll have one of my bodyguards drive you over to my hotel. We can call this a little date between one of my loyal fans and me."

With her words spoken, Britney winked at him before hurrying into the changing room and leaving Josh standing there for a moment to take in the sudden plans for the rest of his day. It was merely a coincidence that he had met her today but now he was having what she called 'a little date' back at her place. When Josh finally pulled at the metal knob for the changing door, he grinned to himself. This was going to be a day that he would never forget for as long as he lived. All he had to do was make a quick change of clothes, go back upstairs and grab his belongings and then he would be ready to leave. Thankfully it was almost time to clock out at the studio anyway, but that didn't bother Josh. He would've gladly walked off from any job to go off with Britney somewhere, even if it meant the consequence of losing a hard day's pay.



The Fontainebleau hotel was often considered the peak of luxury when it came to Miami Beach hotels. As a Miami landmark, it sat in the heart of what was known as Millionaire's Row on Collins Avenue. Josh had passed by it several times when driving along through Miami Beach but had never considered staying in one of the suite's before. The hotel in which he had penthouse residency was located south, closer to the ocean view with the Art Deco themed hotels that were often flanked with tourists who had deep enough pockets to enjoy the night life that Miami offered. Britney had the kind of wealth to avoid such a thing and go for the biggest and best hotel suite that money could buy. This was a trip that Josh never could've imagined in his wildest dreams to witness the extravagance of such a fine place with a beautiful woman.

Josh had left the True Blue building after changing into his casual clothes and gathering up his small bag of belongings he brought to work daily. Among the bag was his old iPod Classic and a purple pair of big muff headphones. He enjoyed putting on music when he worked out or was alone on lunch break. A good track list with a number of eighties synth pop hits and club music was just enough to get the blood pumping and adrenaline rush for pumping iron or running the treadmill. His iPod had been turned off for the past several hours, stopped on a song by Norwegian New Wave band A-ha. 'Take On Me' was the title of a tune that Josh couldn't get out of his mind. 'Slowly learning that life is okay. Say after me, it's no better to be safe than sorry'. The lyrics flowed through his mind while sitting down to enjoy a late lunch across from Britney. Little did he know that there was a unique reason Britney had invited him on a little date back to her hotel. The time spent between them having conversations together was a simple section of a quiet test.

Apart from her army of bodyguards watching over the building at all times, she was all alone without her two sons and no one else. Her loneliness was killing her, as said from an old hit song. He passed one part of the exam solely based off his handsome looks, as that was the ticket that led him here to start with. With Josh, the two of them talked about life and music. She didn't waste any time poking the question if he was in a relationship with anyone in town. He answered no, as she could've predicted. Britney enjoyed every lasting moment of capturing his attention as the young man still had the eyes of a starstruck fan. Dressed down in casual clothes of a pink tank top and white booty shorts, Britney had often caught Josh's eyes glancing down into the view of heavy cleavage that her top offered. Her long blonde hair was pinned up in a pony tail. When he got up from the dinner table to head off to the bathroom, she went through his bag to find his iPod. A smile ran across her pink lips when she noticed the song it was stopped on.

What did it take to become a boy toy for someone like her? Britney knew that she could have most men in the world, just based off her famous status and wealth alone. At thirty-six years of age, she was done looking for men with the hope of getting married again. All she wanted was a good boy toy in a town that she planned on returning to. The best were the type of men who kept their mouths shut and would never repeat the wild tales of bedding the pop princess. Josh seemed like the kind of man who would be satisfied enough with a lucky day to never post about it online or sell the story to a tabloid magazine. A tour was planned that she would soon be embarking on and Britney knew Miami was well placed on the American leg of the anticipated tour. Josh had the body of a strong young man but would his handsome looks translate into success in the bedroom? That was the real question lingering among her thoughts.

"Quite a view huh?"

Britney spoke while they stood at the balcony outside the sliding glass door of her hotel room. Josh inhaled the cool breeze while glancing down at the view of the beach down below. From the distance he could see dark clouds rolling through while he almost anticipated to see some crazed paparazzi photographer down below attempting to snap a photo of the two of them there. If there was such a person, they were so far out of sight from his eyes. The people down below looked as if they were tiny bugs. Josh nodded before replying back to her.

"Yeah, it's like this back at my penthouse suite. I don't really go out on the balcony much."

"Afraid of heights?"

He chuckled at her question.

"I guess you could say that. I like looking at out at tall heights from behind a closed window. It feels safer that way."

Down below, Britney glanced at the front of his white shorts. Josh had taken off his shoes earlier when they had arrived back at her hotel suite. Over his body was a simple blue shirt, completing his wardrobe of casual summer wear. She expected to see a bulge poking up in the front of his pants but not quite yet. It would be her job to make it form real soon. Stepping behind him, she slid the glass door back open for both of them to go back inside. Josh followed behind her, his eyes glancing down to see that cute tramp stamp fairy tattoo just above her thick ass. After they stepped back in, Britney turned around and smirked at him while Josh shut the door.

"You think I'm still sexy these days huh, Josh?"

A puzzled expression moved across his face.

"What kinda question is that? You're Britney Spears, the pop princess. You're a legend and always will be. I shouldn't have to tell you that. I've always thought you were the hottest woman on this planet and today was my lucky day to be doing a photo shoot with you. You'll always be in a class above the rest."

"You're really proud of those photos?"

"Yeah, I'm proud! Tomorrow I'm going to have them blown up in portrait size. I'm putting them on the wall in my bedroom."

She giggled at his words.

"You say that like you used to have a photo of me on your bedroom wall when you were younger."

Blushing to her, Josh chuckled briefly before admitting the truth.

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't."

Britney had this young man right where she wanted him. Stepping a bit closer, she planted her right hand over one of his shoulders and gazed into his eyes.

"I saw your iPod earlier. I like the song you had it set on, haven't heard Take On Me in years."

"You did? Did you go through my iPod to see if I had any of your music?"

She laughed at him.

"No, silly! That would be quite vain of me to do something like that."

Standing face to face, Britney watched his eyes to see if he would glance down into her heavy cleavage as she had caught him doing so many times before. Josh resisted the temptation, gazing back into her eyes through the silence. She moved her left hand to feel down his clothed stomach. His body reacted with his imprisoned cock instantly springing to life from inside his pants. Britney pushed her lips to his at the same time her left hand pulled at the front of his pants. Josh parted his lips, inviting her tongue to slip through as he was now embracing the moment of kissing the sole famous woman he had fantasized over for most of his life. Their locked lips soon sparked into a passionate fire as Britney moaned into his mouth. The question he had in his mind would soon be answered, for this day was indeed about to get even better. She broke their kiss and stepped back, moving her hands away from him.

"Oh my god, you didn't just do that!"

His initial reaction was just what Britney anticipated to witness from him. It was something she had seen many times before when she kissed a long time fan.

"I didn't just do what?"

"Kissed me! Holy fucking shit, Britney Spears just kissed me!"

He was bewildered with his mind lost in a forest of thoughts. It was unthinkable to ever believe he would experience something like a kiss from this woman. Britney smirked at him and replied in a low seductive tone of voice.

"She's about to be doing a lot more than just kissing you."

Licking her lips, Britney moved closed to him, resting her hand on his shoulder as she gazed into his eyes.

"Come on, baby. You know I didn't just bring you here cause you're a big fan. You've got the body of a hunk and I know you want me. Don't deny it, Josh. I know what your real fantasy is, you can go on and tell me."

Swallowing his breath, it was impossible for Josh could deny this directly to Britney's face. He moved his hands to cup her face, leaning in to kiss her lips softly again. This time he could accept and believe that they were here. This wasn't a dream, he was truly on her radar of lustful needs.

"You wanna piece of me, Josh?"

Britney teased him with a little word play on a song she was certain he would know of. She stepped back, moving towards the bed as she remained gazing into his eyes with the face of desire.

"Take off your clothes. I wanna see those sexy muscles again, you handsome stud."

Josh grinned to her and shook his head. Before they were to begin, he wanted to at least know what Britney was doing here.

"I will but first you gotta tell me something. Did you really just bring me to your hotel cause you wanna fuck me? I mean, I ain't gonna complain. I don't know how ANYONE could complain about getting lucky with Britney Spears, but I really wanna know what this whole game is you're playing."

She laughed at him before sitting down on the bed. Britney decided she would at least be truthful to him about her plan.

"Fine, I'll tell you what. I've been hoping I'd find some kinda boy toy in this town for a while. You see, I like to come here from time to time for vacations but it's nicer when you can come back and hook up with somebody. Maybe if you can fuck me real good and impress me, I'll let you do this again with me in a few months."

"That's an offer I can't refuse."

He replied while grabbing the bottom ends of his shirt and slipping his head and arms from out. Britney sat on the bed, her eyes tracing up his muscular abs as he became shirtless before her. Josh unbuttoned the front of his shorts, shoving them down along with the white pair of brief underwear. Britney licked her lips when she watched his semi-hard dick come spilling out. The pop princess didn't waste any time falling down to her knees and crawling her way over to him. Josh stepped out of his shirts and underwear, creating a small pile of his discarded clothing as Britney had made her way to him and wrapped her small hands around his cock.

"Ohhhhhh, this is what I really wanna see."

Her voice was low, that cute southern accent coming out strong from Britney's words. Josh just stood there, watching as Britney jerked his cock back and forth with both of her warm hands wrapped around his fattening pole. She stopped after a minute, realizing he was finally at full length hardness. Moving her hands away, Britney observed the size of his long pole and then smiled up at him before wrapping her right hand back around it.

"Baby, this is a great big cock. Just look how big it is!"

Britney refused to break eye contact with him as Josh watched her part her lips and place a wet kiss over the crown of his long cock. Shoving her hand down to the base, Britney finally looked away from him when she closed her eyes and pushed the first few inches of his swollen meat pole into her loving mouth. Josh let out a moan as he thought to himself over this new reality, watching his dream woman slobber all over his dick.

"Ohhhhh, Britney. Suck that cock for me, ohhhhh yeah..."

Josh just couldn't help himself. He had to moan out to her while the sounds of her mouth working down his cock were heard clearly through the quiet room. The sunlight crept in beyond the glass doors leading to the balcony as the evening hours were close to hand. His eyes wandered to the bed, looking over the light blue sheets and white pillows while he could hear the sucking noises from her wonderful mouth. Josh glanced back down, watching as Britney bobbed her head up and down. Taking a few more inches of his cock into her mouth she soon unwrapped her fingers from the base to move both of her hands down below to cup his balls, rubbing her fingernails over the hair. 'Mmmmmmm', Britney pushed her tongue across the underside of his thick shaft while audibly moaning over him. Josh could feel the vibrations moving through his body as his goddess of a woman continued to taste his cock.

She continued to push her mouth down, sucking inch after inch of his veiny shaft. All Josh could do was stand there and hear the slobbering and sucking noises that Britney's mouth created as she worked those lips up and down his cock. Moving her right hand, she pushed it over his leg while her left hand was still massaging his ball sack. With her hair pinned up in a pony tail, Britney didn't have to worry about it distracting her as she opened her eyes and gazed up into Josh's face while moving her lips up and down his cock. It was a wonder that he could manage to keep control of himself and not blast a load of cum right down her throat. This was something he had fantasized about for so long and now it was a new reality for Josh. Taking in a deep breath, he moaned while still hearing those wonderful sucking noises that her mouth was still producing. Britney finally stopped, raising her lips back up to the head before releasing with an echoing pop sound.

"Mmmmmmm. This cock is so fuckin' good. I like it a lot."

The southern accent in her voice came out strong with her words. Britney flicked her tongue to her upper lip before spitting on his shaft. It was special praise for her to tell him that she was impressed with his rod. Josh's long cock glistened in her saliva as she lowered her head down below to where his balls were. Britney wrapped her right hand back around his pole as she began to lick and slobber on his nuts while wanking his cock back and forth.

"Ohhhhhh, yeah! FUCK YEAH!! Slobber all over those nuts, Britney!"

If he was screaming over a little mouth play with his balls, Britney was confident she would have this man wailing for her with the other surprises she had in store for him. She raked her teeth gently over his balls before using her left hand to stuff the right nut between her lips while her right hand continued to pump his shaft up and down. Josh moaned as he witnessed her inflated jaw containing one of his balls. Still stroking that cock with her right hand gripped tightly around it, Britney then used her left hand to push his other ball between her lips. Josh's cock was extended across her beautiful face while both of her jaws were inflated with his entire nut sack. Britney maintained the position only for a few more seconds before freeing her mouth of his balls. She raised her head back up, dropping her lower lip with her teeth gritted as she gazed up into Josh's eyes. Lustful hunger was the silent message her eyes gave to him.